View Full Version : +12 blunt bonus fodder, starting bid of 200k.

10-17-2015, 03:10 PM
Bought out for 1.5m

I listed ~20 fodders last night super cheap because it looked like orbing cost would be sky high. The Wyrom adjust prices way down and I withdrew the auction, but this one item already had a bid, and I'll honor that. Moving it to a new post to get a more accurate title.

Fusion shaman is around and it's your last chance to orb things for the "fusion 1.0" system. Fusion 2.0 is said to be more "modular" and require more "upkeep", according to Wyrom - whatever that means.

Auction is guaranteed to end at least 3 days before the end of EG. Aside from that, it'll be once, twice, sold, advancing once per day. Pickup in EG, FWI, or Landing/Mule, possibly Teras but that's up to me. I will deliver to any town for 55k extra.

This item will cost 637098 to orb. That's the analysis plus extraction cost.

name | stats | CB
a fel-handled imflass morning star | vibe flares, +5 health recovery (30), +12 Blunt Weapon Bonus (47), +6 EMC bonus (13) | Bought out

1.5m buyout