View Full Version : Big Auction

11-11-2015, 10:19 PM
Delivery to FWI/WL/SOL/IMT
Buyout offers considered
Bids are ONCE, TWICE, SOLD, typically updated every 24 hours (before bed)
AIM: HeroMogonis

FLASH SALE! Through January 30, I'll consider this a flat price sale. Any offer of the MB will be considered sold.

a dirt-smudged silk handkerchief - #1 MB: 25k
a dirt-smudged silk handkerchief - #2 MB: 25k
a dirt-smudged silk handkerchief - #3 MB: 25k

You determine that you could not wear the handkerchief.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

You analyze your silk handkerchief and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

RUB - You roughly wipe your face with your silk handkerchief.
CLENCH - You ball up your silk handkerchief in your fist.
POKE - You briskly dab at your eyes and nose with your silk handkerchief.
PRESS - You wipe the sweat from your brow with your silk handkerchief.
PUSH - You wipe the sweat from your brow with your silk handkerchief.
SMOOCH - You briskly wipe your mouth with your silk handkerchief.
WAVE - You wildly wave your silk handkerchief back and forth like a flag.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SOLD ITEMS # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

a sheer jade green scarf - #1 MB: 25k SOLD
a sheer jade green scarf - #2 MB: 25k SOLD

You determine that you could wear the scarf around your waist.

You analyze your ivory scarf and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

PULL - You pull your jade green scarf tight between your two hands and swing your arms in broad circles as you nimbly dance with high, graceful leaps.
TURN - Stomping a strong beat as you turn, you twist with a wild, gyrating motion. Your jade green scarf drapes from your extended fingertips, a flowing ribbon of color that writhes through the air.
SPIN - You spin rapidly in place, your jade green scarf wrapping itself tightly around your body in a sinuous swathe of color.
RAISE - As you sway your hips, you hold your jade green scarf out to the side and move your arm in a fluid, sinuous motion, creating a wave of color that ripples and dances.

a thick silvery brown wolf fur coat - MB: 50k SOLD

8 lbs
significant amount
further L/D

You analyze your brown wolf fur coat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The coat must remain some type of loose, plush fur garment to be worn around the shoulders and neck.
You can try to CLEAN, PLUCK, PULL, PUSH, RUB, SHAKE, and SLAP the coat.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the brown wolf fur coat for you or have its pockets deepened.

a gossamer flame-hued scarf - MB: 25k SOLD

Worn around the waist
Zested when held (PULL, TURN)

PULL - You pull your flame-hued scarf tight between your two hands and swing your arms in broad circles as you nimbly dance with high, graceful leaps.
TURN - Stomping a strong beat as you turn, you twist with a wild, gyrating motion. Your flame-hued scarf drapes from your extended fingertips, a flowing ribbon of color that writhes through the air.

a tufted white and grey rabbit fur scarf - MB: 50k SOLD

You determine that you could wear the scarf around your neck.
You estimate that a tufted white and grey rabbit fur scarf can store a very small amount with enough space for any number of items of very small size.

You analyze your grey rabbit fur scarf and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The scarf must remain some type of loose, plush fur garment to be worn around the shoulders and neck.
You can try to CLEAN, PLUCK, PULL, PUSH, RUB, SHAKE, and SLAP the scarf.
You can tell that the scarf is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

CLEAN - You run your hand over your grey rabbit fur scarf, removing any loose bits of dust and dirt from its soft fur.
PLUCK - You pluck at something in the thick fur of your scarf.
PULL - You pull your grey rabbit fur scarf tighter around you, bundling the soft warm fur closely about your neck and shoulders.
PUSH - You smooth down the soft fur of your scarf, arranging its folds to fall elegantly around your shoulders.
RUB - You run your fingers over the thick, warm fur of your scarf.
SHAKE - You shake the folds of your grey rabbit fur scarf, sending loose dust and bits of dried leaves flying from its thick fur.
SLAP - You pat the thick fur of your scarf, and a few specks of dust fall from its surface.

a plush ribbed blue-grey chinchilla stole - #1 MB: 35k SOLD
a plush ribbed blue-grey chinchilla stole - #2 MB: 35k SOLD

You estimate that a plush ribbed blue-grey chinchilla stole can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the stole, hanging it from your shoulders.

