View Full Version : NFL Football Pick's for Week One
09-07-2003, 03:40 AM
Here's are my picks for week 1. What do you think? I am in a betting pool and have already placed my bet with the following pick's.
1:00PM est games
Cincinnati ( I know, I know but I live here and can be punished.)
Green Bay
San Diego
St. Loius
4:15Pm est games
Dallas ( I go where the Tuna is!)
San Francisco
New Orleans
8:30PM est game
Monday Night game
Tampa Bay
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Stacey]
09-07-2003, 04:15 AM
Cardinals (don't ask)
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Gemstone101]
09-07-2003, 05:39 AM
09-07-2003, 05:41 AM
We should do this every week and whoever wins gets the title football god or something lame like that.
09-07-2003, 11:33 AM
Those picks, are those straight bets, or are you using a point spread?
This will probably piss off a lot of people, but would anyone like to bet some silvers on a couple of games? We would be using a point spread of course...
What do you think?
Da bears!
A man's gotta have a dream.. well as long as they beat the fudge packers this year I'll be happy.
Originally posted by Stacey
4:15Pm est games
Dallas ( I go where the Tuna is!)
Marry me?
New England > Buffalo.
Denver > Cincinatti.
Cleveland > Indianapolis.
San Diego > Kansas City.
Miami > Houston.
New York > St. Louis.
Baltimore > Pittsburg.
Arizona > Detroit.
Minnesota > Green Bay.
Carolina > Jacksonville.
San Francisco > Chicago.
New Orleans > Seattle.
Dallas > Atlanta. YES!!!!!
Tennessee > Oakland.
Tampa Bay > Philadelphia.
09-07-2003, 11:37 AM
Dude. Even people that live in Arizona don't like the Cardinals, they only go to see the opposing team. So I have to ask.
They're playing the Lions. Duh.
09-07-2003, 12:12 PM
We should do this every week. The winner or possibly winners will be the foootball god or in my case Goddess!
I will post the games and times on Friday's.
09-07-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by longshot
Those picks, are those straight bets, or are you using a point spread?
This will probably piss off a lot of people, but would anyone like to bet some silvers on a couple of games? We would be using a point spread of course...
What do you think?
I'd be up for it.
09-07-2003, 01:51 PM
What do you think?
I think football sucks.
What's better then football? besides maybe hockey?
09-07-2003, 02:29 PM
Um, soccer. Or REAL football?
09-07-2003, 02:30 PM
What's better then football?
Having a spike driven through my genitals.
09-07-2003, 02:33 PM
if that's the kind of thing you like Artha, or maybe you'd have more fun at a LAN party...
Who's watching the packers get a good old fashion ass whoopin. I hate the vikings, but I hate the packers more. I love watchin Farve get picked off.
09-07-2003, 03:09 PM
...YAY...or something.
09-07-2003, 03:12 PM
LAN parties don't interest me. And I was assuming have a spike driven through your genitals would be the kind of thing that's extremely unpleasant, not to mention messy.
09-07-2003, 03:12 PM
I'm watching to Giants/Rams. The Eagles aren't on till monday, so I'm hoping the Ram's destroy the giants, but it's not looking that way....
lol, I have one word to say to Stay ..... GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!!
edited to add "to stay" because it rhymes... ya dude... I'm cool.
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Meos]
Shut the fuck up
Originally posted by Artha
LAN parties don't interest me. And I was assuming have a spike driven through your genitals would be the kind of thing that's extremely unpleasant, not to mention messy.
you are so fuckin gay
09-07-2003, 03:23 PM
lol Meos. Thats a term used primarily in Brazil and Latin American football. We do say it sometimes here, mainly as a parody of the insanely long GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL the announcers make in places like Brazil etc.
09-07-2003, 03:24 PM
No, you're the gay one. Must I point out how tight football player pants are?
like oh my god, I totaly am in love with their tight pants, it gives me like the biggest boner... oh my god, I can't believe you said that, Artha wanna come over and pound a spike in my genitals then we'll watch football and wack it to their tight pants! because that kind of thing gives me a huge boner....
09-07-2003, 03:46 PM
Ehh, since I'm bored and all. I'm going to set up a Yahoo Pick em football. Before I do I'm just wondering if anyone has an suggestions. Like:
Go by spread or go by confidence or both. Confidence is you rate how sure you are about a game, 1-15. If you pick it as 15 and you win, you get 15 points, if you pick 3 and you win, you gain 3, etc. So you rate games like the Eagles vs the Cardinals as high since you know the eagles will win.
Also, someone suggested to wager some Gemstone coin on it. Anyone up for that at all, maybe like 50k a week so everyone can in on it.) 16 weeks= 800k total if you lose. I'm up for betting a lot more, but just wondering what everyone else thinks. More or less then 50k a week?
