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View Full Version : Tonight at Aeia's Shrine

11-13-2004, 10:25 PM
We had just talked to Ralinda (the Forest Crone), and Balin suggested we go to Aeia's....

This happened right after we were talking to Ralinda (the Sister of Blight). Balin suggested we visit Aeia's shrine...

[Cleric Guild, Garden Shrine]
Cloaked in shades of deep verdant, this small retreat is enshrouded by willows all around, while vines of ivy twine around their bases. Flowers of every hue imaginable blossom here and there, adding a splash of vibrant color to the lush green which is so prominent in the area. Standing to the north, a wooden statue of a woman with benevolent eyes gazes down kindly at you, and at her feet lies a simple wooden altar, its surface completely covered by flourishing white lilies.
Also here: Rylaria, Herberto, Lady Karly, Moswell, Lady Cylnthia, Journeyman Bupkyn, Balinworn
Obvious paths: south
Cylnthia smiles.
Balinworn smiles slightly.

You kneel down.

You gaze with interest at a wooden Aeia statue.
Balinworn just opened a cloak.
Balinworn removes a green sapphire from in his cloak.
Karly takes the watering can and lifts it up toward the altar, then tilts it gently. A comfortable shower of water rains down on the tiny sapling and seeps into the dirt packing of the altar. Karly works over the space several more times, making certain that the little plant gets a thorough feeding, then she places it back behind the altar.
Balinworn says, "Tis da Shrine tae Aeia, da patron Goddess o our town."
Balinworn says, "Also da Goddess o all thins growin, an green."
Balinworn says, "She be attached a bit tae Green Sapphires. Prolly due tae how dey resemble our own world."
>l alter
Seemingly rising from the ivy and plant-strewn ground itself, only a few bits of the actual driftwood altar peek through the foliage covering it. Within it is rich soil that nourishes many lilies, their pure white petals tipped with drops of dew. Holes bored by worms serve as a means for the lilies to cascade down the altar and onto the ground, where they surround it in a perfect circle. A tiny sapling grows from the middle of the altar's surface, with only a few deep green leaves on its thin branches.
Balinworn says, "Sparkly, green, an full o lahf."
Balinworn says, "We come sometahmes tae offer 'em 'ere, tae 'er. As thanks fer keepin us safe an growin as well."
Balinworn says, "If ye wish tae does so, feel free tae step forward an put yer sapphire on da altar."
Balinworn says, "Or wait, if ye prefer. Tis yer choice."
Balinworn nods to Rylaria.
Balinworn nods to Cylnthia.
Cylnthia smiles.
Cylnthia strides a few steps toward a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
(Cylnthia curtsies to the statue for a minute before putting the sapphire on the altar.)
Cylnthia drops the green sapphire onto the altar and it disperses into a green tendril of energy. One of the unblossomed lilies growing upon the altar suddenly opens, revealing tiny sphere of flickering viridian light that float over and dance about Cylnthia's head playfully before fading away.

Suddenly a burst of green light comes from Cylnthia's hand!
Balinworn smiles brightly.
Cylnthia glances at a deep green spherical sapphire.
Balinworn says, "She was verra happy wit yer offerin. Dat nae happens verra often."
Balinworn smiles at Cylnthia.
Cylnthia smiles at Balinworn.
Balinworn says, "Ye've been given a gift back as well."
Balinworn smiles at Cylnthia.
Rylaria takes the watering can and lifts it up toward the altar, then tilts it gently. A comfortable shower of water rains down on the tiny sapling and seeps into the dirt packing of the altar. Rylaria works over the space several more times, making certain that the little plant gets a thorough feeding, then she places it back behind the altar.
Cylnthia says, "Interesting."
Rylaria smiles.

Rylaria drops the green sapphire onto the altar and it disperses into a green tendril of energy. A pleasant breeze blows past you, causing the leaves and foliage to stir, the sounds they make resembling excited whisperings. Slowly, tiny spheres of viridian light float down from the trees, flitting about gently as if the slightest wind would take them far off into the distance. Faint sparkles of green light trail behind each as they dance slowly about the area.

