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The Wedding of Dirvy and Zailon - Part 3

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Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"'Tis been a long wedding tradition o' both Sylvans an Faendryl, that the bridal couple would plant a pair o' trees which were encouraged to grow around each other, becoming stronger as a pair."

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"As the trees became one, it symbolized the couple's loyalty, unity, an strength."

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"Today, as Dirvy an Zailon begin their life together, they hae chosen ta carry on this tradition,
By planting a pair o' witchwood saplings that represent the healing nature o' a physician an the magical prowess o' a sorcerer."

(Zailon takes Dirvy by the hand and leads her to an area off to the right, where the ground has been broken and a wide, deep hole has been dug.)
(Brokkrsten makes his way toward the couple and stands on the opposite side of the freshly dug hole.)
Brokkrsten deeply says, "Ladies an Gentlemen, if ye will bow yer heads so that I might ask Imaera ta bless this ground."
Dirvy inclines her head.
Zailon inclines his head.

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"Honored Imaera, rooted in the dark earth,
Tender shoots an golden sheaves alike are yers."

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"Noble goddess, provider of healin',
We ask yer blessin' of this ground, an' fer the spark of life so that these trees will prosper."

(Rovvigen follows Mikalmas toward the small dig site and stands with him near two small witchwood saplings.)
(Mikalmas passes Zailon a pair of gardening gloves.)
(Rovvigen waits for Zailon to finish putting on his gloves, before picking up one of the witchwood saplings and handing it to him.)
(Mikalmas hands Dirvy the other pair of gardening gloves, which Dirvy quickly pulls onto her small hands.)
(Rovvigen picks up the remaining witchwood sapling and hands it to her.)
(Zailon takes a step to the left, so that Dirvy can place her witchwood sapling into the hole first, before placing his alongside Dirvy's.)
(Rovvigen retrieves two shovels that were placed near the hole and hands one to Dirvy and the other to Zailon, then moves to stand near Mikalmas.)
(Dirvy takes a step back and picks up a scoop of dirt with her shovel, careful not to get her gown dirty, as she dumps the dirt over the exposed roots of the saplings.)
(Zailon takes Dirvy's shovel and places it to the side of the hole, then finishes filling in the hole with loose dirt. Once he finishes, he places his shovel next to Dirvy's.)
(Dirvy begins to gather her skirts to kneel, but Zailon stops her and kneels in her place to smooth the dirt over the refilled hole, before replacing the sod.)
(Dirvy helps Zailon to stand; Zailon pauses to dust the loose dirt from his knees.)
(Zailon peels off the gardening gloves and hands them back to Mikalmas.)
(Dirvy removes her gloves and passes them to Mikalmas.)
(Zailon slips his hand in Dirvy's, and leads her back to the altar; Mikalmas, Rovvigen, and Brokkrsten follow closely behind.)
(Mikalmas places the gardening gloves behind the altar, before taking his place before the altar on the bride's side.)
(Rovvigen quietly takes his place in front of the altar on the groom's side.)
(Brokkrsten waits for Rovvigen and Mikalmas to take their places, then moves to stand before the altar and turns to face the wedding couple once more.)

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"Ta make yer marriage work will take love. This is the core of yer marriage an why ye are here today."

Dirvy tilts her head toward Brokkrsten, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"It will take trust, ta know, that in yer hearts, ye truly want what is best fer each other."

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"It will take dedication, ta stay open to one another - an ta learn an grow together."

Brokkrsten recites thunderously:

"It will take fireballs an implosions, ta slay yer enemies before ya..."

Brokkrsten blinks.
Dirvy stares at Brokkrsten.
Brokkrsten coughs.
Brokkrsten takes a deep breath.

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"It will take faith, ta go forward together, without knowing 'xactly what tha future brings."

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"An' it will take commitment, ta hold true ta the journey ye both have pledged to today."

An inky black kitten and a pumpkin orange tabby kitten make their way down the aisle, periodically stopping to pounce on each other as one crosses in the other's path, or pawing at the snow white ribbons tied around each other's neck.

Dirvy softly giggles.

