View Full Version : turquoise-set imflass medallion, +7 to spell aiming bonus, +4 to wis stat, +5 to MIU

12-28-2015, 01:51 PM
10m flat. Edit - Crumbly.

Sylinar's Spire swapping list:
A. Strength to Wisdom (one to another)
B. Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, or Discipline (any oneto another)
C. Logic, Intuition, or Influence (any one to another)
D. Any Weapons Skill plus Spell Aim, Except TWC or Multi-Opponent Combat,(any one to another)
E. Magic Item Use to Arcane Symbols (one to another)
F. Mana Controls - Elemental, Spiritual, Mental (one toanother)
G. Any Lores (any one to another)