View Full Version : why are we laughing?

11-10-2004, 05:44 AM
you know, i find it kind of silly that you're all laughing that people got notes revoked and stuff that they "Deserved." because the people that deserved to get punished made off with 600 dollars and don't give a hoot about gemstone, if they lose their account, it's not a big deal to them, especially when they can just dupe their girlfriend into lending their credit card and get back in. moderators are all stupid for thinking you can just serve a lockout and it's ingerity will be upheld. anyone who has friends IRL will just borrow a card and be in the next day under their friends info.

so harity har, some people got ripped off of some money, those bastards really deserved it eh! yeah, well. Just know that caladari has 600 bucks just sitting in his bank account from abuse of this bug, and no one can do ANYTHING about that. not even paypal's authorities can touch money that is not actually resting inside the paypal account, the worst they can do is lock him out until he pays up.

yeah, the real crimnials paid big time. you're all seriously diluded if you think anyone EXCEPT an addict is going to pick gs over 600 bucks.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-10-2004, 08:57 AM
I think it's hilarious. Yes I do.

1) Buy your silvers from a reputable person if you absolutely have too
B) What's six hundred bucks in the grand scheme of things?
ii) I hope they catch the real "crimnials", so we don't get "diluded" anymore!
27) Invest your money in a dictionary, grammar lessons and the shift key for those pesky capitalizations :)

And thirdly, if it's a deal too good to be true, you should probably consider your source.

11-10-2004, 09:01 AM
Sorry, Charlie, but $600 is chicken feed. To you, it might seem that nobody would turn down $600 to maintain integrity. However, such is not the case, believe me. :rolleyes:

HarmNone, who's pretty sure she's neither deluded, diluted, or diluded

11-10-2004, 09:02 AM
You have a broken shift key just like Michaelous does.. and it makes me laugh.

Instead of spending money on text.. maybe invest in a new keyboard.

11-10-2004, 09:03 AM
Why did you create a new thread for this? Dumbass. The silvers belong to simutronics, read the fine print.

[Edited on 11-10-2004 by Jenisi]

The Cat In The Hat
11-10-2004, 09:05 AM

Anyone that benifits from a bug in any way should be locked out. Policy clearly states they're to be reported not abused. yes, you got what you deserved.

Ok, make that...
Anyone that benifits from a bug KNOWINGLY in any way should be locked out.

[Edited on 11-10-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

11-10-2004, 09:09 AM

Gemstone IV: Silvers. (145 million)

Hey. I'm Selling 145 million Silver. Please contact me for pricing details (I don't like people who flame)

AIM: tearsofneptune
MSN: tearofneptune@hotmail.com
Email: MMORPGMerchant@aol.com

I wonder who that could have been :smug:

11-10-2004, 09:18 AM
If you must buy silvers, buy silvers from reputable people. For the most part, there's not exactly a "wholesale silvers" market. It just doesn't work like that.

11-10-2004, 10:03 AM
Waaahh whimper boohoo snivel snivel.. heh get over it.. you get what you pay for.. all these good people before me hit the nail on the head.. buy from someone reputable.

11-10-2004, 10:14 AM
Caladari should watch out for bombs in his mailbox.

11-10-2004, 09:30 PM
so lets see. people paid for gs silvers, and their notes got revoked because of the abused bug..
caladari, profited $600 from said bug..

and ya think paypal cant reclaim those funds when all those people report it? heh. ive seen people get money taken back off of them for stuff less severe.

11-10-2004, 10:58 PM
It'll be a hard case, because she did SELL them SILVERS in the GAME. I dunno. I'm not saying that she/he wasn't wrong in doing so -- I'm just not so sure exactly what paypal can do.

Its not like the only source that can back them up with paypal can back them up (the Game masters) because selling silvers is against game policy.

[Edited on 11-11-2004 by landon]

11-10-2004, 11:04 PM
If it's paypal, it can be reversed.
If it's a credit card, the charge can be refused.
If it's debit or check, the charge can be cancelled.

11-10-2004, 11:23 PM
Paypal just doesn't reverse money on the basis of one user.

11-11-2004, 01:27 AM
Tell that to the 4 e-bay scammers that no longer have my money.

I no longer use paypal simply because scams of any nature run so rampant. If they don't accept a credit card without paypal, I no longer bother.

Interesting that you respond to this, but nothing else.

11-11-2004, 01:31 AM
You apparentally didn't get the point. actually, if caladari has already spent that money, it can't be reversed. A court injuction would be useless because he DID pay the people, it's not his problem what the gms did with it. 600 is nothing in the grand scheme, you're absolutely right. I got ripped off by the shithead myself, but i'm not whining. I just think it's retarded that you all are laughing at how all these people who had no idea got ripped off on a deal that was so obviously "too good to be true." have you ever heard of merchanting? buy low sell high, 10 dollars per is not ALL that big of a stretch. Infact I could find reputable merchants who do it quite easily

having spoke to the person behind caladari sense the experience, his name is shaun , and that money has already been spent on his mustang. why are we still calling him a she? I know his character was female, but he never talked like a girl. I saw past it immediately.

and btw, to the grammar nazis: OH NOES! THE WORLD IS ENDING BECAUSE A WORD WAS MISSPELT! THE HUMANITY! seriously. 600 dollars is a lot more than if a word was mispelt, in the long run.

And yeah, I do sell silvers. I found a cheap deal for resale. Ohhhh noes! i'll pay those people back, reputation matters a lot more. It's irrelevent to me what i lose in the long run.

wake up: you're not better than everyone (or anyone for that matter), else. Especially on the basis of being able to spell better.

I love it when people instinuate i'm stupid because i can't spell, it just demostrates they don't realize intelligence is a lot more than just memorization skills. knowing how to spell a word is nothing if you don't know what it means.

Guess what? If caladari (His real name is shaun) does get sued, it's really not his problem that khaladon and the other gms revoked it, He never implictily stated the silvers weren't duped or they couldn't be revoked. Damn legal loopholes.

why'd i start a new thread? maybe because i hit reply and it redirect me to new thread. I was quite concious at the time to know what i was doing. I'm not complaining either, i'm just openingly flaming all of you and laughing because you really think justice exist in this world. Everyone who is really guilty will get away with what they cared the most about here. A lockout is nothing to caladari, having spoke to the player behind him after the lockout, I can tell you this first hand. I can also tell you that he is more that capable of finding someone else in his life with a home and credit card. Locking him out is useless, he'll be back under a new name and all of you won't even realize he's there.

and you're absolutely right, intergrity means more than 600 dollars to some people, such as myself. But i can tell you there is a huge portion of this world that really does not care, and caladari is one of them, why else would he do it?

You seriously don't think people comitt fraud unless they know they can get away with it, do you? everyone who is involved with this researchs the loopholes before they do it. like i said, he delivered his portion of the deal, what simutronics did with it, is frankly not his problem.

You don't have anyone to rely on but yourself, I take responsiblity for the fact that I got screwed. you're drawing all sorts of assumptions about me bitching. I just found it laughable how funny you all found it. A whole bunch of innocent people got screwed! JUSITCE HAS BEEN SERVED! VIVA LA CAPITALISM!

let me tell you something about justice, Why do drug dealers get 30 years in prison and rapist 5? Why do corperations like Enron get away with the stuff they do, sure they lose their companies, but they make out like bandits. It's an artbiturary thing, that you seem to think will always prevail in the end, this world is not perfect, The American Legal system is no different.

my point is Caladari cared more about the money more than playing Caladari, he laughed at the gms who locked him out to his face and asked them if he had to pay for the time he was locked out. I asked him for the logs when he went down. I think his backtalk is highly amusing.