Slowly, the lights fade into the air, leaving you only with a sense of wonderment.
(Cylnthia steps away from the altar, bowing slightly.)
Cylnthia nods to Karly.
A few colorful birds soar quietly overhead, landing upon the ground nearby and chirping merrily before taking off once again.
Balinworn smiles at Rylaria.
(Balinworn carefully approaches the altar.)
Cylnthia carefully inspects her spherical sapphire.
(Cylnthia rubs her sapphire a bit, peering into it.)
Moswell put a sturdy dark leather gem pouch in his mesh rope bag.
Balinworn says, "Ma'am, we appear tae be in a struggle tae keep yer thins growin an healthy aroun our town. Ah hope ye will guide us an see us through."
Balinworn bows to a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
(Balinworn steps back from the altar.)

Moswell drops the green sapphire onto the altar and it disperses into a green tendril of energy that wavers in the air for several moments, flickering hypnotically.
In a strange gesture, you bow to a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
Bupkyn says, "Thank ye."
Balinworn smiles.
You murmur some prayers under your breath.
You softly say, "Lady Aeia, Mistress of the Green, I ask your blessings."
(Bupkyn reaches out and holds the sapphire over the altar)

Bupkyn drops the green sapphire onto the altar and it disperses into a green tendril of energy that wavers in the air for several moments, flickering hypnotically.
Bupkyn bows to a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
You softly say, "May your continued works help spread the love of my lady."
You gaze up into the heavens.
Cylnthia rubs her chin thoughtfully.
You reach out and touch a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Prayer spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gaze up into the heavens.
You gesture.
Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the love of your deity to protect you. The smell of lily-of-the-valley surrounds you, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

(This is shown as, A white light flashes in Alahnna's eyes, to everyone else)

Balinworn says, "Ah kin nae possibly imagine da Lady could nae be touched by such a gesture as alla dese folkses makin offerins."
Balinworn smiles.
(Cylnthia bows her head and chants a small prayer to Imaera and Aeia.)
Balinworn says, "Ah kin nae imagine she's nae heard our prayers an hopes dis eve."
Alahnna smiles quietly to herself and an expression of peace washes over her face.
Balinworn says, "Tis a shame Eairus tis nae 'ere."
Balinworn sighs.
Bupkyn kneels before the altar to recite his prayers.
Balinworn says, "He would be pleased tae see so many folks make offerins tae Her."
Cylnthia smiles peacefully and nods at Balinworn.
Bupkyn stands up.
Speaking to Balinworn, you say, "I can ask for the Love of Oleani to protect and guide us.. but I am not a cleric of Aeia.."
Balinworn says, "As Ah said, Ah kin nae imagine she did nae hear alla dese offerins."
Balinworn smiles.
You gaze up into the heavens.
Rylaria's cheeks flush with a soft shade of apricot.
Rylaria gazes up into the sky.
Rylaria gazes up into the sky.
Alahnna smiles slightly and says very quietly, her voice almost a whisper, "We have been heard."
Karly just touched a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
Rylaria reaches over and gently rests her hand on you.
Rylaria grins.
Balinworn says, "Thank ya Ma'am. Ah hope we kin make ye proud, an keep thins as dey are supposed tae be 'ere."
Balinworn gently rubs one of the smooth, deep green leaves of the sapling between his fingers.
Balinworn bows to a lily-strewn simple wooden altar.
Balinworn asks, "Anyone else wish tae make an offerin, or shall we return tae da commons?"
A cool breeze whips through the area.
(Cylnthia curtsies to the altar and to the statue once more, a serene smile on her face.)
A soft whispering seems to fill your head, "Stop them" and then it fades away.
You gaze up into the heavens.
(Balinworn looks for a long moment at the altar.)
Cylnthia blinks.
Karly softly says, "We will."
Karly nods.
(Cylnthia nods slightly towards the statue.)
(Balinworn moves in front of the altar.)
Balinworn kneels down.
(Alahnna falls to her knees, her eyes closed in prayer.)
You kneel down.
Herberto bows to a wooden Aeia statue.
Balinworn quietly says, "Ah will nae fail ye, Ma'am. WE will nae fail ye."

