View Full Version : 30 day forum ban because GM VIDUUS is a worthless piece of shit

09-13-2015, 07:39 PM
30 day forum ban because GM VIDUUS is a worthless piece of shit who can't handle what he dishes out.

TGO01, in the past year you have had multiple cautions and warnings about breaking policy on the forums. Time and time again I and others have tried to advise you into curbing your style of forum posting to not be so caustic and antagonistic towards your fellow posters. And time and time again it has been shown you have ignored such advice.

This last round of bashing Staff has earned you a bit of time away from the forums. Whether you started the flaming or not it was still your choice to break policy by continuing to post in such a manner and keep it going.

I hope this time away from the forums will give you a chance to recollect on the style and tone of your posts and possibly learn how to change them to be mutually respectful to all posters alike. There are certainly ways to do so in a constructive and respectful manner as many other posters have continued to show.

Your posting privileges will be reinstated on October 14th, 2015. If the day rolls around and you're still unable to post then shoot me an e-mail to remind me.

Forums Manager

All because of this quote from one of my posts:

"Sounds like a threat to me. Kiss your feet and treat you nicely or else you're going to nerf the wizard profession then afterward ignore the class huh? How very professional of you."

Aww, I guess the cock sucker VIDUUS can tell customers they are whiners, imply they better treat him right or no work will be done on their class, and then when I call him unprofessional for this I'm the one who receives the 30 day ban.

Class act there, Simu. Your company is run by a bunch of worthless monkeys.

09-13-2015, 07:40 PM
How very professional of you.

So mad. Forum Ban.

09-13-2015, 07:40 PM

09-13-2015, 07:43 PM
I especially love how Aulis acknowledges that VIDUUS started the flaming yet brushes that aside. "But still! How dare you call him unprofessional for him acting very unprofessional! You should be constructive in your posts by following the non-example that GM VIDUUS was displaying."

09-13-2015, 07:48 PM
TGO01, in the past year you have had multiple cautions and warnings about breaking policy on the forums. Time and time again I and others have tried to advise you into curbing your style of forum posting to not be so caustic and antagonistic towards your fellow posters. And time and time again it has been shown you have ignored such advice.

Sounds like the ban wasn't solely for this incident, but a history of bad conduct?

Lord Orbstar
09-13-2015, 07:49 PM
sorry, your post dripped with sarcasm and juvenile emotion as opposed to a discussion. I would BAN your ass for 45 fucking days at the least, then make you post an apology to staff. No one likes reading negative stuff, Tg0. You reap what you sow. Now harvest that bitter wheat and make a fucking loaf of bread. You have a month to do this.

09-13-2015, 07:51 PM
Sounds like the ban wasn't solely for this incident, but a history of bad conduct?

Bad conduct to question how professional a GM is acting when he is indeed acting very unprofessional?

Shit, that was sugar coating it. I could have been much nastier but that was as nice as I could have put that sentence. I guess the GMs don't want us questioning their authority.

09-13-2015, 07:52 PM
sorry, your post dripped with sarcasm and juvenile emotion as opposed to a discussion.

And dipshit's post was the height of maturity? Get over yourself.

then make you post an apology to staff.

"Make" me apologize?

No one likes reading negative stuff, Tg0.

Yet you were probably masturbating furiously while reading VIDUUS' post, am I right?

09-13-2015, 08:02 PM
You seem like the kind of guy who goes out of his way to demand to speak to the manager everywhere he goes.

09-13-2015, 08:04 PM
Maybe acting less like a dick while complaining about being banned for acting like a dick would make you look more sympathetic?

09-13-2015, 08:04 PM
I guess the GMs don't want us questioning their authority.


09-13-2015, 08:04 PM
Did you have any posts removed or were you banned for saying

Because a 13% chance for reactive flares after taking damage is stupid.

The GM's tender ears can't take take that sort of language, Tgo.

09-13-2015, 08:08 PM
Maybe acting less like a dick while complaining about being banned for acting like a dick would make you look more sympathetic?

I don't care about your sympathy.


Yes! The GMs have turned into Cartman.

Did you have any posts removed or were you banned for saying

The GM's tender ears can't take take that sort of language, Tgo.

That was probably the real reason but they had to cover it up.

09-13-2015, 08:27 PM
Well, holding players and GMs to different standards is pretty common theme over there. They were looking for a reason to ban you.

What does Viduus do, anyway?

09-13-2015, 08:28 PM

Geijon - I smell some bannings are almost needed at this point.

It doesn't help that there are so many ass kissers.

09-13-2015, 08:44 PM
Maybe acting less like a dick while complaining about being banned for acting like a dick would make you look more sympathetic?

Tgo, I like you pal, but I agree with menos. You bring a lot of this shit on yourself. Can't you just play the game and be cool?

09-13-2015, 08:45 PM
Tgo, I like you pal, but I agree with menos. You bring a lot of this shit on yourself.

I'm pretty sure Viduus was the one who started going off on customers for no apparent reason. I just told him to check himself.

I didn't realize telling GMs to stop acting like dicks was a bannable offense. Lesson learned on my part!

In fact several of my posts were hidden because they referenced Viduus' posts and apparently his posts were hidden. Aulis even acknowledged this by stating I didn't "start the flaming", implying Viduus did, but I should have known better and handled it better.

Fuck that shit. If a GM wants to throw down with me I'll wrestle with him. I'm not going to be a little pussy and go whining the forum den mother and say the mean GM is being a doody head.

09-13-2015, 08:52 PM

09-13-2015, 08:53 PM
sorry, your post dripped with sarcasm and juvenile emotion as opposed to a discussion. I would BAN your ass for 45 fucking days at the least, then make you post an apology to staff. No one likes reading negative stuff, Tg0. You reap what you sow. Now harvest that bitter wheat and make a fucking loaf of bread. You have a month to do this.


09-13-2015, 08:53 PM

I'll own up to the drama bit but when do I ever talk shit about people behind their backs? I'm always quite upfront about the shit I talk.

Case in point? This thread.

09-13-2015, 09:02 PM
I've spent my time arguing with Tgo01. I simultaneously think he helps the game.

Tgo01, I think you can make more of your points without some of the extras you share over here. You know they're gonna do what they can when you throw that stuff in. The standards are obviously not the same.

Geijon Khyree
09-13-2015, 09:05 PM
Hey now. I just called it. Any of you are actually surprised by this?

09-13-2015, 09:06 PM
Relax dude. Take your 30 like a man and go play something else until the ban is up. A break from GS might do you good. There's more to life than this.

09-13-2015, 09:07 PM
Relax dude. Take your 30 like a man and go play something else until the ban is up. A break from GS might do you good. There's more to life than this.

It's not even a game ban, it's a FORUM ban lol

Banned from the officials apparently is huge for some people.

09-13-2015, 09:08 PM
Relax dude. Take your 30 like a man and go play something else until the ban is up.

I am. I'm not crying to the GMs.

RA break from GS might do you good. There's more to life than this.

It's a forum ban. I think I'll live. I've played like 20 hours of GS in the past 2 or 3 weeks. I know there is a lot more out there than this game.

09-13-2015, 09:09 PM
GM VIDUUS is a worthless piece of shit

cock sucker VIDUUS

run by a bunch of worthless monkeys

You don't consider this talking shit behind someone's back?

09-13-2015, 09:09 PM
Relax dude. Take your 30 like a man and go play something else until the ban is up. A break from GS might do you good. There's more to life than this.

I think it's just the forums, not a game ban. At least that's what the OP says...

09-13-2015, 09:10 PM
You don't consider this talking shit behind someone's back?

What, does VIDUUS not have the ability to read these forums? Would it make you happier if I emailed these insults to him?

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

09-13-2015, 09:12 PM
What, does VIDUUS not have the ability to read these forums? Would it make you happier if I emailed these insults to him?

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

GMs don't post here. You're talking shit to them because you know they can't talk back.
Passive aggressive over 9000!

09-13-2015, 09:13 PM
GMs don't post here. You're talking shit to them because you know they can't talk back.

No I'm talking shit about them here because if I even sneeze the wrong way on the officials I'll get banned.

The GMs can and DO read these forums. Wyrom has admitted this. Stop being a tool for the sake of being a tool.

09-13-2015, 09:13 PM
u mad

09-13-2015, 09:14 PM
Oh it's a forum ban? Jesus tgo. It's not even worth mentioning. Relax dude.

09-13-2015, 09:14 PM
Everyone knows they can and do read the forums here. Posting is a whole other story though.

09-13-2015, 09:15 PM
Oh it's a forum ban? Jesus tgo. It's not even worth mentioning. Relax dude.

This is the staff complaint folders. I'm lodging a complaint.

Everyone knows they can and do read the forums here. Posting is a whole other story though.

You don't think half the neg rep I receive is from GMs? Come on.

09-13-2015, 09:43 PM
anyone post this initial viduus post that apparently is the root of this particular issue?

09-13-2015, 09:47 PM
anyone post this initial viduus post that apparently is the root of this particular issue?

Unfortunately I didn't think to save it but I have the parts that I quoted from the my email banning email.

You guys aren't doing yourself any favors by pissing on every single release. Constructive criticism is fine, usually welcomed. Whining just to whine isn't. Lately there's been a lot of whining and little to no worthwhile feedback.

We get it, you've a lot of spells in your lists that you'd like to be reviewed and revamped in an official spell review. Good luck making that happen as you continue to piss on the work currently being done, and the people doing it, for your class.

But it was a pretty long and drawn out post that was basically this over and over.

Here are some of the quotes from his post that was a reply to my post:

Here's a buzz phrase for you, "mutual respect". It's what I have, it's what you get

Interesting, you criticize me for being unprofessional, because I supposedly treated you like a child, then you immediately resort to name calling.

I'm not really attempting to give offense.

09-13-2015, 09:58 PM
Wait I forgot Allerli copied and pasted it to the PC:

>>Are you saying the spell was designed for this type of situation? If so, really?

Not every spell will be useful in every situation you face, especially true of the minor circle.

The spell was designed decades ago to give your target -25 AS without requiring a warding check.

The current version had a practical benefit added, and a situational benefit added through stacking.

>>Sorry if I don't applaud the game design

The wizard player population has made this a statement of the obvious.

>>Is there some crazy obscure use to 514 I'm not aware of as well? And 512? Is the entire wizard list just a set of spells that are designed to be used once in a character's lifetime? That would explain a lot.

First, 412 isn't exclusive to the wizard class, it's shared by those other lesser classes.

