View Full Version : Hot or Not

11-14-2004, 12:46 AM
[Edited on 11-14-2004 by Brattt8525]

11-14-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
So, seeing as alot of us like to rag and insult peoples looks, why not post yours on this site. See if anyone else thinks your as down right adorable as we all think we are.

Bob has his up there, and I put mine there as well.


There is the link to mine.

Let it go.....

11-14-2004, 03:44 AM
That's an ugly baby... I gave it a 2.

11-14-2004, 04:26 AM
That, Longshot, is a beautiful little boy. You, on the other hand, are an asshole. :)

Carcinogen Crunchies
11-14-2004, 04:48 AM
Yeah, that was a pretty low blow. Insulting people is one thing, but leave their innocent kids alone.

11-14-2004, 04:50 AM
dear longshot: look whose the cocknozzle now, cocknozzle.


11-14-2004, 05:00 AM
Given enough time, all losers show themselves as losers. Here, we have undeniable proof of that. :whistle:

11-14-2004, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Given enough time, all losers show themselves as losers. Here, we have undeniable proof of that. :whistle:

So true.


11-14-2004, 05:09 AM
What exactly is the point of this thread?

11-14-2004, 05:12 AM
Nieninque! Point? Where in TOS does it say there has to be a point to a thread? :rofl:

11-14-2004, 05:21 AM
:heart: HN


11-14-2004, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
That, Longshot, is a beautiful little boy. You, on the other hand, are an asshole. :)

When you go digging for dirt, you get dirty.

Like Gemstone101 said, "Let it go".

I really don't agree with everything Bob says or does. I mean... who does?

But, he can't respond because he's banned.
So, what was the point of bringing up Bob and his "Hot or Not" score?

Like that wasn't an asshole move??

I shouldn't have to deal with "dances with mullets" and her vendetta against Bob.


Let it go...

With all that sun exposure and long term crystal meth use, Bratt will be giving the neighbor from "Something about Mary" a run for her money in 10-12 months...

That was harsh and unnecessary.


See my point?

I usually have one...

11-14-2004, 05:46 AM
No, I don't see your point, Longshot. I see you pissing and moaning about Brattt. However, I do NOT see what that child has to do with any of it. Do you see MY point?

11-14-2004, 06:45 AM
I gave you an 8 :yes:

Miss X
11-14-2004, 07:51 AM
Aww, cute kid!

11-14-2004, 08:14 AM
I want a baby boy!!! He is so cute.

Never had the guts to do Hot or not myself. hehe

Brackish Mage
11-14-2004, 08:23 AM
7.6 Overall :) I gave you a 9.

11-14-2004, 08:33 AM
I gave you and the precious little adorable boy a 9. He's beautiful.

Based on the original post I didn't see anything in the form of any personal vendatta's against Bob or anyone else for that matter.
I'd post my picture up but I'm already conceited as is.

11-14-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by longshot

Originally posted by HarmNone
That, Longshot, is a beautiful little boy. You, on the other hand, are an asshole. :)

When you go digging for dirt, you get dirty.

Like Gemstone101 said, "Let it go".

I really don't agree with everything Bob says or does. I mean... who does?

But, he can't respond because he's banned.
So, what was the point of bringing up Bob and his "Hot or Not" score?

Like that wasn't an asshole move??

I shouldn't have to deal with "dances with mullets" and her vendetta against Bob.


Let it go...

With all that sun exposure and long term crystal meth use, Bratt will be giving the neighbor from "Something about Mary" a run for her money in 10-12 months...

That was harsh and unnecessary.


See my point?

I usually have one...


I do not have a vendetta against Bob, I mentioned him because as I said BOB AND I POSTED OUR PICTURES on this site. For all I know others may have too, but Bob and I were the only 2 I knew of.

You sure like to gaze deeply into something and draw some twisted conclsions.

Meth use? I have never used drugs in my life. Why you responded the way you did is beyond me. If you questioned my motive in posting fine but what you wrote was pretty harash.

The point of this thread? I may not always word things perfectly, and I was making light of a situation. If it came off as snide or snotty, that was not my intention. I may not be as good at wording things as other people.

