View Full Version : Fully unlocked Simucon Auction Block able to do raffles for a forehead gem

11-13-2015, 02:14 PM
Here's the item and what the analyze shows:

You remove a square auction block with a smooth polished surface from in your locker.
>l my block
You see nothing unusual.
>analyze block
You analyze your auction block and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
The auction block can be used as a tool and prop for setting up your own auctions and raffles.
The auction block is UNLOCKED.

Alteration Guidelines:
The auction block can be altered freely as long as it still reflects being some sort of flat container with an interior and flat upper surface for displaying items for examination.

A gavel is used for messaging which can also be altered, but it must remain a "gavel" and cannot have a long or show.
The two raffle table props, the tickets, and barrel, can also be altered. However, they, too, must keep the noun "tickets" and "barrel" and cannot have shows or longs.

To run an auction: PUT the prize(s) (if desired) on the auction block for your customers to INSPECT and ANALYZE.
PUSH the auction block to toggle between runner-up and non-runner up modes.
BID <amount> block to set the starting bid amount.
POUND the block to begin bidding!
Bidders should BID <amount> block to up their bids.
POUND the block to end bidding.
The winning bidder will get five minutes to return with a note large enough to cover their bid, after which DROPping it in the block will give them the prize(s) you have placed on top (if any).

To run a raffle, PULL the auction block to place tickets and a raffle barrel on top of the auction block.
PUSH the auction block to toggle between one ticket per customer or multiple tickets allowed.
TURN the auction block to select which line of credit to store your raffle proceeds in.
WRITE ticket;prize <description> to set the description on the tickets.
WRITE ticket;price # to set the cost of each ticket.
Wait until tickets have been collected in the barrel.
Up to 99 tickets can be purchased.
SPIN the barrel to draw a name.
SPIN the barrel more times to draw more names.
If any tickets have been purchased, you must SPIN the barrel at least once before you can stop the raffle.
The list of winners can be reviewed by LOOKing at the tickets.
CLEAN the barrel after SPINning to reset the raffle.
Please note that for raffles, the winner will not automatically receive any prizes on the table. You must deliver them manually.

The profit will be placed inside the block as a note you can extract later.

You can tell that the block is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

I'm looking for a forehead gem, which would need to be alterable into some sort of emerald. I'm willing to throw in silvers or cash into this deal as well.

11-14-2015, 08:21 PM
Bumpity bump

11-16-2015, 12:14 AM
Bumpity bump

11-17-2015, 02:30 AM
Oh come on, this thing is so cool. How could you pass on it???

11-20-2015, 06:20 PM
Bump. Now offering cash and/or silvers to sweeten this deal a bit.