View Full Version : Muslim kid tries to blow up school, Obama invites him to White House

09-21-2015, 09:39 AM

“The people at the school thought it might be a bomb, perhaps because it looks exactly like a [expletive] bomb,” Maher said, referring to the furor that erupted over Texas Muslim-American student Mohamed and his homemade clock that teachers and administrators feared was actually an explosive device.


Yep, looks like a bomb...

In a YouTube video, electrical expert Thomas Talbot analyzed Mohamed’s clock, which had been billed as the teen’s ingenious invention, and said: “He did not invent a clock or build it. … What this is is a commercial alarm clock, as you would purchase in any department store,” as WND reported. Meanwhile, atheist Richard Dawkins also raised questions about Mohamed’s clock saying in a Twitter message the teen may have actually wanted police to arrest him, WND found.



* Face-Palm


Still reasonably mistaken for a bomb...

09-21-2015, 10:36 AM
If Obama had a son...

in before butthurt red rep

09-21-2015, 10:45 AM
Suitcase clocks now welcome during White House tours, Obama is really into them.

09-21-2015, 02:11 PM
Thread: Muslim kid tries to blow up school, Obama invites him to White House

my butt hurts


09-21-2015, 02:20 PM
I heard that the UK has been harboring some new kind of bomb/missile.

09-21-2015, 02:48 PM
Movie bombs don't look like clocks. They look like bowling ball candles.


09-21-2015, 02:50 PM
Ooooh wow... okay. I had heard the story before I saw the device in question. That looks like a fucking bomb.

09-21-2015, 02:53 PM
It's all just a setup for some notoriety and some free loot from lawsuits that will obviously follow.

Yes kid.. that looks JUST like a clock......

09-21-2015, 02:54 PM
Ooooh wow... okay. I had heard the story before I saw the device in question. That looks like a fucking bomb.



Muslim hater.

09-21-2015, 02:56 PM


Muslim hater.

Don't forget bigot and right wing extremist. And something about white privilege.

09-21-2015, 02:57 PM


Muslim hater.


09-21-2015, 02:59 PM
It's all just a setup for some notoriety and some free loot from lawsuits that will obviously follow.

Yes kid.. that looks JUST like a clock......

He's already gotten free loot. Microsoft sent him a shit ton of free stuff.

09-21-2015, 03:05 PM

The actions of the police clearly indicate that they didn't think it was a bomb. They did not evacuate the school, nor take away the clock for destructive testing. There was no reason for the actual arrest or the suspension that followed afterwards.

(also, for it to look like a bomb, I think it needs more than a circuit board. I think the first picture in the OP is from a TV show. The last picture in the OP is of the actual clock in question.)

09-21-2015, 03:08 PM

The actions of the police clearly indicate that they didn't think it was a bomb. They did not evacuate the school, nor take away the clock for destructive testing. There was no reason for the actual arrest or the suspension that followed afterwards.

(also, for it to look like a bomb, I think it needs more than a circuit board. I think the first picture in the OP is from a TV show. The last picture in the OP is of the actual clock in question.)


You must be trolling at this point.


09-21-2015, 03:11 PM
Several years ago, one of my students was grabbed and suspended by a bitchy computer teacher because he was wearing a shirt with rifle silhouettes on it, one of the rifles was hot pink.

09-21-2015, 03:14 PM
Several years ago, one of my students was grabbed and suspended by a bitchy computer teacher because he was wearing a shirt with rifle silhouettes on it, one of the rifles was hot pink.

I fear for the teacher that pulls something like this on my nieces or nephews.

09-21-2015, 03:18 PM

You must be trolling at this point.


For it to be a bomb, it'd actually have to have something, that, I dunno, looked like an actual explosive.

A circuit board and a digital display in a suitcase do not make a bomb.

Again, the police have said that they quickly determined it wasn't a bomb. So what's the reason for the arrest?

09-21-2015, 03:20 PM
Arrested for violating Zero Tolerance, duh.

09-21-2015, 03:21 PM
This was the kids plan all along. Throw everybody off with the 'bomb' so he could get invited to the white house. Where he will bring the real bomb.

09-21-2015, 03:29 PM
For it to be a bomb, it'd actually have to have something, that, I dunno, looked like an actual explosive.

A circuit board and a digital display in a suitcase do not make a bomb.

Again, the police have said that they quickly determined it wasn't a bomb. So what's the reason for the arrest?

I guess not everyone is a clock and bomb expert as you clearly are.

You claim this looks like an innocent clock.


I disagree. I've never seen a clock that looked like that in any store I went to.

eta: I haven't read much about this and don't know for a fact that is the "clock" this kid brought to school... just in case you want to go "AHA!!! I WIN!"

I'm not talking about anything from the moment this kid brought this "clock" into the school... or that he looks brown.. or that he is a Muslim... or what the cops did...

I'm stating that in my opinion, if I had to pick "Does this look like a bomb or a clock" I'm going to side with safety and pick bomb.

09-21-2015, 03:32 PM
This was the kids plan all along. Throw everybody off with the 'bomb' so he could get invited to the white house. Where he will bring the real bomb.

