View Full Version : So I've settled on a Sorcerer now.
05-27-2005, 02:33 AM
I played a Ranger and an Empath for years and years back during the days of GS3. I've been out of the lands for the past six years or so and have only just returned.
There are so many changes since I have been away that I scarcely even know how to distribute my stats and skills for a character anymore! I hope that some of you more experienced Sorcerers may be willing to help me out a bit. :)
I'm currently a level 4 (very close to 5) Dark Elven Sorcerer.
I'm roleplaying a Dhe`nar (and yes, I am taking it upon myself to stay in character 100% and learn Dhe`nar-si and their history and everything I can soak up about them. I'd like to be accepted among the Dhe`nar characters that are taken a bit more seriously as roleplayers).
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Physical Fitness...................| 30 6
Arcane Symbols.....................| 58 12
Magic Item Use.....................| 58 12
Harness Power......................| 58 12
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 30 6
Perception.........................| 30 6
Climbing...........................| 25 5
Swimming...........................| 25 5
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 2
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 3
Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 5
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
The reason I have chosen Necromancy as a 1x lore is because from what I have been able to discern from some of the posts I have seen is that Demonology is considered to be useless by the majority of sorcerers.
I'm thinking of lowering swimming and climbing to .5x as well as Physical Fitness to .5x so that every other train I can (hopefully) get in a train of Armor Use up to 8 trains since hopefully Double Leather won't be too restrictive.
I have also been considering lowering Magic Item Use and Arcane Symbols to 1x instead of 2x and then forcing Spell Aiming up to 2x which I currently don't train in at all.
Does Spell Aiming become particularly useful to a Sorcerer? I have seen a lot of sorcerers speak of limb disruption followed by fire spirit as a means to kill mobs.
I'd like to be able to keep Perception at 1x.
Does anyone know the racial health cap for Dark Elves? Based on that I think I may finalize my decision as to how much Physical Fitness training I may put in per season.
I've been considering removing some of those training points spent in Minor Elemental and moving them instead to Minor Spiritual so that I'll be able to cast Fire Spirit at a decent enough level. Any thoughts on this?
Now for the thing that I need some really big help with. ;)
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 50 (0) ... 50 (0)
Constitution (CON): 41 (-9) ... 41 (-9)
Dexterity (DEX): 52 (11) ... 52 (11)
Agility (AGL): 61 (10) ... 61 (10)
Discipline (DIS): 81 (5) ... 81 (5)
Aura (AUR): 91 (30) ... 91 (30)
Logic (LOG): 81 (15) ... 81 (15)
Intuition (INT): 61 (10) ... 61 (10)
Wisdom (WIS): 91 (25) ... 91 (25)
Influence (INF): 61 (0) ... 61 (0)
You adjust your gear comfortably and feel satisfied that you are not encumbered enough to notice.
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Since I had NO IDEA how to place my stats for a sorcerer I allowed GemStone to place my stats for me. I have to admit I am rather annoyed at the outcome, but thats life. I think a -9 to Constitution is unacceptable, personally.
GemStone is allowing me five rerolls of my stats currently and I'd like to have them optimized so that they'll be better for me in the long run based on racial and professional stat growth.
Also, if anyone has any advice for a returning adventurer who is extremely interested in getting involved with other Dhe`nar characters, all advice is welcome.
Thank you, everyone! :D
EDIT: OH! And if anyone could explain the Sorcerer's Guild to me (where it is, how to join, etc) and other things like channeling to me it would also be a huge help!
[Edited on 5-27-2005 by Ebondale]
05-27-2005, 02:38 AM
If you're ever in EN, look for Xandalf, Evarin, Dson, Eoghain, or Malik. All are well RP'd Dhe'nar who can help you in your search. I personally play Xandalf (Big suprise I'm sure) and would definatly like to help ya.
Aside from that, Spell Aiming is very useful. It helps with focused maelstrom, focused implosion, focused limb disruption, and fire spirit becomes a viable hunting spell at higher levels.