Second, suddenly 412 is somehow lessened by the additional utility? The spell was fine yesterday and suddenly today it's crap? No? It was always crap? Maybe, but it's funny that no suggestions for improvements have been made on it in years. Yet suddenly it's the poster child, like every other spell, for how awful it is to be a mage.

You guys aren't doing yourself any favors by pissing on every single release. Constructive criticism is fine, usually welcomed. Whining just to whine isn't. Lately there's been a lot of whining and little to no worthwhile feedback.

You've around 40 spells that currently have more functionality today than they did yesterday, yet somehow that increased functionality has weakened you as a whole. Your lore training goes further today than it did yesterday, yet somehow you're worse off today? Many spells that were perfectly acceptable yesterday are suddenly crap today, and every single one is being offered up as proof that your class can barely function. Worse, you feel justified in this "righteous crusade" because you've been hit hard by nerfs to your big 3 and it's crippled your class... Except you know... you haven't actually been nerfed at this point, so you're not actually coming across as the innocent victims that have been unjustly wronged that you'd like to appear to be.

We get it, you've a lot of spells in your lists that you'd like to be reviewed and revamped in an official spell review. Good luck making that happen as you continue to piss on the work currently being done, and the people doing it, for your class.


09-13-2015, 09:58 PM
It's in the 412 thread I believe.

09-13-2015, 10:14 PM
Wait I forgot Allerli copied and pasted it to the PC:

I agree with the GM. The lore reviews are improvements to the spells. They went, here, training in lores, something you already do, will improve these spells and cost you nothing extra. Have fun.

And then people did nothing but bitch about how broken it was and how the GMs all suck.

If folks wanted to talk to the GMs, they should be addressing the haste, rapid fire, and immolation changes. However for the most part the feedback from players hasnt been constructive, its been "you fucked us, fuck you, you dont care about your players.".

I think the GMs should have timed things better though with how they released everything.

I can see how the GMs are getting feed up with being told that adding to a spell all of a sudden makes the spell suck.

09-13-2015, 10:19 PM
And then people did nothing but bitch about how broken it was and how the GMs all suck.

Except that's not even remotely true. Stop that.

If folks wanted to talk to the GMs, they should be addressing the haste, rapid fire, and immolation changes.

They have been.

However for the most part the feedback from players hasnt been constructive, its been "you fucked us, fuck you, you dont care about your players."

Again, not true at all. Stop that.

09-13-2015, 10:27 PM
Except that's not even remotely true. Stop that.

Again, not true at all. Stop that.

Except he's pretty much right; and really, your condescending responses point to the fact that anyone who says something you disagree with (it should be noted that nothing he said was an attack on you) just becomes a target. Repeat offenses of that behavior seem to be what got you the forum ban. I've got nothing against you....I'm just pointing out the pattern.

09-13-2015, 10:30 PM
Mal, they've been staying the ELR is supposed to offset the changes being made to Haste, Rapid Fire, and Immolate. That's why wizards have been critiquing them so harshly. If these changes weren't going to be accompanied by substantial downgrades to existing spells, most wizards wouldn't bother to post how pointless Ice Patch is, with or without the ELR.

09-13-2015, 10:32 PM
Mal, they've been staying the ELR is supposed to offset the changes being made to Haste, Rapid Fire, and Immolate. That's why wizards have been critiquing them so harshly. If these changes weren't going to be accompanied by substantial downgrades to existing spells, most wizards wouldn't bother to post how pointless Ice Patch is, with or without the ELR.


That's why we've waited until the Elemental Lore Review to implement these changes. There's going to be good and bad, but hopefully they'll balance each other out.

GameMaster Estild


The slot machine additions don't make up for any power lost through nerfs.

09-13-2015, 10:32 PM
Except he's pretty much right

Except he's not. Plenty of people have given constructive criticism over these changes. Heck I had two very good threads going on discussing how wizards are really lacking in the Spirit TD department and lose out to WARRIORS in the rift. I also discussed at length how mstrike will be superior to Rapid Fire once the nerfs come through. Know how many GM responses I had to all of those well thought out posts I had full of facts and stats to back up my claims? One. It was a GM telling me that wizards have good CMANs to learn that they can use offensively instead of just learning CMANs for defense. One of these supposedly awesome CMANs was side by side.

and really, your condescending responses point to the fact that anyone who says something you disagree with (it should be noted that nothing he said was an attack on you) just becomes a target.

I'm just replying to people. Are my posts suddenly "condescending" because I reply to people and tell them they are wrong? No. Stop that.

Repeat offenses of that behavior seem to be what got you the forum ban.

Yes, the GMs can act like toolbags but if a customer has the audacity to tell them to stop acting like toolbags they get banned. I got that much.

09-13-2015, 10:34 PM
Thread: 30 day forum ban because GM VIDUUS is a worthless piece of shit

Stop being a dick and placing blame on others when you are the one who is at fault. Put on your big boy pants and learn to live in harmony with others. Whether you believe it or not, he was right.

Who was right, Aulis or piece of shit Viduus? Put on your big boy pants and use your fucking words to communicate with people.

09-13-2015, 10:39 PM
I'm just replying to people. Are my posts suddenly "condescending" because I reply to people and tell them they are wrong? No. Stop that.

No, they're not suddenly condescending....they're constantly condescending, which is apparently why you got banned.

You can continue to be childish all you want but you're just proving my point.

09-13-2015, 10:39 PM

09-13-2015, 10:43 PM
No, they're not suddenly condescending....they're constantly condescending, which is apparently why you got banned.

Right. I'm being condescending because I'm disagreeing with people and using facts to back up my arguments instead of emotions.

Got it.

09-13-2015, 10:44 PM
I don't think the point is who was wrong. The point is - you broke forum policy. End of story. Go post a bunch of expletives on the forums, get banned. Talk trash to the staff, get banned. Hell, talk trash to other players, get banned.

The post which sparked this response was pulled. The GM is probably reprimanded for that action, but that's none of our business. Going and breaking forum policy just because someone official did it first doesn't make the action any less against the policy.

End of the day, you've apparently riled up the GMs more than this single occasion, and have done so in a manner that is against policy, but still didn't get a ban. They're finally done letting it go.

If you get caught afk scripting against the in-game policy too many times, do you come here and complain about the 30-day in-game ban?

09-13-2015, 10:46 PM
The point is - you broke forum policy.

Saying "How very professional of you." is against forum policy? Give me a break.

If you get caught afk scripting against the in-game policy too many times, do you come here and complain about the 30-day in-game ban?

I complain about everything so probably.

09-13-2015, 10:51 PM
I don't write the policy. Apparently being a sarcastic instigator was sufficient reason to flag your post as inflammatory. While you may disagree, you also don't write the policy.

09-13-2015, 10:52 PM
Apparently being a sarcastic instigator was sufficient reason to flag your post as inflammatory.

Except I wasn't the instigator, the piece of shit GM was.

I get it, you're standing behind the GM's decision no matter what. Just say that and stop all of this tap dancing.

09-13-2015, 10:55 PM
Tgo01 ... Have a Snickers.

09-13-2015, 10:56 PM
Tgo01 ... Have a Snickers.


09-13-2015, 10:58 PM
Except I wasn't the instigator, the piece of shit GM was.

I get it, you're standing behind the GM's decision no matter what. Just say that and stop all of this tap dancing.

The ban didn't come from the GM who made the original post. It came from the forum manager. Someone entirely disassociated with all this Wizard drama (though not disassociated from the whining forums they have to moderate due to the drama). This person is doing a community management role that is completely outside development, and they have to moderate a bunch of whiny kids all day long.

If you get into a bar fight, the bouncer's going to throw both combatants out on their asses - regardless of who started it.

09-13-2015, 11:08 PM
I think the ban is appropriate. The rules on the officials and here are different.

09-13-2015, 11:09 PM
I think the ban is appropriate. The rules on the officials and here are different.

When Candor starts making sense, you know you fucked up somewhere.

09-13-2015, 11:16 PM
Saying "How very professional of you." is against forum policy? Give me a break.

This is right up there with the student who got all upset because I punished him and said "Asking questions of somebody is not trolling!'

09-13-2015, 11:52 PM

That's why we've waited until the Elemental Lore Review to implement these changes. There's going to be good and bad, but hopefully they'll balance each other out.

GameMaster Estild


The slot machine additions don't make up for any power lost through nerfs.

Unfortunately he also had said the exact opposite:

The changes to haste and rapid fire were things planned back when Kitrina was our APM, the ELR was originally being spearheaded by GM Naos. When HSN was being planned, we wanted to tackle a lot of systems from our backlog. GM Estild, and his team, decided to knock the ELR out finally.

http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Discussions%20with%20Simutronics/The%20Bad,%20and%20the%20Ugly%20(general%20complai nts)/view/12561

basically said that ELR is separate from that. Maybe he meant that ELR was supposed to ease the hurt from having those major spelled nerfed rather than make up for it powerwise?

At the end of the day I think that ELR should be looked separately from the spell nerfs. However I do think that simu needs to take a look at what they plan to do with the spells. I think that your suggestions are reasonable, much more so than what they originally plan.

Anyway I dont have a dog in the fight, I dont play a wizard so im not sure how much the nerfs actually affect others and how much is complaining.

09-13-2015, 11:58 PM
If the ELR isn't meant to balance the nerfs, then they should institute a spell review to accomplish this before moving forward. They could even make a few tweaks that would fix the majority of the problems in the meantime, such as the no stacking duration on Rapid Fire and the other-cast cooldowns for Haste.

09-14-2015, 12:02 AM
If the ELR isn't meant to balance the nerfs, then they should institute a spell review to accomplish this before moving forward. They could even make a few tweaks that would fix the majority of the problems in the meantime, such as the no stacking duration on Rapid Fire and the other-cast cooldowns for Haste.

I agree. The way the timed everything combined with how they communicated the changes wasnt very well planned. I think for the most part delaying the nerfs until a spell review would be best.

09-14-2015, 12:14 AM
I agree. The way the timed everything combined with how they communicated the changes wasnt very well planned. I think for the most part delaying the nerfs until a spell review would be best.

I'm curious. What is this "spell review" and how exactly is it any different from what is currently happening to those spells (506, 515, 519)?

09-14-2015, 12:17 AM

Oh, he doesn't want to swallow the pill? OK! We've got just the thing for that.


I'm curious. What is this "spell review" and how exactly is it any different from what is currently happening to those spells (506, 515, 519)?

A spell review would look at all the applicable spells in an effort to update existing spells and fill in gaps left by poor planning/changes/or simply unfinished spells (I think this would only apply to monk/minor mental). The lore review, on the other hand, is taking a look at the elemental lore skills and applying effects to spells based on training in those skills.

