Blog Comments

  1. Latrinsorm's Avatar
    now we couldn't find ebola
    but we found a guy WITH ebola
    take THAT, ebola!
    and THAT!
  2. Fallen's Avatar
    It's a spambot promoting the link in the post, pretty sure.

    Also, at least the ground is flat!
  3. Taernath's Avatar
    This is your blog. Does that mean you baited them?

    Also, damn, I wish I had a nice shaded place like that to run. Everything near me is more like:

  4. Fallen's Avatar
  5. TraciSummer's Avatar
    I would be interested in a once a week training for half marathon beginner. Does anybody know which or where would be the best place?

    Updated 10-19-2015 at 01:56 PM by TraciSummer
  6. Latrinsorm's Avatar
    well done. have to be smart out there. the dead do not improve, but slightly less well known is that they suck at distance running.
  7. bremerial's Avatar
    Ahhh another runner! Will follow your blog with interest. *cheer*
  8. Androidpk's Avatar
    Looks like a great trail for running. Good luck.
  9. Latrinsorm's Avatar
    it sounds like plantar fasciitis to me, i think like any inflammation you CAN push through it without long term consequences but it might get a little sadistic. Tim Duncan played through it for years but he was getting paid millions of dollars to do so, you know? if it was me i would try to address the problem, it could be an issue with the way that foot lands or something.

    anyway, good luck!
  10. Allereli's Avatar
    My dad posted this article today. He's training for his 2nd 100 miler. It's something to consider about periodization, which looks like what you're doing. Maybe do some weeks with fewer miles before increasing again.
  11. Androidpk's Avatar
    Damn that's low. Mine is 81 :0
  12. Fallen's Avatar
    I think it's a good health metric that is easy to get. It should continue to go down as I get in better shape. Some of my runner friends have a resting heart rate in the low 40's. I'd love to get down that low.
  13. Androidpk's Avatar
    Why resting heart rate?
  14. Latrinsorm's Avatar
    good luck! 50 miles is quite a chunk of change and i don't think you'll be able to run the whole way judging by your start point and the ramp-up time, but completing at all will be quite impressive and of course you'll benefit from the training regardless. godspeed!