I am fairly sure the HP cap for Dark Elves is 120, but I'm sure I'll be corrected if mistaken.
Feel free to ask anymore questions, Sorcerer, Dhe'nar, or any other you may have.
05-27-2005, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Xandalf
If you're ever in EN, look for Xandalf, Evarin, Dson, Eoghain, or Malik. All are well RP'd Dhe'nar who can help you in your search. I personally play Xandalf (Big suprise I'm sure) and would definatly like to help ya.
Aside from that, Spell Aiming is very useful. It helps with focused maelstrom, focused implosion, focused limb disruption, and fire spirit becomes a viable hunting spell at higher levels.
I am fairly sure the HP cap for Dark Elves is 120, but I'm sure I'll be corrected if mistaken.
Feel free to ask anymore questions, Sorcerer, Dhe'nar, or any other you may have.
Hey there! Thanks for your speedy response. :)
I've actually met Eoghain already and he was a big help to me. I was speaking in dark elven to him and he corrected me with something along the lines of "Never speak that gutteral tongue around me."
He had greeted me with the customary "Kris har'esh" which I knew the meaning of from so many years ago, and then I explained that I didn't really know how to respond to "sho'la'nai" and he pointed me in the direction of Dhe'nar-si information.
He was a really big help and I appreciate it a great deal. :)
Hahaha, I remember when my character spoke Dark Elven to Xandalf.
It's a learning experience.
05-27-2005, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
Hahaha, I remember when my character spoke Dark Elven to Xandalf.
It's a learning experience.
Well we have to learn sometime, right? Lucky for me I learned my first day of playing a Dhe`nar. Now at least I won't make myself look like an ass when I try to roleplay one and FAIL miserably.
Umm, my character knew the Dhe'nar didn't use it, but not how much they despised it.
Instead they prefer to talk about 10 words and seven sentences of slave speak. :lol:
05-27-2005, 03:27 AM
Dark Elf with 139 health right now.
05-27-2005, 03:28 AM
Well, I re-did my skills a little bit when I leveled up to level 5.
Armor Use..........................| 20 4
Physical Fitness...................| 35 7
Arcane Symbols.....................| 35 7
Magic Item Use.....................| 35 7
Spell Aiming.......................| 66 14
Harness Power......................| 66 14
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 35 7
Perception.........................| 35 7
Climbing...........................| 25 5
Swimming...........................| 25 5
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 1
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 5
Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 5
I only had to sacrifice a little bit in order to get what I think I need. Do you guys think I am going along the right lines with this?
05-27-2005, 03:54 AM
you are on a good training path, but your climb and swim could be slowed slightly, since you are so young. I'd mebbe train in one of the two each train, instead of single each train. another thing, i'd be aiming to get your minor circle up, because once you turn 25, targetting is your best friend. Was good to see you started doubling spell aim, too. Really, you fixed about 80 percent of the things i'd have fixed based on your first post, so you are on the right track. Don't forget that demonology helps with spell 712 (cloak of shadows). Its a rather nice spell, i'm sure you will learn soon.
-Bumples player, also has a sorc.
05-27-2005, 03:58 AM
Don't forget that demonology helps with spell 712 (cloak of shadows). Its a rather nice spell, i'm sure you will learn soon.
-Bumples player, also has a sorc.
But don't you need something ridiculous like 50 trains in Demonology to receive the bonus to 712? That seems a bit excessive.
I think I'd probably concentrate on Demonology a lot more if it really had some sort of significant effect on my ability to summon and control demons.
Personally I haven't even seen a demon yet and I'm wondering how useful they might be if they have the risk of turning on their summoner and eating them. :)
[Edited on 5-27-2005 by Ebondale]
05-27-2005, 04:11 AM
you need 50 trains for it to be useful? Ack, if thats the case, I might drop all of mine! Well, we will have to wait for one of the dhe'nar's to answer that ? I suppose.