You analyze your chinchilla stole and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The stole must remain some type of loose, plush fur garment to be worn around the shoulders and neck.
You can try to CLEAN, PLUCK, PULL, PUSH, RUB, SHAKE, and SLAP the stole.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the chinchilla stole for you or have its pockets deepened.

CLEAN - You run your hand over your chinchilla stole, removing any loose bits of dust and dirt from its soft fur.
PLUCK - You pluck at something in the thick fur of your stole.
PULL - You pull your chinchilla stole tighter around you, bundling the soft warm fur closely about your neck and shoulders.
PUSH - You smooth down the soft fur of your stole, arranging its folds to fall elegantly around your shoulders.
RUB - You run your fingers over the thick, warm fur of your stole.
SHAKE - You shake the folds of your chinchilla stole, sending loose dust and bits of dried leaves flying from its thick fur.
SLAP - You pat the thick fur of your stole, and a few specks of dust fall from its surface.

a green and white plaid greatcloak fastened by a gold brooch - #1 MB: 75k SOLD
a green and white plaid greatcloak fastened by a gold brooch - #2 MB: 75k SOLD

7 lbs
significant amount
further L/D
+5 Survival, no level requirement
more than average giantman charges

an azure-threaded cotton shirt accented with a black collar - MB: 50k SOLD

< 1lb

You analyze your cotton shirt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This shirt may be altered by a talented merchant, bearing in mind the following guidelines:
(1) The 15/15/15 must be netural and simple if you have more than one look so that it makes sense for both looks.
(2) The item must remain the same type of item in both looks - a cloak cannot turn into a jacket just because it is turned inside-out.
(3) You can only have two looks total.
If you have more than one look, you can TURN the shirt inside-out to switch up the look!

You take an azure-threaded cotton shirt accented with a black collar and turn it inside out. Your reversible shirt becomes a black-collared white shirt with wide cuffs!
You take a black-collared white shirt with wide cuffs and turn it inside out. Your reversible shirt becomes an azure-threaded cotton shirt accented with a black collar!

a fern-intaglio cloud agate locket hung from a pale lace ribbon - MB: 50k SOLD

You analyze your cloud agate locket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, provided it remains a locket-type item.
You can PULL, RUB, and TOUCH the cloud agate locket.
You can tell that the locket is as light as it can get.

PULL - You clasp your cloud agate locket in your hand and close your eyes for a moment, thinking of someone.
RUB - You trace the edges of your cloud agate locket, sighing as you think of someone.
TOUCH - You absentmindedly fiddle with the clasp of your cloud agate locket.

some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels - #1 CB: 35k Silkour SOLD
some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels - #2 MB: 35k SOLD

2 lbs

You estimate that some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels can store a very small amount with enough space for one item.

You analyze your leather sandals and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
These are "Tall Shoes" that work with or without "Shoe Sticks."
These shoes can be altered with a long description or a show, as long as the noun remains some type of shoe, and the description depicts a pair of TALL shoes.
These shoes are currently: Tier 1 (off-the-shelf) and trap WEAR, REMOVE, TILT, RUB.
You can tell that the sandals is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

WEAR - You place your leather sandals on the ground and carefully step up into them, wobbling crazily as you wiggle your feet to achieve the perfect fit.
REMOVE - Wobbling slightly on your perch, you give each foot a shake, loosening the fit of your leather sandals until they slip off, one after the other. You quickly pick them up from the ground with a sigh of relief.
TILT - You lean a little too far to one side and begin to lose your balance, only catching yourself with an ungraceful flail of your arms.
RUB - You teeter slightly as you briefly step out of one of your leather sandals and reach down to rub your aching foot, wincing with the pain. With an effort, you shove your foot back into your sandals.

a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool - #1 SOLD ON BUYOUT
a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool - #2 SOLD ON BUYOUT
a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool - #3 MB: 50k SOLD

7 lbs
significant amount
further L/D

You analyze your long cloak and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This cloak may be altered by a talented merchant, bearing in mind the following guidelines:
(1) The 15/15/15 must be netural and simple if you have more than one look so that it makes sense for both looks.
(2) The item must remain the same type of item in both looks - a cloak cannot turn into a jacket just because it is turned inside-out.
(3) You can only have two looks total.

If you have more than one look, you can TURN the cloak inside-out to switch up the look!