I am tempted to respond in like to Longshot, but I won't. I am sorry if anyone took this the wrong way. :no:

11-14-2004, 12:11 PM
She wouldnt have needed to if she wasnt doing exactly what Warclaidhm does and posts threads like this for attention.

11-14-2004, 12:12 PM
I gave you a ten because your son was absolutely adorable and so were you!

11-14-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
She wouldnt have needed to if she wasnt doing exactly what Warclaidhm does and posts threads like this for attention.

If you have a problem with me, which obviously you do Nein, take it to a U2U, unless of course you are seeking some kind of high five attention from your friends.

I have more then enough attention in my life. I also have enough restraint to not pick apart every post you make. You even had to rain on Caiy's poking fun at me in the IM thread.

As I said, if you have a personal problem with me, take it up with me, I really am a nice person .

And thanks for the nice comments, I just thought this could have been fun for those who wanted to post a picture on it.

11-14-2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I do not have a vendetta against Bob, I mentioned him because as I said BOB AND I POSTED OUR PICTURES on this site. For all I know others may have too, but Bob and I were the only 2 I knew of.

JUST to make sure we set the facts straight.. I posted Bob's pic on HotorNot.

11-14-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Brattt8525
I do not have a vendetta against Bob, I mentioned him because as I said BOB AND I POSTED OUR PICTURES on this site. For all I know others may have too, but Bob and I were the only 2 I knew of.

JUST to make sure we set the facts straight.. I posted Bob's pic on HotorNot.

Sorry PB, but he did ok it, but I stand corrected.

11-14-2004, 12:51 PM
FYI some rules that we, as in the guys at work, follow when we get bored and open up hot or not:

1) If the picture is small or blurry it gets a 1

2) If there is a child in the picture it gets a 1

3) If there is a dude in the picture it gets a 1

4) If you have to use an arrow or some sign to point out which one of X amount of people in the picture is you.... it gets a 1

5) If you put like 5 pictures in 1 it gets a 1

6) If we open up your "click to meet me" and it says anything like "Sup ppl holla back at ya grl" it gets a 1, and we save the link and give it a 1 every few hours

Just an FYI.

11-14-2004, 12:51 PM
Ohh yeah we only give out the ranks of 1, 7-10. You've either got it or you don't.

11-14-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I do not have a vendetta against Bob, I mentioned him because as I said BOB AND I POSTED OUR PICTURES on this site.

Originally posted by Brattt8525
I was making light of a situation. If it came off as snide or snotty, that was not my intention. I may not be as good at wording things as other people.

So, you brought bob up just because he posted his picture too... then in the same post say that you were "making light of a situation"?

I think you're full of it.

And you can respond in kind all you want.

May your angry screams reverberate through your trailer park as you vent your true feelings into the keyboard...

You are trash.

[Edited on 11-14-2004 by longshot]

11-14-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

If you have a problem with me, which obviously you do Nein, take it to a U2U, unless of course you are seeking some kind of high five attention from your friends.

It's a public message board. Thats why I post. FYI, the people you are describing me as friends are people who have slayed me in the past and probably will do again when I disagree with them. On this occasion, I agree with some of what they are saying.

If you are asking me to take it to U2U, you could have done so yourself. Or did you want some kind of "look she is being mean to me" attention from your friends?

I have more then enough attention in my life. I also have enough restraint to not pick apart every post you make. You even had to rain on Caiy's poking fun at me in the IM thread.

I dont pick apart every post you make. I sided with you over the Tayre and Bob thing and felt they behaved badly.

I do like to post when I disagree with something, or agree with something or sometimes where there is neither to happen.

I love how if someone responds to you it is like OMG YOU FOLLOW ME AROUND AND PICK MY POSTS TO PIECES!!! rather than realising that sometimes your arguments are so full of holes that it is difficult not to see the gaping gaps.

As far as raining on Caiy's parade...at the time you were slating everyone for paying attention to Warclaidhm and slagging him off, and Caiy posted that you were doing something pretty much the same yourself.

I didnt post in that thread to ruin anyones fun, but to draw attention to the fact that you were moaning about Warclaidhm IMing you and saying Oh shit, when in this thread you were saying how terrible people were for being mean to him and saying they should ignore him if they dont like what he says/does.

That hypocrisy thing...