"thank you for all the time, and money your wonderful game has afforded me."

By the logic of this being awesome, then caladari deserves to keep his money because everyone should have "known better." if you honestly feel that way, what are you doing in our society? it's obvious you're better than us, so why don't you go start one elsewhere?

I also kind of find it laughable that you really think I gave a crap when you insulted my grammar because you couldn't think of anything better to do.

I do beleive, i have taken all the counte flames, swallowed them and spit them all back at you now, care to go at it again? let's dance.

11-11-2004, 02:09 AM
Geez that gave me a headache.

How one posts reflects how one is perceived. If you can't be bothered with the attempt at grammar, syntax, context, spelling, and punctuation, we can't be bothered with the assumption that you are, at the very least, on par with a lobotomized turd.

Here is why I think you are indeed stupid, or were trying to get away with a scam.

Said player obviously cares squat for the rules.

Said player does not have a good reputation.

Said player is not known for being a merchant.

Said player is not likely to have attained that amount of silver legitimately.

Were I ever in the market to buy silver I would look into the feedback posted on forums such as these. I would weigh character/player perception against what is offered and for how much.

Buying anything from this fuck would be like me going to a back alley to buy a TV.

If you paid via pay pall and it was with a credit card on your end, the charges can be reversed providing this isn't an old deal. If you paid via check, your bank can take action on your behalf.

However, I think the people that got ripped off probably got what they deserved. I don't subscribe to the caveat emptor philosophy, in fact I tend to reject that the buyers should have to beware. In this case however, all of the signs were there ... people just wanted a good deal despite better judgment.

I don't care to comment on the remainder of your tripe, so I'll leave you with a phrase I've stolen from Anti.

Kick rocks.

11-11-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by iohova
so lets see. people paid for gs silvers, and their notes got revoked because of the abused bug..
caladari, profited $600 from said bug..

and ya think paypal cant reclaim those funds when all those people report it? heh. ive seen people get money taken back off of them for stuff less severe.

$600 is nothing, not compared to what other, more reputable people, have made.

Theft is theft... Simu might not sue, but you can bet if the benefactors complain to Paypal or the FBI, there will be a knock on the door for FRAUD.

11-11-2004, 02:38 AM
> Geez that gave me a headache.

Oh - What? can't be manly enoguh to sort through a couple of typos? OH THE HUMANITY IT

>How one posts reflects how one is perceived. If you can't be bothered with the attempt at>
>grammar, syntax, context, spelling, and punctuation, we can't be bothered with the
>assumption that you are, at the very least, on par with a lobotomized turd.

What? Look up the definiton of intelligence. Memorization skills are part of it.
I'll give you that, but you're judging someone's level of ability to communicate simply
on the basis of if they use a comma, Haven't you realized the english language is bloated
with unnecessiary rules and can still be clearly communicated with out it? I should have to
go through the hassle of meeting your critiqueing standards just to make a point right?
because after all, you are better than everybody else.

Here comes a snip I don't understand the necessity behind posting at all:

"Here is why I think you are indeed stupid, or were trying to get away with a scam.

Said player obviously cares squat for the rules.

Said player does not have a good reputation.

Said player is not known for being a merchant.

Said player is not likely to have attained that amount of silver legitimately.

Were I ever in the market to buy silver I would look into the feedback posted on forums such as these. I would weigh character/player perception against what is offered and for how much.

Buying anything from this fuck would be like me going to a back alley to buy a TV.

If you paid via pay pall and it was with a credit card on your end, the charges can be reversed providing this isn't an old deal. If you paid via check, your bank can take action on your behalf.

However, I think the people that got ripped off probably got what they deserved. I don't subscribe to the caveat emptor philosophy, in fact I tend to reject that the buyers should have to beware. In this case however, all of the signs were there ... people just wanted a good deal despite better judgment."

I never said that I was complaining that I got ripped off. 300 dollars does not matter.
what i do find amusing is that all of you are on this forum together and on gemstone a lot
and probably all of us (myself included) have no real life yet you still think you're better
than one of us.

"I don't care to comment on the remainder of your tripe, so I'll leave you with a phrase I've stolen from Anti.

Kick rocks."

Ban me. That's what proxies and fake emails are for.

11-11-2004, 02:54 AM
you're also, absolutely right. I was aware of what allogations caladari had made. I never asked him if they were duped. I figured they probably were. but see, here's the thing: i didn't think they would actually get caught, and sense they did, I intend to refund everyone involved. I tried to pull a fast one, it didn't work. now i'm swallowing the pill on myself. It's not that big of a deal to me. I never came here to complain about it. I knew all along what i was subscribing too, I am coming here to laugh at you all because you all think you're better than everyone. my account has had over 72 hours to be pulled, and action to be taken against it. It has not happened though, and it probably won't. Even if it did, Caladari never told me flat out (nor could you prove it) that he was using a duplication bug, I was just aware of his shaky circumstances when I bought them. I never saw definite proof he duped them or not, therefore my hands are by techicality clean.

even if the FBI did show up on his doors, what the GMs do with the money after he delivers it is not his problem, argueing otherwise in court would be kind of useless.

Klaive's forums are way better than yours anyway. I noticed one of my password emails was simply not sent to my email, I bet you banned that one because it came from his forums?

11-11-2004, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by MMORPGMerchant
You apparentally didn't get the point. actually, if caladari has already spent that money, it can't be reversed. A court injuction would be useless because he DID pay the people, it's not his problem what the gms did with it. 600 is nothing in the grand scheme, you're absolutely right. I got ripped off by the shithead myself, but i'm not whining. I just think it's retarded that you all are laughing at how all these people who had no idea got ripped off on a deal that was so obviously "too good to be true." have you ever heard of merchanting? buy low sell high, 10 dollars per is not ALL that big of a stretch. Infact I could find reputable merchants who do it quite easily

It still can be reversed if fraud was involved, then Shaun can be sued and forced to pay... or find his precious mustang up for auction.

having spoke to the person behind caladari sense the experience, his name is shaun , and that money has already been spent on his mustang. why are we still calling him a she? I know his character was female, but he never talked like a girl. I saw past it immediately.

Because, nimwit, we're referring to the character, not the player.

and btw, to the grammar nazis: OH NOES! THE WORLD IS ENDING BECAUSE A WORD WAS MISSPELT! THE HUMANITY! seriously. 600 dollars is a lot more than if a word was mispelt, in the long run.

Until you go out in the real world and look for a JOB and find you aren't going to be hired because you're illiterate.

And yeah, I do sell silvers. I found a cheap deal for resale. Ohhhh noes! i'll pay those people back, reputation matters a lot more. It's irrelevent to me what i lose in the long run.


wake up: you're not better than everyone (or anyone for that matter), else. Especially on the basis of being able to spell better.

Actually, I am better than some since I don't cheat or defraud people by selling them stuff I don't own. The fact that I can spell better than them is just a bonus.

I love it when people instinuate i'm stupid because i can't spell, it just demostrates they don't realize intelligence is a lot more than just memorization skills. knowing how to spell a word is nothing if you don't know what it means.