The kid is a tool, being used by his father.

09-21-2015, 03:38 PM
I guess not everyone is a clock and bomb expert as you clearly are.

You claim this looks like an innocent clock.


I disagree. I've never seen a clock that looked like that in any store I went to.

eta: I haven't read much about this and don't know for a fact that is the "clock" this kid brought to school... just in case you want to go "AHA!!! I WIN!"

I'm not talking about anything from the moment this kid brought this "clock" into the school... or that he looks brown.. or that he is a Muslim... or what the cops did...

I'm stating that in my opinion, if I had to pick "Does this look like a bomb or a clock" I'm going to side with safety and pick bomb.


That's not the clock. That's from a tv show or movie, and definitely looks like a bomb. (see the stuff that looks like an explosive behind it?) That's what you get for trusting WND as a news source.

This is the actual clock:


If you're able to get past what you've been conditioned by Hollywood to believe, can you tell me if anything in there looks like an explosive to you?

09-21-2015, 03:40 PM

09-21-2015, 03:41 PM
Looks nothing like a bomb.


09-21-2015, 03:42 PM
The actions of the police clearly indicate that they didn't think it was a bomb. They did not evacuate the school, nor take away the clock for destructive testing.

Yes no shit because no one thought it was a real bomb. He got in trouble and arrested for creating something that looked like a bomb to cause a panic. You know, similar to how if you whipped this thing out on an airplane and said "Look what I made gais!" you would probably be arrested as well, even if it wasn't a real bomb.

There was no reason for the actual arrest or the suspension that followed afterwards.

Normally I would agree but in light of recent events I think it's just following standard procedure these days. For fuck's sake. Everyone is saying this is "racist"? Can you imagine for one minute if a white kid took a real gun, hallowed it out, made it into a "clock" and brought that to school? He would be suspended, probably get a followup visit from the police, and these same people screaming "Racists!" would be the ones cheering on the decision because most of these people are also very pro gun control and LOVE zero tolerance policies...except when it applies to brown kids. Who is the real racist in this scenario?

(also, for it to look like a bomb, I think it needs more than a circuit board.

I've seen so many people say stupid shit like this that it's pretty annoying now. Yes. Of course a bomb needs an actual explosive agent to, y'know, explode. That's not the point. Do you think real bombs have the word "Explosive" on it? Is it always so obvious that a real bomb is in fact a real bomb?

Hey, here's an actual IED, you know, a bomb.


Quick! Point out the explosive agent! Oh wait. It's not a bomb at all! It's just a cell phone wrapped in tape with some batteries, LOL!

09-21-2015, 03:46 PM
If this kid is so smart and is such a genius why couldn't he figure a better way to display his clock? How many clocks are useful inside of a briefcase looking thing that you can't read the time of while the case is closed? Oh that's right, no clocks are useful in such a scenario.

I don't know if the kid really intended to cause a panic, but I'm willing to bet he's a smart ass and knew exactly what he was doing when he made it look like a briefcase bomb.

09-21-2015, 03:51 PM
Where is the proof he made it to cause a panic?

09-21-2015, 03:54 PM
Where is the proof he made it to cause a panic?

There is none, which is why he wasn't charged with a crime. Which is why I said I don't know if he really intended to cause a panic.

09-21-2015, 03:59 PM
He got in trouble and arrested for creating something that looked like a bomb to cause a panic.


09-21-2015, 03:59 PM
Easy for everybody to come to this kids defense when he isn't in the school your kid goes to. Major flaw of society is hypocrisy abound.

09-21-2015, 04:02 PM
Easy for everybody to come to this kids defense when he isn't in the school your kid goes to. Major flaw of society is hypocrisy abound.

I'd still defend the kid if my son was at that school.

09-21-2015, 04:04 PM
I would have loved something like this to happen in Europe, where unlike America, they still have very real terrorist attacks from extremist Muslims pretty much on the regular. See how PC they are over there. And do you really think terrorists care about using children? I know I'm going to the extreme way of thinking myself now but I'm not gonna lie and say I don't understand the rationale. It's a new time we live in where unfortunately you can be buying coffee at a coffee shop and have it blow up. Stop acting like this kids life is ruined already.

09-21-2015, 04:05 PM
Easy for everybody to come to this kids defense when he isn't in the school your kid goes to.

That's the parents' fault for choosing to live in an area with brown people. I, for example, didn't make that mistake.

09-21-2015, 04:08 PM
I'd still defend the kid if my son was at that school.

I wouldn't. That "clock" was obviously a gateway bomb that will lead to creating real bombs.

09-21-2015, 04:11 PM
I would have loved something like this to happen in Europe, where unlike America, they still have very real terrorist attacks from extremist Muslims pretty much on the regular. See how PC they are over there. And do you really think terrorists care about using children? I know I'm going to the extreme way of thinking myself now but I'm not gonna lie and say I don't understand the rationale. It's a new time we live in where unfortunately you can be buying coffee at a coffee shop and have it blow up. Stop acting like this kids life is ruined already.

