View Full Version : Script to move gems?

Sylvan Dreams
11-23-2015, 09:15 PM
Is there a script in the repository that will take all gems from container A and move them to container B?

11-23-2015, 09:44 PM
;pure will.

I think it's ;pure transfer [container A] [container B]

Moves only gems.

Sylvan Dreams
11-24-2015, 11:34 PM
;pure will.

I think it's ;pure transfer [container A] [container B]

Moves only gems.

Downloaded it, trusted it, nothing happens. It just looks in my container A and then quits.

11-24-2015, 11:37 PM
Maybe my syntax was wrong? check ;pure help or ;pure info

11-25-2015, 05:09 PM
You can take what you need from this script. I'll highlight the gem movement in red. Oh, you can remove the coral part if you want.

trash_container = /crate|barrel|wastebarrel|casket|bin|receptacle|bas ket/i

trash_container = GameObj.loot.find { |trash| trash.name =~ trash_container }

## ** Moving items into safe containers
GameObj[/dark cocobolo case/].contents.find_all{|i| i.name =~ /coral/}.each{|i| put "_drag ##{i.id} ##{GameObj[/cloak/].id}";wait}
GameObj[/cloak/].contents.find_all{|i| i.type == 'gem' && i.name !~ /coral/}.each{|i| put "_drag ##{i.id} ##{GameObj[/dark cocobolo case/].id}";wait}

## ** Dumping items into the trash
if trash_container != nil
GameObj[/cloak/].contents.find_all{|i| i.type == 'food' or i.type == 'junk' or i.name =~ /steel spring|(copper|steel|silver) lockpick/}.each{|i|
dothistimeout "get ##{i.id}", 5, /^You remove/; dothistimeout "put ##{i.id} in ##{GameObj[/#{trash_container}/].id}", 5, /^As you place/}
GameObj[/cloak/].contents.find_all{|i| i.type == 'food' or i.type == 'junk' or i.name =~ /steel spring|(copper|steel|silver) lockpick/}.each{|i| dothistimeout "get ##{i.id}", 5, /^You remove/; dothistimeout "drop ##{i.id}", 5, /^You drop/}