If intelligence were just memorization skills, then people would learn to spell correctly. Intelligence is realizing there are more people in the world than just you, and realizing how your actions affect other people... including take mature responsibility for those actions.

Guess what? If caladari (His real name is shaun) does get sued, it's really not his problem that khaladon and the other gms revoked it, He never implictily stated the silvers weren't duped or they couldn't be revoked. Damn legal loopholes.

No loophole. All Simutronics has to do is show their logs that demonstrate Caladari abusing the bug. That's called EVIDENTIARY SUPPORT.

why'd i start a new thread? maybe because i hit reply and it redirect me to new thread. I was quite concious at the time to know what i was doing. I'm not complaining either, i'm just openingly flaming all of you and laughing because you really think justice exist in this world. Everyone who is really guilty will get away with what they cared the most about here. A lockout is nothing to caladari, having spoke to the player behind him after the lockout, I can tell you this first hand. I can also tell you that he is more that capable of finding someone else in his life with a home and credit card. Locking him out is useless, he'll be back under a new name and all of you won't even realize he's there.

What a lovely friend! So he'll get other people in trouble too, having absolutely no regard for his friends. You know what? There are more ways to check an account than billing. We'll all know Caladari is back, because he's incapable of roleplaying any other way or playing without trying to abuse bugs.

and you're absolutely right, intergrity means more than 600 dollars to some people, such as myself. But i can tell you there is a huge portion of this world that really does not care, and caladari is one of them, why else would he do it?

Because he doesn't know better? He wasn't taught the difference between right and wrong by his mommy and daddy? Because when they find out what their precious little son did, they'll probably paddle his ass and take away his puter? Hard lesson to learn, but he's gonna have to learn it sometime in his life unless he wants to grow up to become a thug... and probably die before he's 30 because someone won't like being cheated.

You seriously don't think people comitt fraud unless they know they can get away with it, do you? everyone who is involved with this researchs the loopholes before they do it. like i said, he delivered his portion of the deal, what simutronics did with it, is frankly not his problem.

Obviously he didn't research his loopholes very well now... did he? He got locked out. What Simu did with the coins he got illegally might not be his problem, but what he did with the money he got from people will be. Big time.

You don't have anyone to rely on but yourself, I take responsiblity for the fact that I got screwed. you're drawing all sorts of assumptions about me bitching. I just found it laughable how funny you all found it. A whole bunch of innocent people got screwed! JUSITCE HAS BEEN SERVED! VIVA LA CAPITALISM!

For the moment they're screwed.

let me tell you something about justice, Why do drug dealers get 30 years in prison and rapist 5? Why do corperations like Enron get away with the stuff they do, sure they lose their companies, but they make out like bandits. It's an artbiturary thing, that you seem to think will always prevail in the end, this world is not perfect, The American Legal system is no different.

Love the comparisons. Caladari is no Enron, trust me.

my point is Caladari cared more about the money more than playing Caladari, he laughed at the gms who locked him out to his face and asked them if he had to pay for the time he was locked out. I asked him for the logs when he went down. I think his backtalk is highly amusing.

Typical for someone still in high school or who still finds bathroom humor funny.

By the logic of this being awesome, then caladari deserves to keep his money because everyone should have "known better." if you honestly feel that way, what are you doing in our society? it's obvious you're better than us, so why don't you go start one elsewhere?

Faulty logic, but nice try emulating a shyster lawyer.

I also kind of find it laughable that you really think I gave a crap when you insulted my grammar because you couldn't think of anything better to do.

No one said you care, it was just a cheap shot that people took, pretty much like your cheap shots.

I do beleive, i have taken all the counte flames, swallowed them and spit them all back at you now, care to go at it again? let's dance.

Keep dreaming!

11-11-2004, 05:26 AM
If you really lost 600$, read this page:


After you are done, fill out the Online Reporting Form (found at a link on the bottom). If you would rather speak to someone, call 1-800-876-7060. Any theft or fraud over 500$ is a felony, i.e you go to prison, not jail, prison. If you were really scammed for 600$, report him and you will not only get yoiur money back, but he will go to jail.

After you are done with that, report the fraud to Paypal. After you report to Paypal, report the fraud to whatever internet site you used to purchase these silvers (presumably Ebay).

Quit fucking whining and act on your own behalf. I sure as hell don't want to give free legal advice to everyone.

(edited because I forgot a "[")

[Edited on 11-11-2004 by Silent_Willy]

11-11-2004, 05:32 AM
I thought that 140m you were selling was Ardwen's? :?:

11-11-2004, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by MMORPGMerchant
Oh - What? can't be manly enoguh to sort through a couple of typos? OH THE HUMANITY IT

Sad thing here is that "a couple of typos" would be a gross underestimate, especially when you consider that a spelling/grammar check is only a few clicks away.

What? Look up the definiton of intelligence. Memorization skills are part of it.
I'll give you that, but you're judging someone's level of ability to communicate simply
on the basis of if they use a comma, Haven't you realized the english language is bloated
with unnecessiary rules and can still be clearly communicated with out it? I should have to
go through the hassle of meeting your critiqueing standards just to make a point right?
because after all, you are better than everybody else.

If you can't communicate with a 3rd grader's ability, how are we to accept you as an intelligent organism?

I never said that I was complaining that I got ripped off. 300 dollars does not matter.
what i do find amusing is that all of you are on this forum together and on gemstone a lot
and probably all of us (myself included) have no real life yet you still think you're better
than one of us.

This would be classified as projection.

While I do play a game or two on-line, GS is no longer one of them. I simply remain to moderate and participate in a community that I have been a member of for some time now. I have what I would refer to as a fulfilling life and being on-line is a very insignificant factor in it.

Ban me. That's what proxies and fake emails are for.

I'm a mod, not an admin, that and you haven't done anything ban or demerit worthy as of yet.

As often as I bring it up, Kranar has yet to implement a "moron" clause in the TOS. Something about subjectivity.

On to your next post ...

Originally posted by MMORPGMerchant
you're also, absolutely right. I was aware of what allogations caladari had made. I never asked him if they were duped. I figured they probably were. but see, here's the thing: i didn't think they would actually get caught, and sense they did, I intend to refund everyone involved. I tried to pull a fast one, it didn't work. now i'm swallowing the pill on myself.

To me that makes no difference. You admit that you knew it was bug abuse, yet were banking on not getting caught.

That doesn't hold water to me. You knew it was wrong and decided to go ahead with it. Now you're attempting to save face. The right thing would have passed on the whole thing. Now you've fucked over people that bought from you and the only thing these nameless/faceless people have to show for it is you "swallowing the pill" and saying you'll refund the money. If it happens that's great. It's not that you want to, it's that you don't want to get your ass in trouble. Hence, covering your own ass.

Doesn't mean you're not scum.

It's not that big of a deal to me. I never came here to complain about it. I knew all along what i was subscribing too, I am coming here to laugh at you all because you all think you're better than everyone.

Not everyone, just lying cheating fucktards like you. Most people who post here are not cheaters and scammers. You get the honor of being one of the few exceptions.

my account has had over 72 hours to be pulled, and action to be taken against it. It has not happened though, and it probably won't. Even if it did, Caladari never told me flat out (nor could you prove it) that he was using a duplication bug, I was just aware of his shaky circumstances when I bought them. I never saw definite proof he duped them or not, therefore my hands are by techicality clean.