P.S. I really do feel for ya, man. I came back a year ago, after a 3 year break, and the change from gs3, to gs4 was pretty drastic. Alot to learn, or re-learn I should say. about 50% is the same, and the other 50% is completely different. I'm still re-learning every day!
-bumples player
05-27-2005, 11:10 AM
I personally came back about a year ago, after a seven year break from the game, so I too understand how you feel.
Demonology is most useful for 725 and the 712 retribution effect, which is very useful. But as you gain levels, you need it less and less. Ask Drayal who I believe used 719 with very few, if any, demonology ranks.
05-27-2005, 11:52 AM
You don't need any ranks for 712 to be useful. You get the defense from it (I get 112 DS from it) for just casting it. The retribution effect takes something like 50 ranks to reach the lowest failing percentage.. I think 5%. That being said, for a long time I used it without any lore, and as long as you put like 702 705 or 706 in there, you should be alright. However I would not advocate using 130 with no lore and seeing what happens.
As far as your training goes... it looks good after your changes. You can wear doubles with 6 ranks for hindrance, though there's a thread on the official boards about the supposed differences between 6 and 8 ranks as far as things like manuvers and encumbrance issues go. I'd wear fulls now, since you're young and it doesn't matter a whole lot (a lot of sorcerers never get out of them), then when you have more training points later on get a rank here and there until you have your 8. Dark Elf life maxes at 120 + con bonus I believe.
05-27-2005, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Syberus
You don't need any ranks for 712 to be useful. You get the defense from it (I get 112 DS from it) for just casting it. The retribution effect takes something like 50 ranks to reach the lowest failing percentage.. I think 5%. That being said, for a long time I used it without any lore, and as long as you put like 702 705 or 706 in there, you should be alright. However I would not advocate using 130 with no lore and seeing what happens.
As far as your training goes... it looks good after your changes. You can wear doubles with 6 ranks for hindrance, though there's a thread on the official boards about the supposed differences between 6 and 8 ranks as far as things like manuvers and encumbrance issues go. I'd wear fulls now, since you're young and it doesn't matter a whole lot (a lot of sorcerers never get out of them), then when you have more training points later on get a rank here and there until you have your 8. Dark Elf life maxes at 120 + con bonus I believe.
Does that mean that with a -9 Con bonus then my maximum health will be 111? (More likely 115 or so by the time I can actually max it out.)
If I only need six trains in Armor Use then that would make my life a whole lot easier. I'd rather put the PtPs for those extra two trains into something more useful (like lores or swimming/climbing).
I'd probably start taking some ranks in Demonology but I'm worried that it would affect my ability to tripple train spells later in life. I don't even have any mana sharing abilities yet!
I've been thinking that I should join Voln instead of the Bath House Club because while the Bath House Club may be the quick route to power the power that comes from Voln is hard-earned and nothing that isn't earned is worth keeping. Would that be a feasible Dhe`nar attitude, Xandalf?
I wouldn't really miss out on the Bath House Club's ability to replenish mana since I've heard of Sorcerers being able to SACRIFICE creatures for mana. I don't really know anything about sacrifice, though. I think its a Guild ability but I have no idea how to even join the Guild or where it is. :)
05-27-2005, 12:12 PM
No, it's not a guild skill. It's actually pretty useful, the only problem being you can only use it like.. once every 20 minutes I think. You can have an older sorcerer teach it to you once you learn 706 (or turn 6, not sure which).
05-27-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Syberus
No, it's not a guild skill. It's actually pretty useful, the only problem being you can only use it like.. once every 20 minutes I think. You can have an older sorcerer teach it to you once you learn 706 (or turn 6, not sure which).
Well that sounds pretty useful. How does it work? How much mana do you get for sacrificing? :)
05-27-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Well that sounds pretty useful. How does it work? How much mana do you get for sacrificing? :)
It varies. I remember getting back around 15-20 mana at level 10-15 or so, if that helps.