Yes, terrorist kids are blowing up coffee shops in America all the time.

09-21-2015, 04:12 PM
Why couldn't this kid stick to shooting up the school like a white kid? JEEZ.

09-21-2015, 04:13 PM
Ok, I'm done with you. I pray that you are never personally touched by terrorism and can just go about your rainbow filled day today life forever in peace

09-21-2015, 04:14 PM
Why couldn't this kid stick to shooting up the school like a white kid? JEEZ.

Be grateful he's black. If he'd been white, he'd likely have figured how to make a real bomb.

09-21-2015, 04:14 PM
Goodness me, "Supernova"! These terrorists are getting dangerous!


09-21-2015, 04:15 PM
Ok, I'm done with you. I pray that you are never personally touched by terrorism and can just go about your rainbow filled day today life forever in peace


09-21-2015, 04:16 PM
Ok, I'm done with you. I pray that you are never personally touched by terrorism and can just go about your rainbow filled day today life forever in peace

Translation: I'm scared to death. Anything with numbers could be a bomb and I'm not willing to take that chance to get a cup of coffee.

09-21-2015, 04:17 PM
Goodness me, "Supernova"! These terrorists are getting dangerous!


Only 40 seconds until this bomb explodes!

09-21-2015, 04:24 PM
Only 40 seconds until this bomb explodes!

And no red or green wires to choose from!

09-21-2015, 04:26 PM

Arrest != charged with a crime.

Also schools don't typically have to prove anything in a court of law to discipline students.

09-21-2015, 04:29 PM
Let me strap some road flares to my chest and walk into a place. When I get arrested I can just say its a costume. Then everybody can come to my defense because reasons. Oh yea they won't, I'm white guy.

09-21-2015, 04:31 PM
Let me strap some road flares to my chest and walk into a place. When I get arrested I can just say its a costume. Then everybody can come to my defense because reasons. Oh yea they won't, I'm white guy.

The key is to make sure there are no actual explosives in the flares. Then you're golden. Oh and make sure you have wires hanging everywhere.

Then sit back and watch the free shit flow in.

09-21-2015, 04:33 PM
I really hope you peoples are firm believers of the 'see something, say something' philosophy.

09-21-2015, 04:33 PM
Let me strap some road flares to my chest and walk into a place. When I get arrested I can just say its a costume. Then everybody can come to my defense because reasons. Oh yea they won't, I'm white guy.

They won't need to. You won't be arrested.

09-21-2015, 04:38 PM
I really hope you peoples are firm believers of the 'see something, say something' philosophy.

Why? So we can all start helping incarcerate each other over cheap clocks and science experiments? Good thinking. Nazi.

"America: The land of the terrified and the home of the incarcerated."

09-21-2015, 04:41 PM
Let me strap some road flares to my chest and walk into a place. When I get arrested I can just say its a costume. Then everybody can come to my defense because reasons. Oh yea they won't, I'm white guy.

Yeah, that'll show 'em!

09-21-2015, 04:42 PM
I really hope you peoples are firm believers of the 'see something, say something' philosophy.

Snitches get stitches.

09-21-2015, 04:44 PM
I'm concerned about anti-Muslim sentiment and general ignorance of religion and culture in the US. Somehow, by accident, my professional life has ended up bound to pushing back against these trends.

This incident sounds like normal school shit. You bring something unusual and distracting to school and you might end up suspended. If it has wires and gizmos, you might end up with the cops called on you. It depends on your school and your teachers but not necessarily on your skin color and religion. If I hear the people involved in this situation were well known for their hatred of Islam, I'll change my opinion.

Science nerds who feel like this incident is depressing because it shows how a kid with an interest in learning was discouraged have the right moral ground here. I heard Richard Dawkins talked some shit about how a clock transplanted to a briefcase is not a real experiment. There's a douchey good point and the kid probably had no training or real support in conducting a more interesting project. So, strike two on American education.

09-21-2015, 05:03 PM
If I'm a teacher and I see anything that resembles a bomb in anyway I'm going to take the safety approach procedure and follow proper protocol in this situation. Don't know why this is getting blown out of proportion when it sounds like the right thing was done for the safety of the school.

Safety first!

09-21-2015, 05:05 PM



That's not the clock. That's from a tv show or movie, and definitely looks like a bomb. (see the stuff that looks like an explosive behind it?) That's what you get for trusting WND as a news source.

I didn't trust any news site.. I simply said if that is the "clock" then it looks like a bomb. Which part of the eta part of my post was confusing you so?

This is the actual clock:


If you're able to get past what you've been conditioned by Hollywood to believe, can you tell me if anything in there looks like an explosive to you?

So, the kid broke the plastic housing off his alarm clock and put it in a briefcase looking box and claimed he "made" a clock?

Faaaaaaantastic. He's clearly the next Bill Gates.

I'm glad you were impressed with his science.

09-21-2015, 05:06 PM
I'm concerned about anti-Muslim sentiment and general ignorance of religion and culture in the US. Somehow, by accident, my professional life has ended up bound to pushing back against these trends.