09-14-2015, 12:20 AM
I'm curious. What is this "spell review" and how exactly is it any different from what is currently happening to those spells (506, 515, 519)?

A spell review would be major changes to how a spell functions, or outright new spells to replace the old, in addition to filling vacant spell slots (935, 940, 950, 550) which would go well beyond what is capable simply by augmenting a spell with the addition of lores. The GMs have made this distinction multiple times, stating that fundamental changes to the base function of spells is beyond the scope of the ELR.

09-14-2015, 12:39 AM
Gone....but forgotten.

Lord Orbstar
09-14-2015, 12:44 AM
>>Are you saying the spell was designed for this type of situation? If so, really?

Not every spell will be useful in every situation you face, especially true of the minor circle.

The spell was designed decades ago to give your target -25 AS without requiring a warding check.

The current version had a practical benefit added, and a situational benefit added through stacking.

>>Sorry if I don't applaud the game design

The wizard player population has made this a statement of the obvious.

>>Is there some crazy obscure use to 514 I'm not aware of as well? And 512? Is the entire wizard list just a set of spells that are designed to be used once in a character's lifetime? That would explain a lot.

First, 412 isn't exclusive to the wizard class, it's shared by those other lesser classes.

Second, suddenly 412 is somehow lessened by the additional utility? The spell was fine yesterday and suddenly today it's crap? No? It was always crap? Maybe, but it's funny that no suggestions for improvements have been made on it in years. Yet suddenly it's the poster child, like every other spell, for how awful it is to be a mage.

You guys aren't doing yourself any favors by pissing on every single release. Constructive criticism is fine, usually welcomed. Whining just to whine isn't. Lately there's been a lot of whining and little to no worthwhile feedback.

You've around 40 spells that currently have more functionality today than they did yesterday, yet somehow that increased functionality has weakened you as a whole. Your lore training goes further today than it did yesterday, yet somehow you're worse off today? Many spells that were perfectly acceptable yesterday are suddenly crap today, and every single one is being offered up as proof that your class can barely function. Worse, you feel justified in this "righteous crusade" because you've been hit hard by nerfs to your big 3 and it's crippled your class... Except you know... you haven't actually been nerfed at this point, so you're not actually coming across as the innocent victims that have been unjustly wronged that you'd like to appear to be.

We get it, you've a lot of spells in your lists that you'd like to be reviewed and revamped in an official spell review. Good luck making that happen as you continue to piss on the work currently being done, and the people doing it, for your class.


I 100 percent agree with viduus. The vocal player base has a tendency to be Unappreciative, Whiney, reactionary and a blended with juvenile anti social behavior. Poster children of the definition of Nerd Rage. Every fucking spell released some goober or another shit on the work. How many of you would have the fuck slapped out of you if you actually talked to a man the way you spew at the gemstone staff on the forums? Normal people will get my point. Many reading will not and you are the issue. Legit disagreement is fine. But play the fucking game and test it out in its entirety THEN complain and request adjustments

09-14-2015, 12:46 AM
I especially love how Aulis acknowledges that VIDUUS started the flaming yet brushes that aside. "But still! How dare you call him unprofessional for him acting very unprofessional! You should be constructive in your posts by following the non-example that GM VIDUUS was displaying."

In your mind perhaps.

Karma's kind of a bitch isn't it?

09-14-2015, 12:47 AM
Don't worry pk, Viduus read my post and even emailed me over it. Your precious white knighting was for nothing.

Who is this Viduus dude anyways? I've honestly never heard of him before and thought he was a new GM but he's acting like he's some sort of senior GM or something.

He also has a chip on his shoulder larger than mine, and that's quite the feat.

09-14-2015, 12:48 AM
In your mind perhaps.

Except, y'know, that's what he was saying. But apparently reading comprehension isn't your forte.

Karma's kind of a bitch isn't it?

Oh no! I was banned from the GS forums for 30 days...darn you, KARMA!!!!!

09-14-2015, 12:49 AM
White knighting? No.

09-14-2015, 12:53 AM
Don't worry pk, Viduus read my post and even emailed me over it. Your precious white knighting was for nothing.

Who is this Viduus dude anyways? I've honestly never heard of him before and thought he was a new GM but he's acting like he's some sort of senior GM or something.

He also has a chip on his shoulder larger than mine, and that's quite the feat.

He posted saying he was a capped wizard. He's part of the dev team.

09-14-2015, 12:53 AM
White knighting? No.

Don't backtrack now, own your shit.

09-14-2015, 12:54 AM
He posted saying he was a capped wizard. He's part of the dev team.

I mean like, what has he done? Has he been around for a while? He's just acting like this big man on campus in this email and I'm just scratching my head like "Who are you?"

09-14-2015, 12:54 AM
Don't backtrack now, own your shit.

I didn't backtrack on anything.

09-14-2015, 12:58 AM
Don't backtrack now, own your shit.

Now that's funny.

09-14-2015, 01:04 AM
Now that's funny.

I always own my shit. You fucker.

09-14-2015, 01:05 AM
I mean like, what has he done? Has he been around for a while? He's just acting like this big man on campus in this email and I'm just scratching my head like "Who are you?"

He's got multiple capped characters. He knows his shit.

09-14-2015, 01:06 AM
I always own my shit. You fucker.

Except for, you know, this entire thread where you're just being a whiny bitch.

09-14-2015, 01:13 AM
He's got multiple capped characters. He knows his shit.

I mean like, what has he done as a GM? Is he in fact a new GM or is his GMing record as large as his ego?

Except for, you know, this entire thread where you're just being a whiny bitch.

So...whining == me not owning my shit? I'm confused. But I'm sure as per usual you're not going to explain yourself and are just going to vanish from the discussion.

09-14-2015, 01:15 AM
I mean like, what has he done as a GM? Is he in fact a new GM or is his GMing record as large as his ego?

I don't think he's been at it forever but I'm also pretty sure he's contributed to a fair number of recent spell development projects. He's a friend so I wouldn't press him for specifics. His playstyle notably resembles yours (just less characters, less scripting for cash sales, less trolling.)

09-14-2015, 01:17 AM
(just less characters, less scripting for cash sales, less trolling.)

Well then he's useless.

09-14-2015, 01:21 AM
I just realized WB is talking about Sabreon! That's why he "quit" a while ago!!! :O

09-14-2015, 01:26 AM
I thought Sabreon quit because he died IRL.

09-14-2015, 01:29 AM
I thought Sabreon quit because he died IRL.

Holy shit, really? Well damn now I feel awful. Who the fuck am I thinking of then? The guy that made OTF swarm like crazy?

09-14-2015, 01:31 AM
That was definitely Sabreon that made OTF swarm but I thought he passed away. Unless I'm confusing him with Valicar...

09-14-2015, 01:33 AM
I thought Sabreon quit because he died IRL.

Maybe it's because I'm drinking Beam, but that's funny...

Playing Gemstone...Playing Gemstone...Wait, I'm dead!...Ahh, fuck it, I quit!

09-14-2015, 01:33 AM
Holy shit, really? Well damn now I feel awful. Who the fuck am I thinking of then? The guy that made OTF swarm like crazy?

Sabreon made OTF swarm but nah, not him. Way more obscure so I'm not the one outting him. He thoroughly gets GS mechanics from a player's perspective though.

I think he's determined not to leave Wizards unviable. I don't think that he or Estild were allowed to leave War Mages or Rapid Fire users intact though.

09-14-2015, 01:47 AM
Maybe it's because I'm drinking Beam, but that's funny...

Playing Gemstone...Playing Gemstone...Wait, I'm dead!...Ahh, fuck it, I quit!

Beam + ginger puree + lime juice = win

Drunken Durfin
09-14-2015, 05:03 AM

09-14-2015, 07:51 AM
uh folks..here are the real reasons why Sabreon quit (and no he didn't die, although it's been over two years and I can't speak for what may have happened since he left the game):


09-14-2015, 08:31 AM
Tgo, truth is you are basically labeled as HMC, and this is just one more thing in the ongoing saga that is being a HMC. It won't stop and you know this from all the past interactions you have had with them.

So you have three choices. Push their buttons until you get your 30 day forum ban, start using F2P accounts to pick up the crusade, or just vote with your wallet.

09-14-2015, 11:45 AM
GMs don't post here. You're talking shit to them because you know they can't talk back.
Passive aggressive over 9000!
They don't post here "supposedly" but I have a feeling they like to leave anonymous reps - allegedly.

09-14-2015, 12:05 PM
No idea if TGO01 is actually considered a HMC, but he definitely acts like one (in all aspects of life, I'm betting). If so, voting with your wallet doesn't really apply if they don't want to deal with you in the first place (which is understandable considering all the constant drama he causes).

09-14-2015, 12:08 PM
No idea if TGO01 is actually considered a HMC, but he definitely acts like one (in all aspects of life, I'm betting). If so, voting with your wallet doesn't really apply if they don't want to deal with you in the first place (which is understandable considering all the constant drama he causes).

Constant drama? Examples?

09-14-2015, 12:12 PM
So...whining == me not owning my shit? I'm confused. But I'm sure as per usual you're not going to explain yourself and are just going to vanish from the discussion.

You started a thread where even the title proclaims "it's not my fault!" You're incapable of accepting the possibility that you might be wrong on any given subject. That's pretty much the definition of not being able to own your shit, and also the reason there's little point in engaging you in discussion. You're not interested in discussion, you just want an audience.

09-14-2015, 12:16 PM
You started a thread where even the title proclaims "it's not my fault!"

Wrong but okay.

You're incapable of accepting the possibility that you might be wrong on any given subject.

Wrong again.

You're not interested in discussion, you just want an audience.

In this particular case I'm here to vent, not discuss so yes. This is the "staff complaint" folder after all. You're not going to convince me that telling a GM they are acting unprofessional when they are in fact acting unprofessional is worthy of a forum ban. I've seen GMs treat customers much worse and their posts and the GMs stick around.

You can continue to attempt to shove your head farther up Simu's collective ass but that doesn't make me wrong. It's funny how you're telling me I'm incapable of accepting the possibility that I might be wrong simply because I won't accept your argument that I'm wrong and your argument is based on, well, absolutely nothing. So yes, I'm not going to take your nothing argument as me being wrong.

09-14-2015, 12:17 PM
You fight in a scorched earth way on the officials, TGO, and you also read inferences into GM posts that aren't there. You twist words every way you can to win your point, as though winning the debate in any manner will suddenly convince your opponent to support your ideas as opposed to working in a constructive manner to reach the same goal.