You are aware that GMs do read these forums. You should think about how you word things as there are plenty of non-moronic GMs that can put 2 and 2 together to equal you. When is the factor here.

even if the FBI did show up on his doors, what the GMs do with the money after he delivers it is not his problem, argueing otherwise in court would be kind of useless.

It would be up to those people that were fleeced, ignorant or not of the method used to obtain said silver, to file a complaint against you or him. Simutronics would act in no other manner than to provide details as a witness if they were subpoenaed. They have a habit of not volunteering anything. Fraud has a way of catching up to amateurs.

Klaive's forums are way better than yours anyway. I noticed one of my password emails was simply not sent to my email, I bet you banned that one because it came from his forums?

Perceived quality is a subjective. If 3 posts a week and deletion sprees depending on Klaive's PMS or boredom are your thing ... then his place is for you.

I ban nothing as I am a mod and not an admin. Password problems should be taken up with Kranar as is the person that owns these forums. Were the password to said account not sent, it could be many things.

If your posting style is indicative of anything, I would say you entered in the wrong e-mail address. It could have been a glitch in how the forum sends passwords. It could have been your e-mail server. It could have been anything really. Yet you choose to assume you were banned simply because of association with Klaive? Perhaps you should talk to Evarin or a number of other PC members that also post over there.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-11-2004, 09:47 AM
I think you win the "Most Retarded Post of the Month" award.

Stupid, uneducated, self-indulgent, self-righteous, ignorant losers like you make me happy. Were it not for you, who would ask me if "I'd like fries with that?". If you don't think people judge because of how you communicate (spelling, grammar, enunciation, pronunciation, word choice and tone), you will always be working in the food services industry. And by food services industry, I mean you will be cleaning out the fry bin.

11-11-2004, 10:43 AM

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

I'm still laughing.


11-11-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Theft is theft... Simu might not sue, but you can bet if the benefactors complain to Paypal or the FBI, there will be a knock on the door for FRAUD.

Good Luck with that.

11-11-2004, 11:15 AM
The moneys in the bank account.... The credit card and Checking account has been removed from the paypal account.....

Everyone DID receieve the goods, they just got taken away... Its not like it wouldnt have taken 2 days for the buyer to try to reverse the payment SINCE it was for an item IN A GAME!!

Its not tangible, its not provable in a court of law, and even if it was, you'de have to have a really big hard-on for me, and want to come out of pocket to sue me, which I dont think anyone is willing to do. Even assuming they are willing to spend their money, then hey have to rely on the ability to 1) find me, 2) actually win the case with the bullshit evidence.

None of these accounts are on my credit card, and never was, and the people's accounts they are on, would probably claim their credit card was stolen.

Paypal account was open for a total of 6 days, and is going to get closed. Game OVER.

11-11-2004, 11:22 AM
Wow, for a flaming asshole, you sound really proud of yourself. You probably won't see any reprisals from this event, but I'm sure you'll move onto bigger and better things. Eventually, one of those "big" things will be a guy named Stove-Pipe Bubba, your new roomate. Happy living.


11-11-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
The moneys in the bank account.... The credit card and Checking account has been removed from the paypal account.....

Everyone DID receieve the goods, they just got taken away... Its not like it wouldnt have taken 2 days for the buyer to try to reverse the payment SINCE it was for an item IN A GAME!!

Its not tangible, its not provable in a court of law, and even if it was, you'de have to have a really big hard-on for me, and want to come out of pocket to sue me, which I dont think anyone is willing to do. Even assuming they are willing to spend their money, then hey have to rely on the ability to 1) find me, 2) actually win the case with the bullshit evidence.

None of these accounts are on my credit card, and never was, and the people's accounts they are on, would probably claim their credit card was stolen.

Paypal account was open for a total of 6 days, and is going to get closed. Game OVER.

So what you're saying is that you committed fraud, you know you committed fraud, and you don't care that you committed fraud because you don't think anyone can catch you?


11-11-2004, 11:57 AM
Hey can we change the title of this thread to "HEY SIMU LOOK HERE FOR BIG DUMB ASS THIEVERY!", highlight it, stickie it as the top thread and then contact all the GMs here for a glance?

I would really like it if people just made his online life miserable from this point forward for being a cocky shithead and admitting happily that he stole money from people.

11-11-2004, 03:15 PM
And you don’t think Paypall keeps records moron? Or that the local PD can’t track an electronic funds transfer? Hell, your bank will be more than happy to give them the information wiseass. And guess what fuck stick…your bank does know where to find you.

And selling items that you knew where obtained illegally (Read Simu’s policy, and remember that your agreed to that policy just by logging in and playing the game.) is fraud, and as pointed out, if over $500 it is a felony. Which means the FBI…who has an excellent computer fraud division and does nothing BUT go after idiots like you.

As for just claiming that the cards used where stolen, that would be called an Accessory to the Crime and they would face the very same charges as you. And do you really think your friends won’t sell your ass out in a heartbeat if it means getting out of a prison term?

How long has your account been active dumb fuck? You really thinks the Feebs are going to believe that the card had been stolen for that long, and no report was ever filed with the Credit Card company, no police report, nothing…and they are just going to let it go at that?

With the information that Simu, your bank and Paypall can provide to the FBI, there is a clear trail of evidence leading back to YOU. Hell, in your own post here you even admit that you committed fraud, you knew it beforehand, and even tell how you think your going to get away with it. Real smart…. I think Kraner might want to keep a permanent copy of that post…maybe send it off to Simu as evidence to be used against you. I’m sure that all the guys in prison will just love your virgin ass…. for as long as it lasts that is. Oh…and remember to relax and enjoy it…

11-11-2004, 03:18 PM
Everytime I think the epitome of dumb has been reached, someone strives just a little bit harder and the bar rises. :rofl:

11-11-2004, 03:20 PM
MMORPGMerchant = Warclaidhm

11-11-2004, 03:22 PM
pwetty pwetty pweese use the SHIFT key.

we :heart: SHIFT

11-11-2004, 03:41 PM
Christ.. I don't know who to root for here. The retard that was taken because he actually looks up to Caladipshit.. or Caladipshit himself for thinking he somehow outsmarted the system.

The important part is.. one retard has $600 less now and gave it to another retard that has been banned from the game.

You two need to split this award:

11-11-2004, 03:42 PM
Hahah, Slider, you are my new hero for the day. That was a great fucking post. Caldwhatever is hiding under the bed crying.


11-11-2004, 03:51 PM
Right... You know, I know, Simu knows, and your mom knows, nobody gives two shits. There was no illegal activities happening here. Abusing a bug on a video game is not illegal, selling an intangible item off a video game is not illegal, selling an item that was achieved by cheating in a game is illegal. Dont try to twist shit around and make it more than it is. I *CHEATED* at a video game, and I sold something I made from CHEATING. oh no... oh my god... And then some idiot payed me for it. And the evidence that the person received his goods, well your right, its all logged by simu. Then it got pulled because I cheated at the game... so they lost money because they're stupid. Fuck you, Fuck simu, Fuck the people who lost money.... What are you going to hoenstly do?

Uh yes, 911? Someone stole my silvers!!!

lmfao.... get a life....

Oooh oooh and please make my ONLINE LIFE hell.... please?

My AIM is caladaridhenar, shaunthezombie, confedratezombie

Those are the only three I use, maybe someoen can start up their AOLhell and hax0rs me.... bitch please

11-11-2004, 03:54 PM
Please use the money you scammed people out of for some private schooling. You are obviously a dumb mother fucker.