You take a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak becomes a long grey wool cloak lined with black leather!
You take a long grey wool cloak lined with black leather and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak becomes a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool!

a crimson silk face-veil - CB: 35k Inte SOLD

< 1lb
shows in inventory

WEAR - You slowly pin your silk face-veil into place, taking care to arrange the silken fabric over your nose.
REMOVE - You slowly unpin your silk face-veil and allow the fabric to slip into your waiting hand.
EXHALE - You slowly release your breath, causing your silk face-veil to ripple.
SHAKE - You shake your head in an emphatic gesture that causes your silk face-veil to swirl beneath your chin.

a polished platinum band inset with a cluster of perfect blue diamonds - SOLD ON BUYOUT

You see nothing unusual.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
Together forever, your beloved.

You analyze your platinum band and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it must remain a ring or band of some sort, generally a wedding ring or unity ring or something that signifies a romantic bond between two people.
You can try to KISS, COVER, TAP, and TOUCH the band. If you take it to a talented merchant, he or she may be able to unlock further abilities.
You can tell that the band is as light as it can get.

KISS - You softly kiss a polished platinum band inset with a cluster of perfect blue diamonds.
COVER - You cover your platinum band with your hand as you whisper a few words of prayer for your beloved's safety.
TAP - You tap your platinum band, and then you extend your hand so that the band can be more readily admired.
TOUCH - You touch your platinum band lightly, reassuring yourself that you are still wearing it.

a triangular black vaalin medallion - SOLD ON BUYOUT

crystal holder + crystal runes

The black vaalin medallion has a single, empty setting.

You determine that you could wear the medallion around your neck. The medallion appears to serve some purpose.

You analyze your black vaalin medallion and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
This black vaalin medallion is unlocked.
The black vaalin medallion has a special socket for crystal runes currently.
You get no sense of whether or not the medallion may be further lightened.

a star-engraved cobalt blue ora bracer - SOLD ON BUYOUT

crystal holder

The cobalt blue ora bracer has a crystal placed in its setting. (blue crystal, free with purchase!)

You determine that you could wear the bracer around your wrist. The bracer appears to serve some purpose.

You analyze your cobalt blue ora bracer and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
You get no sense of whether or not the bracer may be further lightened.

a matte black deathstone skull brooch with faceted ruby eyes - #1 SOLD ON BUYOUT
a matte black deathstone skull brooch with faceted ruby eyes - #2 SOLD ON BUYOUT

gold ring holder

The brooch bears a small circular slot which looks like it would fit a gold ring.

>put ring in broo
You carefully set the dull gold ring into the slot on your skull brooch.
The ring briefly glows with a pale silver luminescence.

You carefully inspect your skull brooch.
You determine that you could wear the brooch anywhere on your body. The brooch appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of gemstone.

You analyze your skull brooch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The skull brooch is fully alterable.
This skull brooch is set for fancy messaging. It is currently set to Ebon Gate Special Edition messaging.
You get no sense of whether or not the brooch may be further lightened.

>touch broo
You place your hand on your skull brooch.
A ring of ethereal black mist forms around the dull gold ring set in your skull brooch, covering it completely. It begins to bubble and roil violently. Suddenly, your surroundings shift...

[Town Square, West]
Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its lamplit lanes abuzz with traders and vendors hawking their wares at any hour of the day or night. Groups of citizens, discussing the day's events or preparing for nighttime hunts, gather around the doors of the merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a tall raffle table draped with owl-embroidered crimson silk with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
The black mist calms and quickly dissipates.

some scorched thrak hide gloves (UAC) - SOLD ON BUYOUT


You analyze your thrak hide gloves and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."
The creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered, but must remain some type of hand worn item that has an approved noun for Unarmed Combat Gear.
The gloves are partially unlocked. The verbs Raise, Nudge, Exhale, Jump, and Spin can be used on your thrak hide gloves.
You can tell that the gloves is as light as it can get.

RAISE - You raise your glove-covered fists and assume a fighting stance.
NUDGE - You punch one glove-covered fist into your other open hand, and then rub your glove-covered hand over your fist.
EXHALE - You lift and flex your hands into fists, then blow upon the knuckles of your thrak hide gloves.
JUMP - You jump up into the air, thrust your thrak hide gloves above your head, and let out a victorious cry!
SPIN - You spin one arm around in a circle for several rotations before throwing an exaggerated uppercut with a glove-covered fist through the air in front of you.

a feathered gold boa adorned with silver star charms - CB: 50k dryspiders SOLD

You determine that you could wear the boa around your neck.

