View Full Version : Any convertable Arkati that don't see themselves as Gods?

12-14-2015, 02:22 PM
Is there any lore supporting any Arkati, Lornon, Liabo or otherwise that don't see themselves as Gods? I'd like my cleric to not be an atheist, but rather acknowledges that they're beings that are just more powerful than the other races and provide them assistance.

12-14-2015, 02:35 PM
Being a Heretic is fun.

12-14-2015, 02:39 PM
Your best bet would be the Immortal Spirits then. They largely owe their abilities and gifts to the Arkati, so even if they see Arkati as Gods, they would clearly see themselves as demigods at best.

Plus, you don't see a ton of followers for most of the immortal spirits- which gives you a great opportunity to RP and to have deity-specific spell messaging most folks have never seen.

Amasalen, Laethe, Arachne, and Tilmaire, for example, all have fantastic backstories and are almost never followed by Clerics or Paladins. And none of them would see themselves as Gods.

12-14-2015, 05:19 PM
It depends on your character and his/her beliefs or culture. It's even official lore that the elves don't consider the Arkati to be gods, so it wouldn't be a stretch for a character from another race to think the same way.

The Elves were not ungrateful for the Arkati's protection during the time of the Drakes. But the misrepresentation of their status was not something the Elves would fall for again. After the time of the rebuilding, the Seven Noble Houses founded and went their separate ways, taking their separate beliefs with them. Those who turned away from the seven houses formed the Dhe'nar.

The Seven Cities, established about fifty thousand years after the Ur-Daemon war ended, provided the center of the Elven Empire. Each House of Elves declared patrons, Arkati that they respected and honored, and built temples in which to leave tributes of appreciation. However, this should not be mistaken for worship. They treated their chosen Arkati as casual vassals might treat an undemanding liege.

Those Arkati not taken as patrons were often scorned and looked down upon. The serious Illistim found Cholen too frivolous, while the Loenthra found Kai positively unevolved. The Faendryl chose no patron at all.

Today, Elven religion is little changed. They worship no god, but pay respect to their given patrons. Some few Elves have experienced epiphanies, coming out the other side nearly zealots. Other have casual deity/worshipper relationships with Arkati, enough, at least, to be given clerical magics by their chosen god. Mostly, however, Elves believe that the one thing worth worship is their own personal initiative.

Lady Sylvan
12-14-2015, 05:33 PM
There are no rules that say you have to openly worship any deity. You could just pick one in order to get bane or smite--or look at which one has the best flares. If your an elven cleric, then you can practice what the lore stated above.

Have fun and make a character you will enjoy playing.

12-14-2015, 06:39 PM
I haven't been into the documents in awhile so this may have changed, but from what I remember it only ever says that the lesser races consider the Arkati to be gods, it never takes a position on what the Arkati consider themselves, if that helps.

12-14-2015, 08:34 PM
I always find it more interesting when someone plays a 'holy' class that doesn't worship a deity.

Fuck the police.

12-14-2015, 08:44 PM
I've been trying to convince them to make "Faendryl Atheism" or something like that a convert option.

12-14-2015, 08:50 PM
The huntress is an example of a player created lore and following that resulted in her "ascension".

12-14-2015, 09:03 PM
I've been trying to convince them to make "Faendryl Atheism" or something like that a convert option.

It's called, 'Other'.

12-14-2015, 10:18 PM
I wish it wouldn't nerf you to the extent it does if you align to "Other". Does anyone know a Cleric above level 50 aligned to Other?

12-14-2015, 10:39 PM
I wish it wouldn't nerf you to the extent it does if you align to "Other". Does anyone know a Cleric above level 50 aligned to Other?

Yeah, "other" has problems. If a potential option is featured in the official lore, I think it should be a listed possibility with the accompanying benefits.

Barking up the tree for better official support for Faendryl RP has gotten old. I think the significant energy I was directing toward Faendryl RP and Gemstone RP in general has been redirected toward a tabletop game I've been running for the last several months. But I'm about to take a break with that, so maybe I can get something going for GS again.

12-14-2015, 11:02 PM
Yeah, "other" has problems. If a potential option is featured in the official lore, I think it should be a listed possibility with the accompanying benefits.

Barking up the tree for better official support for Faendryl RP has gotten old. I think the significant energy I was directing toward Faendryl RP and Gemstone RP in general has been redirected toward a tabletop game I've been running for the last several months. But I'm about to take a break with that, so maybe I can get something going for GS again.

The same could be said of Dhe'nar RP and spiritual stuff. I'm sure other would be most appropriate for other races/cultures as well.

12-15-2015, 08:47 AM
The same could be said of Dhe'nar RP and spiritual stuff. I'm sure other would be most appropriate for other races/cultures as well.

This is one of those things that comes back around to the central problem of Gemstone development -- volunteer staff.