11-11-2004, 03:57 PM
You are one stubborn, dumb motherfucker. You scammed real money from real people, regardless of what it was for.

11-11-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Please use the money you scammed people out of for some private schooling. You are obviously a dumb mother fucker.


I've only fucked one mother in my lifetime.... Thank you very much...

Now why am I dumb again, or are you just wanting to throw around insults and are terrible at it. I mean I can't believe the whole point of your post is to inform me of my sexual habits

11-11-2004, 03:59 PM
Hm, well, let me see if I can sum up the situation.

You think you are cool for your ubar 1337 scam. I say, other people say (hell, a lot of people say) that you are a sorry piece of shit for said scam.

So why don't you go away? You're not going to convince us how great you are. Because you're not. Bye.


11-11-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
You are one stubborn, dumb motherfucker. You scammed real money from real people, regardless of what it was for.

I don't feel like I scammed anyone. They received the goods they asked for. Simu was the one who interferred and removed the silvers from those people. I had nothing to do with that. Ill-gotten means, fine... I agree. Simu knew those people paid for those silvers, and they still removed them, I'm a broke college student, they're a company.

11-11-2004, 04:02 PM
What do you mean you don't feel you scammed anyone? You admitted to abusing a bug. You didn't think someone would find out? You fucked up, chicken.

You're still a thief and conned people out of their money. I don't give a shit if you're a poor college student. Get a job like everyone else does. That doesn't give you any right to be a prick.

[Edited on 11/11/2004 by CrystalTears]

11-11-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Hm, well, let me see if I can sum up the situation.

You think you are cool for your ubar 1337 scam. I say, other people say (hell, a lot of people say) that you are a sorry piece of shit for said scam.

So why don't you go away? You're not going to convince us how great you are. Because you're not. Bye.


Keep talking to, or about me, and I'll continue to post back. So STFU or waste your time entertaining me. People's idle threats and warnings are bullshit, and I want you all to personally know I ... DONT ... GIVE ... A .... FUCK..


11-11-2004, 04:04 PM
So being broke justifies stealing? It's the same thing the police would do if they figured out that the car you just bought was actually stolen from someone else - they'd take it. Ill-gotten means and all that. You just did it on a smaller scale. Shame on the person who bought from a shady character, yes, but 10x the shame on you for perpetrating the scam in the first place.

Quit trying to defend and/or legitimze your actions. You aren't convincing anyone of anything except your own stupidity.


11-11-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNarSimu knew those people paid for those silvers, and they still removed them, I'm a broke college student, they're a company.

Because you have less, they should reimburse the people you stole from instead of you? :?:

Jorddyn, looking for the logic

11-11-2004, 04:19 PM
<<I'm a broke college student>>

:?: :wow:


11-11-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn

Because you have less, they should reimburse the people you stole from instead of you? :?:

Yes... Logic... oh well, I'm a horrible, unintelligent, dirty trailor-trash illiterate, disgusting excuse for a human being. I should be beaten, sold into slavery and then molested by farm animals with diseases. blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAH!


11-11-2004, 04:21 PM
:yeahthat: That was disgusting what you did.

11-11-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Yes... Logic... oh well, I'm a horrible, unintelligent, dirty trailor-trash illiterate, disgusting excuse for a human being. I should be beaten, sold into slavery and then molested by farm animals with diseases.

Preferably diseased farm animals with gigantic genitalia. Yes.


11-11-2004, 04:22 PM
<<I should be beaten, sold into slavery and then molested by farm animals with diseases.>>




(at least it would be funner to read)

11-11-2004, 04:22 PM
[i]Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Yes I'm in my second year, and still havent chosen a major... :grin:

11-11-2004, 04:23 PM
but...but....but....YOU CANT TYPE!!

11-11-2004, 04:23 PM
Good luck writing your college papers from your trailor. TRAILER.


11-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Were you banned Caladari?

11-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Well god damn, you know what they say, all attenchon is good attenshion. I just fell so happy to know that my mispelling of trailOr has made a qouote into SpunGirl. What kind of people sit around critising poeple's speeling. That gose to show, if you cant find anything else to attack someone on, keep trying, it'll evenually cum in your face.

11-11-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Yes... Logic... oh well, I'm a horrible, unintelligent, dirty trailor-trash illiterate, disgusting excuse for a human being.

I was going to say you're a poor excuse for a human being, but that works. :yes:


11-11-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
it'll evenually cum in your face.

...which is all what we wish your father had done to your mother the night you were conceived.


11-11-2004, 04:32 PM
anything though."
Isten says, "Since this is about as severe a violation as they come, I will also be requesting your access to the game be removed for a period of no less than 60 days."


You say, "While suspicious behavior, I can understand, is something to watch, I have not abused any bug."
You say, "I understand you may believe I was attempting to abuse a bug, but it didnt happen."
Isten says, "From this point on, an in-game GM will not be able to assist you with this issue, so if you have any questions please direct them to lockout@simutronics.com."
You say, "Wait."
Isten says, "You'll also find the address on the wall of the room I send you in, should you forget it and need it later."
You ask, "Do I have to pay on my GS account for the next 2 months?"
Isten says, "That's something you can ask lockout about."
You say, "If i cancel my account, can i reactive in 60 days."
Isten says, "As I said, those types of matters are best addressed to lockout. They're not my domain."
You say, "Thanks for allowing me the time to play in gemstone, and for the money your game has brought me."
Isten says, "Have a good evening, Caladari."
You say, "For that, I can never show my great appreciation."
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[The Cell]
You are in a specially-created exitless room. This room was created because of your unacceptable activities in GemStone, which will no longer be tolerated. Please contact us at lockout@simutronics.com for further information, if you desire.
Obvious exits: none

11-11-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn

...which is all what we wish your father had done to your mother the night you were conceived.


hahahaha classic!! Pretty snappy man

11-11-2004, 04:35 PM
Since we know that the GMs read this board, I'm fairly sure the lockout will be made permanant.

11-11-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Please use the money you scammed people out of for some private schooling. You are obviously a dumb mother fucker.


I've only fucked one mother in my lifetime.... Thank you very much...

Now why am I dumb again, or are you just wanting to throw around insults and are terrible at it. I mean I can't believe the whole point of your post is to inform me of my sexual habits

I doubt there are many that would agree that I am terrible at throwing insults. Continue on this course and I'll probably make you cry... demerits be damned.

11-11-2004, 04:37 PM
Even if so, I still dont plan on ever playing again, it was fun while it lasted, but I've played enough to know the only other thing I ever wanted to achieve was to kill a few people that were older and pissed me off... But eh, I can live without that, knowing I've pissed so many others off....

11-11-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Since we know that the GMs read this board, I'm fairly sure the lockout will be made permanant. We can only hope.

11-11-2004, 04:39 PM
Parkbandit, your insults are lame, and I would love for you to try to make me cry, hell I'll even give you some shit to help you out... My website is www.confed.envy.nu, should be more than enough information, pictures, and other information, that you can have, and use. I welcome the chance to be flamed personally, rather then just my wits...


