View Full Version : Pet Rats From Duskruin

09-19-2015, 11:20 AM
Each rat comes with a coarse sack that they call home.

1. Dark Sewer Rat - SOLD
2. Wiry River Rat - SOLD
3. Greasy Sewer Rat - SOLD
4. Scuffy Brown Rat - SOLD

Here are some examples of the ambient zests from various views:

The Darkstone Bay rat on your shoulder nuzzles briefly at the nape of your neck, when you suddenly feel a sharp burst of pain in your scalp! You swat at the rat but it dodges and escapes to the safety of its burlap sack, adding a ragged tuft of your hair to the mound of bedding stuffed within. A moment later, it re-emerges and climbs back up to your shoulder, squeaking with amusement.

The Darkstone Bay rat on Athinial's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a hooded shadowy black gnomish prankster's cloak sewn completely out of dirty old socks.

Athinial's black cloak shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.

A streaked Darkstone Bay rat clambers out from Athinial's black cloak and climbs its way back up to his shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.

The Darkstone Bay rat on Athinial's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a shadowy black gnomish prankster's bag of tricks sewn entirely out of dirty old socks.

Nosing about inside Athinial's collar, the Darkstone Bay rat eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws. Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the Darkstone Bay rat chitters at Athinial, obviously annoyed at his lack of hygiene.

Athinial leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a streaked Darkstone Bay rat as it creeps from one of his shoulders to the other, whacking him a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.

Craning to see something beyond your other shoulder, a streaked Darkstone Bay rat sets a paw on your nose, its little claws digging into your skin before abruptly slipping, sending the animal clinging wildly to your front. The Darkstone Bay rat quickly scrambles back up to your shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.

The Darkstone Bay rat sits upright on your shoulder, gazing about the area from its higher and relatively safe vantage point with a mien of feral regality.

The Darkstone Bay rat makes a sudden leap, trying to gain access to the top of your head! Muttering imprecations at the obnoxious rodent, you manage to herd it back down to your shoulder.

The Darkstone Bay rat suddenly plops down, grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.

The Darkstone Bay rat snuffles along your neck, pausing to dig its nose into your ear.

Athinial grimaces as his Darkstone Bay rat suddenly cranes around his face to see something, its paw anchored onto his nose. A sudden slip sends the rodent flailing and clinging wildly to Athinial's front before scrambling back up to his shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.

09-19-2015, 12:14 PM
I'll take the river rat, please.

09-19-2015, 01:29 PM

09-19-2015, 02:38 PM
I'll take the scruffy brown rat.

09-22-2015, 02:30 PM
Bump, Lowered prices.

09-22-2015, 02:58 PM
Quit lowering prices!! RAISE THEM!