Finally, every other player that has gone over the line in their posts in this whole thing has at least posted one apology after recognizing that they weren't being mature. You haven't.

09-14-2015, 12:18 PM
Dude.... just dude...

In general, the wizard discussions have been getting pretty flippant. I don't much agree with Viduus' use of the word "piss" twice in his post referring to players/customers. Piss, lets face it, is not a nice word. That is a bathroom word. Not professional. For whatever reason piss is more offensive than crap, maybe because crap has been used more?

But you were getting really angry, the thing is, you weren't entirely wrong, though you were entirely off topic. But you could have posted exactly what you posted in another way and it would have been okay.

"I don't appreciate what you said, as a paying customer I feel as though you're threatening to "take your ball and go home" if we aren't happy with the changes. I understand doing work and having it be seen as unappreciated is frustrating, equally frustrating is paying for something and not getting what you feel to be adequate service. " blah blah blah etc etc etc.

Use big complete sentences, toss in larger words wherever you can, mix in some on topicness always, and you can post anything you want. It is all in the phrasing.

Saying he wants us to kiss his feet is probably not the appropriate phrase to use.

In general though the wizard stuff has been nasty, people won't let it go. These changes to haste and rapidfire have been coming, FOR YEARS. It has been a lot of crying over spilled milk when someone needs to just go to the store and buy another carton. I know I know I know someone is going to reply or negrep me and point out how rich this is coming from me, but there is a difference. Attack the position, not the person.

For instance, just last night I posted how stupid and poorly thought out Festival of the Fallen was (banning all spells over level 10, but not 1720, which gives blanket immunity to spells under level 10...so... that will be boring), GM Kynlee seemed a little put out by the critique, but I didn't call her an idiot or something. You can say changes are good or bad or ideas or good or bad, just try to avoid saying that about the person, even though there are people so deserving out there.

09-14-2015, 12:19 PM
Finally, every other player that has gone over the line in their posts in this whole thing has at least posted one apology after recognizing that they weren't being mature. You haven't.

Why would I apologize for telling a GM who was acting unprofessional that they were acting unprofessional?

I didn't call him names or flame him. His post was totally unprovoked and seemingly came out of nowhere.

09-14-2015, 12:21 PM
GM Kynlee seemed a little put out by the critique, but I didn't call her an idiot or something.

I didn't call anyone an idiot or anything of the sort either.

09-14-2015, 12:22 PM
You seem like the kind of guy who goes out of his way to demand to speak to the manager everywhere he goes.

We can find out.

Tgo, does your hair look like this?


09-14-2015, 12:22 PM
We can find out.

Tgo, does your hair look like this?


Yes :(

09-14-2015, 12:30 PM
And my barber has a feeling Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim secret agent - allegedly. Your point?

09-14-2015, 12:34 PM
I think the "problem" here is that Tgo doesn't sugar coat his posts, and people want the officials to be Candyland where everyone turtle waxes each others' assholes.

09-14-2015, 12:36 PM
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Methais again.

09-14-2015, 12:38 PM
I think the "problem" here is that Tgo doesn't sugar coat his posts, and people want the officials to be Candyland where everyone turtle waxes each others' assholes.


09-14-2015, 12:47 PM
i think it funny you get banned for angry post on forums , and first thing ya do after the ban is another angry post . Good job on keeping the circle of hate going . Next ban might be a in-game ban and then you will end up like Michealous , another toon with awesome gear and well known gone forever .

09-14-2015, 12:52 PM
i think it funny you get banned for angry post on forums , and first thing ya do after the ban is another angry post .

This is the PC where thankfully the Carebear rules of the official forums aren't enforced.

another toon with awesome gear and well known gone forever .

My gear actually sucks so I think we're safe.

09-14-2015, 12:54 PM
Why would I apologize for telling a GM who was acting unprofessional that they were acting unprofessional?

I didn't call him names or flame him. His post was totally unprovoked and seemingly came out of nowhere.

on this specific point: After someone deduced the situational use of the spell (boss creatures) and he acknowledged it, you attacked the point of the update because you couldn't see a regular rotational use for the spell. You forgot about how useful this might be against grizzled/ancient creature bounties, since they don't stun and are probably not susceptible to ewave. (I don't know about call wind) In other words, many players face boss creatures on a regular basis, i.e. your attack was completely uncalled for.

09-14-2015, 12:56 PM
The real problem is that Tgo tries to apply logic in situations where Simu actively ignores logic and the argument follows. No matter what happens nobody will give up and things are said/done when they shouldn't be.

The GM should have never posted. If you can't handle the criticism being thrown your way, it should be as simple as letting someone else with more skill/tact/authority to post about it or simply ignore it. Wyrom should have been the one that addressed the concern and obviously not this other GM.

09-14-2015, 01:01 PM
The real problem is that Tgo tries to apply logic in situations where Simu actively ignores logic and the argument follows. No matter what happens nobody will give up and things are said/done when they shouldn't be.

The GM should have never posted. If you can't handle the criticism being thrown your way, it should be as simple as letting someone else with more skill/tact/authority to post about it or simply ignore it. Wyrom should have been the one that addressed the concern and obviously not this other GM.

They've given him a lot of leeway. In this specific case, he was attacking without logic and earned this one.

09-14-2015, 01:19 PM
on this specific point: After someone deduced the situational use of the spell (boss creatures) and he acknowledged it, you attacked the point of the update because you couldn't see a regular rotational use for the spell. You forgot about how useful this might be against grizzled/ancient creature bounties, since they don't stun and are probably not susceptible to ewave. (I don't know about call wind) In other words, many players face boss creatures on a regular basis, i.e. your attack was completely uncalled for.

What the fuck are you talking about? All I said was I have a hard time justifying using spells such as 412 when I have spells such as e wave and call wind. That's a fact. I didn't "attack" the spell nor did I attack the GM. I was giving my God honest opinion of the spell and how the reasons for why I would never use it.

If you consider that "attacking" anyone or anything then you are too far delusional to take seriously.

09-14-2015, 01:25 PM
The irony in such a garbage spell as 412 causing all of this beef rules. There are a lot of shitty spells in Gemstone nobody uses, some are Elemental, some are Spiritual, and guess what? They're still going to be useless after tweaks, because they just need to be flat-out replaced with good spells. Nobody loses anything by continuing to NOT use 412; the issue is that Estild claimed that there would be "good" in the ELR to offset the ruination of 506/515/519. So far, if this is the best they've got, it was bullshit.

If Simu were smart (heh), they would have a meeting and re-configure a lot about how they communicate with players after this ELR debacle. For sure don't broadly announce nerfs to 3 of the most popular and powerful spells a profession uses, and then claim that there would be offsetting boosts in the ELR, and wrap the package up by giving wizards a 3% chance of an Elemental TD boost with 500 ranks of some shit lore.

This is honestly like saying "you can't use your Ferrari, Lambo, or Aston anymore, but it's cool, we got you covered". Then you replace those 3 cars with a Honda, a Suzuki, and a Toyota, but you go to AutoZone and buy all kinds of stick-on chrome shit and fake spinners and racing stripes and expect everyone to be excited about it.

If they're surprised players are pissed off, they've lost their fucking minds. Does that mean attack GMs on the Officials? No, because that's stupid, since we know they have rules and are moderated. But they created this combustible situation themselves. Timing it to RIGHT after Sorcerors got a sweet ass spell review proooooooobably was a bad call, as well.

09-14-2015, 01:28 PM
What the fuck are you talking about? All I said was I have a hard time justifying using spells such as 412 when I have spells such as e wave and call wind. That's a fact. I didn't "attack" the spell nor did I attack the GM. I was giving my God honest opinion of the spell and how the reasons for why I would never use it.

Yes you did. Stop that.

09-14-2015, 01:29 PM
You're right.....that's fun! Keep asshole-ing away!

09-14-2015, 01:33 PM
I thought you quit a while ago anyhow...maybe this will give you the push over the edge.

09-14-2015, 01:38 PM
Yes you did. Stop that.

Alright. How exactly did I attack the spell or the GM? Use your big boy words.

In fact I even said a spell with no warding check that lowers AS by 25 and now lowers damage by 10% sounds good on paper. I then gave my reasons for why in practice it's not as good as it sounds. I then gave a suggestion to move away from a standard 3 second cast RT and give spells a cast RT based on their power. 412 could have a 1 second RT, call wind could have a 3 second RT and direct damage spells could be boosted in damage slightly and be given a 4 second RT.

That's like the very definition of constructive criticism. If the GMs or the players took that as "attacking" anything or anyone then you are purposefully acting like an asshole just because the post has the author of "Tgo01."

Way to keep it classy guys.

09-14-2015, 01:51 PM
Way to keep it classy guys.

For examples of how to keep it classy the TG way, see this thread title.

09-14-2015, 01:56 PM
"Sounds like a threat to me. Kiss your feet and treat you nicely or else you're going to nerf the wizard profession then afterward ignore the class huh? How very professional of you."

does not equal

Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.~Wikipedia


09-14-2015, 01:57 PM
For examples of how to keep it classy the TG way, see this thread title.

Allereli, you were tripping over yourself to be the first person to quote Viduus' post with an "awesome" after it, even though his post was removed as well and you haven't said a thing about him being wrong. Yet I was given a ban and you think I deserve that. Know what that makes you? A hypocritical douche bag who can taste what each and every GM has for lunch.

09-14-2015, 01:59 PM
Asparagus and cuttlefish?

09-14-2015, 02:00 PM
does not equal

Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one.~Wikipedia

We are discussing two entirely different discussions here. My argument with Viduus had zero to do with 412 and I didn't attack him or the spell. My discussion about 412 was a completely separate issue.

Amazing how apparently none of the usual haters have any idea what even happened yet they are rushing over here to tell me I'm wrong and I deserved the ban and I was "attacking" the 412 spell.

09-14-2015, 02:11 PM
Allereli, you were tripping over yourself to be the first person to quote Viduus' post with an "awesome" after it, even though his post was removed as well and you haven't said a thing about him being wrong. Yet I was given a ban and you think I deserve that. Know what that makes you? A hypocritical douche bag who can taste what each and every GM has for lunch.

still classy!

09-14-2015, 02:12 PM
still classy!

Cute but I never claimed to be classy. I tell it how it is. I don't pretend anything that I'm not. Too bad you can't say the same. You are the most fake person.

09-14-2015, 02:13 PM
We are discussing two entirely different discussions here. My argument with Viduus had zero to do with 412 and I didn't attack him or the spell. My discussion about 412 was a completely separate issue.