This incident sounds like normal school shit. You bring something unusual and distracting to school and you might end up suspended. If it has wires and gizmos, you might end up with the cops called on you. It depends on your school and your teachers but not necessarily on your skin color and religion. If I hear the people involved in this situation were well known for their hatred of Islam, I'll change my opinion.

not specifically the PD or the school, but the Mayor of Irving, Texas happens to stoke the flames a bit on that front:


Does that influence attitudes one way or the other in this situation? Couldn't tell you.

09-21-2015, 05:09 PM
Let me strap some road flares to my chest and walk into a place. When I get arrested I can just say its a costume. Then everybody can come to my defense because reasons. Oh yea they won't, I'm white guy.

Oh come on.. that's been done before


09-21-2015, 05:16 PM
Does that influence attitudes one way or the other in this situation? Couldn't tell you.

It's a sign of the times that you can score points by kicking up a fuss over sharia courts in the United States. I suspect, were it a 100 years ago and the fuss was over Irish immigrants, you could gain similar street cred by fear mongering over Catholic canon lawyers.

09-21-2015, 05:16 PM
Yes no shit because no one thought it was a real bomb. He got in trouble and arrested for creating something that looked like a bomb to cause a panic. You know, similar to how if you whipped this thing out on an airplane and said "Look what I made gais!" you would probably be arrested as well, even if it wasn't a real bomb.

Except he didn't whip this out to cause a panic. He took it to school to show his engineering teacher. The teacher congratulated him on it but cautioned him to not show it to any other teachers, though he didn't explain why. Kid didn't show it to anyone else, but the alarm accidentally went off in his English class and irritated his English teacher, so he showed it to her after class was over, and then that started the whole chain of events.

So he wasn't intending to cause a panic (had he shown it to others, you could argue that). Again, what's the reason for the arrest?

Normally I would agree but in light of recent events I think it's just following standard procedure these days. For fuck's sake. Everyone is saying this is "racist"? Can you imagine for one minute if a white kid took a real gun, hallowed it out, made it into a "clock" and brought that to school? He would be suspended, probably get a followup visit from the police, and these same people screaming "Racists!" would be the ones cheering on the decision because most of these people are also very pro gun control and LOVE zero tolerance policies...except when it applies to brown kids. Who is the real racist in this scenario?

I think your specific example is nonsensical, but if a white kid did the exact same thing as this kid did and got arrested, I'd get pissed off about it too. That's how we kill science and engineering education in this country, because we arrest kids who like tinkering with stuff.

I've seen so many people say stupid shit like this that it's pretty annoying now. Yes. Of course a bomb needs an actual explosive agent to, y'know, explode. That's not the point. Do you think real bombs have the word "Explosive" on it? Is it always so obvious that a real bomb is in fact a real bomb?

Hey, here's an actual IED, you know, a bomb.


Quick! Point out the explosive agent! Oh wait. It's not a bomb at all! It's just a cell phone wrapped in tape with some batteries, LOL!

That actually has something that looks like an explosive brick, genius.

09-21-2015, 05:24 PM
I didn't trust any news site.. I simply said if that is the "clock" then it looks like a bomb. Which part of the eta part of my post was confusing you so?

The part where I already posted in my first post that the picture you linked to wasn't the clock. (Alanteax had the exact same picture in his post)

So, the kid broke the plastic housing off his alarm clock and put it in a briefcase looking box and claimed he "made" a clock?

Faaaaaaantastic. He's clearly the next Bill Gates.

I'm glad you were impressed with his science.

Who the hell cares if he soldered his own circuit board or not? None of the facts of the story support your implied conspiracy theory that this kid was egged on by his father to do this to get some national publicity.

09-21-2015, 05:29 PM
Seriously you are saying America has killed engineering because some kid kind of but not really got in trouble for bringing something that a teacher thought was a bomb to school? Yea, and I killed industry because I yelled at my kid for for hitting his little brother with a wrench. Give me a break.

09-21-2015, 05:40 PM
not specifically the PD or the school, but the Mayor of Irving, Texas happens to stoke the flames a bit on that front:


Stoke the flames by vowing to never allow Sharia law to trump state or local city laws? The bitch!

Does that influence attitudes one way or the other in this situation? Couldn't tell you.

I can tell you. The answer is no.

The majority of Americans don't agree with just about everything the president of the US does. If he said the sky was blue there are a fair number of people who would argue the sky is purple. Yet you think a school teacher and the police department are going to be swayed by what the mayor of city says? Shit.

Except he didn't whip this out to cause a panic. He took it to school to show his engineering teacher.

Well gosh! As long as he says so then case closed! Hear that everyone? Kembal here has a way to save billions of dollars on lawyers, courts, judges, and court houses, we just take the person's word for it!!!

Kid didn't show it to anyone else, but the alarm accidentally went off in his English class and irritated his English teacher, so he showed it to her after class was over, and then that started the whole chain of events.