Is anyone up for this at all or what?
(This will be on Yahoo so you have to have a yahoo name.)
09-07-2003, 03:52 PM
Artha wanna come over and pound a spike in my genitals then we'll watch football and wack it to their tight pants!
I'll be over in a few minutes, honey buns.
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Artha]
YES! Your giving me a HUGE boner!
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Meos]
09-07-2003, 04:04 PM
I'm good at that.
09-07-2003, 04:30 PM
how many of you experts picked Miami to lose to lowly Houston?
I heard, I din't watch though, what was the factor that caused miami to lose?
09-08-2003, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Meos
if that's the kind of thing you like Artha, or maybe you'd have more fun at a LAN party...
Who's watching the packers get a good old fashion ass whoopin. I hate the vikings, but I hate the packers more. I love watchin Farve get picked off.
Being a Vikings fan and you being a bears fan here is my thoughts. See our defense did alright and Moss had a great game? You're next! ESPN Sunday night game next week :)
09-08-2003, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
how many of you experts picked Miami to lose to lowly Houston?
That is what makes football so great in my opinion. Upsets happen every week and they happen in the most unpredictable games.
Originally posted by Tendarian
Being a Vikings fan and you being a bears fan here is my thoughts. See our defense did alright and Moss had a great game? You're next! ESPN Sunday night game next week :)
The bears really let me down, the good part is one of my friends bet me the bears would start 3-0, I took that bet...
-Kurt- Sad to call himself a bears fan tonight.
-Kurt- Sad to call himself a bears fan for the last 18 years.
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by Meos]
09-08-2003, 01:11 AM
Trust me i know your pain. My vikings were brutal to watch last year. Im hoping my vikes can win 7 games this year,if its more great.
09-08-2003, 01:22 AM
Yeah Kurt Warner needs to go. They need to bring back Marc Bulger, he was amazing in the games he played last year.
09-08-2003, 01:27 AM
I dont get to watch the rams very much but Kurt Warner used to be SO good. Wtf happend to him anyway?
09-08-2003, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by Tendarian
I dont get to watch the rams very much but Kurt Warner used to be SO good. Wtf happend to him anyway?
His contract with Satan expired.
I've never seen anyone go from "sweet" to "blows" so fast...
They do need to put in Bulger. There was no excuse for keeping Warner in after such a poor performance in the first half.
It did turn out he played most of the game with a concussion, but still, he should've been yanked EARLY.
09-08-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Ehh, since I'm bored and all. I'm going to set up a Yahoo Pick em football. Before I do I'm just wondering if anyone has an suggestions. Like:
Go by spread or go by confidence or both. Confidence is you rate how sure you are about a game, 1-15. If you pick it as 15 and you win, you get 15 points, if you pick 3 and you win, you gain 3, etc. So you rate games like the Eagles vs the Cardinals as high since you know the eagles will win.
Also, someone suggested to wager some Gemstone coin on it. Anyone up for that at all, maybe like 50k a week so everyone can in on it.) 16 weeks= 800k total if you lose. I'm up for betting a lot more, but just wondering what everyone else thinks. More or less then 50k a week?
Is anyone up for this at all or what?
(This will be on Yahoo so you have to have a yahoo name.)
I support any and all forms of gambling.
Let's do it!
I will also take bets on NFL games for silvers.
There needs to be a payout number though... say 100K? So, you don't get paid unless I owe you 100K or more, but at the same time, you don't have to pay me until you owe 100K or more.
The "number" will always be calculated after the monday night game.
I will use Danny Sheridan's lines... as I live on the other side of the planet, these are the odds I have best access to.
Juice will be 10% just like any bookie. Bet 110 silvers to win 100.
On pushes, the bets are ruled no action, so no silvers exchange hands.
I'll give 6-1 on a three team parlay, and 10-1 on a 4 team parlay.
If there's a push on a parlay bet, the parlay is then worth one less game...
ex. a 4 team parlay that has three wins and then a push would be paid 6-1.
No teasers.
Good luck, and may the football gods shine on you all.
09-09-2003, 09:30 PM
Week one was horrible for me but here are the results from the pick's from the boards.
Gemstone101 8 wins and 7 loss
Stacey 6 win and 9 loss
Peam 7 win and 8 loss
and the football god for week one:
Tendarian 11 win and 4 loss
I will post week 2 games on Friday. Hopefully, I will do better next week. Peam, looks like the Tuna will bring his team to New York on Monday.. looks like an easy win for the genius.
Dallas looked pathetic this weekend. I'm SO glad the Falcons didn't have Vick, or that would've been embarassing.
Hopefully we'll do better in NY after Parcells chews a few new assholes over the week. I'm predicting a QB switch for Dallas.
