
Week 6 Mid-Week Update

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I'm off to a strong start this week with 2 6 mile runs under my belt. The current plan is to run at least 1 more 6 mile loop, and a long 10 mile run sometime this weekend. I'd like to sneak in a run at the farm this week but the weather and scheduling may not prove cooperative. For this weekend's long run, i've decided to run the trails at Gambril State Park, specifically the "White" trail 9-10 times. This will be extremely challenging as the terrain is quite rocky and there are frequent steep elevation gains. It should prove a great opportunity and will likely be the first of many trail runs at Gambril, as it closely resembles the JFK course through the Appalachian Mountains.

I've ordered 1 more piece of equipment to add to my growing pile of running accessories. Depending on when they all arrive, i'll snap a few photos and post them as a single update rather than spamming the blog with each item separately. Other than a new pair of shoes and a few odds and ends like runner's goo (food), I think this will complete my gear collection for the time being. I've a set of pretty awesome headphones coming in August that will round things off quite nicely.

I'll close this entry out with a nice shot of the Gambril Trails.


  1. bremerial's Avatar
    Ahhh another runner! Will follow your blog with interest. *cheer*