So the kid "invented" a clock with an alarm and didn't even think to turn the alarm off during school? Gee, I can't imagine why the teacher was worried that something with a time on it, inside of something that looks like a briefcase, with a bunch of wires in it, then made an alarm noise during class, thought that maybe he made something that looked like a bomb.

So he wasn't intending to cause a panic (had he shown it to others, you could argue that). Again, what's the reason for the arrest?

So your "proof" that he wasn't intending to cause panic is the fact that he never intended to show it to any other teachers, yet he carried it around with him all day and it just so happened to "go off" during class, and that was all by accident?

I"m telling ya, Kembal, you just found the way to save us billions of dollars in the justice system! Take the person's word for it! Kembal for president!

I think your specific example is nonsensical

Of course you do because you know I'm 100% right. Why bother arguing against something when it's easier to just dismiss it as being "nonsensical."

but if a white kid did the exact same thing as this kid did and got arrested, I'd get pissed off about it too.

Interesting. What would your outrage be? Can't use "racist", or "Islamaphobic."? Just curious what your angle would be.

That's how we kill science and engineering education in this country, because we arrest kids who like tinkering with stuff.

That's an interesting way of looking at things. I guess going back to my gun clock scenario we could say "That's how we kill people believing in the bill of rights, because we arrest people for bringing a replica of a gun to school."

That actually has something that looks like an explosive brick, genius.

Where exactly, genius?

09-21-2015, 06:17 PM
Stoke the flames by vowing to never allow Sharia law to trump state or local city laws? The bitch!

I can tell you. The answer is no.

The majority of Americans don't agree with just about everything the president of the US does. If he said the sky was blue there are a fair number of people who would argue the sky is purple. Yet you think a school teacher and the police department are going to be swayed by what the mayor of city says? Shit.

Wait, did you just argue that the police department of a city is not swayed by what a mayor says? Do you view police departments to be entirely autonomous and not reporting to the Mayor at all?

Well gosh! As long as he says so then case closed! Hear that everyone? Kembal here has a way to save billions of dollars on lawyers, courts, judges, and court houses, we just take the person's word for it!!!

Notably, the police department has not disputed this series of facts at all. So it's not just his word for it.

So the kid "invented" a clock with an alarm and didn't even think to turn the alarm off during school? Gee, I can't imagine why the teacher was worried that something with a time on it, inside of something that looks like a briefcase, with a bunch of wires in it, then made an alarm noise during class, thought that maybe he made something that looked like a bomb.

Ever hear of absentmindedness?

So your "proof" that he wasn't intending to cause panic is the fact that he never intended to show it to any other teachers, yet he carried it around with him all day and it just so happened to "go off" during class, and that was all by accident?

Stop twisting words. In this case, he not only didn't intend to show it to any other teachers, he didn't show it to any other teachers until the alarm went off.

If he wanted to cause a panic, he didn't need the alarm to go off. He could've just showed it off in any class and scared not just the teacher, but everyone else in the class as well. Therefore, by Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is the alarm went off by accident.

Of course you do because you know I'm 100% right. Why bother arguing against something when it's easier to just dismiss it as being "nonsensical."

Ok. How precisely would you hollow out a gun to make a clock?

Interesting. What would your outrage be? Can't use "racist", or "Islamaphobic."? Just curious what your angle would be.

I think the criminalization of dumb things done by kids simply not thinking things though (when it doesn't cause any actual harm to anyone else) needs to stop. It's very prevalent in Texas. (middle school kids have been arrested here for writing on a wall with a marker that can be washed off. And yes, they were white.)

That's an interesting way of looking at things. I guess going back to my gun clock scenario we could say "That's how we kill people believing in the bill of rights, because we arrest people for bringing a replica of a gun to school."

Could you at least come up with a better example involving a gun replica before we continue this line of debate? I'll even accept a pop-tart being chewed into a shape of a gun. (which, yes, has happened, and yes, the school entirely overreacted.)

Where exactly, genius?

The black bricks on the left side, which I guess are the batteries you referred to in your previous post.

09-21-2015, 06:29 PM
I'd still defend the kid if my son was at that school.

So as a parent you would think "hey son, that's a great idea, bring that suitcase clock to school"?

Parent of the year award.

09-21-2015, 06:34 PM
So as a parent you would think "hey son, that's a great idea, bring that suitcase clock to school"?

Parent of the year award.

Right? Whatever happened to the Potato, man?

09-21-2015, 06:56 PM
Wait, did you just argue that the police department of a city is not swayed by what a mayor says? Do you view police departments to be entirely autonomous and not reporting to the Mayor at all?

Do I think police officers are going to be "swayed" to view all Muslims as terrorists because the mayor said she doesn't want Sharia law in her town?

No, no I don't think police officers are going to be swayed in such a scenario.

Notably, the police department has not disputed this series of facts at all. So it's not just his word for it.

They haven't supposedly disputed anything because they dropped the charges. Not necessarily because they think they were wrong or don't have a case, but because this has obviously turned into a world wide media circus and they don't want the attention.

Ever hear of absentmindedness?

Ever hear of people doing shit on purpose?