As I said, if you have a personal problem with me, take it up with me, I really am a nice person .

And thanks for the nice comments, I just thought this could have been fun for those who wanted to post a picture on it.

WTF does it mean I have a personal problem with you?
I think you come across as patronising and moralistic.
I think you have been hypocritical in your posts about Warclaidhm.
I think you like to dish stuff out but you really strugge with someone slinging it back.
At the end of the day, if you post things on a BB, expect people to respond.

I have no personal problem with you. I couldnt care less about you. I think people who target your son behave poorly, as I would agree with what other people have said, in that he is a cutie. Quit with the persecution complex and accept that there are people who dont agree with you on things. While you have every right to tell them you disagree with them, if you start telling people they are wrong and lesser beings than you, they are going to take offence.

In case you begin to plead ignorance, I quote your first post in this thread...

After reading this thread, I swear if I was a GM I would put you all in a room and leave you there.

Who in hell are you to tell him to leave a room? Because you are UBER? Good lord. I think I need to bring my rogue and wizard to HS and sit them there, and tell YOU to leave, if you don't I can kill you?

It is so funny to watch tag teaming on Warc, really, it is such a joy to watch testostrone vs annoying person.

I think I have learned the UBER way to RP.

Edited to say actually that was from the other thread :blush:

[Edited on 14-11-04 by Nieninque]

11-14-2004, 01:07 PM
Well I am totally lost. Honestly, I could not see anything wrong with the boy in the picture. Whats the deal, is that the same pic Tayre or whoever made a fuss over a while back? He just looks like a little boy. He is cute, but all children are cute. So whatever the problem is I totally missed it. Momma doesn't look half bad either. I gave the pic an 8.

11-14-2004, 01:09 PM
I didnt post in that thread to ruin anyones fun, but to draw attention to the fact that you were moaning about Warclaidhm IMing you and saying Oh shit, when in this thread you were saying how terrible people were for being mean to him and saying they should ignore him if they dont like what he says/does.

Pardon me, I said shit because as Caiy was talking with me I was opening my mail. That shit was due to the fact I finally got my CWL finally. It had nothing to do with Warc, it was the timing of our chat in the IM. Sheesh

11-14-2004, 01:11 PM
So the rest of the points I made you agree with?

11-14-2004, 01:12 PM
As far as raining on Caiy's parade...at the time you were slating everyone for paying attention to Warclaidhm and slagging him off, and Caiy posted that you were doing something pretty much the same yourself.

No Caiy was not posting it for that reason, you had better know your facts before you include the reasoning in why she posted it.

She and I were both laughing at the timing of me saying Warc was IMing me and my remark about getting my handgun license. Period. Try again

Miss X
11-14-2004, 01:13 PM
Should have been explained better then because I also felt that IM snippet screamed hypocrisy.

11-14-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
As far as raining on Caiy's parade...at the time you were slating everyone for paying attention to Warclaidhm and slagging him off, and Caiy posted that you were doing something pretty much the same yourself.

No Caiy was not posting it for that reason, you had better know your facts before you include the reasoning in why she posted it.

She and I were both laughing at the timing of me saying Warc was IMing me and my remark about getting my handgun license. Period. Try again

I shall explain it better as my wording initially was a little off:

Caiy posted something from an AIM conversation between her and you that indicated that you are a hypocrite.

11-14-2004, 01:20 PM
May your angry screams reverberate through your trailer park as you vent your true feelings into the keyboard...

You are trash.

If anyones trash id say its the guy behind his keyboard making fun of an innocent child. If anyone has anger issues id say its the same guy who barely posts except when he has his little insults ready. I guess id rather be trash than a classless arrogant moron who gets his kicks off zinging people online. Get a life.

11-14-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by Brattt8525
As far as raining on Caiy's parade...at the time you were slating everyone for paying attention to Warclaidhm and slagging him off, and Caiy posted that you were doing something pretty much the same yourself.

No Caiy was not posting it for that reason, you had better know your facts before you include the reasoning in why she posted it.

She and I were both laughing at the timing of me saying Warc was IMing me and my remark about getting my handgun license. Period. Try again

I shall explain it better as my wording initially was a little off:

Caiy posted something from an AIM conversation between her and you that indicated that you are a hypocrite.