I dont even use it anymore, to be honest. Once you hit level 6, anyone can teach it to ya.
05-27-2005, 12:50 PM
If you're good at mana sharing... It used to be around critter level + 20. It varies a bit from that now... but you can expect returns around that level if you're 1x in both shares. As far as how it works... the critter has to be stunned, bleeding, and missing a portion of it's life (the closer age you are to the critter, the larger % has to be gone). Once those parameteres are met, you just SACRIFICE TARGET and if things go well.. you sacrifice it for 2 spirit.
05-27-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Syberus
If you're good at mana sharing... It used to be around critter level + 20. It varies a bit from that now... but you can expect returns around that level if you're 1x in both shares. As far as how it works... the critter has to be stunned, bleeding, and missing a portion of it's life (the closer age you are to the critter, the larger % has to be gone). Once those parameteres are met, you just SACRIFICE TARGET and if things go well.. you sacrifice it for 2 spirit.
Eww, so I have to actually have mana sharing skill for it to work. Man, I suck. :)
I well, I guess I'm expected to suck at level 5.
I've been thinking that I should join Voln instead of the Bath House Club because while the Bath House Club may be the quick route to power the power that comes from Voln is hard-earned and nothing that isn't earned is worth keeping. Would that be a feasible Dhe`nar attitude, Xandalf?
05-27-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
I've been thinking that I should join Voln instead of the Bath House Club because while the Bath House Club may be the quick route to power the power that comes from Voln is hard-earned and nothing that isn't earned is worth keeping. Would that be a feasible Dhe`nar attitude, Xandalf?
You can join either. Which society you join really has nothing to do with how you RP your Dhe'nar.
Xandalf personally is CoL, but I certiantly won't try to tell you which one to join. Either is acceptable.
05-27-2005, 04:41 PM
It looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me.
I checked out Tsoran's maps and have seen that there is at least two Sorcerer Guilds that I can find. One in Solhaven and one in Icemule. (If there are others, please let me know.)
Perhaps instead of trying to be a Voln Sorcerer I should try to stick with what I know best. Being that the Curious Mystic has gotten run out of the Landing I know there is a way to join the Council in Solhaven.
Sorcerer's Guild + Council membership in one place seems to me that it is probably the place I'll be wanting to travel to unless someone can suggest something better to me. :)
Is there a level requirement for joining the Sorcerer's Guild? Are there any FAQs or guides about the Sorcerer's Guilds? Good threads I should read?
You guys have been such a tremendous help to me both in helping to re-educate me in game mechanics and in helping to guide me toward finding the proper way to carry oneself while roleplaying a Dhe`nar. I think thats why I came back to Elanthia. No matter where else you go you'll never find a better player community than you do in GemStone.
05-27-2005, 04:43 PM
You need to be 15 to join any guild.
05-27-2005, 04:53 PM
As far as sacrifice, Drigore is 56th, sacrificed a Pyrothag and got 76 mana back. I'm a runestaff user and have 57 ranks in both shares. And there's a sorcerer guild in almost, if not every town. The one outside of Illistim has a small, but very cool puzzle to get in.
*Edited to add Heart of the Art is open again, for those that need demon specific runes, entanglement limbs that you need necromancy lore to use, and shadowglass rings that are fancy gold rings.
[Edited on 5-27-2005 by drigore]
[Edited on 5-27-2005 by drigore]
05-27-2005, 06:01 PM
So do I just walk up to the guild when I hit my 15th season and walk on in or is there some process I have to go through? :)
05-27-2005, 07:29 PM
So do I just walk up to the guild when I hit my 15th season and walk on in or is there some process I have to go through? >>
You will receive an automatic invitation.
Evarin, who is just now finding this thread.