Stop twisting words. In this case, he not only didn't intend to show it to any other teachers, he didn't show it to any other teachers until the alarm went off.

Not twisting words at all. The only one twisting anything is you twisting logic. "He didn't intend to show any teachers therefore it proves he didn't want to cause a panic! LOL!" You have literally made logic ashamed. He is hanging his head in dishonor.

If he wanted to cause a panic, he didn't need the alarm to go off. He could've just showed it off in any class and scared not just the teacher, but everyone else in the class as well. Therefore, by Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is the alarm went off by accident.

You can't even attempt to be serious. Fucking Occam's Razor proves the alarm went off by accident?

Occam's Razor suggests the theory with the fewest assumptions is the one that should be considered.

So let's look at the theories the alarm might have went off:

The kid for some reason built a clock (NOT AN ALARM CLOCK) with an alarm, turned the alarm on by "accident", kept the clock turned on with him all day at school (even though he didn't intend to show it to anyone else), and the alarm just happened to go off during one of his classes.

The other theory:

The kid did it on purpose.

Hmm...........Yup, you got me. Occam's Razor proves you are correct.

Ok. How precisely would you hollow out a gun to make a clock?

I have no idea, I'm not the engineering genius this kid is apparently.

The black bricks on the left side, which I guess are the batteries you referred to in your previous post.

Yes, the batteries. Thank you for proving that even a self avowed bomb expert such as yourself cannot correctly identify all of the parts of a bomb.

09-21-2015, 07:17 PM
So as a parent you would think "hey son, that's a great idea, bring that suitcase clock to school"?

Parent of the year award.

In his defense, he doesn't have much contact with his kid(s), so it's not really fair.

09-21-2015, 07:39 PM
In his defense, he doesn't have much contact with his kid(s), so it's not really fair.

I don't??

09-21-2015, 08:18 PM
Not twisting words at all. The only one twisting anything is you twisting logic. "He didn't intend to show any teachers therefore it proves he didn't want to cause a panic! LOL!" You have literally made logic ashamed. He is hanging his head in dishonor.

If he didn't intend to show anyone other than his shop teacher then how is he intending to cause panic?

09-21-2015, 08:21 PM

09-21-2015, 08:23 PM
If he didn't intend to show anyone other than his shop teacher then how is he intending to cause panic?

We need to get this kid a grant with unlimited funding if he can invent a device that allows me to slap people through the internet.

Yes, if he didn't intend to show anyone the clock and he didn't intend for the clock to go off in the middle of class then I absolutely agree he didn't intend to cause panic.

However, and this part is important so I'm going to scream it to make sure you read/hear it, THAT'S WHAT THE KID CLAIMED HAPPENED.

Here's a shocker for everyone (and no not the 3 fingered kind), people sometimes lie in order to not get in trouble.

I know. It's amazing. I was shocked the first time I learned about this a couple of months ago. I had lived my entire life up until that point assuming people always told the truth when they were facing disciplinary action.

09-21-2015, 09:04 PM
We need to get this kid a grant with unlimited funding if he can invent a device that allows me to slap people through the internet.

Yes, if he didn't intend to show anyone the clock and he didn't intend for the clock to go off in the middle of class then I absolutely agree he didn't intend to cause panic.

However, and this part is important so I'm going to scream it to make sure you read/hear it, THAT'S WHAT THE KID CLAIMED HAPPENED.

Here's a shocker for everyone (and no not the 3 fingered kind), people sometimes lie in order to not get in trouble.

I know. It's amazing. I was shocked the first time I learned about this a couple of months ago. I had lived my entire life up until that point assuming people always told the truth when they were facing disciplinary action.

Let me scream so maybe you will get the point as well. DO YOU HAVE ANY REASON TO THINK HE'S LYING? Anything at all?

In hindsight, both he and his shop teacher could have handled this better.

Think of all the dumb shit you did as a kid, not illegal just dumb, without thinking it all the way thru.

09-21-2015, 09:10 PM
This is funny coming from you. Let me scream so maybe you will get the point as well. DO YOU HAVE ANY REASON TO THINK HE'S LYING? Anything at all?

In light of possibly being charged with a crime and being expelled from school do you have any reason to believe he's telling the truth? Anything at all?

In hindsight, both he and his shop teacher could have handled this better.

Yup. He could have said "Sorry I'm a dipshit and should have left this in my locker and taken the batteries out to ensure it wouldn't be a distraction during class. I'm sorry. I just made a clock to show my other teacher and wasn't thinking."

BAM! Controversy over. He even admitted that the only explanation he gave to police and school officials was to keep saying "It's a clock" over and over again during questioning. Maybe he could have just said "I forgot the alarm clock I ripped off...I mean the clock I built! Had an alarm on it and I forgot to turn it off. I didn't mean any harm."

But he admitted to being an uncooperative little shit. And why not? Look at well it turned out for him.

Think of all the dumb shit you did as a kid, not illegal just dumb, without thinking it all the way thru.