Amazing how apparently none of the usual haters have any idea what even happened yet they are rushing over here to tell me I'm wrong and I deserved the ban and I was "attacking" the 412 spell.

You have passed me and are rapidly approaching Latrinsorm level of troll. Turn back. Tuuuurrrn baaaack.....

09-14-2015, 02:14 PM
Cute but I never claimed to be classy. I tell it how it is. I don't pretend anything that I'm not. Too bad you can't say the same. You are the most fake person.

Alright. How exactly did I attack the spell or the GM? Use your big boy words.

In fact I even said a spell with no warding check that lowers AS by 25 and now lowers damage by 10% sounds good on paper. I then gave my reasons for why in practice it's not as good as it sounds. I then gave a suggestion to move away from a standard 3 second cast RT and give spells a cast RT based on their power. 412 could have a 1 second RT, call wind could have a 3 second RT and direct damage spells could be boosted in damage slightly and be given a 4 second RT.

That's like the very definition of constructive criticism. If the GMs or the players took that as "attacking" anything or anyone then you are purposefully acting like an asshole just because the post has the author of "Tgo01."

Way to keep it classy guys.

criticizing other people of their "classiness" certainly draws attention to yours. Enjoy your 30 days, I certainly will.

09-14-2015, 02:15 PM
criticizing other people of their "classiness" certainly draws attention to yours. Enjoy your 30 days, I certainly will.

He's got 30 accounts. He'll just log in Tgo02 and pick up where he left off. At least, I'm hoping this is the case.

09-14-2015, 02:16 PM
criticizing other people of their "classiness" certainly draws attention to yours. Enjoy your 30 days, I certainly will.

It all good, Allereli you're still a hypocritical piece of shit, and you get to live with that every day of your life.

09-14-2015, 02:17 PM
He's got 30 accounts. He'll just log in Tgo02 and pick up where he left off. At least, I'm hoping this is the case.

Accounts are tied together through billing, emails, IP addresses. If T just can't help himself, I'm sure his posting style will out him.

09-14-2015, 02:21 PM
oh i thought this was the official forums , guess i never seen the other forums

09-14-2015, 02:22 PM
Accounts are tied together through billing, emails, IP addresses. If T just can't help himself, I'm sure his posting style will out him.

Derailment time, but proof of any tracking through IP address?

09-14-2015, 02:25 PM
oh i thought this was the official forums , guess i never seen the other forums

Not sure if serious...

09-14-2015, 02:27 PM
Derailment time, but proof of any tracking through IP address?

I just listed possibilities

09-14-2015, 02:33 PM
I think the "problem" here is that Tgo doesn't sugar coat his posts, and people want the officials to be Candyland where everyone turtle waxes each others' assholes.

Sadly those people are also in charge of the officials.

09-14-2015, 02:33 PM
Derailment time, but proof of any tracking through IP address?

Once upon a time, and this was short lived, I want to say it was in the late 90s, might have been early 00s. Anyways, in this phase of the game it was the really heavy competition for alters phase, shit was rare back then and population was higher. They had this very short phase where they tried to do a policy of limiting merchant services by IP. Some GMs would use a tool to check IP addresses, the one I remember had a magic shovel or hammer or something was his prop for it. This didn't last very long, mostly because it was ineffective and they had no way to tell the difference between two people using a shared AOL ip, two people using some shared university IP, a husband and wife playing together, or a merchant MAer more in the fleurs vein. But, yes, obviously, they can check IP addresses.

09-14-2015, 02:39 PM
Once upon a time, and this was short lived, I want to say it was in the late 90s, might have been early 00s. Anyways, in this phase of the game it was the really heavy competition for alters phase, shit was rare back then and population was higher. They had this very short phase where they tried to do a policy of limiting merchant services by IP. Some GMs would use a tool to check IP addresses, the one I remember had a magic shovel or hammer or something was his prop for it. This didn't last very long, mostly because it was ineffective and they had no way to tell the difference between two people using a shared AOL ip, two people using some shared university IP, a husband and wife playing together, or a merchant MAer more in the fleurs vein. But, yes, obviously, they can check IP addresses.

I know they can check them later, we saw that with a number of things. What I was asking was actually "tracking" people with their IP address, which would mean the ability to actively deny services based upon IP address that was once tied to an account. Not just going back through logs on a suspicion and say oh I saw player login character A on IP 1 and then that same IP logged in character B and know with 100% certainty that it would not be a husband/wife, or other household member's account.

09-14-2015, 02:52 PM
I suspect they're far more likely to track by credit card/so on.

09-14-2015, 03:04 PM
What the fuck are you talking about? All I said was I have a hard time justifying using spells such as 412 when I have spells such as e wave and call wind. That's a fact. I didn't "attack" the spell nor did I attack the GM. I was giving my God honest opinion of the spell and how the reasons for why I would never use it.

If you consider that "attacking" anyone or anything then you are too far delusional to take seriously.

Again, scorched earth. It doesn't fit your paradigm, so it was a unjustified update for you. Pure spellcasters have about 70 spells. Let's assume 1/3rd are attack spells (either disable/diminish or damage). Do you really expect all of those spells to be in a regular attack rotation? No pure spellcaster has that.

It was pointless pushback (if you don't want to term it "attack"). The fact that you don't recognize that speaks a lot to what blinders you have on.

09-14-2015, 03:09 PM
Again, scorched earth. It doesn't fit your paradigm, so it was a unjustified update for you. Pure spellcasters have about 70 spells. Let's assume 1/3rd are attack spells (either disable/diminish or damage). Do you really expect all of those spells to be in a regular attack rotation? No pure spellcaster has that.

It was pointless pushback (if you don't want to term it "attack"). The fact that you don't recognize that speaks a lot to what blinders you have on.

You are being ridiculous. So honestly saying I don't see myself using a spell, giving reasons for not using a spell, and even giving suggestions that might persuade me to use said spell is me "attacking" or "pushing back" on said spell development? This type of post of mine should be frowned upon?

What am I supposed to do? Keep quiet about a spell I have never used and will never use and not give any suggests for adjusting the spell so I might use it? Just sit down, shut up, and keep paying my monthly dues huh?

09-14-2015, 03:13 PM
Alright. How exactly did I attack the spell or the GM? Use your big boy words.

Funny....I use your exact words/terminology against you and am told to use my big boy words. Follow your own advice, man.

09-14-2015, 03:15 PM
Funny....I use your exact words/terminology against you and am told to use my big boy words. Follow your own advice, man.

If you wanted to get into an actual debate with me using facts and references then you would have followed up on my comment. Since you didn't it proves you had no intent on doing anything but relying on your emotions for your argument so I saved myself some time there.

09-14-2015, 03:15 PM
I suspect they're far more likely to track by credit card/so on.

Agree - much simpler.

I remember a case discussed on the officials where a guy got banned and then his sister's account got banned as well, even though there were no issues with her conduct. As I recall it did get resolved, but I don't remember how SIMU verified the situation.

09-14-2015, 03:25 PM
You are being ridiculous. So honestly saying I don't see myself using a spell, giving reasons for not using a spell, and even giving suggestions that might persuade me to use said spell is me "attacking" or "pushing back" on said spell development? This type of post of mine should be frowned upon?

What am I supposed to do? Keep quiet about a spell I have never used and will never use and not give any suggests for adjusting the spell so I might use it? Just sit down, shut up, and keep paying my monthly dues huh?

Actually, I think the Simu cheerleaders would prefer you bend over, grab your ankles, and..... Well, you get the picture.

09-14-2015, 04:47 PM
I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal.

And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses".


09-14-2015, 04:52 PM
I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal.

And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses".


Some people are just really stupid like that. I was banned from a computer tech forum once because I made a post asking for help with a virus that was making ads pop up. The owner banned me because he thought I was trying to circumvent ads on the website and wouldn't listen to anything I had to say.

09-14-2015, 04:59 PM
You don't consider this talking shit behind someone's back?

GMs read these forums all the time.

GMs don't post here. You're talking shit to them because you know they can't talk back.
Passive aggressive over 9000!

Considering he got banned from the officials, what's he supposed to do?

I agree with the GM. The lore reviews are improvements to the spells. They went, here, training in lores, something you already do, will improve these spells and cost you nothing extra. Have fun.

And then people did nothing but bitch about how broken it was and how the GMs all suck.

If folks wanted to talk to the GMs, they should be addressing the haste, rapid fire, and immolation changes. However for the most part the feedback from players hasnt been constructive, its been "you fucked us, fuck you, you dont care about your players.".

I think the GMs should have timed things better though with how they released everything.

I can see how the GMs are getting feed up with being told that adding to a spell all of a sudden makes the spell suck.

Most of the time it's them adding some mostly useless high seed lore requirement to a spell that was already lackluster at best, and then acting all surprised when we're not impressed with it.

I don't think the point is who was wrong. The point is - you broke forum policy. End of story. Go post a bunch of expletives on the forums, get banned. Talk trash to the staff, get banned. Hell, talk trash to other players, get banned.



>>Are you saying the spell was designed for this type of situation? If so, really?

Not every spell will be useful in every situation you face, especially true of the minor circle.

The spell was designed decades ago to give your target -25 AS without requiring a warding check.

The current version had a practical benefit added, and a situational benefit added through stacking.

>>Sorry if I don't applaud the game design

The wizard player population has made this a statement of the obvious.

>>Is there some crazy obscure use to 514 I'm not aware of as well? And 512? Is the entire wizard list just a set of spells that are designed to be used once in a character's lifetime? That would explain a lot.

First, 412 isn't exclusive to the wizard class, it's shared by those other lesser classes.

Second, suddenly 412 is somehow lessened by the additional utility? The spell was fine yesterday and suddenly today it's crap? No? It was always crap? Maybe, but it's funny that no suggestions for improvements have been made on it in years. Yet suddenly it's the poster child, like every other spell, for how awful it is to be a mage.

You guys aren't doing yourself any favors by pissing on every single release. Constructive criticism is fine, usually welcomed. Whining just to whine isn't. Lately there's been a lot of whining and little to no worthwhile feedback.

You've around 40 spells that currently have more functionality today than they did yesterday, yet somehow that increased functionality has weakened you as a whole. Your lore training goes further today than it did yesterday, yet somehow you're worse off today? Many spells that were perfectly acceptable yesterday are suddenly crap today, and every single one is being offered up as proof that your class can barely function. Worse, you feel justified in this "righteous crusade" because you've been hit hard by nerfs to your big 3 and it's crippled your class... Except you know... you haven't actually been nerfed at this point, so you're not actually coming across as the innocent victims that have been unjustly wronged that you'd like to appear to be.

