View Full Version : Two Account Sale - Loaded with gear and more

10-15-2015, 10:21 AM
I think the time has come for me to move on to other things, and I am looking to sell both of my active accounts. I'd like to do this as a single sale, with the idea in mind that the buyer would be someone looking to break up the accounts and their items, and sell the individual components off for their own profit. I don't have the time nor the desire to go through that process, and would probably end up holding on to stuff rather than just making a final clean break from the game after 21 years. :)

Across my accounts are dozens of nice items, many I've completely lost track of over the years. Some of the ones I know off the top of my head are; 8x composite bow, 7x chain armor, 6x tier 1 Ithzir doubles, unlocked spellbook (holds 20 scrolls), 7x UAC gloves T4 with grapple flares, many different special runestaves, several 5x and 6x UAC blessables, numerous 5x-6x weapons and armor, two scripted beard clips, dozens and dozens of rechargable and enhancive items, 3-4 VLA pinworns, LA belt, countless alters, Max L/D containers, over a dozen different ranger imbue boxes, etc.

All told there is upwards of 10k items on the accounts in various lockers and characters.

The second account comes with a Solhaven 3 room player shop, stocked with about 50m worth of merchandise at the current prices and sees steady sales.

Account has over 50m in silvers spread across characters, with 41m of that centralized on one character.

There are two accounts that would be a part of this.

Account #1: Primarily used to provide services to my second account. Provides full spellups, lockpicking, rezzing, etc. as needed. All characters have respec available. Wizard is able to enchant 7x standard items and I've always kept projects going on him. The account has around 1200'ish PP to spend on services.

Monk - 80th
Ranger - 34th
Cleric - 21st
Sorcerer - 39th
Rogue - 65th
Wizard - 41st
Wizard - 32nd
Mule - 5th Pal
Mule - 5th War
Mule - 12th Monk
Mule - 8th Pal

Account #2: Most of the characters I have been actively playing are on this account. The Wizard does 7x standard enchants with no problems. Respecs available for all characters. The account has around 1500 PP to spend on services. Empath has a 310 item locker on FWI.

Empath - 30th
Rogue - 35th
Rogue - 22nd
Rogue - 33rd
Paladin - 29th
Wizard - 37th
Bard - 22nd
Warrior - 24th

I have a full breakdown of the characters and their complete personal and locker inventories that I'd be glad to provide anyone who is seriously interested in the account, just PM me.

Once again, looking to sell this as a whole, and not piecemeal.

CB: $1,650 to huka going ONCE

10-16-2015, 01:12 PM
Friday bumpage!

10-18-2015, 07:54 AM
Sunday morning bump, going once.

10-19-2015, 07:17 AM
Monday morning bump, and going twice

10-20-2015, 11:33 AM
And sold