You analyze your gold boa and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a scripted boa. The noun must remain "boa." It is currently unlocked.
You can tell that the boa is as light as it can get.

PUSH - You toss the end of your gold boa back over your shoulder in a flamboyant gesture.
PRESS - You toss the end of your gold boa back over your shoulder in a flamboyant gesture.
PULL - You hold one end of your gold boa in each hand and yank it taut, striking a dramatic pose.
SPIN - You hold your gold boa near its end and spin it with a flick of your wrist, causing the feathers to twirl wildly around.
WAVE - You grab one end of your gold boa and wave it energetically, its feathers fluttering in a sensuous dance.

a thin oak and leather tome embossed with gold - #1 SOLD ON BUYOUT
a thin oak and leather tome embossed with gold - #2 SOLD ON BUYOUT

T4 pull, never used

On the oak and leather tome you see
(401) Elemental Defense I
(406) Elemental Defense II
(414) Elemental Defense III
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(507) Elemental Deflection
(508) Elemental Bias

a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood - CB: 100k GsOlen SOLD

7 lbs
significant amount
further L/D
+5 Max Health, no level requirement
+2 Health Recovery, no level requirement
more than average giantman charges

a thin braided leather belt - #1 CB: 75k TheKAK SOLD
a thin braided leather belt - #2 SOLD ON BUYOUT

You carefully inspect your braided leather belt.
You estimate that a thin braided leather belt can store a very small amount with enough space for several items.
You determine that you could wear the belt around your waist. The belt appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.

You analyze your braided leather belt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a scripted belt. Is is currently unlocked.
You can tell that the belt is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

RUB - You rub your stomach.
WAVE - You hold your hand up at waist height.
PUNCH - You punch yourself right in the gut. Ouch!
TAP - You drum your fingers on your braided leather belt.
POKE - You tuck your thumbs under your braided leather belt.
PUSH - You rest your hands on your hips.
PRESS - You rest your hands on your hips.
PULL - You tighten your braided leather belt.
TURN - You twist the braided leather belt around your waist.
NUDGE - You adjust the fit of your braided leather belt.
ROLL - You hitch up your braided leather belt.

a pair of onyx satin slippers with bone skeleton-shaped adornments (Toffit/Rainbow Tier 2) - SOLD ON BUYOUT

You analyze your black satin slippers and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully analyze your black satin slippers and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. Your slippers must remain some kind of boots, slippers, shoes, or sandals. You can change the article (the first 15), but it will carry forward to all variants of the slippers, even after unlocking. IE: if you make it "an old white shirt", then it will always be "old". No shows; long descriptions are okay as long as the additional description falls after the noun.
You may not change the color. You may not change the material. You can alter the "extra" (the description after the noun.)
This is currently Tier 2 and has the following verbs available:
Your slippers can only be unlocked by Toffit or an official apprentice.
You can tell that the slippers is as light as it can get.

CLEAN - You lick the tip of your finger and rub a smudge off your black satin slippers.
PINCH - You tug on a loose thread hanging from your black satin slippers, wishing they could be some other material.
PULL - You stick a finger into your black satin slippers and pull, attempting to stretch them out. You must be retaining water!
RUB - As you rub your hand against the fabric of your slippers, it shimmers faintly beneath your fingertips, changing from black to emerald. Your palm tingles slightly as you remove your hand from a pair of emerald satin slippers with bone skeleton-shaped adornments.
PUSH - You step out of your emerald satin slippers and pick one up, working it back and forth to try and loosen the material. Darn, those things are tight!
TICKLE - You glance over your emerald satin slippers and grumble. It's just not quite the look you wanted.
CLENCH - Clearly annoyed, you clench your fists and stomp your feet. Think you got your point across?
RAISE - You lift one foot off the ground, attempting to show off your amazing balancing skills. I don't think anyone's watching.

a layered silk satin dress of a deep ocean blue color - CB: 50k Ltlprprincess SOLD

< 1lb

You analyze your silk satin dress and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This dress may be altered by a talented merchant, bearing in mind the following guidelines:
(1) The 15/15/15 must be netural and simple if you have more than one look so that it makes sense for both looks.
(2) The item must remain the same type of item in both looks - a cloak cannot turn into a jacket just because it is turned inside-out.
(3) You can only have two looks total.
If you have more than one look, you can TURN the dress inside-out to switch up the look!
You can tell that the dress is as light as it can get.