We get it, you've a lot of spells in your lists that you'd like to be reviewed and revamped in an official spell review. Good luck making that happen as you continue to piss on the work currently being done, and the people doing it, for your class.


I 100 percent agree with viduus. The vocal player base has a tendency to be Unappreciative, Whiney, reactionary and a blended with juvenile anti social behavior. Poster children of the definition of Nerd Rage. Every fucking spell released some goober or another shit on the work. How many of you would have the fuck slapped out of you if you actually talked to a man the way you spew at the gemstone staff on the forums? Normal people will get my point. Many reading will not and you are the issue. Legit disagreement is fine. But play the fucking game and test it out in its entirety THEN complain and request adjustments

Here's my post from the officials, because I'd just end up typing the same shit here anyway:

>There are some posters who find fault in everything the GMs do, and some who squeel delightfully at every change the GMs make. Both of these types of people are unhelpful to the discussion, just as unhelpful as people who vote straight party tickets in elections.

I think at least in most cases, the people who find fault in everything the GMs do (and I've done plenty of complaining through this ELR) aren't necessarily ungrateful for the changes, so much as they're frustrated at seeing one missed opportunity after another of taking a spell that's useless in most/all situations, and making it slightly less useless, but with a (usually high seed) lore requirement, while the underlying problems that our class faces remain unaddressed. I'm sure some people see Taverkin's posts and just chalk him up to a chronic whiner, despite his posts usually being articulate and offering alternatives. People probably see TGO01 the same way, but the reality is he doesn't sugarcoat his discontent with something, and seems to always come up with a good analogy to echo the point, even if a bit exaggerated sometimes. It still boils down to being fueled by people's passion for the game and their character(s) they've sunk years/decades into combined with the fact that we were asked for our feedback on upcoming changes.

A couple quick examples:

412 - Every profession with access to this spell has a better option, most/all of which stun/incapacitate/kill the monster, which are all better than what this spell offers. Yes, the spell is better than it was before, but if you multiply anything by zero, the end result is still zero.

916 - This spell had 0 combat usefulness, and still has 0 combat usefulness. Except now you can make everyone invisible after casting mass spells, and now and then cause a person to ask on lnet how to break invisibility. The obvious (like, really really obvious) thing that should have been done with this spell was add lore based stalking & hiding ranks to it, because being an ancient wizard that has slain the most fearsome beasts to ever walk Elanthia, saved the world countless times, etc., and then getting sniffed out of invisibility by a kobold is embarrassing.

906 - Grants a damage flare (I haven't seen more than 25 damage) every 5 seconds. This spell routinely hits for 100+ damage on critters without high bolt DS. An extra 25 damage every 5 seconds will almost never make a difference. The frequency that it makes a difference in combat is probably along the same frequency as that time you were leveling up in WoW, pulled way too many mobs by accident, but then leveled up just as you were about to die and your health and mana were restored to full, allowing you to successfully finish the battle.

What I've been confused most about is we have huge incoming nerfs to our offense, ELR stuff is supposed to offset that, Fire is supposed to be our offensive lore, yet there are hardly any spells in the ELR that are fire based, and only 3 are direct attack spells (903, 906, 415, correct me if I forgot any, and keep in mind I'm only referring spells that have been part of the ELR so far. I know Immolate is fire, etc.) 903/steam looks ok, 906 buff was a complete waste, 904 should be fire based, since we were told fire would be the combat lore and water would be for utility, and the 415 buff is great.

The only problem with 415 is that nobody is going to train for a high Minor Elemental CS, because there are too many other things that require us to focus on our primary circles. So despite the spell being significantly better now than it was before, the things people will be using it on the most are things that they can ward easily with a reduced CS compared to their main CS, which means they're probably not hunting anything all that difficult to begin with. I use it a lot in Nelemar now just for the sake of using it because most things there are easy to ward (Immolate is still better, but whether that remains to be the case is yet to be seen), but you'll probably never see me using it on plane 4/Scatter. As much as I would like to, my 504 MnE CS isn't going to do well against things like my 557 MjE CS will. Fortunately for me, I hunt Nelemar more than anywhere else, so I can still get plenty of use out of it. For the record though, I still miss the old uncapped damage 415. Blasting a kobold for like 4000 damage was always a cool party trick.

The only ELR spell I've been really impressed with so far is 415. The 413 buff was pretty good too, but suffers from the same training issues as 415. Most of the rest seem like plain uninspired change for the sake of change, and some are just downright awful and pointless.

I'm not saying that to sound ungrateful, I'm saying it because it is frustrating to have waited years for a lore review, and then getting things like lockpick buffs and other gimmicky stuff that serves minimal or no purpose in combat, most which comes with ridiculous seeds.

If we didn't have these big 3 nerfs heading our way, I'd just deal with it and accept it for what it was, since I thought wizards were fine anyway, though a bit vanilla.

I had just hoped that the ELR would make combat more interesting for us and add a lot of synergy to our spells to give us reasons to mix up and rotate our spells, not make us weaker and still have pretty much no synergy, in exchange for party tricks with high seed lores scattered all over the place on top of it.

But when the first thing we were told with the announcement of the ELR was that our big 3 spells were getting nerfed, it's impossible to not view every ELR change through anything other than "How is this going to help offset the big 3 nerfs when they roll in?" and so far the answer to that question has been, "It doesn't."

If we didn't care though, we wouldn't be posting about it.

~ Methais


09-14-2015, 05:12 PM
09-14-2015 02:36 PM
Thread: 30 day forum ban because GM VIDUUS is a worthless piece of shit
Ooooorrrrr.... He's the only poster that's even shittier than you.

It looks like somebody has no answer to any of the points I made. I'm not going to say who, but it's only because I don't know.

09-14-2015, 05:15 PM
You are being ridiculous. So honestly saying I don't see myself using a spell, giving reasons for not using a spell, and even giving suggestions that might persuade me to use said spell is me "attacking" or "pushing back" on said spell development? This type of post of mine should be frowned upon?

What am I supposed to do? Keep quiet about a spell I have never used and will never use and not give any suggests for adjusting the spell so I might use it? Just sit down, shut up, and keep paying my monthly dues huh?

You've blasted nearly every change. You rejected the 515 alternate proposal (moving to 540) because it introduced 1 second of cast RT, probably souring any chance of getting a GM to work with you constructively in open discussion. If you can't connect that how you're acting in various threads will jade anyone's response to you in any individual thread, again, you've got blinders on. Hell, you still haven't even acknowledged that there is a situational use for 412.

09-14-2015, 05:18 PM
Actually, I think the Simu cheerleaders would prefer you bend over, grab your ankles, and..... Well, you get the picture.

Sure sounds that way.

I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal.

And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses".


<insert giant forehead slap here>

I got a warning once on the officials for using "anal" in the same manner. Looking back on it I guess the GM might have thought I was referring to the person's ass.

It looks like somebody has no answer to any of the points I made. I'm not going to say who, but it's only because I don't know.

It's because you didn't jump on the bandwagon and tell me I'm an idiot and deserved the ban. Ban Methais!

09-14-2015, 05:18 PM
You've blasted nearly every change. You rejected the 515 alternate proposal (moving to 540) because it introduced 1 second of cast RT, probably souring any chance of getting a GM to work with you constructively in open discussion. If you can't connect that how you're acting in various threads will jade anyone's response to you in any individual thread, again, you've got blinders on. Hell, you still haven't even acknowledged that there is a situational use for 412.

I missed a ton of posts on the officials during this whole disaster...when was this 540 proposal made? And what other restrictions were there on it besides one second minimum RT?

09-14-2015, 05:29 PM
You've blasted nearly every change.

You are literally making up shit again and to be honest it's growing quite tiresome and it makes me wonder how you can act in such a manner on the officials and yet I'm the one who gets banned. More than that, aren't you even a BLUE poster on the officials? Do they hand that distinction out for making up bullshit to discredit the "whiners"?

Other than the nerfs I have actually been mostly silent on the changes. I even said that one lore change that allowed wizards a chance to deflect bolts was a good change, I even said I didn't mind the non-group friendly nature of it. I even put forth some good arguments for why critters shouldn't have the ability and look at that, the GMs agreed and took away the ability from critters just a couple of hours after giving it to them.

I even said the DS bonus via lores for 911 (or was it 503?) was a good change because it was just a straight DS bonus at like a seed 1 rank, none of this random bullshit.

The only thing I said in regards to 508 was offer up a suggestion to make the spell give a flat TD bonus that is always on (as long as the spell is active) and the lore benefit would increase the TD bonus. I even suggested making the starting bonus a mere 5ETD instead of 20ETD to make up for the always on effect.

What are these examples of me "blasting nearly every change"? Don't worry, the question is rhetorical because said posts don't exist. Are you confusing me with another poster or something? That's kind of hard to believe seeing as how TGO01 is what I use on both forums and I even use the same avatar.

You rejected the 515 alternate proposal (moving to 540) because it introduced 1 second of cast RT, probably souring any chance of getting a GM to work with you constructively in open discussion.

What the fuck? So I disagree with their alternative solution to nerfing our spell and BAM! I'm an asshole and no GM wants to work with me again? You are no longer being ridiculous, you have crossed the ludicrous threshold.

GM: Here's a nerf.
Tgo01: I don't like that nerf, here are my reasons why.
GM: Okay, here's an alternate nerf to the same spell.
Tgo01: ...but as I already demonstrated, I don't like this nerf for the reason I have already stated.
Kembal: Well you're just fucking impossible, Tgo01!!

Hell, you still haven't even acknowledged that there is a situational use for 412.

Like I had to point out to that dipshit GM about CMANs, I specifically said I don't see myself using this spell on my wizard. My wizard doesn't fight grimswarm, he doesn't do arena, he rarely does bounties, much less grizzled critter bounties, and even if he did I still don't see myself using 412 on grizzled critters.

I am speaking about myself personally. I did not say the spell has no use to anyone out there in the world.

I then gave suggestions to make the spell better to the point where I could actually see myself using the spell. If the GMs want to take my suggestions seriously and implement said changes great. If they don't fine.

I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit there quietly and watch spell after spell get an update, most of which are pretty lackluster, and not suggest something to make the spell better for me personally so I might use the spell someday.

09-14-2015, 05:31 PM
I missed a ton of posts on the officials during this whole disaster...when was this 540 proposal made? And what other restrictions were there on it besides one second minimum RT?

Estild offered to move Rapid Fire to 540 and Rapid Fire would then cost 40 mana, have a 30 second non-refreshable and non-stackable duration, but would always have a one second castRT and no cooldown at all.

