View Full Version : Sigh happily

11-10-2004, 06:08 AM
The surroundings are blurred with a downpour of obscuring rain.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
You narrow your eyes.
You hiss.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
What were you referring to?
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
Divid says, "I assume there are no clerics."
You stare at nothing in particular.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
You turn away from Divid, ignoring him.
You see Divid Reyene the Stalker.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be of full age and taller than average. He has gentle, blue-flecked slate grey eyes and smooth, dusky grey skin. He has long, voluminous argent hair woven into a single thick braid that flows down to the small of his back.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, and minor bruises on his neck.
He has old battle scars on his right arm.
He is holding a green-bladed vultite main gauche in his left hand.
He is wearing a fine vultite chain-linked shirt, a jagged white marble pendant, a long black leather cloak, a suede-strung flat silver charm, an emerald-set invar cuff, a russet braided leather belt, a kakore-banded grey mithril case, a leather loot pouch, a pair of matte black pants, an iron-banded black leather thigh-sheath, and a pair of sable steel-toed boots.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
That is already closed.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
A flower girl arrives, whistling a merry tune.
You begin to watch Divid intently out of the corner of your eyes, while trying not to be too obvious about it.
Divid stares at you.
You turn to face Divid.
You stare at Divid.
Senja asks, "Do I look like a cleric?"
Senja chuckles.
You narrow your eyes.
A heavy drizzle trickles down from the grey skies.
You turn around.
You tilt your head down.
You idly pick at a hooded black spidersilk cloak.
Speaking to Senja, Divid says, "This is why I assumed there were no clerics."
Divid waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
You growl to yourself.
>You pretend to be oblivious to the world around you.
Phungoidmatar just arrived.

Your demeanor is cold.
You regard empaths with a neutral demeanor.

Use DEMEANOR HELP for more information.
Paston removes a glaes troll sword from in his back scabbard.
Phungoidmatar doesn't seem quite the same as he was a moment ago.
Paston slides a gold ring off his finger.
Paston slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Paston vanishes!
You see Divid Reyene the Stalker.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be of full age and taller than average. He has gentle, blue-flecked slate grey eyes and smooth, dusky grey skin. He has long, voluminous argent hair woven into a single thick braid that flows down to the small of his back.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, and minor bruises on his neck.
He has old battle scars on his right arm.
He is holding a green-bladed vultite main gauche in his left hand.
He is wearing a fine vultite chain-linked shirt, a jagged white marble pendant, a long black leather cloak, a suede-strung flat silver charm, an emerald-set invar cuff, a russet braided leather belt, a kakore-banded grey mithril case, a leather loot pouch, a pair of matte black pants, an iron-banded black leather thigh-sheath, and a pair of sable steel-toed boots.
Phungoidmatar rubs a crystal amulet.
Phungoidmatar gets an odd look on his face.
Divid folds his arms over his chest.
Phungoidmatar rubs a crystal amulet.
Phungoidmatar rubs a crystal amulet.
His crystal amulet suddenly shatters!
Divid says, "I have a weapon stuck to my hand."
Phungoidmatar removes a crystal amulet from in his rat fur pack.
Divid says, "It's quite annoying."
Phungoidmatar hangs a crystal amulet around his neck.
You smirk.
The heavy rainfall makes it difficult to see more than just a few feet ahead.
Divid taps a green-bladed vultite main gauche.
As Phungoidmatar pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Phungoidmatar chuckles.
Zandegey just arrived.
Senja asks, "And why is it stuck?"
Senja folds her arms over her chest.
>You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Targeting spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You are filled with a sense of great confidence.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Limb Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Divid.
CS: +323 - TD: +126 + CvA: -6 + d100: +96 - -5 == +292
Warding failed!
His left arm explodes!
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>yawn shim
You stifle a yawn.
The flower girl goes south.
You softly say, "There you go."


You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Stun Relief spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at Divid.
Your spell misfires.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
You remove a platinum-shod orase runestaff from in your silver-studded backsheath.
Phungoidmatar seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Divid slowly empties his lungs.

your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!

You feel magical energies distort and flow around you.
>Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
You feel less drained.
Speaking to you, Divid says, "That was unwise."
A sudden gust blows the rain at you in a stinging attack.
Senja says, "Still looks like he's holding it."
Phungoidmatar seems slightly different.
Bminor just arrived.
You sigh sadly.
A flower girl arrives, whistling a merry tune.
Some deep blue-hued tendrils of incense rise up from the small holes in the black pyramidal censer on Phungoidmatar's belt.
You softly say, "I tried."
Phungoidmatar says, "The arm is gone... the hand, however, is just fine."
[Town Square, Small Park]
You notice a pretty flower girl, a severed dark elven arm, a short sword, a wooden shield, some light leather and some wolifrew lichen.
Also here: Bminor, Zandegey, Phungoidmatar, Divid, Senja, Chillwind (sitting), Vornin (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, south, west
Senja nods to you.
Bminor stops singing.
>You roll your eyes.
Divid asks, "Why, exactly did you do that?"
The flower girl carefully grooms her hair, rearranging the stray tendrils.
You try hard not to grin.
Zandegey begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Zandegey gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Zandegey, swiftly sinking into his skin.
Zandegey begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Zandegey gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Zandegey, swiftly sinking into his skin.
Senja blinks at Divid.
You softly say, "Im helping."
Divid begins to do his best to mend his wounded arm.
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
You pick up a severed dark elven arm.
Divid says, "You're not helping at all."
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
You swap a platinum-shod orase runestaff to your left hand and a severed dark elven arm to your right hand.
You offer your dark elven arm to Divid, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
Senja says, "He tried to get the weapon arm off ya."
The sky is full of rain-sodden clouds.
You softly say, "There you go."
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
The flower girl asks, "Care to buy some flower petals?"
Zandegey makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Zandegey gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Zandegey.
You feel at full magical power again.
You've gained 1 physical training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Zandegey.
You tap a severed dark elven arm.
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Zandegey.
You softly say, "Here."
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Zandegey.
Phungoidmatar slides a gold ring off his finger.
Divid asks, "Oh, I'm just supposed to reattach it?"
Phungoidmatar slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Phungoidmatar vanishes!
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Zandegey.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
>Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
There is a dim flash around Zandegey.
Zandegey's body seems to glow with an internal strength.
You gaze thoughtfully at your dark elven arm.
Gore oozes out the end of your dark elven arm.
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
There is a dim flash around Zandegey.
Zandegey's body seems to glow with an internal strength.
The flower girl asks, "Care to buy some flower petals?"
Zandegey gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Zandegey gestures.
There is a dim flash around Zandegey.
Zandegey's veins stand out briefly.
You furrow up your face and wince.
You softly say, "Ill keep it."
Your offer to Divid has expired.
You open your spidersilk cloak with a flourish, tossing its ends back over your shoulders with abandon.
You put a severed dark elven arm in your spidersilk cloak.
You close your spidersilk cloak with a flourish, causing its hem to swirl about your ankles.
The flower girl goes south.
You quietly whisper to Senja, "Im dying here."
Senja whispers, "Thats funny as hell."
Kardgath fades into visibility.



11-10-2004, 10:13 AM
I know he wanted to attack you so bad.. and they we were tellin him you were trying to help.. it makes me laugh even now.