11-11-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Well god damn, you know what they say, all attenchon is good attenshion. I just fell so happy to know that my mispelling of trailOr has made a qouote into SpunGirl. What kind of people sit around critising poeple's speeling. That gose to show, if you cant find anything else to attack someone on, keep trying, it'll evenually cum in your face.

my quote is better because its disgusting AND confusing (which makes it funny)

11-11-2004, 04:42 PM
I was referring to having sex with my girlfriend on the rag, to which many people had said it was disgusting and or got blood everywhere

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Caladari echo in your mind:
"put a towel down, and smack the poon"

I can't believe I remembered that, but even when I saw it I knew what the discussion was right off

11-11-2004, 04:42 PM

11-11-2004, 04:44 PM
HarmNone, you dont have to reply your ignorance, just quit reading the post and move on to another one.....

If you dont care, dont read, but your just another infatuated fan, i suppose.... seriously, back on up off my nuts just a bit,

11-11-2004, 04:49 PM
Heh. You haven't got a prayer, asshole. I, in my "ignorance", will back off your nuts if, and only if, I am of a mind to do so. Otherwise, I will continue to stand right where I am, I'll just change my shoes...to stilletto heels. :)

11-11-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
I just fell so happy to know that my mispelling of trailOr has made a qouote into SpunGirl.

Actually, I myself am not a quote, but it has made a good quote for me to use. After all, I try to uphold the truth....:lol:


11-11-2004, 04:51 PM
Thank you for proving how much power and control I have over you, its quite exciting to know that I have the ability to have you glued to your screen awaiting my next post

Its kind of like your my little bitch.

Next post in 3 minutes, bitch

11-11-2004, 04:54 PM
And you're glued to these boards just soaking up every bit of attention you're getting, aren't you? What's the matter, don't Mommy and Daddy pay enough attention to you? Is your life that lame that you have to seek your happiness and jollies in pissing other people off by shamelessly taking their money? Or is it just that you have to pay girls to go out with you, and you couldn't figure how else to get the cash?


11-11-2004, 04:59 PM
Well, dayum! Here I went and changed into these really uncomfortable shoes, only to find out there are no nuts on this jerk! No nuts, no morals, no intellect, no wit...nada. What a waste! All dressed up and no nuts to stand on. :(

11-11-2004, 05:01 PM
Look in the prostitute's right hand, HN. Her left hand is holding the $600 he paid her to jiggle his teeny pacakge.


11-11-2004, 05:01 PM
So the whole point of all that unnecissary bullshit was that I have no nuts .... wow .... thats hardcore man... my tear ducts are starting to get tingly..... :crickets chirp:

Dumbass :down::down::down:

EDIT : Oh and his friend chimed in with I have a small package. . Damn small package and no nuts... good material here... you idjits

[Edited on 11-11-2004 by CalaDheNar]

[Edited on 11-11-2004 by CalaDheNar]

11-11-2004, 05:02 PM
You suck hard at spelling. Almost as hard as you suck at life.


11-11-2004, 05:04 PM
Ok here nows its starting to add up, No nuts, small dick, and I cant spell.... My pride is hurt

11-11-2004, 05:05 PM
For once I agree with Klaive.

(Ghost Wolf @ Nov 11 2004, 03:41 PM)
Caladari's a shitsmear.

11-11-2004, 05:06 PM
LOL. Klaive was probably stupid enough to buy silvers from this shitsmear. Birds of a feather.


11-11-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Ok here nows its starting to add up, No nuts, small dick, and I cant spell.... My pride is hurt

Pride? You have pride? How much did it cost you and who did you buy it from? Enquiring minds, and all that, ya know....

11-11-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Pride? You have pride? How much did it cost you and who did you buy it from? Enquiring minds, and all that, ya know....

I'm not sure how much it cost him, but apparently it was for sale for $600.


11-11-2004, 05:19 PM

11-11-2004, 05:28 PM
Lookit that, he went off to cry. :bye:


11-11-2004, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Keep talking to, or about me, and I'll continue to post back. So STFU or waste your time entertaining me. People's idle threats and warnings are bullshit, and I want you all to personally know I ... DONT ... GIVE ... A .... FUCK..


I hope Simu calls your mommy and daddy and tells them how bad you are, then I'll laugh when they take your pretty little car and computer away!

11-11-2004, 07:59 PM
Everything is making me giggle and I think it might be because of the beers. My sig is now MUCHO betta.

11-11-2004, 08:04 PM
Heh. Gotta agree, hon. I've got a miserable cold, but these boards have kept me laughing despite it all. :clap:

11-11-2004, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
There was no illegal activities happening here. Abusing a bug on a video game is not illegal, selling an intangible item off a video game is not illegal, selling an item that was achieved by cheating in a game is illegal.


11-11-2004, 09:24 PM
heh. it ceases to amaze me the amount of intellect some people have... or rather, dont have.

while you, caladari, claim to be intelligent, your actions and posts continue to prove otherwise, and im not just talking about typos.
are you just that dense?

nice touch on attempting to sway the direction of the thread to try to be humorous and insulting, trying to get away from the evidence of your fruadulent ways.

i especially think its funny that you claim power and control over someone because you think they are sitting there awaiting your reply so that they can reply right back. think about that one. you, are sitting there, waiting for them to reply so that you can reply about it. pot? kettle?

again, intelligence, or lack of it, at its best.

we all love how you continue to divulge information and proof of the fraudulent activity by the way. it makes the case against you just that much easier.

if gm's havent read this thread yet, im sure they will by tonight.
if local authorities havent been contacted yet, im sure they will be very soon.

you say youve done nothing wrong? heh. the local FBI agent ive contacted myself sure doesnt think so, and im sure when your "friends" are pulled for questioning as well, as mentioned earlier, that they wont lie for you.

11-11-2004, 09:36 PM
:D Sometimes, we have motives other than those that are apparent for continuing an idiotic conversation, Caladumb. Next time you decide to run your mouth, you might stop to think about why anyone with any intelligence at all would wish to continue any kind of conversation with you..... :whistle:

11-11-2004, 09:50 PM
you say youve done nothing wrong? heh. the local FBI agent ive contacted myself sure doesnt think so, and im sure when your "friends" are pulled for questioning as well, as mentioned earlier, that they wont lie for you.

> I call your bluff... your a fucking liar... and you know it, but hopefully you feel like its scaring me, and there is actually a point to your bullshitting.

Nobody contacted the fbi, nobody is going to contact the fbi, nothing is going to be, and no illegal activities have happened. Plus, did you even buy any silvers from me, are you even involved in this incident, or are you just some dipshit whose trying to get involved? Because there is only one person complaining about the 100 dollars they were ripped off? NOBODY has made any claims against my paypal except ONE ... I REPEAT YOU DUMB FUCKING LIAR.... ONE Person has made a claim....

Now stfu and go back to watching will and grace...

[Edited on 11-12-2004 by CalaDheNar]

11-11-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
:D Sometimes, we have motives other than those that are apparent for continuing an idiotic conversation, Caladumb. Next time you decide to run your mouth, you might stop to think about why anyone with any intelligence at all would wish to continue any kind of conversation with you..... :whistle:

Dont try to act like your fucking smart...
Your posting because you have nothing better to do.

Since I'm back from crying (I Prefer to call it government class) and I've eatten I'm ready to give you any more information you want, you want the personal information of the ONE person who is complaining about a refund? Or you want my home address? Your all a bunch of pansies asses with big fat bullshitting lies... Thats all I see, is shit talking and lies.