[Edited on 5-27-2005 by Fallen]
05-27-2005, 07:34 PM
Also, if anyone has any advice for a returning adventurer who is extremely interested in getting involved with other Dhe`nar characters, all advice is welcome. >>
I am not sure if it was mentioned, but the Official Dhe'nari Great House, the Obsidian Tower, holds a story telling session open to all every first saturday of the new month.
The next one is this the Saturday after this one, and will be meeting at the Hearthstone steps at 8 PM Eastern. Hope to see you there.
You too, Xandalf!
05-27-2005, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Also, if anyone has any advice for a returning adventurer who is extremely interested in getting involved with other Dhe`nar characters, all advice is welcome. >>
I am not sure if it was mentioned, but the Official Dhe'nari Great House, the Obsidian Tower, holds a story telling session open to all every first saturday of the new month.
The next one is this the Saturday after this one, and will be meeting at the Hearthstone steps at 8 PM Eastern. Hope to see you there.
You too, Xandalf!
Hopefully I'll be able to make it! The shift work I do (military) makes it difficult to do things sometimes, even on weekends. Plus that whole 4 hour difference between East Coast and Alaska time zones.
In any event I'll be looking forward to interacting with Xandalf and Evarin!
05-27-2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
In any event I'll be looking forward to interacting with Xandalf and Evarin!
Yeah.. don't get killed. :lol:
05-27-2005, 07:54 PM
Hopefully I'll be able to make it! The shift work I do (military) makes it difficult to do things sometimes, even on weekends. Plus that whole 4 hour difference between East Coast and Alaska time zones.
In any event I'll be looking forward to interacting with Xandalf and Evarin! >>
What is it with the Dhe'nar and the military?
Evarin - SPC. Van Tongeren
05-27-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
Originally posted by Ebondale
In any event I'll be looking forward to interacting with Xandalf and Evarin!
Yeah.. don't get killed. :lol:
:lol: Shit happens. I'd rather get killed by you guys and have it be a lesson than walk around trying to roleplay something and failing miserably. :)
I take my RPing very seriously. I'm a member of the worldwide Vampire: The Requiem LARP that goes on, actually. (US2005053446, my Cam ID) I play a Gangrel named "Shiro" in Anchorage that is Ordo Dracul's "Sworn of the Dying Light".
I don't know if that will actually make any sense to you guys, but maybe it will. :)
What is it with the Dhe'nar and the military?
Evarin - SPC. Van Tongeren
Easy. Dhe'nar are disciplined individuals and people with military service understand discipline.
I'm an A1C at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. If you're ever in the Fort Richardson area give me a shout. :)
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Ebondale]
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Ebondale]
05-27-2005, 08:26 PM
Shit happens. I'd rather get killed by you guys and have it be a lesson than walk around trying to roleplay something and failing miserably. >>
Most people do not like playing Dhe'nar because you are expected to adhere to a standard. They take it personally if you try to correct them on behavior that is unbefitting the culture.
I understand wishing to roleplay out of the box, but the Dhe'nar stand apart in this regard. You are not born a Dhe'nar, you become one through your character's teaching and actions.
As such, if you go against these teachings, you are no longer Dhe'nar. That just eats some people alive.
It is a wonderful culture, with a rich history, dedicated player base, and a personalized language. I do hope you find as much enjoyment roleplaying a Dhe'nar as I have over these many years.
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Fallen]
05-27-2005, 08:50 PM
Its my understanding that I can't become an apprentice until my 10th season. (Still a little ways off for me.) Do you guys still go by those rules or are those outdated? Since I've been gone for so long I don't even know if Starsnuffer plays anymore.
05-27-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Its my understanding that I can't become an apprentice until my 10th season. (Still a little ways off for me.) Do you guys still go by those rules or are those outdated? Since I've been gone for so long I don't even know if Starsnuffer plays anymore.
Xandalf is not a part of the Tower, and I do not know their official policy on Q'halae. But Xandalf will take on those who he feels are ready, when they are ready, under his terms.
