View Full Version : Full Sale - including 10x sancted claidh

12-06-2015, 04:46 PM
The previous owner of the 10x sancted claidh has first dibs. Barring that, I am selling either everything ON my account, or the account itself. I don't really care either way.

Highlights include a 10x sancted claidh, 6x 2-slot fusion armor with +11 STR and +12 DEX (or vice-verse, I forget), a warhorn (auction item, casts quake and signals entire area), a visor that locates undead (squelched, so people can't tell how you're using it), and almost every towns locker full with magic items, auction items, and more. For serious interest, I'll go into detail. I'll probably take any decent-sized cash offer, or it can all rot on a closed account forever, but I prefer money. Call it reparations after years of continually increasing disappointment in a game that used to fill a void that most modern RPG's and a weekly tabletop game session can now easily replace. Frankly, I'm sick of just too many specific people to keep bothering logging in. Take advantage of my petty nature, and the fact I never really play anymore anyways.

..and about 15 years worth of alts with random stuff.

Seriously, Christmas is coming, make an offer ASAP. Account closes in a week.

Edit: Forgot contact info: MykePro@yahoo.com, mykepro (skype), and phantasm meum (AIM).

12-06-2015, 04:55 PM
this is in platinum folder but i wanna confirm , is this account and all gear , etc in Platinum or prime ?

12-06-2015, 05:00 PM
Judging from the claid it is definitely plat.

12-06-2015, 05:01 PM
Plat. Very little in Prime, sadly. Rhavnos, with an endless cigar humidor and an eahnor katana, is about it in Prime.

12-07-2015, 01:59 PM
Here's a list of some of the higher end items I have, though I may give some away to old friends:

5x HCW short sword
Unlocked/upgraded earth-attuned runestaff from recent EG (cooldown upgraded twice)
Sephwir bow
a silvery molded mithril ribcage (2x self-mana undisease)
an ebon vultite shield (4x with weapon harness)
a pair of heavy duelling gauntlets encased in white enamel (enhancive flaring arm guards with special duel-themed scripts)
a shining white ora katar (Voln weapon)
a shining white ora maul (Voln weapon)
a superior eonake sledgehammer with a lacquered bogwood haft (santed, 5x, grapple flares)
a corroded iron warsword etched with droplets of acid (Stovel acid, 5x)
a shining white ora gauntlet-sword (Greater Iasha)
a dim-glowing black magari-yari (3x anti-disarming)
a deep blue twin crossbrow with glaes shard accents (double crossbow)
5x robes, xojium scripts, 1x TD bonus
an unusually stout mossbark runestaff (3x/1x defender)
an olive green hoarbeam runestaff (+12, +11 MMC bonus, +3 harness power bonus)
a gnarled witchwood crosier (+17)
an acid-pitted illthorn runestaff (+25/+10 Defender)
a pale glowbark runestaff capped with a butterfly saewehna (+30, void flares, +2 Wisdom bonus, +2 Aura bonus)

4x mech-flaring longsword
some kind of auction-quality zorchar barbed flail, no clue on stats anymore.
a smooth veil iron bracer (turns into a buckler)

Eonake weapons: battle axe, morningstar, flamberge, harpoon, war mattock, rapier, tiger-claw, yierka-spur

a dark eahnor harp pin (creates unlimited spectral harps with eahnor strings)
Anti-thief bladder (w/ +25 perception bonus)
elemental fire ring
elemental ice ring
T3 climatewear cloak/harness
auction quality tent
LOTS of custom siege miniatures
auction quality servingwear case

12-08-2015, 12:49 PM
10x claidh is sold. Some other things have sold and been given away. Get some good stuff before it's gone.

The list has been updated as things come and go.

12-11-2015, 01:21 AM
Almost forgot: I also have 24 million in coins available.

12-11-2015, 11:57 PM
At what rate are those silvers available?

12-12-2015, 12:12 PM
How much would a 10x sancted claid go for in plat?

12-12-2015, 12:14 PM