View Full Version : Secrets of the Cavernhold

11-30-2015, 10:26 PM
So, in an effort to avoid a future disaster, I'm sharing the story of the events that took place on November 30th, 2015.

It was just after midnight when a call for help went out over LNet. Ylandra stated that Kethrain had lost his weapons in the Cavernhold. I ended my hunt and went back to town, cast a few spells and did a locate to find out where they were.

I put in a ;go2 to run out to help.

I arrived in the cavernhold shortly thereafter and another call for help went out over lnet that Skipjack and Kayse had also lost items in the cavernhold.

I had never been to the area, so I was clueless as to what was about to happen.

Shortly after entering the cavernhold, I started to be shot with crossbow bolts. These were not AS/DS checks, just random area effect messaging and wound damage. I wasn't sure what to do, so I attempted to use ;go2 to get to where the people were. ;go2 didn't realize that I was an Elf and I couldn't stand up in the cavernhold, so every time I tried to move a room, it tried to stand up and I took head damage.

After the third time standing up, I died instantly to a rank 3 head wound and was transported to the dungeon where Skipjack and Kayse were locked up. They tried to lifekeep me, but the room was immune to magic, so I eventually decayed.

That's when I went to rest up and realized that EVERY WEAPON AND RING I had on my character had been taken.

What did I lose? A 6x perfect T2 lance, 2 logic daggers, a 6x lance, an altered ring, and a self charging ring.

That's when the panic set in. I just lost 20m+ in gear without even realizing it.

At that point, I offered a reward over lnet for anyone who could help retrieve my stuff.

Thankfully, an awesome guy named Ryjel came to save the day. He spent more than hour going around the cavernhold finding lost items. He managed to recover my perfect lance, my logic daggers and the altered ring. He also managed to find an earring for Kayse, and a crapload of lockpicks. Because they apparently taken those too.

After checking every room several times over, the other items seem to have disappeared.

Wyrom and Jainna were awesome enough to replace the lost items tonight, but overall the whole situation was a nightmare. Very thankful that the GM's offered to help.

Long story short: When going to the cavernhold, don't take any valuable weapons or rings, because they have a chance of disappearing.

If anyone knows any other secrets of the cavernhold, please share them so we can all be educated about this place and the dangers within. Wyrom stated your items are taken and hidden throughout the area. I know Ryjel walked around popping trunks and doors to find some of the lost items.

11-30-2015, 10:30 PM
Interesting that they replaced the items that were "lost" since it's a known mechanic of the game and not a bug.

11-30-2015, 10:35 PM
Interesting that they replaced the items that were "lost" since it's a known mechanic of the game and not a bug.

Well, we spent an hour trying to find the items and the janitor had my 6x lance. And the earring that Kayse had was bugged, it was a piercing earring and when found it kept the description of being in her ear, so it said something like she is holding a fancy earring in the upper tips of her right ear in her hand.

So it is somewhat buggy.

I've been playing the game for a very long time and I've never known about this area or that you could lose 20m+ in gear in a level 10 area. I'm guessing a lot of others don't know too.

11-30-2015, 10:38 PM
Heard nothing but negative stuff about the Cavernhold.

11-30-2015, 10:40 PM
Hah that's funny.

I meant more that the GM's know....I vaguely remember that happening, but not really.

When messing with people's items, seems like something they should have work 100% or just not have at all!

12-01-2015, 12:01 AM
Maybe just disable go2 at the door. This place has genuine flavor!

I was able to recover at least one valuable weapon that I was glad to return

12-01-2015, 01:48 AM
Was Herberto around to help? The recovery time would have been a fraction of what was taken if so. I recall him once devising a plan to get a bunch of folks to chase him in there, it would have been a genius plan.

12-01-2015, 03:32 AM
Rep "Shut up bitch"

You are so brave.

12-01-2015, 04:32 AM
speak to CLunk about Cavernhold, he knows it like the back of his hand. and yeah the place has taken gear since the ice ages, I hope its never changed, it used to promote teamwork among new players back in the old days.

12-01-2015, 03:37 PM
Maybe just disable go2 at the door. This place has genuine flavor!

I was able to recover at least one valuable weapon that I was glad to return

Yes and I will love you forever for that :)

GM Mazreth was able to get the other items back for Skip and Keth, which I was grateful for as well. He was also happy to take my buggy ear with the ring in it ;)

Honestly, I was impressed with how the community came together to help each other. Pretty awesome. Thanks guys ;)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-01-2015, 11:24 PM
speak to CLunk about Cavernhold, he knows it like the back of his hand. and yeah the place has taken gear since the ice ages, I hope its never changed, it used to promote teamwork among new players back in the old days.

Towards the end of my time playing, I script hunted cavernhold from I think 6 or 7 to 40 on about 3 characters. It's entirely safe and harmless if you learn your way around, and since I was almost always alone in there, had fantastic loot for low level gnolls. I'd usually script hunt until I ran out of places to put boxes and then I would pick the boxes with low level lockpicks, which is how I leveled to 40ish on the toons. Since you could reallocate once a year, I'd just hunt and pick until they got to whatever level I wanted and then reallocate. Helps I pretty much only played halfings and at the end a couple of gnomes. That and I think there were 3 locked trunks or something in the rooms that I'd work into my script to pick open every 8 or 10 minutes I think...

I always thought it was one of the best areas in the game.

12-05-2015, 05:06 AM
when I first start playing Gemstone IV back right after ice age and we went from Aol to Web, I had warrior, dwarven, theres a secret to be learned from Clunk, Clunk knows how to get the chest open that holds all these items deep within cavernhold. its an awesome area, and it does help promote teamwork. I hope the area never changes, I wish however they would put higher level creatures in here, that only spawn when level 100 characters are in the area.