I cannot help how you took what she posted, you were not involved in our chat. I am sorry if anyone took it in that light. I am far from a hypocrite. I didn't post it, so if you had any misgivings on what it really meant, maybe you should have taken it up in a U2U. Rather then toss out judgement in the way you did. On the flip side, I can almost see why you did, so such is life.

11-14-2004, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

I cannot help how you took what she posted, you were not involved in our chat. I am sorry if anyone took it in that light. I am far from a hypocrite. I didn't post it, so if you had any misgivings on what it really meant, maybe you should have taken it up in a U2U. Rather then toss out judgement in the way you did. On the flip side, I can almost see why you did, so such is life.

I didnt toss out judgement Tara, that seems to be your remit.
What I did was say that what you are saying comes across as condescending and hypocritical.
I dont know your intentions when you post stuff, and I dont know Caiys intentions. I can only go on what I see in white on a blue background when I look at my computer.

When I look at the quote below, its hard to tell what the shit relates to. IMO it appears more likely to have been part of the Warclaidhm conversation than the gun conversation, but I wasnt there so cant say.

What I can say though, is even taking the "shit" comment out, YOU WERE STILL TAKING THE PISS OUT OF HIM.

Tara says:
I havew warc imming meeeeeeeeeeeee
Adriane says:
oh gods no
Tara says:

So that makes you a hypocrite in my book, regardless of how much of a nice person you say you are, regardless of how far from being a hypocrite you say you are, thats exactly what you are.

11-14-2004, 01:36 PM
If you get offended by someone making fun of a (your) kid of an message board where you do not know anybody in for sure, then you REALLY have some emotional issues. Grow the fuck up.

- Arkans

11-14-2004, 02:18 PM
Or don't post pictures of your child on a message board if you are sensitive about what people will say.



11-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by longshot
wah wah wah, bob is my best friend and I dont like it when I think people make fun of him, wah wah wah, I feel so angry now.


11-14-2004, 02:25 PM
I have not responding to anyones comments on my son, so why is he being brought into this once again?

I have not responded to some people the way they are to me. All I did was make a thread, trying to maybe have some good fun, instead of all this jabbing each other in the ass.

Seems no matter what I post, I am a hypocrite, trash, blah blah blah. Christ drop it already or delete this fucking thread.

11-14-2004, 02:27 PM
I will have to agree. This is not the place to post pictures if you are sensetive. This is not the place to talk about personal issues if you are sensetive.

(Note: I am saying a general you, not just anyone in particular. )

Everyone has been insulted at one time or another about something on this board. If you are sensetive bout anything at all. This just is not the place for you. No one is defending those who do the insulting. It is just fact. It is the atmosphere in this particular forum. Not that it is a bad thing or a good thing. Either you can take it or just don't come here, etc.

11-14-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I have not responding to anyones comments on my son, so why is he being brought into this once again?

I have not responded to some people the way they are to me. All I did was make a thread, trying to maybe have some good fun, instead of all this jabbing each other in the ass.

Seems no matter what I post, I am a hypocrite, trash, blah blah blah. Christ drop it already or delete this fucking thread.

I think he has been brought up because he is in the picture in question. Because certain person(s) made it an issue and caused a ruckus a while back. Why, I still do not know.

Perhaps, use a picture without him in it. Since after all you wanted people to grade you not him, on hot or not. It is a good picture by the way.

11-14-2004, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

Seems no matter what I post, I am a hypocrite, trash, blah blah blah. Christ drop it already or delete this fucking thread.

Here we go again.
It's because of what you post that you are a hypocrite. It's not regardless of what you post. And way to be a drama queen... :rolleyes:

11-14-2004, 02:39 PM
This entire thing is ridiculous because it really doesn't matter what she posts. Certain people don't like her so they will target her no matter what. Just like certain people don't like you or me and will target us no matter what we post.

11-14-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
This entire thing is ridiculous because it really doesn't matter what she posts. Certain people don't like her so they will target her no matter what. Just like certain people don't like you or me and will target us no matter what we post.

I am not one of those people.
I agree with some of what they say.
I also dont believe that the "OH NOEZ THEY IS BEEIN MEEN 2 ME" approach does her any favours.