I didn't mind this suggestion at all when Estild first mentioned it because he didn't say anything at all about the 1 second castRT so I assumed it would remain like it is now, no castRT at all, so I said it sounded like a good change. Literally just a few minutes later he comes back and says it would need to have a 1 second castRT and that's when I started to take back my support of the proposed change.

09-14-2015, 05:41 PM
The irony in such a garbage spell as 412 causing all of this beef rules. There are a lot of shitty spells in Gemstone nobody uses, some are Elemental, some are Spiritual, and guess what? They're still going to be useless after tweaks, because they just need to be flat-out replaced with good spells. Nobody loses anything by continuing to NOT use 412; the issue is that Estild claimed that there would be "good" in the ELR to offset the ruination of 506/515/519. So far, if this is the best they've got, it was bullshit.

If Simu were smart (heh), they would have a meeting and re-configure a lot about how they communicate with players after this ELR debacle. For sure don't broadly announce nerfs to 3 of the most popular and powerful spells a profession uses, and then claim that there would be offsetting boosts in the ELR, and wrap the package up by giving wizards a 3% chance of an Elemental TD boost with 500 ranks of some shit lore.

This is honestly like saying "you can't use your Ferrari, Lambo, or Aston anymore, but it's cool, we got you covered". Then you replace those 3 cars with a Honda, a Suzuki, and a Toyota, but you go to AutoZone and buy all kinds of stick-on chrome shit and fake spinners and racing stripes and expect everyone to be excited about it.

If they're surprised players are pissed off, they've lost their fucking minds. Does that mean attack GMs on the Officials? No, because that's stupid, since we know they have rules and are moderated. But they created this combustible situation themselves. Timing it to RIGHT after Sorcerors got a sweet ass spell review proooooooobably was a bad call, as well.

This sums things up pretty well. I think there are some really great people working on mechanics right now; really great people. Unfortunately, these releases and nerfs just weren't put out there properly. A good PR person would have steered this in the right direction, but we all know SIMU can't afford something like that.

09-14-2015, 05:43 PM
The 540 proposal was the stupidest proposal I've ever heard.

Methais is right... the changes were completely off the mark. 501 changes as being a wonderful example of that: The spell was under utilized due to a horribly scaling mana cost... and instead, they added a .01735% chance of having a grogginess effect... instead of addressing the mana cost.

09-14-2015, 05:55 PM
As a note, I don't think I've seen Viduus post today, or yesterday, since this happened. Whether it was self imposed, asked nicely of him, or required, he seems to be avoiding the forums.

09-14-2015, 06:51 PM
I missed a ton of posts on the officials during this whole disaster...when was this 540 proposal made? And what other restrictions were there on it besides one second minimum RT?

Tgo covered it. I can't remember which of the three categories in the Wizard folder it was in, to be honest. Way too many posts. Temporal Reversion would move to 520 (I think they said slight tweak to it) and Stone Skin would move to 515.

09-14-2015, 06:53 PM
As a note, I don't think I've seen Viduus post today, or yesterday, since this happened. Whether it was self imposed, asked nicely of him, or required, he seems to be avoiding the forums.

One of the latter two, I'm sure. That line of his (which has been edited out of the post, from what I saw) was over the line as well.

09-14-2015, 06:56 PM
Tgo covered it. I can't remember which of the three categories in the Wizard folder it was in, to be honest. Way too many posts. Temporal Reversion would move to 520 (I think they said slight tweak to it) and Stone Skin would move to 515.

Oh yeah. I didn't think Estild was actually being serious about it. Still lame as shit, but better than a cooldown.

RF issue is simple. Since Simu is so convinced it's a problem, even though the only thing that actually could be a problem with a wizard casting it is rapid 901, then they need to make it self cast and either give it 1 second minimum RT with no cooldown or 0 second RT with a cooldown and stop being dicks.

09-14-2015, 07:06 PM
lol @ this thread title

09-14-2015, 07:11 PM
this has been one of the more entertaining PC posts in a while. the internet is a crazy place.

09-14-2015, 07:11 PM
It all good, Allereli you're still a hypocritical piece of shit, and you get to live with that every day of your life.

:lol: @ this too.

09-14-2015, 07:41 PM
this has been one of the more entertaining PC posts in a while. the internet is a crazy place.

I thought it lost its luster about 16 pages or so ago.

09-14-2015, 07:45 PM
I thought it lost its luster about 16 pages or so ago.

In before someone says this thread is only 2 pages.

09-14-2015, 08:06 PM
In before someone says this thread is only 2 pages.

Ya know, I almost did that meself.

09-14-2015, 08:32 PM
How many of you would have the fuck slapped out of you if you actually talked to a man the way you spew at the gemstone staff on the forums? Normal people will get my point.


09-14-2015, 08:39 PM

I gotta give props on that one too - damn funny.

09-14-2015, 08:45 PM
I gotta give props on that one too - damn funny.

It's funny because it's true.

09-14-2015, 09:24 PM
Why would I apologize for telling a GM who was acting unprofessional that they were acting unprofessional?Because you want to convince people of whatever point it is you're trying to make.
Cute but I never claimed to be classy. I tell it how it is. I don't pretend anything that I'm not. Too bad you can't say the same. You are the most fake person.You are speaking from a place of pride. If you honestly want to convince people and/or GMs of your points, you need to put aside your pride and reflect on the empirical success rate of your strategy.
I think the "problem" here is that Tgo doesn't sugar coat his posts, and people want the officials to be Candyland where everyone turtle waxes each others' assholes.It's not unreasonable for a community to insist their members not be rude. There is a vast middle ground between Tgo01's posting style and the Candied Land.
Most of the rest seem like plain uninspired change for the sake of change, and some are just downright awful and pointless. I'm not saying that to sound ungrateful, I'm saying it because it is frustrating to have waited years for a lore review, and then getting things like lockpick buffs and other gimmicky stuff that serves minimal or no purpose in combat, most which comes with ridiculous seeds.Here is how you could rephrase that to not sound ungrateful.
1. Don't impugn your opponent's motives. You have no idea what they are, so why sully them and thus yourself?
2. Don't demean your opponent's effort. Gimmicky is a direct insult.
3. Instead of "ridiculous", why not "overly large" or "massive"? You communicate the same information without (again) being directly insulting.

Let's put it all together:
Most of the rest seem like changes that don't have a tangible impact. I'm not saying that to sound ungrateful, I'm saying it because it is frustrating to have waited years for a lore review, and then getting things like lockpick buffs that serves minimal or no purpose in combat, most which comes with overly large seeds.

If you can't be bothered to make these sort of changes to a forum post, why should the GMs be bothered to make the sort of changes you want to spell mechanics? Think about it.
I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal. And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses". lol.For the record anal retentive does in fact refer to someone's actual anus, that's why Freud named it that.

09-14-2015, 09:27 PM
Because you want to convince people of whatever point it is you're trying to make.

The point I'm trying to make is Viduus was acting unprofessional. Apologizing for calling him unprofessional to make the point that he was acting unprofessional seems counter intuitive.

09-14-2015, 10:01 PM
The point I'm trying to make is Viduus was acting unprofessional. Apologizing for calling him unprofessional to make the point that he was acting unprofessional seems counter intuitive.

The point you seem to be trying to make is that how you voiced it was ok. Lots of people seem to disagree.

09-14-2015, 10:06 PM
Yeah, why on Earth should Tgo apologize for calling him a cock sucking piece of shit??..

09-14-2015, 10:09 PM
Yeah, why on Earth should Tgo apologize for calling him a cock sucking piece of shit??..

Finally someone gets it.

09-14-2015, 10:58 PM
i could never understand why you would want to piss off the GMs. we have a text game from the 1980s here people. enjoy it while it lasts and give the people who assist us behind the scenes a break.

09-14-2015, 11:58 PM
The point I'm trying to make is Viduus was acting unprofessional. Apologizing for calling him unprofessional to make the point that he was acting unprofessional seems counter intuitive.

I don't know that we can except low paid amateurs to act professional when people aren't professional towards them.

09-15-2015, 12:01 AM
I don't know that we can except low paid amateurs to act professional when people aren't professional towards them.

The dude's comment came out of nowhere. What apparently set him off was someone saying "Sorry if I don't applaud the game design."

That's hardly that bad. Yes it was a negative comment but it's not like he was insulting the GM's mother or something.

09-15-2015, 12:15 AM
The dude's comment came out of nowhere. What apparently set him off was someone saying "Sorry if I don't applaud the game design."

That's hardly that bad. Yes it was a negative comment but it's not like he was insulting the GM's mother or something.

Maybe, just maybe, you'd said some things before that?

09-15-2015, 12:17 AM
Maybe, just maybe, you'd said some things before that?

People sure are coming down hard on me for this without even knowing the facts. I hadn't even said a single word to Viduus at this point. I had never even heard of this GM before I read the post of his where he went off on someone.

09-15-2015, 12:27 AM
People sure are coming down hard on me for this without even knowing the facts. I hadn't even said a single word to Viduus at this point. I had never even heard of this GM before I read the post of his where he went off on someone.

You'd said a bunch about a project that he, Estild, and Konacon worked on.

09-15-2015, 12:28 AM
You'd said a bunch about a project that he, Estild, and Konacon worked on.

No. All I've said was the upcoming nerfs sucked, and as GMs like to keep reminding us "The nerfs haven't even come out yet!"

So I complained about a project they have yet to release yet.

09-15-2015, 12:32 AM
You also didn't think you were being sarcastic/impolite when you were. You might not be the best judge here.

I don't recall being impolite but feel free to quote any posts of mine where you think I was.

09-15-2015, 12:33 AM
Can this thread perhaps be left to die until a new one with a title leaving out profanity can revive it? Hat's off to anyone who agrees that we should be able to to keep up at work without certain words glaring at everyone on the screen.

09-15-2015, 12:34 AM
It's the internet. Tell em all to fuck themselves. You're safe behind your screen!

I guess not completely because of bans. But it's always good form.

09-15-2015, 05:33 AM
You are literally making up shit again and to be honest it's growing quite tiresome and it makes me wonder how you can act in such a manner on the officials and yet I'm the one who gets banned. More than that, aren't you even a BLUE poster on the officials? Do they hand that distinction out for making up bullshit to discredit the "whiners"?

Other than the nerfs I have actually been mostly silent on the changes. I even said that one lore change that allowed wizards a chance to deflect bolts was a good change, I even said I didn't mind the non-group friendly nature of it. I even put forth some good arguments for why critters shouldn't have the ability and look at that, the GMs agreed and took away the ability from critters just a couple of hours after giving it to them.