As for Starsnuffer, he almost never plays anymore. He used to post regularly on the Dhe'nar message boards, but they were recently taken down for "security reasons" .....
05-27-2005, 09:12 PM
Starsnuffer sadly has not been around for a while now. He will every now and then address questions on the Official boards under the Dark Elf folder, as well as on the Obsidian Tower boards (when they are up(the problem is being looked into))
As for specifics into being a Q'halae, you will likely have to ask at the Telling. I doubt you will have much to worry about if you show promise.
Just to clarify, Evarin is not a member of the Obsidian Tower, and I do not speak for them in any official capacity.
[Edited on 5-28-2005 by Fallen]
05-30-2005, 02:33 AM
Would training in brawling give me any significant boost to my DS if I use a runestaff in my right hand and nothing in my left?
05-30-2005, 02:47 AM
Would training in brawling give me any significant boost to my DS if I use a runestaff in my right hand and nothing in my left? >>
No, but I believe if you gain a rank or two, your DS will be much higher should you be disarmed.
Further, having nothing in your other hand does not penalize you when using Runestaves. You can also hold magical items, such as a wizard/sorcerer wands without DS penalties.
Someone like Strayrogue or Bobmuthol could probably give more specific training advice.
[Edited on 5-30-2005 by Fallen]
06-03-2005, 06:25 PM
Will I only need to have a 102 in Elemental Mana Control and Spiritual Mana Control?
Do those ratings factor into anything else other than mana sharing?
06-03-2005, 06:49 PM
Mana controls affect a number of things. Mana cost for focused implosion, success with spells like 714 and 730, and pulse size. There may be others but I'm just about to step out
06-03-2005, 07:54 PM
Affects how much you get back per pulse? Hell, if I had known that I would have been 1x or more in each of the mana controls. :)
What kind of formula is there for factoring mana control into pulse mana?
06-03-2005, 07:55 PM
every 10 ranks in each = 1 more mana per pulse. It may not seem like much, but at cap it's an extra 20 mana per pulse for me being 1x in each.
I should clarify I mean 10 ranks of elemental = 1 mana and 10 ranks of spirit = 1 mana, not 10 ranks of spirit & elemental = 1
[Edited on 6-3-2005 by Syberus]
06-03-2005, 08:04 PM
So if you have 10 ranks in elemental and 10 ranks of spirit then you get +2 mana per pulse? Thats actually pretty sweet.
06-03-2005, 08:08 PM
Yup, here's the info from the official page
Mana recovery is currently 15% of max mana when off node and 25% of max mana when on a node. Mana Control training will increase that total by a fixed value (not percent), regardless of whether or not the character is on a node.
For professions with a single sphere of power: Bonus Mana Recovered = +1 per 10 ranks, rounded down.
For professions with two spheres of power: Bonus Mana Recovered = Evaluate higher of their two respective MC ranks as above. Evaluate lower MC ranks as above, divide by two (round down), and add to first result.
If a sorcerer has 170 skill (70 ranks) in Elemental MC and 120 skill (30 ranks) in Spirit MC, he will have a bonus of 7 mana recovery (70/10) for the Elemental training and a bonus of 1 mana recovery for the Spirit training (((30/10)/2) = 1.5, rounds down to 1) for a total bonus of 8 mana recovered per pulse.
06-09-2005, 03:41 AM
All right, so I've got 9 trains now and still have my Gift of Lumnis active. I pulled my 1x trains out of Necromancy and dropped them into Demonology instead for the 712 bonus.
Currently hunting dirges and spiders in the Graveyard.
What other uses does Demonology have besides summoning and cloak of shadows?
06-09-2005, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
718's TD pushdown.
Oooh, thats useful. Are demons very helpful or are they kinda... meh.