You're right. Which is why I said way back in my first post in this thread that I don't necessarily think the kid meant to cause any panic but at the same time I think he was being a smart ass and thought it would be "cool" or "cleaver" to make it look like a brief case bomb.

Maybe if after being asked "Why did the alarm go off during class" the kid could have said "I honestly forgot to turn the alarm off and remove the batteries. It was an honest mistake" instead of just repeating "It's a clock!", "It doesn't look like a bomb to me!"

09-21-2015, 09:24 PM
In light of possibly being charged with a crime and being expelled from school do you have any reason to believe he's telling the truth? Anything at all?

Yes, his shop teacher said that he had shown it to him and was excited about it. This is the start of his story and is innocent enough. Anything that happens after this basically comes down to if you believe him or not. I choose to believe him since nothing he has said has been contradicted. If that changes so will my opinion.

I'm not positive it was about race, just maybe an overzealous school system that didn't want to take any chances. Enough though they didn't treat it like it was a bomb at any point.

09-21-2015, 09:29 PM
Yes, his shop teacher said that he had shown it to him and was excited about it.

All this proves is he showed it to his shop teacher.

This is the start of his story and is innocent enough.

Yes. The not so innocent part is him choosing to keep it by his side apparently all day and allowing it to go off during class. Is Texas so poor that their high school students don't have lockers?

Anything that happens after this basically comes down to if you believe him or not. I choose to believe him since nothing he has said has been contradicted. If that changes so will my opinion.

This is stupid. I'm sorry but I don't know how to sugar coat this. This is absolutely stupid. What sort of proof are you looking for that all of his actions were just a misunderstanding as opposed to him doing all of it on purpose? A confession? A blog post from him stating he was going to do this on purpose?

You and Kembal should start a law office. I can see the commercials now: "Pay us lots of money to represent you in court! We guarantee you are going to win! Our secret weapon? We just have you tell the truth!"

though they didn't treat it like it was a bomb at any point.

What does this prove?

09-21-2015, 09:46 PM
This is stupid. I'm sorry but I don't know how to sugar coat this. This is absolutely stupid. What sort of proof are you looking for that all of his actions were just a misunderstanding as opposed to him doing all of it on purpose? A confession? A blog post from him stating he was going to do this on purpose?

You and Kembal should start a law office. I can see the commercials now: "Pay us lots of money to represent you in court! We guarantee you are going to win! Our secret weapon? We just have you tell the truth!"

And here it comes, "you don't agree with me so you must be stupid". All I said was that I believe him because nothing has come out to contradict his series of events. If you know something I don't then please enlighten me.

What you are suggesting is guilty until proven innocent.

Again I will say that he could have made better decisions, but again I am willing to chalk this up to a mistake by a youth.

“The follow-up investigation revealed the device apparently was a homemade experiment, and there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm,” Boyd said, describing the incident as a “naive accident.”

09-21-2015, 09:55 PM
And here it comes, "you don't agree with me so you must be stupid".

Not at all. It's stupid because it's stupid, not because you disagree with me. If I were calling you stupid for disagreeing with me then I would have called you stupid back in my first response towards you.

All I said was that I believe him because nothing has come out to contradict his series of events.

I know what you said and it's stupid. It's one thing to say you have looked at all of the facts of the case (which we both know you haven't) and given the facts we do know you choose to believe it was an innocent misunderstanding. But you're not saying that. You're saying you choose to believe him because basically he hasn't come out and said he did it on purpose. I mean how else are we going to "contradict" him saying it wasn't on purpose?

What you are suggesting is guilty until proven innocent.

No. What I'm suggesting is to educate yourself on the subject matter, view all of the facts of the case, and arrive on your own conclusion. What you are doing is getting a few blurbs from your favorite left wing news site and saying "Yeah, that's fucked up!"

09-21-2015, 09:55 PM
TG0: I'm having a lot of sex with your mom. I'm not saying that makes me your dad or anything but you do need to mow the grass before I get home tomorrow.

09-21-2015, 10:09 PM
I know what you said and it's stupid. It's one thing to say you have looked at all of the facts of the case (which we both know you haven't) and given the facts we do know you choose to believe it was an innocent misunderstanding. But you're not saying that. You're saying you choose to believe him because basically he hasn't come out and said he did it on purpose. I mean how else are we going to "contradict" him saying it wasn't on purpose?

So anything that ever comes down to someones word can't be checked out now? It's called a police investigation. Even the police dept called it a "naive mistake". Since you are so educated on this week old subject, please tell me how you know more than the police dept directly involved in the incident.

So maybe you should educate yourself on the subject matter.

No. What I'm suggesting is to educate yourself on the subject matter, view all of the facts of the case, and arrive on your own conclusion. What you are doing is getting a few blurbs from your favorite left wing news site and saying "Yeah, that's fucked up!"

Did I once even say anything close to this? No. I said he made a error in judgement. I can understand how a English teacher could mistake it for a bomb and I am happy it was reported.

09-21-2015, 10:16 PM
What does this prove?

It proves you get upset over the dumbest shit.