You want to sue it? BRING IT MOTHERFUCKER. You want to get the FBI involved, PLEASE do.... I'm begging...

with love


11-11-2004, 10:15 PM
heh. you think i lie? oh well. all i did was call em and ask what could be done. did i mention names or anything? nope.

you can call me a liar all you want. doesnt hurt me, because im telling the truth. its not my fault you are dense.

who i am, is of no concern to you, nor is any involvement i have in this matter.

again you claim to have done nothing illegal. heh. you are so funny!

oh the will and grace comment, just brilliance. is that the best insult you can come up with? lol. dont bother trying to insult me, itll have no effect. ooh big bad calardi is gonna type some words at me, im so afraid.

for someone who claims to "give a fuck" you are awefully attentive to all this.

11-11-2004, 10:27 PM
Rock on, sweet cheeks! Rock on! :rofl:

The Eternal Klaive
11-11-2004, 11:10 PM
y =GFr tiy KK

11-12-2004, 12:33 AM
I'm sad because I don't understand Klaive's uber-1337 Ninja-speak.


11-12-2004, 12:34 AM
What's funny is all this debating on how to report it. I gave a website and phone number to call. Anyone who thinks scamming someone out of 600$ is legal, because the product is in a text based game, is a fucking retard. 600$ is a felony, no matter the merchandise.

11-12-2004, 12:40 AM
I'll be interested to see what the results are in a few weeks.


11-12-2004, 12:45 AM
Teaches people to buy shit for GS using RL cash as far as I am concerned.

- Arkans

11-12-2004, 12:57 AM
Wrong. I've bought plenty of silvers and never had a bad interaction over it, because I'm careful about who I buy from. This isn't going to slow the cash market for silvers, it's just going to teach people to be more careful.


11-12-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Wrong. I've bought plenty of silvers and never had a bad interaction over it, because I'm careful about who I buy from. This isn't going to slow the cash market for silvers, it's just going to teach people to be more careful.


I think he means "don't buy GS silvers."

11-12-2004, 01:04 AM
Yeah. That's like seeing someone get burned by someone they stupidly slept with and being all, "Hah hah! That teaches you to have sex!"

No, it just teaches them to be more careful about who they sleep with. Dur.


11-12-2004, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
you say youve done nothing wrong? heh. the local FBI agent ive contacted myself sure doesnt think so, and im sure when your "friends" are pulled for questioning as well, as mentioned earlier, that they wont lie for you.

> I call your bluff... your a fucking liar... and you know it, but hopefully you feel like its scaring me, and there is actually a point to your bullshitting.

Nobody contacted the fbi, nobody is going to contact the fbi, nothing is going to be, and no illegal activities have happened. Plus, did you even buy any silvers from me, are you even involved in this incident, or are you just some dipshit whose trying to get involved? Because there is only one person complaining about the 100 dollars they were ripped off? NOBODY has made any claims against my paypal except ONE ... I REPEAT YOU DUMB FUCKING LIAR.... ONE Person has made a claim....

Now stfu and go back to watching will and grace...

[Edited on 11-12-2004 by CalaDheNar]

Too rich... you called the FBI up and asked them about fraud? Heh. Well, at least they have a file open on you now, in case they already didn't, from that rather charming web site of yours.

11-12-2004, 03:43 AM
I'm sorry, but when you buy shit from a guy who worships a dead confederacy and looks like he gnaws on food from the Road Kill Cafe ... you should expect something to go wrong eventually.

11-12-2004, 03:48 AM
caramia, i think you read that wrong (since he didnt use quotes as he should have)
im the one who called the FBI and asked a few things, not caladari.

ill just toss out another peice of info for those interested:

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 63 > § 1343

§ 1343. Fraud by wire, radio, or television

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

and yes. intangible items are covered by law.

[Edited on 11-12-2004 by iohova]

11-12-2004, 11:31 AM
Yup, they are, thanks for posting the relevant code iohova. But hey...the longer fuck-stain here keeps running his yap, the stronger the case gets against him...so let him keep flapping his gums.

20 years in prison seems like a good idea to me...keep this particuler peice of in-breed trash from breeding any more of the same.

11-12-2004, 10:37 PM
If you fill out that form I gave you a link to earlier, you won't even have to pay for an Attorney. They will not only provide you with an attorney, they will probably need less than 2 hours of your time to build a case against him.

Fact is, get the nuts out of your mouth and report him NOW or you can forget any action being taken against him. There is a statute of limitations, and the court system takes a long time to process. If you don't report, the clock is ticking, and after 1 year, you have no case, and no crime.

11-12-2004, 11:01 PM
who the hell is the guy holding the gun?

11-12-2004, 11:13 PM
That's Caladari, Brattt. :weird:

11-12-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
That's Caladari, Brattt. :weird:

OH MY GOD! I can't stop :lol:

11-12-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I'm sorry, but when you buy shit from a guy who worships a dead confederacy and looks like he gnaws on food from the Road Kill Cafe ... you should expect something to go wrong eventually.

Didn't he also knock up a girl, has a baby, no job, lives with Mommy, and has tons of other sluts on the side? Way to go, Mr. Responsibility! Be a REAL man... wear a frigging condom and go support your kid and the mother of your child.

11-12-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Caramia

Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I'm sorry, but when you buy shit from a guy who worships a dead confederacy and looks like he gnaws on food from the Road Kill Cafe ... you should expect something to go wrong eventually.

Didn't he also knock up a girl, has a baby, no job, lives with Mommy, and has tons of other sluts on the side? Way to go, Mr. Responsibility! Be a REAL man... wear a frigging condom and go support your kid and the mother of your child.

I wanted to reply but....still :lol:

11-12-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Silent_Willy
If you fill out that form I gave you a link to earlier, you won't even have to pay for an Attorney. They will not only provide you with an attorney, they will probably need less than 2 hours of your time to build a case against him.

Fact is, get the nuts out of your mouth and report him NOW or you can forget any action being taken against him. There is a statute of limitations, and the court system takes a long time to process. If you don't report, the clock is ticking, and after 1 year, you have no case, and no crime.

tho i dont know how many people that were scammed read these boards. someone should direct them here, or give them the info some other way if possible.

11-12-2004, 11:36 PM
thats a picture of a fat redneck pussy.

11-12-2004, 11:42 PM
I just went to his pics in the gallery, never even noticed them until now. All of the pictures tho have those little red boxes in them, I clicked on show picture but that didn't work!

11-13-2004, 07:46 PM
This will teach me to not keep up with a thread.

Insane. Over a text game. Just......... wow.....

12-01-2004, 01:27 AM
I'm still patiently awaiting the FBI to kick my door in, or to at least get a summons to court... I'm so fucking disappointed... Isn't somebody going to sue me? Please? Pretty fucking please?

pwned... ;-)

12-01-2004, 03:22 AM
Would you settle for the Houston SPCA investigating you for putting cats in baggies and putting pictures of you doing so up on your web site? I'd be willing to make that call.

12-01-2004, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by Meos
thats a picture of a fat redneck pussy.

Now we know why he likes to play a female IG. :yes: :lol:

12-01-2004, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
I'm still patiently awaiting the FBI to kick my door in, or to at least get a summons to court... I'm so fucking disappointed... Isn't somebody going to sue me? Please? Pretty fucking please?

pwned... ;-)

Your simple existance is self pwning. I don't know what I would do to myself if I woke up every day looking like you and living your life.

I would imagine no one has bothered filing charges.