They're kinda, '' OOoo I've wasted roughly 3 months of my life through guild skills which do not in the least make my demon any more useful and can still only strike fear in the hearts of younger sylvan empath females who intheend are the oneswhoputmycorpseback together after ivebeenownedbysomebiggerandtoughercreatureswhilemy demondidSHITtosaveme!!!''
They're ''meh''.
06-09-2005, 05:17 AM
Aw hell. I was hoping they'd rip the freaking balls off of a krolvin and beat them to death with them. :(
Originally posted by Ebondale
Aw hell. I was hoping they'd rip the freaking balls off of a krolvin and beat them to death with them. :(
Maybe 740.
Although you'll be 100 trains then and could probably, with the correct training path, do that to them then.
06-09-2005, 06:00 PM
718 pushdown? As far as I know it just lessens the penalty applied if you have a spell prepped when the demon strikes. It may help push td down after the cycle starts, but it sure as hell doesn't lower the target's initial TD
Never said it did.
I was purposely vague becouse I wasn't sure of any TD pushdown at all.
06-09-2005, 06:07 PM
Just making sure I wasn't the one uninformed about something, I DO wonder what 740 is gonna be though.
06-09-2005, 06:08 PM
Aside from coming out RSN for 5 years that is.
Plane shift (sorcerous Invisibility).
The one we fuse with phase, and exist between realities.
Like hiding but when moving from room to room the other players see our misty and contorted forms.
Only good for rendering us virtually invis, unless we move in some way (which shows our shapes move). And keeping us safe from attack.
The good part is if we cast 704 from this state, it allows us to fade out of this state briefly, in order to do things we cannot in ethereal state (attack, manipulate boxes or items, express thoughts or emotions through being visible ect).
The whole spell will last 30 seconds per training the sorcerer has.
And sadly GS will be swtched off by then too.
06-09-2005, 06:46 PM
I was kinda hoping for Sorcerous teleportation myself.
06-09-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Plane shift (sorcerous Invisibility).
The one we fuse with phase, and exist between realities.
Like hiding but when moving from room to room the other players see our misty and contorted forms.
Only good for rendering us virtually invis, unless we move in some way (which shows our shapes move). And keeping us safe from attack.
The good part is if we cast 704 from this state, it allows us to fade out of this state briefly, in order to do things we cannot in ethereal state (attack, manipulate boxes or items, express thoughts or emotions through being visible ect).
The whole spell will last 30 seconds per training the sorcerer has.
And sadly GS will be swtched off by then too.
They're actually planning on switching off GS? O_o
06-12-2005, 02:10 AM
Name: Ebondale Race: Dark Elf Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 10 Gender: Male Age: (Select your age)
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 30 6
Physical Fitness...................| 58 12
Arcane Symbols.....................| 58 12
Magic Item Use.....................| 58 12
Spell Aiming.......................| 102 24
Harness Power......................| 102 24
Elemental Mana Control.............| 25 5
Spirit Mana Control................| 25 5
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology........| 58 12
Perception.........................| 58 12
Climbing...........................| 58 12
Swimming...........................| 5 1
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 3
Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 8
Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 10
Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 52 (1) ... 52 (1)
Constitution (CON): 43 (-8) ... 43 (-8)
Dexterity (DEX): 55 (12) ... 55 (12)
Agility (AGL): 63 (11) ... 63 (11)
Discipline (DIS): 83 (6) ... 83 (6)
Aura (AUR): 93 (31) ... 93 (31)
Logic (LOG): 83 (16) ... 83 (16)
Intuition (INT): 63 (11) ... 63 (11)
Wisdom (WIS): 93 (26) ... 93 (26)
Influence (INF): 63 (1) ... 63 (1)
I'm messing around with Tsoran's trainer to figure out CS (as per another topic I created in the game mechanics section).
Ideally, what target number of trains should I shoot to have by level 100 in minor elemental and minor spiritual? Is it really worth it to have more than 40 trains in minor spiritual? That would make for a huge bonus to Sorceror CS.