The inky black kitten makes her way towards Rovvigen with minimal coaxing, and immediately turns away from him and grooms herself with studied indifference. Quietly clucking his tongue in a soft, scolding manner, he unties the ribbon from her neck and slips the small wedding band off one end.

The pumpkin orange kitten scampers up to Brokkrsten, trying to bat at the hem of his kilt, before Mikalmas snaps to get her attention. She pads towards Mikalmas and whaps at him as he unties the ribbon from her neck and slips the larger wedding band off the end.

Speaking quietly to Rovvigen, Brokkrsten says, "Please present the ring to the groom."
Rovvigen offers Zailon a frosted balenite wedding band.
Zailon accepts Rovvigen's balenite band.
Brokkrsten quietly asks, "Will the bride an' groom turn an face each other?"
Zailon turns to face Dirvy.
Dirvy turns to face Zailon.
Speaking quietly to Zailon, Brokkrsten says, "Take Dirvy's hand."
Zailon clasps Dirvy's hand gently and pulls her into his tight embrace.
Speaking deeply to Zailon, Brokkrsten asks, "Do ye take Dirvy ta be yer wife, ta have an ta hold from this day forward fer better or fer worse, fer richer or fer poorer, in sickness and in health, ta love an ta cherish until death but nae zombies do ye part?"
Zailon says, "I do."
Zailon smiles softly and slowly slides a frosted balenite wedding band onto Dirvy's left ring finger.
Zailon offers Dirvy a frosted balenite wedding band.
Dirvy accepts Zailon's balenite band.
Dirvy's face glows with a soft radiance as she slips on her balenite band. She smiles lovingly at it for a moment with a pondering expression.
Dirvy blushes a nice shade of pink.
Speaking quietly to Mikalmas, Brokkrsten says, "Please present the ring to the bride."
Mikalmas offers Dirvy a frosted balenite wedding band.
Dirvy accepts Mikalmas's balenite band.
Speaking quietly to Dirvy, Brokkrsten says, "Take Zailon's hand."
Dirvy clasps Zailon's hand gently and pulls him into her tight embrace.
Speaking deeply to Dirvy, Brokkrsten asks, "Do ye take Zailon to be yer husband, ta have an ta hold from this day forward fer better or fer worse, fer richer or fer poorer, in sickness and in health, ta love an ta cherish until death but nae zombies do ye part?"
Dirvy blushes a nice shade of pink.

A bushy-tailed chipmunk is seen scampering between the rows of guests, causing a couple of women to hike up the hem of their skirts as they softly squeal and gasp.

Dirvy lovingly says, "I do."
Dirvy smiles to herself as she slowly slides a frosted balenite wedding band onto Zailon's left ring finger.
Dirvy offers Zailon a frosted balenite wedding band.
Zailon accepts Dirvy's balenite band.
Zailon's face glows with a soft radiance as he slips on his balenite band. He smiles lovingly at it for a moment with a pondering expression.
Dirvy gazes lovingly at Zailon.

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"May it be granted that what is done before the Gods be not undone by mortal hands!"

In the distance, you feel - but not quite hear - an echo of what could have been thunder.

Brokkrsten recites deeply:

"Zailon Britbane, ye may now kiss yer bride."

(Zailon leans in close and gently lifts Dirvy's veil from her face.)
A slight movement out of the corner of your eyes causes you to look up briefly, just in time to see it begin to lightly snow in the glade.
Zailon kisses Dirvy on the lips for what seems like an eternity.
Mikalmas offers Dirvy a fragrant bouquet of white faewood blossoms bound with ice blue ribbons.

Brokkrsten heartily rejoices, "Ladies an Gentlemen, it is my great pleasure ta present ta ya, the Lord an Lady Britbane!"

Dirvy pulls Zailon closer to herself.
Zailon kisses Dirvy on the lips for what seems like an eternity.
Dirvy kisses Zailon for what seems like an eternity.
Dirvy accepts Mikalmas's fragrant bouquet.
Zailon says, "Thank you, everyone."
Dirvy softly says, "Thank you all for sharing this moment with us."
Dirvy cries with happiness, laughing through her tears.
Katara rubs her crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.
Zailon says, "We are grateful you could all be with us tonight."
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