View Full Version : Which CMAN utilize flaring armaments

12-23-2015, 06:33 PM
Please reply if you have questions about other CMANs, I was hoping the current information can be discussed in this thread. It seems like some updates have been made by simu without much notice, which I found odd, hence this thread.

I read a couple posts stating that due to some changes swiftkick now uses flares and armor spikes from leg greaves. Is that correct? I currently use feint and sweep, but I could switch to cheapshots for some swiftkick, footstomp, and sweep with my grapple flaring / spiked leg greaves :D if I would be able to use the flares and the spikes with swiftkick and/or stomp!

Do charge, subdual strike, and trip all use weapon flares now?

12-24-2015, 02:56 AM
Ok, Brikus kindly put on some spiked, flaring greaves and did a bunch of footstomps and swiftkicks on some pitiable trolls. We saw elemental flare activations on both, about 7 activitations. Never saw an activation of the spikes, though.

He also got activations from wearing flaring boots ... the activations were from the boots.

Someone could probably do some more testing to see if boots or greaves get priority (like if you are wearing both at the same time, the one with greater priority flares). Besides the priority question, this would leave me with several questions like do the boots flare on swiftkicks less than greaves would flare?

12-24-2015, 03:01 AM
I don't think boots have any special modifiers to them that makes them flare more or less.

12-24-2015, 06:41 PM
Well, on attacks, boots (well all UAC equipment) flares at a lower rate than weapons.

I dont know if that would apply to CMANs, but it could