Conversation Between Snoopy Dogg and Gweneivia

10 Visitor Messages

  1. cass! <3

    oh and we found a pug puppy we're thinkin about gettin tomarrow if we can manage to warm my mom up to it.. we're really wantin to get another one, shes still pretty down about gizmo though so its really touchie trying to talk about another dog to her :/
  2. This made me think of you. Even though it's not pugs.

  3. you should buy that for me! (or the wizard)
  4. hahaha, happy halloween to you too!
  5. Happy Halloween!
  6. driveby love! pew pew! <3
  7. <3 joo gwenny! and just to speak on the UV thing.. i have one with UV ink, its awesome when its first done but the inks are crappy and fade out really fast. waste of money
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10