09-09-2003, 09:56 PM
I started a Yahoo Pick'em thing so we can put it there instead of just picking here. The group is open for anyone and I decided not to play from GS silvers (although it would be fun) so anyone can join up. It goes by confidence points, meaning you rate how confident(1-16 (or number of games played that week)) the team will win the game. You can only pick 1 game per number, so for like Miami Vs. Buffalo you might rate as a 1, which a fairly confident game like TB vs Arizona you would rate like a 16......
Go here:
Sign up for a private league with this infomation.
Group ID: 42144
Group Password: PC
Make your team name you PC name. I'll offer a little title change to the winner of the week which will change every week if you want. (Hopefully Caels won't mind) If you have any questions about joining or anything give me a U2U.
09-10-2003, 07:55 AM
I'm in!
Good luck to all.
Weedmage Princess
09-10-2003, 08:16 AM
Warner has gone down the tubes due to his hand injury from a couple years ago. He can't grip the ball the same, which results in fumbles and errant passes. Plus his coach, Mike Martz should be an offensive coordinator, not a head coach.
09-10-2003, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I started a Yahoo Pick'em thing so we can put it there instead of just picking here. The group is open for anyone and I decided not to play from GS silvers (although it would be fun) so anyone can join up. It goes by confidence points, meaning you rate how confident(1-16 (or number of games played that week)) the team will win the game. You can only pick 1 game per number, so for like Miami Vs. Buffalo you might rate as a 1, which a fairly confident game like TB vs Arizona you would rate like a 16......
Go here:
Sign up for a private league with this infomation.
Group ID: 42144
Group Password: PC
Make your team name you PC name. I'll offer a little title change to the winner of the week which will change every week if you want. (Hopefully Caels won't mind) If you have any questions about joining or anything give me a U2U.
Got 6 people so far. If any more are interested get in as soon as you can.... You got till Friday.
09-10-2003, 03:43 PM
Definately need more people. Im a very sore winner so no one wants me to win,trust me.
09-10-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
Definately need more people. Im a very sore winner so no one wants me to win,trust me.
You won't win, don't worry. :lol: You only won last week because it wasn't serious!
09-10-2003, 04:09 PM
Ill remember that comment when im gathering my salt to rub in peoples wounds! But yeah you are probably right :)
09-11-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I started a Yahoo Pick'em thing so we can put it there instead of just picking here. The group is open for anyone and I decided not to play from GS silvers (although it would be fun) so anyone can join up. It goes by confidence points, meaning you rate how confident(1-16 (or number of games played that week)) the team will win the game. You can only pick 1 game per number, so for like Miami Vs. Buffalo you might rate as a 1, which a fairly confident game like TB vs Arizona you would rate like a 16......
Go here:
Sign up for a private league with this infomation.
Group ID: 42144
Group Password: PC
Make your team name you PC name. I'll offer a little title change to the winner of the week which will change every week if you want. (Hopefully Caels won't mind) If you have any questions about joining or anything give me a U2U.
Still 7 people and waiting on more.... Come on, there's got to be more people out there interested.
ALSO: If you are in the league, make sure your picks are in.
[Edited on 9-13-2003 by Gemstone101]
09-13-2003, 04:41 AM
So what are the picks for week 2?
09-13-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I started a Yahoo Pick'em thing so we can put it there instead of just picking here. The group is open for anyone and I decided not to play from GS silvers (although it would be fun) so anyone can join up. It goes by confidence points, meaning you rate how confident(1-16 (or number of games played that week)) the team will win the game. You can only pick 1 game per number, so for like Miami Vs. Buffalo you might rate as a 1, which a fairly confident game like TB vs Arizona you would rate like a 16......
Go here:
Sign up for a private league with this infomation.
Group ID: 42144
Group Password: PC
Make your team name you PC name. I'll offer a little title change to the winner of the week which will change every week if you want. (Hopefully Caels won't mind) If you have any questions about joining or anything give me a U2U.
Last day to get in on this. 7 people. Myself, Tendarian, Zanagodly, Stacey, Peam, Longshot, and Eggs pick (who I have no idea who it is.) If you want in, follow the instructions at the top.... If your in it, make sure you make your picks. Go to your team and make sure it says COMPLETE and not incomplete. Anyone that in it, good luck, I look foward to winning. :lol:
09-13-2003, 11:35 PM
Here are my pick's for week two. Join the group pick's on the above post by Gemstone101 to see everyone else's picks.
New Orleans
San Fran
Tampa Bay
Minnesota- Sunday Night
Dallas-- Monday night
09-13-2003, 11:43 PM
Notre Dame got SERVED... Thought I should be rooting for them considering I'm living in the same city as their campus.. All I care about is that the game kept people away from Best Buy and I got to slack off all day.
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