(The prayer was done with MYCHAR)

Alahnna prays, "Lady Aeia.. we will do our best. This blight will not be allowed to pass."
Balinworn quietly says, "It will be done."
Rylaria says, "As best we can, mi'lady."
Alahnna prays, "I beg for your help, the help of all the Arkati, so that we may remove this problem from the land."
The trails of leaves hanging from the willows about the area sway gently as a soft breeze blows by.
Balinworn quietly says, "Ah know da Blade is nae yer way, but 'tis da only way Ah know. By me blade, Ah'll see tae it all is returned tae da balance it is tae be."
(Cylnthia sways gently in the breeze, holding her arms slightly out.)
Balinworn just opened a backpack.
Balinworn removes an ancient invar claidhmore from in his backpack.
The breeze ruffles your hair and circles your body and then dies down to a sudden silence.
(Balinworn lays his claidhmore in front of the altar.)
Alahnna prays, "We will end this.. the trees, the plants, all under Your domain.. it will be protected. I promise you this, or may my life be purposeless."
Karly smiles quietly to herself.
Balinworn quietly says, "Ye keep our town safe. Ye are our Lady. Ah'll offer me lahf tae stop 'em."
Cylnthia quietly says, "I will serve ye as best to my ability, m'lady."
Karly smiles softly, a look of hope in her eyes.
Alahnna prays, "My mind, my heart, my body.. all are pledged to stopping the sisters. Good night, my lady."
(Balinworn smiles as he looks down at the ground in front of the Altar.)
Herberto darkly says, "But I'll rid them the same."
Alahnna smiles as she opens her eyes, a single tear falling down her cheek.
Cylnthia kneels down.
Balinworn quietly says, "Thank ye verra much Ma'am. Ye've filled me heart with joy tae know dat we've pleased ye, an dat ye know we work fer ye."
(Alahnna says very quietly, her voice again close to a whisper, "We have been heard..")
[Cleric Guild, Garden Shrine]
Cloaked in shades of deep verdant, this small retreat is enshrouded by willows all around, while vines of ivy twine around their bases. Flowers of every hue imaginable blossom here and there, adding a splash of vibrant color to the lush green which is so prominent in the area. Standing to the north, a wooden statue of a woman with benevolent eyes gazes down kindly at you, and at her feet lies a simple wooden altar, its surface completely covered by flourishing white lilies.
Also here: Journeyman Bupkyn, Lady Cylnthia who is kneeling, Rylaria, Herberto, Lady Karly, Moswell, Balinworn who is kneeling
Obvious paths: south
You quietly recite words of devotion and prayer, the moonlight rippling about you to impart a pale, ethereal blue glow to the verdant surroundings.
(Cylnthia kneels down in front of the altar, lowering her head once more as she quietly whispers a prayer.)
Bupkyn says, "I'll do the best I can and they will know that they will come to fear us."
A faint rustle of wind runs through the ivies twining the statue and, just as quickly, they fall silent.
Balinworn smiles.
Balinworn says, "Me heart is filled wit happiness. Ah hope ye all feel da same."
(Balinworn smiles at everyone.)
(Cylnthia stands up slowly, a serene smile once again on her face.)
Rylaria says, "I may not be able to do much mor ethan offer encouragement, but if that is all, then that is what I do."
Speaking to Balinworn, Cylnthia says, "This is the most peaceful I've felt in a long time."
Balinworn says, "Ah've no doubt ye will indeed be jes as needed as anyone else in town."
Balinworn gently rests his hand on Cylnthia's shoulder.
Balinworn says, "Meseff as well."
Cylnthia smiles at Balinworn.
Alahnna smiles softly.
A few colorful birds soar quietly overhead, landing upon the ground nearby and chirping merrily before taking off once again.
You quietly say, "Such is the way of the Arkati.."
(Cylnthia watches the birds for a minute, chuckling quietly.)
Balinworn indicates his invar claidhmore with a smile.
You quietly say, "Know the Lady, and you will know a peace you have never felt."
Cylnthia agrees with you.
You quietly say, "My heart is warmed.."
You say, "And.."
Balinworn says, "Sometahmes Ah hate dat all Ah know is tae wield a blade. Sometahmes though, Ah'm glad dat Ah kin at least offer dat, an try tae stop da thins which would ruin our world."
>You quietly say, "We will win."
You quietly say, "If not for us.."
You quietly say, "For her.

11-14-2004, 08:09 AM
Very nice. :)