View Full Version : Few things for auction

10-10-2015, 05:30 PM
Here's a list of a few things I have for sale. I'll add stuff as stuff sells. Stuff goes once, twice, sold. I'll update once daily. :) Pickup in Landing/Mist Harbor


a red glass halfling stickpin
mage rechargeable Thurfel's Ward
MB: 50k

a glossy ebon sea glass stud dangling a bone spear charm
piercing jewelry, flippable
MB: 25k

a cloudy glass moth stickpin
mage rechargeable 402.
MB: 20k

a square cut yellow diamond ring
pocketed poison ring, can be closed. Holds a very small item. I have a prayer rug in it right now...
MB: 150k

a gold pegasus symbol set in a turquoise medallion
zested, weatherby symbol for Tonis
touch - You lightly brush your fingers over your pegasus symbol in a reverent gesture.
cover - You clasp your pegasus symbol gently in your hand and murmur a softly spoken prayer.
raise - You clasp your pegasus symbol and lift it from your chest as you raise your eyes to beseech your god for guidance.
rub - As you rub your pegasus symbol it glows momentarily with a soft golden light.
clench - You clench your pegasus symbol and take a deep breath, calming yourself. After a moment you are filled with a sense of peace and you release your grip.
REMOVE - You carefully take off your pegasus symbol and settle it gently in the palm of your hand.
WEAR - You carefully place the chain of your pegasus symbol around your neck, adjusting the pendant so that it hangs properly.
MB: 500k

a golden star-etched pendant
amulet jewelry, put an amulet in it
MB: 150k

a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer
holds strength
MB: 5k

a silver icicle-etched pendant
amulet jewelry. Stick a crystal amulet in it
MB: 150k

a six-tier necklace of cascading sunstone and sapphire cabochons
Rub: You reverently polish the surface of your necklace.
MB: 50k

a jade-inset silver armband
Amulet holder
MB: 150k

a jointed gold pegasus pin
Show, zested, changes appearance.
Fashioned of metal pieces that have been artfully cut, shaped, and polished to a satin finish, the gold pegasus pin is jointed with small rivets that allow it to be moved into various positions.
PUSH: You carefully move the jointed parts of your gold pegasus pin to a prone position.<br>
PULL: You adjust the jointed limbs of your gold pegasus pin, changing it to a standing pose.<br>
POKE: With a careless poke you jostle your gold pegasus pin. It appears to be flailing wildly!<br>
TURN: You carefully move the jointed limbs of your gold pegasus pin, adjusting it to a sitting pose.<br>
RUB: You move the jointed parts of your gold pegasus pin into an aggressive attacking posture.<br>
TAP: You tap your gold pegasus pin, causing its jointed limbs to hang loosely.<br>
NUDGE: You playfully move the jointed body of your gold pegasus pin to a joyful cavorting pose.
MB: 250k

an indigo glass wyvern stickpin
mage rechargable 103
MB: 50k

some opal-inset silver filigree toe rings
pin worn
MB: 50k


an ash grey alchemy satchel adorned with crimson blazestars
holds large, sling it over your shoulder
MB: 75k

an indigo silk ceremonial satchel
holds large, sling it over a shoulder
MB: 75k

a cloth-of-silver manteau clasped with a blazestar intaglio
7lbs, holds vla, closes
MB: 50k

a soft crimson fox fur handbag with long black straps
shoulder worn, holds small, 3lbs
MB: 5k

a fur-trimmed dark blue leather riding jacket
cloakworn, holds very large for any number of items, scripted
Pull(held): You pull the sleeves of your jacket close to together and fold the entire piece over your arm.
Pull(worn): You pull the collar of your jacket up around your face and revel in the feel of the soft fur lining.
Push(held): You run your fingers through the soft fur lining of your jacket.
Push(worn): You draw the jacket away from your body and allow it to hang slightly off your shoulders.
Open(held): You undo each of the toggles on your jacket.
Open(worn): You undo each of the toggles on your jacket and push it open.
Close(held): You fasten the toggles on your jacket.
Close(worn): You fasten the toggles on your jacket, securing it comfortably around you.
MB: 250k