11-14-2004, 02:41 PM

11-14-2004, 02:45 PM
I think her original post was actually very on target. A lot of people were attacking Warclaidhm so she said if you all for some reason feel you're so above him then why not post it on this website so you can see if everyone else agrees. It was a dare for people who were putting someone else's looks down when they may be no better.

You may not be one of those people but you have to admit that certain posters will look for any reason they can to attack her(you,me, them, etc.) She can feel that they are being mean to her if in fact they are.

11-14-2004, 02:48 PM
In all honest, why? If you don't post a picture does that somehow prevent you from having an opinion? Does that pigeon hole you into being nice? You honestly CAN'T say someone is a beast? Shit, I don't think so. I'm not one to make fun of Warclaidhm at all, but I also don't think you need to put your picture up on some "Brattt approved site" just to have an opinion to voice on a public message board.

- Arkans

11-14-2004, 02:49 PM
Just know Bratt, that I find the insulting of your kid very distasteful and is not my idea of fun. BUT, I think there are some points that need to be made about it. I haven’t been posting on this message board for a long time but I don’t think you need to spend more then five minutes reading through the days posts to figure out there are some pretty cold blooded posters here.

Remember that it is YOU that posted a link with your kid’s picture in it. While I wonder why Warclaidhm makes threads because we all know how it’s going to turn out, I’ll ask you the same question. Did you honestly think it was going to turn out different? Warclaidhm could post the cure for AIDS on this board and I’m sure someone will insult him. Just like you could post a picture of an adorable little boy, which you did, and someone is most likely going to attack it.

Perhaps I’m missing your points, but it seems to me that you’re blaming the fire for being hot. There’s a sure fire way for people to leave your kid alone, stop posting pictures about him because if your feelings get hurt it’s no one’s fault but your own.

11-14-2004, 02:50 PM
You know Leloo, I've had a hard time following all of this, and I don't particularly dislike Bratt. I think she is sanctimonious at times - that opinion I have garnered from other threads that she weighs in on. There sure has been a lot of drama going on here, unnecessary, imho.

As far as targetting, that might be true for a few people- but I think overall most people will judge based on the topic at hand. That is unless you have demonstrated repeatedly that you are incapable of handling criticism or have exhibited poor behavior so often that almost the entire community has scorn for you.

11-14-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
white on a blue background AventureMedia represent!!
Originally posted by GSTamral
Originally posted by longshot
wah wah wah, bob is my best friend and I dont like it when I think people make fun of him, wah wah wah, I feel so angry now.

yawn How can you even post that with your sig? I would think the irony would just implode your computer.

11-14-2004, 02:55 PM
I never meant to say that you had to post it to have an opinion. I simply meant that her point did make sense. You can consider someone else to be ugly but don't assume that you won't be considered the same thing. I'm not saying I entirely agree with her but she was trying to make a good point. Also TRL I didn't read a bit of the middle once I saw it becoming a lot of mudslinging so perhaps I missed it.

11-14-2004, 02:59 PM
But wait, just because you think someone is ugly, what does that have to do with yourself? No one forces people to post their pictures. They do it of their own free will. Calling someone a beast in no way has anything to do with your personal appearance, it just has to do with taste. Trying to take the high ground and saying "Well, I posted my picture and you didn't, thus meaning you have no ground to stand on." stinks of stupidity.

And lastly, there is absolutely no reason you should be posting ANYTHING on these message boards if you are sensitive, I'm sorry, but that's the way people are around here. You're either able to take it nor not.

- Arkans

11-14-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
But wait, just because you think someone is ugly, what does that have to do with yourself? No one forces people to post their pictures. They do it of their own free will. Calling someone a beast in no way has anything to do with your personal appearance, it just has to do with taste. Trying to take the high ground and saying "Well, I posted my picture and you didn't, thus meaning you have no ground to stand on." stinks of stupidity.

True, your opinion on someone else’s appearance is in no way reflective of your own. It’s absolutely true that everyone has a right to express themselves and their opinions even if they don’t open themselves up to the same criticism. It’s just that if you don’t you’re a sissy.

11-14-2004, 03:19 PM
Heh, she edited the original post out...

It's a shame Sintik quoted the post and she achieved nothing.

11-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Drop the pissing contest now.