09-21-2015, 10:35 PM
So anything that ever comes down to someones word can't be checked out now?

Not what I said. Please cease and desist with your strawman bullshit tactics. Thanks.

It's called a police investigation. Even the police dept called it a "naive mistake".

Well golly. Why did they have that thar fangled...poe...lease...investigation in the first place? They should have just taken the kid's word for it and left it at that.

Did we forget what this controversy was even about? Hint: It's not that the boy brought a mock bomb/clock to school, it's whether or not he should have been suspended and arrested.

Since you are so educated on this week old subject, please tell me how you know more than the police dept directly involved in the incident.

I didn't say I knew more than the police department who responded to this matter.

This is your last warning to stop any and all strawman arguments. Another slip like that and I'll be forced to use drastic measures to get you to comply.

I can understand how a English teacher could mistake it for a bomb and I am happy it was reported.

Good. What are you even arguing about then?

It proves you get upset over the dumbest shit.

When I want an opinion from the resident druggie I'll ask for it. Thanks.

09-21-2015, 10:40 PM
Lol, passive aggressive over 9000!

09-21-2015, 11:25 PM
Not what I said. Please cease and desist with your strawman bullshit tactics. Thanks.

So says the strawman bullshit king. Maybe if you ask for something you could at least wait a post or two before you do the exact thing you don't want them to do.

Well golly. Why did they have that thar fangled...poe...lease...investigation in the first place? They should have just taken the kid's word for it and left it at that.

Did we forget what this controversy was even about? Hint: It's not that the boy brought a mock bomb/clock to school, it's whether or not he should have been suspended and arrested.

Who said we should just take his word? (Straw man bullshit) It wasn't me, because again I said that I believed him and there was no evidence to support anything other than that. I told you to produce ANY proof and you pull some more straw man bullshit saying I require a blog of him or some such nonsense. At this point I would take that you heard something from Bobby who sits at his lunch table.

I didn't say I knew more than the police department who responded to this matter.

This is your last warning to stop any and all strawman arguments. Another slip like that and I'll be forced to use drastic measures to get you to comply.

Agreed you never said that, but you taking the position saying that it was intentional and the police investigation saying its not implies that you know more than the police. Since you did all this research that I didn't.

Good. What are you even arguing about then?

Apparently the fact that I disagreed with one sentence from one of your posts.

If he didn't intend to show anyone other than his shop teacher then how is he intending to cause panic?

09-22-2015, 10:44 AM
So as a parent you would think "hey son, that's a great idea, bring that suitcase clock to school"?

Parent of the year award.

I once wanted to bring a WW2 gun to school for show-and-tell.

Dad was all "are you kidding?!? You could get arrested or even shot by some dumb cop. Here, lets take some Polaroid pictures of it and then you can take the pictures to school for it"

Dad was eons wiser than this kid's dad.

09-22-2015, 11:09 AM
So as a parent you would think "hey son, that's a great idea, bring that suitcase clock to school"?

Parent of the year award.

No, that's not what I said.

09-22-2015, 01:03 PM
I once wanted to bring a WW2 gun to school for show-and-tell.

Dad was all "are you kidding?!? You could get arrested or even shot by some dumb cop. Here, lets take some Polaroid pictures of it and then you can take the pictures to school for it"

Dad was eons wiser than this kid's dad.

Could you say something stupider if you tried?

09-22-2015, 03:49 PM
If he did that today he would have gotten arrested/suspended/shot just for the Polaroids.

I also hate the fact that "stupider" isn't still not a word.

09-22-2015, 04:38 PM
What are these polar-roids? Sounds like drugs!


09-24-2015, 08:57 PM
I would have loved something like this to happen in Europe, where unlike America, they still have very real terrorist attacks from extremist Muslims pretty much on the regular. See how PC they are over there. And do you really think terrorists care about using children? I know I'm going to the extreme way of thinking myself now but I'm not gonna lie and say I don't understand the rationale. It's a new time we live in where unfortunately you can be buying coffee at a coffee shop and have it blow up. Stop acting like this kids life is ruined already.I can say someone shouldn't have been arrested without acting like their life was ruined. Since you ask, I do believe in "see something, say something"... when I see the Constitution violated, I say something.

09-24-2015, 10:07 PM
I could have sworn the article I read earlier today pertaining to this mentioned that this kid's sister was suspended a few years ago for a bomb threat. What a coincidence.

05-09-2017, 02:17 PM
not specifically the PD or the school, but the Mayor of Irving, Texas happens to stoke the flames a bit on that front:

Trump just appointed that mayor a regional director for HUD. She's a big opponent (https://www.dallasnews.com/news/irving/2015/07/28/shariah-flap-pushes-irving-mayor-into-national-spotlight) of Sharia law.

DALLAS — Beth Van Duyne is leaving the Irving mayor's office to become a U.S. Housing and Urban Development regional administrator overseeing Texas and its four surrounding states.

More... (https://www.texastribune.org/2017/05/08/trump-taps-irving-mayor-beth-van-duyne-regional-hud-administrator)

05-09-2017, 05:36 PM