a heavily cowled slate grey cotton robe
5lbs, holds large
MB: 30k


an emerald green gown with a high neckline and long sleeves adorned with silver and gold trim
6lbs, chest worn
MB: 50k

a slender lily-patterned coral silk dress with an attached midriff-tied tropical pink bodice
2lbs, pin worn
MB: 50k

a rose-edged ivory silk wrap-skirt patterned with red robins
Wear: Holding the fabric ends in each hand, you begin to wrap it slowly around your chest from just under your arms to mid-waist.
Remove: Untying the knot in your wrap-skirt, you let the fabric fall from your hips into your waiting hand.
CB: 25k to Leifa SOLD

a cinnabar watered silk chemise with gilt threading at the hem
1lb, wearable with armor
MB: 10k

a heavy beaded cloth-of-gold kirtle
WEAR - Loosening the laces on your kirtle, you gracefully slide into the garment and begin to tighten the kirtle for a comfortable.
PULL - Grasping the cords once again, you attempt to pull your kirtle tighter than ever before. All of a sudden, your vision starts to turn gray and you come very close to losing consciousness due to the lack of air! Quickly, the ground rushes towards you as you fall gasping to the ground.
REMOVE - Pulling the laces loose from their knots, you begin to unlace the garment and slide out of the kirtle. With a sigh of relief, you are able to breathe more easily than before.
MB: 50k

a stiffly corseted faenor green gown of layered cotton gauze
chestworn, holds very small for a couple items, scripted metallic gowns
Push: You give the skirts of your gown a shake, and they settle into graceful folds.
Rub: You smooth the metallic fabric of your gown, and it glitters in the ambient light.
MB: 250k


a small square jar with a green vine and leaf motif
many pinches of powder able to put it in powder holding rings/etc. This one is health, put it on food/drinks.
MB: 200k

a silk-fringed ecru linen parasol
TURN: You swing your furled parasol in a wide, dramatic arc.<BR>
LEAN: You pose prettily, leaning on your furled parasol.<BR>
TILT: You give your watered silk parasol a twirl.<BR>
OPEN: You depress the lower catch and open up your watered silk parasol.<br>
CLOSE: You release the upper catch and pull your watered silk parasol closed.
MB: 50k

a iron-studded dark suede half-mask
Conceals your features leaving your hair/eyes revealed
CB: 350k to Vusit SOLD

a fluffy white pillow
zested, great for pillow fighting. If I remember right you can wave it at someone and smack em.
HUG You wrap your arms around the pillow, holding it tight
WAVE You wave your pillow through the air.
THROW/TOSS You grip your pillow and toss it back over your head. It lands somewhere behind you.
TURN You turn the pillow in your hands, considering your next target.
CB: 150k to Hoodtralfeck SOLD

a blue-tasseled white prayer rug
zested to roll in or out and pray on
DROP - You unroll your silk meditation mat and place it on the floor.
SIT - As you move to get settled on the aqua meditation mat you calm and center yourself, preparing to spend some time in contemplation.
GET - You retrieve your aqua meditation mat from the floor and carefully roll it up.
CB: 50k to soulseer SOLD

Huge Colognes
2000 doses each bottle.
Scents available:
edelweiss/mineral water MB: 50k
acacia/mimosa blossom/bay leaves MB: 50k
citrus/teak MB: 50k
mournbloom/poppy MB: 50k

Huge perfumes
2000 doses each bottle.
Scents available:
edelweiss/mineral water MB: 50k
spruce/nutmeg MB: 50k
acacia/mimosa blossom/bay leaves MB: 50k
citrux/teak MB: 50k
mournbloom/poppy MB: 50k

