View Full Version : Locker Cleanout

12-19-2015, 09:43 PM
If price is incorrect for market / too high etc, then please let me know and I'll change it.

Item / Description / MB / CB format

orase runestaff "5x (+25), Sanctified, Ice Flaring, It provides a bonus of 12 to Intuition.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 31 times. It provides a bonus of 3 to Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 6 times.
The runestaff looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.

You sense that the orase runestaff will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended." 1 mil
a slender zorchar-bladed naginata "You analyze your zorchar-bladed naginata and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Off the Shelf (1 of 3 on unlocking)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix
Percent Damaged: 2%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 10


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 20 Minutes
This can be upgraded to have its cooldown reduced to 10 minutes.

Current Critical Strength.
The naginata is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.

Degredation chance
The naginata currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.

Feedback Chance
The naginata currently has a 5% chance for feedback.
This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 3%.

Total Charge Capacity
The naginata currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.

Repair Difficulty
The naginata is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.

Charge Efficiency
The naginata is currently a 1 essence to 1 charge ratio.
This can be upgraded to 1:2.

The naginata currently has a 5 second roundtime.
This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.

Total Upgrades: 0
This naginata can be upgraded 9 more times" 1.5 mil

engraved golvern war hammer +25 100k
a reinforced golden vultite lance with a white ora tip +20, Sanctified 500k

some scorched black full plate +20, 75lbs, moderately resistant to fiery attacks 800k
some mithglin studded leather 18lbs, +15 35k


a solid amethyst star talisman Persistant, Non Crumbly, 9 charges of Spirit Shield 8500
a twisted gold collar "
While worn by a Spirit Beast, it will:

Decrease the bearer's Defense by 5.
Increase the bearer's Speed by 5.
Increase defense against elements, but makes them susceptible to spirit attacks.

It has the following stipulations for use:

Intended for use by Beasts.
Elementally attuned creatures are barred from using this item.
The beast must have at least 10 trains." 100 Silvers
a twisted iron collar "While worn by a Spirit Beast, it will:

Decrease the bearer's Power by 5.
Increase the bearer's Health by 5.
Increase defense against elements, but makes them susceptible to spirit attacks.

It has the following stipulations for use:

Intended for use by Beasts.
Elementally attuned creatures are barred from using this item.
The beast must have at least 10 trains" 100 silvers

a square auction block Locked version. 5 mil?

a heavy razern slab 25 lbs 500k
a heavy vaalorn slab 16 lbs 500k
a heavy rhimar slab 23 lbs 500k
a white ora slab 18 lbs 500k
a ten-sided pair of scrimshaw dice 10k

Sold Items:
some vultite augmented chain +20, 21lbs - 100k Zhiart Sold!

some mithglin brigadine armor +15, 22lbs to 35k Tacklberie going And Sold (Jumped from 2nd since I was busy due to holiday shopping).

Please send me a PM and let me know where we can meet. I can go to FWI or Landing or Icemule / Solhaven

12-19-2015, 10:36 PM
MB some vultite augmented chain +20, 21lbs 35k

12-19-2015, 10:36 PM
50k mb on the aug chain

12-19-2015, 10:49 PM
100k on the aug chain

12-20-2015, 10:15 PM
I'd be interested in the 35k brigadine.

12-24-2015, 10:38 AM
MB of 1.5M on the slender zorchar naginata