View Full Version : Star Producing Cittern

Tsk Tsk
10-23-2015, 01:52 PM
a celestial blue-lacquered cittern painted with an array of silver shooting stars - Creates “some twinkling silver stars” that show up in the room and dance to the song style you’re currently playing. Don’t need to be a bard, they appear more frequently the higher your playing skills is.

A few examples (There are way more than this)…

As you play your blue-lacquered cittern, some twinkling silver stars suddenly flow out of the instrument, pulled into existence from the magic of your song.

(Trying to touch the stars) The silver stars dance away from your touch, deftly evading you.

As if caught in a dream, the silver stars pulsate slowly with light. (Slow)

Each of the silver stars begins a slow, deliberate sway like a pendulum. (Slow)

Like a bubbling spring, the silver stars rise ever higher and higher. (Joyful)

With joyful abandon, the silver stars flow through the air in a rhythmic pattern. (Joyful)

The silver stars rise up and begin to fall like tears from above. (Mournful)

Like a dark cloud, the silver stars gather together, casting a large shadow over the area. (Mournful)

The silver stars sway in place for a moment, before dispersing across the area. (Soft)

The silver stars vibrate ever so subtly, as if responding to the dulcet ring of a bell. (Soft)

The silver stars pour into the air in a flurry, quickly spreading throughout the area. (Fast)

The silver stars burst forth, coming together in a lively, whirling dance. (Fast)

The silver stars collide with each other forcefully, creating showers of sparks. (Intense)

With powerful arcs, the silver stars fly overhead like swooping hawks. (Intense)

The silver stars flow forcefully like a raging river. (Intense)

Each of the silver stars takes flight, rising like sparks from a fire. (Jaunty)

The silver stars frolic to and fro, inspired with gleeful energy. (Jaunty)

The silver stars pull together, weaving around and about each other much like honeybees. (Flamboyant)

The silver stars sparkle with multicolored light. (Flamboyant)

The silver stars flit about in different directions. (Aimless)

The silver stars climb upon each other like ants on a hill. (Aimless)

Drifting with little energy, the silver stars eventually just hang in the air. (Somber)

The silver stars rain slowly down in faintly spiraling motions. (Somber)

The silver stars burst forth in a shower of light as if shot from a catapult. (Inspiring)

The silver stars fly upward in a sweeping arch, shimmering as they reach the apex. (Inspiring)

CB:5m Private Sold!

10-23-2015, 03:20 PM
Gimme! (mb please)

10-23-2015, 04:11 PM
1.1m ... good gift to welcome my wife back to GS. :-)

10-23-2015, 08:05 PM

Tsk Tsk
10-24-2015, 08:17 PM
Saturday night bumpdate. I should have specified in the original post this will go once, twice, and sold. Currently once a day but if it drags out I will start doing two updates per day.

Tsk Tsk
10-25-2015, 05:52 PM
Updated. Private as per buyer wants to give it as a gift.

Tsk Tsk
10-26-2015, 06:49 PM
Monday night update, going once!

Tsk Tsk
10-27-2015, 06:08 PM
Updated! Sold tomorrow night pending no further bids.

Tsk Tsk
10-28-2015, 06:14 PM
Sold! Thanks for playing everyone :)