11-14-2004, 06:06 PM
Peam, if you want to close the thread, then just close it.

I really don't think Bratt's kid is hideous.

I did get my point accross though... and it seems I wasn't the only one who thought that way.

And if you're going to be sensitive, don't post pictures. How hard is that?

Maybe Bratt and Chlamydia can start the "Gemstone Babylovers Corner"? You can even have a spinoff...

"Puppies Corner"-- with your Webmistress Leloo. There will be a puppies section, a kitties section, and a homework help section.

By the way, nice deleting the first post after the thread didn't go your way.

That move has been reserved for only the greatest rejects of player's corner... Warclaidhm, Voldermort, and Klaive. Welcome to their level.

11-14-2004, 06:09 PM
To my mind, Longshot, you definitely got a point across. It just may not have been the point you think it was.

11-14-2004, 06:12 PM
longshot does have a point. People need to be way less sensitive on these boards. When you start a thread, you should expect the worst, what else can you expect on a public forum that no one knows who you are?

Even if you have a valid point, you're apt to get slammed for no good reason, but you know what? Live with it, be less sensitive, or just don't post certain things. Simple as that. Don't want your kid made fun of? DON'T POST HIS FUCKING PICTURE.

- Arkans

11-14-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
To my mind, Longshot, you definitely got a point across. It just may not have been the point you think it was.

A lot of lost respect.

11-14-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
To my mind, Longshot, you definitely got a point across. It just may not have been the point you think it was.

That I can be asshole?

I know you aren't just learning this;)

She's petty and hypocritical... I called her out. Did I do it in the nicest way? No.

I'm sorry if it came across as harsh. It needed to be done though.

11-14-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Snapp

A lot of lost respect.


I'm not even sig worthy anymore?

Okay, okay. I crossed the line.

I'm sorry.

I will be more sensitive in the future...

11-14-2004, 06:20 PM
Longshot, I'll say it one more time...

I have nothing against calling somebody on something they do, or say, here. We're all, supposedly, adults. We can take care of ourselves. However, aiming insults at children who have done nothing to deserve them is the behavior of someone who has taken a step beyond simple asshole.

You have the wit and the intellect to do better than that. Why you choose not to do so is not known to me, nor do I wish to pursue it. Just leave peoples' family members out of your vitriolic posts. It's unnecessary, and it reflects negatively on nobody but you.

11-14-2004, 06:20 PM
<<I will be more sensitive in the future...>>



[Edited on 11-14-2004 by Hulkein]

11-14-2004, 07:06 PM
In making a thread, one should wonder, "will I have to delete this post if this thread doesn't go the way I want it to?"

If the answer is yes, refrain from making the thread. Don't throw yourself to the lions if you don't want to play.


11-14-2004, 07:09 PM
Okay people. Since me and my snippet are part of this.....

Tara was talking about the fact that people GO TO WARCLAID in game and instigate shit, and post about him which gives him even more attention. She NEVER SAID SHE LIKED HIM.

I posted the snippet. Not her. She even says the conversation is quite normal with him. The gun comment was completely off and it just cracked ME UP because of all the crap going on.

How is that hypocrisy? Maybe, if SHE had posted the snippet yes. Since she has said stop posting about him. But that doesn't matter, because she didnt. She made a comment in a private IM that Warclaid would never have read if IIIIIIIIII hadn't gone and stupidly posted it thinking people might laugh.

My bad.

So bring it up with me.

11-14-2004, 07:19 PM
So, seeing as alot of us like to rag and insult peoples looks, why not post yours on this site. See if anyone else thinks your as down right adorable as we all think we are.

Bob has his up there, and I put mine there as well.


There is the link to mine.

Ok, when you said: So, seeing as alot of us like to rag and insult peoples looks, why not post yours on this site. See if anyone else thinks your as down right adorable as we all think we are.

Some people here don't care what they say about others. Longshot, for example. If you saw his picture in his gallery he is in shape. Normally you'd think of a person who rags on people to raise their self esteem as fat, obese, etc. However, I'm pretty sure a definite reason he works out is so he feels powerful compared to everyone else, something he can brag about, etc..

There is a possbility since you did not harass anyone directly, (Which is good) and if you didn't give them that link, people would've actually posted their pictures here.