You take a layered silk satin dress of a deep ocean blue color and turn it inside out. Your reversible dress becomes a long and vibrant orchid-hued silk satin dress!
You take a long and vibrant orchid-hued silk satin dress and turn it inside out. Your reversible dress becomes a layered silk satin dress of a deep ocean blue color!

11-11-2015, 10:51 PM
a layered silk satin dress of a deep ocean blue color

MB on this.

11-12-2015, 11:20 PM

11-13-2015, 10:49 PM
MB: a feathered gold boa adorned with silver star charms

11-14-2015, 12:30 AM
MB on a thin braided leather belt - #1 MB: 75k

11-14-2015, 12:46 AM
for the belts, you're actually missing 2 verbs.. wave my belt which has you hold your hand at your waist.. aka "you must be this tall to ride this ride" and punch my belt, which is when you punch yourself in the stomach. I took one of these to EG and got the zests added to a coraesine belt I'd had. I love the zests

11-14-2015, 12:58 AM
Wow. Yeah, I missed those. I swear I used zesttest and looked for the zests. Since those two are so short, I must've glossed over them. Thanks! I've added them to the listing.

11-14-2015, 12:59 AM
I'll place the minimum bid on the skull brooch, please. Thank you.

11-14-2015, 01:14 AM
Wow. Yeah, I missed those. I swear I used zesttest and looked for the zests. Since those two are so short, I must've glossed over them. Thanks! I've added them to the listing.

The drop down window on stormfront that lists all the verbs isn't complete, either. Cruxophim told me a few and I told him a few and I 'think' that's the whole list, with those two additions.

11-14-2015, 01:31 AM
MB on a thin braided leather belt

11-14-2015, 01:34 AM
Thrak hide gloves sold on buyout.

11-14-2015, 01:47 AM
100k on the tattered linen cloak

11-14-2015, 06:02 PM
MB on this please:
a pair of onyx satin slippers with bone skeleton-shaped adornments (Toffit/Rainbow Tier 2)

11-14-2015, 07:21 PM
Toffit slippers sold on buyout.

11-15-2015, 12:10 PM
Updated (power went out last night and I went to bed without updating the auction)

11-15-2015, 09:52 PM
a crimson silk face-veil

MB please

11-15-2015, 11:50 PM

11-16-2015, 10:12 PM

dryspiders - 50k, a feathered gold boa adorned with silver star charms
GsOlen - 100k, a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood
TheKAK - 75k, #1 a thin braided leather belt

11-17-2015, 05:42 PM
i bid 25k each on both of these

a thin oak and leather tome embossed with gold - #1 MB: 25k
a thin oak and leather tome embossed with gold - #2 MB: 25k
T4 pull, never used

On the oak and leather tome you see
(401) Elemental Defense I
(406) Elemental Defense II
(414) Elemental Defense III
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(507) Elemental Deflection
(508) Elemental Bias

11-17-2015, 06:11 PM
Tomes sold on buyout.

11-17-2015, 11:31 PM
a crimson silk face-veil - CB: 35k Inte TWICE

Pickup pending:
dryspiders - 50k, a feathered gold boa adorned with silver star charms
GsOlen - 100k, a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood

11-18-2015, 05:58 PM
some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels MB please

11-18-2015, 11:00 PM
a crimson silk face-veil - CB: 35k Inte SOLD
some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels - #1 CB: 35k Silkour ONCE

Pickup pending:
GsOlen - 100k, a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood

11-20-2015, 12:05 AM
some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels - #1 CB: 35k Silkour TWICE

Pickup pending:
GsOlen - 100k, a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood
Inte - 35k, a crimson silk face-veil

11-21-2015, 01:03 AM
some supple leather sandals raised on cork heels - #1 CB: 35k Silkour SOLD

Pickup pending:
GsOlen - 100k, a tattered white linen greatcloak stained with russet splotches of blood

12-20-2015, 05:28 PM

01-17-2016, 10:45 AM
a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool - #3 MB: 50k

01-17-2016, 11:00 AM
a long black leather cloak lined with grey wool - #3 MB: 50k

Find me in-game for pickup.

All MBs are flat prices through Jan 30.

01-17-2016, 11:49 AM
MB Stole#2