Earworn zested flowers
Kinds: a brilliant yellow sunflower, brillaint yellow buttercup, a freshly-cut monkeyflower, a freshly-cut zinnia, a lavender purple-tongued orchid, a red-throated greyish pink orchid, a stalk of sunset-hued butterflyweed, a star-shaped yellow wood violet, a striated berry-tinted orchid, some dark pink white-tipped bleeding-heart
PUSH You push your <flower> more firmly into place, tucking a stray strand of your chestnut hair behind it.
TOUCH You softly run a finger over your <flower>, assuring yourself that is has not come loose.
You gently trace a finger over the delicate petals of your <flower>.
GAZE You shift your eyes to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of the <flower> perched behind your ear.
As you gaze at the <flower> in your hand, a smile touches your lips, and your mind begins to wander.
WEAR You carefully tuck your <flower> behind one ear.
TURN You twirl your <flower> between your thumb and forefinger.
KISS You gently brush your lips against the soft petals of your <flower>
MB: 20k
A soft apricot-tinted lily CB: 20k to Leifa SOLD

a red-eyed snowy white toy mongoose
PUSH - Suspending your toy weasel in the air, you swing it back and forth to make it appear to be flying.
PULL - You yank on the leg of your toy weasel, causing it to flail about wildly.
HUG - You hug your toy weasel closely to your body, giving it a squeeze.
RUB - You rub your fingers over your toy weasel, checking it diligently for any rips or tears. After assuring yourself that all seems to be in order you give the weasel a quick pat.
MB: 100k

a small cobalt-curtained puppet stage
CB: 10k to Cerealkiller SOLD

10-10-2015, 06:50 PM
MB on the half mask

10-10-2015, 07:04 PM
mb 1 bottle of iceblossom/bayberry perfume, please.

10-10-2015, 07:09 PM
Does the Tonis symbol work with 340?

10-10-2015, 08:05 PM
75k half mask

10-10-2015, 08:10 PM
Huge Colognes (1 bottle each if you have multiple bottles)
* pear/cinnamon - 50k
* roses/orange blossoms - 50k
* iceblossom/bayberry - 50k
* sage/nutmeg - 50k
* mint/citrus - 50k

Huge perfumes (1 bottle each if you have multiple bottles)
* iceblossom/bayberry - 100k
* sage/nutmeg - 50k
* mint/citrus - 50k

a rectangular rolton wool blanket striped with blue and red - 50k

10-10-2015, 09:09 PM
100k on the half mask

10-11-2015, 03:32 AM
a dual-strapped leather ankle sheath
concealable sheath
MB: 50k

50k on this

10-12-2015, 06:57 PM
150k on a fluffy white pillow

10-12-2015, 10:23 PM
150k on the half-mask

10-12-2015, 10:51 PM
200k on the half mask

10-13-2015, 03:24 AM
250k on half mask

10-13-2015, 08:25 AM
300k on the mask

10-13-2015, 06:31 PM
a gold and jade green silk vatanura
beltworn, holds small for a couple items, show, Greame katana sashes
You see a gold and jade green silk vatanura made of fine silk and decorated with masterful skill. Wound securely within lengths of the vatanura and positioned to be worn on the left hip, you see two fine scabbards set together. The first, a dream agate and ivory scabbard, is set slightly forward and lower than the second, a summer agate and teak scabbard. Both are angled for a quick draw in combat.
MB: 50k

a peacock blue silk vatanura
beltworn, holds small for a couple items, show, Greame katana sashes
You see a peacock blue silk vatanura made of fine silk and decorated with masterful skill. Wound securely within lengths of the vatanura and positioned to be worn on the left hip, you see two fine scabbards set together. The first, a lacquered bamboo scabbard, is set slightly forward and lower than the second, a lacquered bamboo scabbard. Both are angled for a quick draw in combat.
MB: 50k

50k on each

10-13-2015, 06:34 PM
350k on half mask

10-13-2015, 06:39 PM
MB on the wrap-skirt and the apricot hair lily, please :)

Cereal Killer
10-13-2015, 08:32 PM
MB on the puppet stage

10-13-2015, 10:55 PM
a blue-tasseled white prayer rug - mb