I doubt many would've though; if any. Since many would be afraid to because they knew there'd be a good chance they'd get pounded on too.

[Edited on 11-15-2004 by Warclaidhm]

[Edited on 11-15-2004 by Warclaidhm]

11-14-2004, 07:26 PM
You know, don't post your babies pictures if you can't handle people making comments. I find 95% of babies to be ugly. I'm sorry if that offends people but it's how I feel. Most kids have odd shaped heads, splotchy red skin, runny noses, and odd facial features. I don't tell people their babies are ugly, because I do have somewhat of a heart (unlink Longshot, but hey, he does speak his mind) but it's how I feel.

If you post your picture, your kids picture, your sposes picture, whatever..... you open yourself up. Not everyone feels the same way about things. Every mother loves her kid and thinks he/she is adorable, isn't that all that matters? I've seen women on this site post pictures and I think they are ugly as hell, but then they talk about their husbands/boyfriends so obviously someone out their finds them attractive.

"Hey your baby is ugly." Well damn, people jumped all over Longshot and Bob for making that comment..... But not everyone jumps on people for saying "Warclaidhm, you are a ugly and retarded looking with bitch titties." I guess it's different because we are talking about someones kid vs. a child directly. I don't see a difference though, and quite frankly I found Longshot and Bob's comment no worse then a lot of other comments I read here.

As for Bratt......

Let me rephrase what I posted in the first response.....

LET........... IT.............. GO

You have/had a boyfriend/husband in the past/present, so obviously someone finds you attractive. Who cares what SHM said? I think it's amusing that you make comments about people not letting the Warclaidhm thing go, but you are no different in letting this go. Move on. You say you don't have a mullet, SHM says you did. Oh damn, someone disagree's with you..... Forget about it, move on and you'll be much happier, and I will too since I won't have to make another long ass post like this.....

With love,


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-14-2004, 07:34 PM
I <3 the PC

11-14-2004, 08:03 PM
Telling me to let it go? How about others letting it go? So far from my one post I have been called a hypocrite, sanctimonious, trash who lives in a trailer park. It has turned into I am being sensitive about my son...and well just mudslinging all the way.

So, who is supposed to let it go? Me? christ you bet. I went out and came back to even more shit then when I left my house.

Pardon my language here, I really hate to resort to this level but hey seems being nice in this case is getting welcome written on my forehead.

Fuck off, I have seen the most senseless fucking threads made here. Do you <general you> post how lame, blah blah blah? NO

Longshot your a piece of shit that knows no limits in posting like a true asshole. You went from making a point to insulting home. So you are better informed I live in a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, which is nicely settled on 5 acres, two of thoise acres being nicely fenced for my horses. Oh and the barn my horses call home is a 3 year old Morton Building barn. I think if you wish to insult me, try insulting what I post, instead of going into things along the "yo mama" type insults.

At the very least, SHM gets points for staying on topic he insults me with info as old as it might be, has some truth behind it.

I deleted the post, as for trying to achieve something Hulkien? it was because some people were just being silly and derailing. I am not the over sensitive poster I was a couple of months ago. I will admit to being sensitive about life in general for things that I think are important. If that offends anyone, I do not care.

I will always be the supporter of the underdog, I will always be there when someone needs some help. I learned in life, not to burn bridges behind me. I may not like some of the people here, but if they needed my help by god I would do anything to help within my means.

Now I let this go because I may have as I stated back on page 1 worded things wrong. The very fact some of you won't let it go is beyond my control.

11-14-2004, 08:35 PM
<<I deleted the post, as for trying to achieve something Hulkien? it was because some people were just being silly and derailing.>>

I know... I was just pointing out you deleting it didn't do anything considering it is about three inches down on the screen in the form of a quote.

11-14-2004, 09:31 PM
You are all forgetting the most important part of this thread. That of my ranking system and reasons for giving someone a 1. You can find them on the very bottom of page one and top of page two. Continue.

11-14-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by longshot
That move has been reserved for only the greatest rejects of player's corner... Warclaidhm, Voldermort , and Klaive. Welcome to their level. I'm going to assume you made an error in the spelling of my characters' name and are not referring to me but someone else who used to post here.