06-13-2005, 11:37 AM
Ideally, what target number of trains should I shoot to have by level 100 in minor elemental and minor spiritual? Is it really worth it to have more than 40 trains in minor spiritual? That would make for a huge bonus to Sorceror CS. >>
First, unless I am confused, training in minor spiritual will NOT help your Sorcerer CS, only your spiritual CS.
As for which circle to train in until the cap, this is a question that is personal to each sorcerer and their training. It would seem by your training that you are a Runestaff user. Correct me if I am wrong.
Runestaff users will always have DS issues at later levels, especially when pushed into the higher stances. You are expected to make up for the lost DS by using your magical abilities to either kill/disable with greater speed, or by wearing extra defensive spells.
Let us take a look at what training in each circle provides....
102 · Spirit Barrier - +1 (DS) for every two ranks beyond two that the caster has learned in the Minor Spirit Circle.
120 · Lesser Shroud - +1 (DS) for every 2 Minor Spirit spells known beyond 20.
425 · Elemental Targetting - (AS Boost) plus the number of Spell Ranks above 25 that the caster knows in the Minor Elemental Circle divided by 2. The maximum bonus allowed is 50.
(CS Boost) plus the number of Spell Ranks above 25 that the caster knows in the Minor Elemental Circle divided by 2. The maximum bonus allowed is 50. This spell affords no benefit to Spirit Casting Strength. **It does provide a bonus to all other spell Casting Strength (+13, plus the number of Spell Ranks above 25 that the caster knows in the Minor Elemental Circle divided by 4), to a maximum of +25. **
430 · Elemental Barrier - (Melee, Ranged, and Bolt DS) as well as Elemental Target Defense (TD), +1 for every 2 Minor Elemental spells known over 30.
So, in breaking it down, You get the most DS from training heavily in the Minor Spiritual Circle, as opposed to the Minor Elemental. This will indeed aid you if you continue to use a runestaff at later levels.
The choice is easy for me. Training in the Minor Elemental circle, I will get additional CS, TD, DS, and Bolt AS. I also find Minor Elemental attack spells far more useful than Minor Spiritual spells. Having a high Elemental CS will prove useful for 409 and 415. Also, having more elemental ranks will help 403, 404, and 416. These are all HIGHLY useful spells that will save you much money and even earn you a bit of EXP.
I stayed 1x in sorcerer circle, picked up 101-103, then trained all the way up to 430. I then switched back over and have picked up 130. I am currently back training in the Minor Elemental circle because I like 435. I will switch back to Minor Spiritual to pick up (140) Wall Of Force. From there, I will train in Minor Elemental until 100.
May both this information, and my opinion be of some use to you.
Evarin and his Mis'ri
06-13-2005, 11:53 AM
Is it really worth it to have more than 40 trains in minor spiritual? That would make for a huge bonus to Sorceror CS.
What I meant by this statement was that if I only went up to 40 trains in Minor Spiritual then it would free up more TPs to spend in the Sorceror Circle, thus a higher CS. :) Sorry about the confusion, there.
Odd thing is, once, after I chucked 64 tps in extra MnS circle, it upped my CS by 1 or 2..
Think it was 1 but I swear to god this happened.
I'm talking sorcerous circle CS too.
[Edited on 6-13-2005 by Drayal]
06-13-2005, 05:53 PM
Hmm. No explanations for that. Stat gain perhaps?
06-13-2005, 09:45 PM
Um...why wouldn't you guys think training MnS would raise your sorc CS? Training in the minor circle of your type raises CS, so both minor spiritual and minor elemental contribute to 700s CS (its hybrid). The only thing is, it sucks the amount it gives. I think its like .333 per spell up 2/3 yer level, and less afterwards. Where I think you get 1 per spell up to yer level, and like .75 up to yer level +50 for in circle. So, if you want a monster 700s cs, overtrain to like 150 in 700s and then like 40 in each minor circle.
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