12-01-2004, 03:26 PM
figures.... damn and I got all excited about having some kind of legal action taken in which I get to watch someone waste their time and money. But don't worry Tsa life is good, you dont have to wake up everyday as me... You have to wake up as you, checking your post board for new post and feeling adequately secure holding the power to remove people's post because you are a :Gasp: STAFF MEMBER of a text-based aventure game post boards... :APPLAUD: Congrad-u-fuckin-lations you won at life.

Please contact the SPCA... I'm sure they care about me shoving cats in unsealed plastic bags, when people here are eatting, burning, drowning and keeping tons of pets in small containers. Bitch please. Or why dont we write the Naacp, while were at it, because my site probably offends the black population, oooh ooh and the child porn that I have on it, because from <B>what I'm told</B> the pictures of the "skanks" on my site are only 15...

pht, bitch please.


[Edited on 12-1-2004 by Tsa`ah]

12-01-2004, 03:32 PM
Looks like you need that $600.... Buy yourself a shower, a razor, and some running shoes.

12-01-2004, 03:41 PM
Dear Caladuffhmfuck

Please repeatedly beat your testicles with a 20 lb mallet. The gene pool is polluted enough as it is.

12-01-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Or why dont we write the Naacp, while were at it, because my site probably offends the black population Actually it doesn't... Your appearance is way more offensive than your website. Believe me.

12-01-2004, 04:36 PM
W:wow:W...just WOW.

Caladari/CalDheNar/Shaun/Fuckstick...or whatever people are calling you these days...you are by far the hugest piece of dog turd I've ever seen. I HOPE, more than anything, that all this catches up to you some day, some way, some how, and you rot in prison. That is all.

12-01-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Dear Caladuffhmfuck

Please repeatedly beat your testicles with a 20 lb mallet. The gene pool is polluted enough as it is.

He has testicles? :scared:

12-01-2004, 09:39 PM


12-01-2004, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

I just caught up on this thread myself. In a nutshell

1. Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick sells mass quantities of illegally duped silvers to someone in game (person who started thread)

2. Person who started thread starts thread to laugh at everyone laughing at people who bought said silvers from him and the whole deal about fraud comes up since Caladari made off with $600 and only got banned from GS for 60 days. People who paid thread-starter got silvers taken away IG so threadstarter says he's going to pay people back

3. Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick posts and says he doesn't give a fuck, he's a big bad honkey fuckstain who isn't afraid of the law blah blah blah. People are righfully shocked/outraged and try to convince threadstarter to report Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick to the authorities to get his ass arrested and thrown in prison.

4. Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick continues to show no remorse and tries to rationalize it by saying because silvers are intangible, what he did was okay and he would get away with it. In the same paragraph he also admits that what he did was in fact illegal since he cheated in the game to do it.

5. Others come and show Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick that he is clearly wrong and what he did, in fact, constituted fraud.

6. Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick continues to show no remorse and tells HarmNone to get off his nuts but Harmnone doesn't find any nuts to stand on in the first place, thus wasting a perfectly good pair of stiletto heels.

Er...that's about all I got from the whole thread.

I guess the moral of the thread is that Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick is a despicable human being who should be sent to prison where he can become the butt bitch of a big fat smelly man named Bubba. OR in fact, be the big fat smelly man named Bubba to some other poor soul to butt fuck.

The end.

12-02-2004, 02:28 AM
I don't think I've ever seen this side of Kym. I loves her so much right now. :heart:

12-02-2004, 03:01 AM
Thanks for summing things up :thanx:

12-02-2004, 03:08 AM
Sweet. Now it all makes sense.


12-02-2004, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by KymberlynX

2. Person who started thread starts thread to laugh at everyone laughing at people who bought said silvers from him and the whole deal about fraud comes up since Caladari made off with $600 and only got banned from GS for 60 days. People who paid thread-starter got silvers taken away IG so threadstarter says he's going to pay people back

You forgot that the thread starter/buyer knew that the silvers were duped and sold them anyway. We don't know if the fuckstick has actually refunded anyone, but we can safely bet the farm that he would not refund jack if he hadn't been busted and wasn't trying to save his own ass.

12-02-2004, 10:05 AM
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused

12-02-2004, 10:09 AM
Out of curiosity did you get banned? Personally anyone who accepts a note when buying silver is stupid anyway. ALWAYS DEAL IN COINS.

12-02-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused

Somehow, that doesn't surprise me.:no:

12-02-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused


...they were all meant to be compliments. :whistle:

12-02-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't think I've ever seen this side of Kym. I loves her so much right now. :heart:

:heart: CT

I dislike people who suck very much and Caladari/Shaun/CalDheNar/Fuckstick//Fuckstain/Bubba sucks a lot. :smilegrin:

12-02-2004, 12:30 PM
I love this thread, it gave me my uber kewl Nun-Participating-In-S&M sig.

Also, I feel the need to emphasize that I live in the same city as him and I've never actually seen someone with a confed flag and shotgun who is actually that weird SO DONT BE AFRAID TO COME TO HOUSTON.


12-02-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused

You don't rank fuckstick. I was referring to the fuckstick that started this thread.

You're more of an idiot suffering from anorchism while having a gangreous testicle and a chronic case of erectile dysfunction.

12-02-2004, 12:41 PM

12-02-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused

You don't rank fuckstick. I was referring to the fuckstick that started this thread.

You're more of an idiot suffering from anorchism while having a gangreous testicle and a chronic case of erectile dysfunction.

I guess I should take credit for that gangrenous testicle. I was looking for nuts, and didn't find any. However, after a bit of searching, I did find a testicle. Stilleto heels are notoriously hard on testicles. I suppose I should feel remorse, but I'm a bit grumpy today. :D

12-02-2004, 12:52 PM


12-02-2004, 01:02 PM
Now if we could convince him to turn gay.

Aside from alienating the entire gay community, I think the idea has merit.

12-02-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Now if we could convince him to turn gay.

Aside from alienating the entire gay community, I think the idea has merit.

What did gay people ever do to you? I wouldn't even wish that he would turn to beastiality...I :heart: animals too much. :P

12-02-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Should I be offended by being referred to as Fuckstick? I'm confused

You don't rank fuckstick. I was referring to the fuckstick that started this thread.

You're more of an idiot suffering from anorchism while having a gangreous testicle and a chronic case of erectile dysfunction.

While I normally agree with the things you have to say to idiots, Tsa'ah, I'm going to have to suggest that in this case you refrain from using big words with the retards.


12-02-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Now if we could convince him to turn gay.

Aside from alienating the entire gay community, I think the idea has merit.

As a spokesperson for the gay community, I'm sorry to announce that we reject that idea. Thanks for the offer though.

12-23-2004, 10:03 PM
So, did anyone call the FBI on his ass, and get him charged with Felony Level fraud? Or did you just take in the rear and keep your mouth shut?

12-23-2004, 10:41 PM
Please stop posting. Forever.

Failling that, at least drink some bleach before typing your posts. It helps you think, I hear.

12-23-2004, 10:44 PM
I'm sorry I offended you Tayre. Please teach me how to be cool, like you. Your opinion matters, really, this isn't sarcasm. I think you are cool. And a smart person, to boot.

12-23-2004, 10:47 PM
Done talking to you alert.

12-23-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Done talking to you alert.

But why!?! I always enjoy interacting with you, both in game and out! This is my "I love you so much, please don't ignore me!" Alert!!