11-14-2004, 10:09 PM
Yeah since that's the spelling of the original character it derived from, Harry Potter, it was pinned to someone who would come here expressly when her name was mentioned. So rather than say her name, that alternate was used instead. It's not you, DEV.

By the way you have the misspelled character. :P

11-14-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
By the way you have the misspelled character. :P I know, woman! Damn.... ok, was just making sure. I was like, what the...

Alright then, I'm outta here. Too much drama for 3 minutes of reading for my tastes.

11-14-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm

So, seeing as alot of us like to rag and insult peoples looks, why not post yours on this site. See if anyone else thinks your as down right adorable as we all think we are.

Bob has his up there, and I put mine there as well.


There is the link to mine.

Ok, when you said: So, seeing as alot of us like to rag and insult peoples looks, why not post yours on this site. See if anyone else thinks your as down right adorable as we all think we are.

Some people here don't care what they say about others. Longshot, for example. If you saw his picture in his gallery he is in shape. Normally you'd think of a person who rags on people to raise their self esteem as fat, obese, etc. However, I'm pretty sure a definite reason he works out is so he feels powerful compared to everyone else, something he can brag about, etc..

There is a possbility since you did not harass anyone directly, (Which is good) and if you didn't give them that link, people would've actually posted their pictures here.

I doubt many would've though; if any. Since many would be afraid to because they knew there'd be a good chance they'd get pounded on too.

Oh Kevinhm.. don't be so shy. I helped Bob and by god I'm helping you too!

Here you go.. no need to thank me.

Kevinhm = Hot or Not? (http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=BYKQHLO&key=EBV)

11-14-2004, 10:20 PM
wtf? :monkey:

Hey I almost got a tattoo of texas on my ass on 6th street in austin that said 'don't mess with texas' in the middle.

11-14-2004, 10:21 PM

11-14-2004, 10:22 PM
yeah I didn't do it though, I figured I should wait until the last one I got stops itching.

11-14-2004, 10:37 PM
Girls that itch make me nervous. :(

11-14-2004, 10:37 PM
what was the original topic?

11-14-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
what was the original topic?

Who the hell knows, the original post was deleted, so the thread's a free for all.

11-14-2004, 10:50 PM
I enjoy free for alls.

11-14-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Girls that itch make me nervous. :(

guys itch themselves all the time, wtf.

and I hardly think itching one's lower back is indicative of an STD.

11-14-2004, 11:04 PM
I clicked the link.

You rated him: 10

11-14-2004, 11:54 PM
<<but all children are cute. >>

No they're not.

11-15-2004, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
So you are better informed I live in a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, which is nicely settled on 5 acres, two of thoise acres being nicely fenced for my horses. Oh and the barn my horses call home is a 3 year old Morton Building barn.

If that's the case, then why do you look like you could be on "COPS"?

11-15-2004, 06:56 AM
Go look at a list of the richest smartest people in the world longshot. Being attractive isnt a factor in how successful your life is except in the world of teenagers. If your whole life is based on how you look, as you get older your life is going to suck. Even looking at your picture you posted, youre in shape thats nice. If i wanted to be an asshole tho i could easily ask if those are moles or zits on the top half of your torso or wonder why you didnt show your face. :oops:

11-15-2004, 07:08 AM
My impression of longshot has suffered significantly due to this thread.

Also, the only truly 'ugly' people are the people who are so unhappy with themselves at the end of the day that they have to resort to Klaiveish tactics to make it easier to sleep at night.

11-15-2004, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by longshot

Originally posted by Brattt8525
So you are better informed I live in a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, which is nicely settled on 5 acres, two of thoise acres being nicely fenced for my horses. Oh and the barn my horses call home is a 3 year old Morton Building barn.

If that's the case, then why do you look like you could be on "COPS"? Let It Go... You don't know her and you don't want to so what is the point you are trying to make.
First you make it about the looks of her kid, then about her economic situation, now about her personal attraction. When does it end, Longshot?

11-15-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by longshot
[quote]Originally posted by Brattt8525
So you are better informed I live in a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home, which is nicely settled on 5 acres, two of thoise acres being nicely fenced for my horses. Oh and the barn my horses call home is a 3 year old Morton Building barn.

So what? Want a lolly?