I even said the DS bonus via lores for 911 (or was it 503?) was a good change because it was just a straight DS bonus at like a seed 1 rank, none of this random bullshit.

The only thing I said in regards to 508 was offer up a suggestion to make the spell give a flat TD bonus that is always on (as long as the spell is active) and the lore benefit would increase the TD bonus. I even suggested making the starting bonus a mere 5ETD instead of 20ETD to make up for the always on effect.

What are these examples of me "blasting nearly every change"? Don't worry, the question is rhetorical because said posts don't exist. Are you confusing me with another poster or something? That's kind of hard to believe seeing as how TGO01 is what I use on both forums and I even use the same avatar.

So instead of pulling random examples, and then having you push back saying they're not representative or whatever, I did a search of all your posts in the four main topics ever since this whole thing erupted, and categorized them with the below headings. (before you think I spent a ton of time on this, I'm a speed reader. It didn't take that long.) I was generous on the snark categorization (you do write some genuinely funny posts), so even some negative snark got placed there, just because it made me laugh. I also moved all posts on the 507 critter reflection to constructive even though they were somewhat caustic, just because it was a good change you pushed for.

Topic |Pushback on 506/515/519 |Pushback on other spell or lore changes |Argumentative |Positive |Constructive |Snark |Other |Total Posts
Dev Corner |21 |5 |14 |0 |11 |8 |9 | 68
Wizard Spells |0 |2 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |5
Major Elemental |0 |19 |14 |1 |7 |5 |12 |58
Minor Elemental |0 |9 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |11
Total |21 |35 |28 |2 |19 |14 |23 |142

You haven't been silent on ELR changes, not by a long shot. Like I said, you have blinders on.

On a percentage basis:

Positive: 14.8%
Negative: 59.2%
Other: 26.1%

What the fuck? So I disagree with their alternative solution to nerfing our spell and BAM! I'm an asshole and no GM wants to work with me again? You are no longer being ridiculous, you have crossed the ludicrous threshold.

GM: Here's a nerf.
Tgo01: I don't like that nerf, here are my reasons why.
GM: Okay, here's an alternate nerf to the same spell.
Tgo01: ...but as I already demonstrated, I don't like this nerf for the reason I have already stated.
Kembal: Well you're just fucking impossible, Tgo01!!

Again, blinders. You're already considered an asshole by the GMs, given previous behavior on the officials. You don't get many chances for constructive discussion when you have that label on you.

Like I had to point out to that dipshit GM about CMANs, I specifically said I don't see myself using this spell on my wizard. My wizard doesn't fight grimswarm, he doesn't do arena, he rarely does bounties, much less grizzled critter bounties, and even if he did I still don't see myself using 412 on grizzled critters.

I am speaking about myself personally. I did not say the spell has no use to anyone out there in the world.

I then gave suggestions to make the spell better to the point where I could actually see myself using the spell. If the GMs want to take my suggestions seriously and implement said changes great. If they don't fine.

I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit there quietly and watch spell after spell get an update, most of which are pretty lackluster, and not suggest something to make the spell better for me personally so I might use the spell someday.

Did it ever occur to you that your playstyle is completely abnormal? Most players who have abnormal styles don't push for changes when they recognize their experience is not concordant with the majority of players. Not only do you push for changes after changes have been made, you say the changes that have been made suck. And you haven't posted suggestions at all prior to that. (you weren't active in those folders for the most part until the ELR and spell changes were announced. You've posted 142 posts afterwards.)

09-15-2015, 05:37 AM
So instead of pulling random examples, and then having you push back saying they're not representative or whatever, I did a search of all your posts in the four main topics ever since this whole thing erupted, and categorized them with the below headings. (before you think I spent a ton of time on this, I'm a speed reader. It didn't take that long.) I was generous on the snark categorization (you do write some genuinely funny posts), so even some negative snark got placed there, just because it made me laugh. I also moved all posts on the 507 critter reflection to constructive even though they were somewhat caustic, just because it was a good change you pushed for.

Topic |Pushback on 506/515/519 |Pushback on other spell or lore changes |Argumentative |Positive |Constructive |Snark |Other |Total Posts
Dev Corner |21 |5 |14 |0 |11 |8 |9 | 68
Wizard Spells |0 |2 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |5
Major Elemental |0 |19 |14 |1 |7 |5 |12 |58
Minor Elemental |0 |9 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |11
Total |21 |35 |28 |2 |19 |14 |23 |142

You haven't been silent on ELR changes, not by a long shot. Like I said, you have blinders on.

On a percentage basis:

Positive: 14.8%
Negative: 59.2%
Other: 26.1%

Again, blinders. You're already considered an asshole by the GMs, given previous behavior on the officials. You don't get many chances for constructive discussion when you have that label on you.

Did it ever occur to you that your playstyle is completely abnormal? Most players who have abnormal styles don't push for changes when they recognize their experience is not concordant with the majority of players. Not only do you push for changes after changes have been made, you say the changes that have been made suck. And you haven't posted suggestions at all prior to that. (you weren't active in those folders for the most part until the ELR and spell changes were announced. You've posted 142 posts afterwards.)


09-15-2015, 07:34 AM

sums it up pretty well, lol

Lord Orbstar
09-15-2015, 08:43 AM
Let's let this die and give him time for introspection. I am out.

09-15-2015, 09:23 AM


09-15-2015, 09:51 AM
recommend ya'll roll a warrior... some of the finer intricacies of this diabolical class.

...things get stunned/die.
...one guy didn't die.

09-15-2015, 11:11 AM
i think it funny everyone bitching about the ELR but i havent had any complaints about it so far , i love the changes they did to acid spell . i dont care how they change haste ,rapid fire or immoladate cause i hardly use any of those . Im looking forward to the enchanting (925 ) update . i am SO ready to start enchanting flaring gear . nly complaint i have is they should have released the enchanting updates first

09-15-2015, 11:36 AM
Here is how you could rephrase that to not sound ungrateful.
1. Don't impugn your opponent's motives. You have no idea what they are, so why sully them and thus yourself?

How about "remarkably useless and uncreative"?

2. Don't demean your opponent's effort. Gimmicky is a direct insult.

No it isn't. If a spell is gimmicky, it's gimmicky. I use a lot of gimmicks in fighting games. People call it gimmicky. I agree with them, because it is. It just happens to also be effective until the opponent catches on. Then I have to stop using gimmicky stuff. I don't see how an insult is any part of that equation.

[3. Instead of "ridiculous", why not "overly large" or "massive"? You communicate the same information without (again) being directly insulting.

How about ridiculously large? The point being made is the same. You make it sound like I post and am like OMG YOU FUCKING COCKS WTF FUCK U AND UR HIGH SEED GIMMICK FAGGOT SHIT I HOPE RATOLIN BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE WHILE YOU'RE TAKING AN UNINTERRUPTABLE SHIT!!!!!11

If you can't be bothered to make these sort of changes to a forum post, why should the GMs be bothered to make the sort of changes you want to spell mechanics? Think about it.

If a GM is that easily butthurt and can't be bothered to not operate on emotion when it comes to how they develop the game, they shouldn't be a developer asking for feedback from their playerbase. And my posts weren't even mean. They were just blunt and to the point without 10 layers of sugar coating.

If it's really an issue, maybe they should be the ones training Earth lore so they can get some thicker skin.

Besides, I can't make changes to a post anyway, because the officials are still stuck in 1991 with no edit feature. :(

09-15-2015, 11:45 AM
If it's really an issue, maybe they should be the ones training Earth lore so they can get some thicker skin.

20% chance for thicker skin, per critical post read.

09-15-2015, 11:56 AM
I haven't read more than one or two posts in this thread but I'm gonna comment anyway...argumentative posts have led to some really interesting and entertaining conversations here.

People need to grow a thicker skin.

Especially stupid sensitive people.

09-15-2015, 11:56 AM
This reminds me of that thread where Khaladon said they didn't keep track of infractions 'like other boards', then went and made a list of all the warnings someone's posts had been flagged with, no matter how small, going back several years.

I think we can steer Kembal's machine-like mind to noble purposes however. Infographics! Word clouds! How many times per day does Latrinestorm talk about Kina Grannis!

09-15-2015, 12:02 PM
So instead of pulling random examples, and then having you push back saying they're not representative or whatever, I did a search of all your posts in the four main topics ever since this whole thing erupted, and categorized them with the below headings.

When I said I've largely remained silent on most of the changes during the ELR I meant on most of the changes they have made I didn't make a comment on the specific change one way or the other. As in of the 30 or so changes they've made I commented on maybe half a dozen. You knew this when you started your little game here (because it was in direct response to you saying I "blasted nearly every change") but quickly realized I was right so you had to stretch it out and include every comment I made about anything. Why don't you go back through all of those posts and add up how many changes they have made since the ELR and note how many specific changes I commented on.

I've decided I'm not going to hold my breath on this one so I went ahead and did the research myself. Here are the results:

415 - no comment
414 - no comment
402 - no comment
407 - no comment
408 - no comment
410/435 - no comment
413 - no comment
430 - no comment
417 - no comment
418 - no comment
405 - no comment
416 - no comment
516 - no comment
512 - no comment
501 - no comment
916 - no comment
906 - no comment
914 - no comment
904 - no comment
903 - no comment
905 - no comment
425 - no comment

920 - constructive criticism
412 - constructive critism (or as you call it "pushback")
403 - constructive criticism
404 - constructive criticism
508 - constructive criticism
504 - constructive criticism and "pushback"

507 - positive response and constructive criticism which led to changes
911 - positive response

503 - not constructive
520 - mixed constructive criticism with not constructive criticism

That breaks down as thus:

No comment - 22 total/68.75%
Not constructive - 2/6.25%
Positive reaction - 2/6.25%
Constructive criticism - 6/18.75%

As I said, I've largely been silent about the changes during the ELR. My constructive criticism and positive reactions to specific changes dwarfs my non-constructive criticism of specific changes.

So this comment of yours:

You've blasted nearly every change.

Is once again, bullshit.

In other words.


09-15-2015, 12:36 PM
I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal.

And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses".


Actually if you read Freud, anal retentive does have to do with your asshole.

09-15-2015, 12:42 PM
That's where the word originated from but I think the modern usage of anal-retentive isn't considered vulgar and doesn't refer to one's own ass.

09-15-2015, 12:43 PM
I got a 30 day ban once on the officials for telling someone (I think it was Celtic) he was being anal.

And the GM didn't understand it had nothing to do with his actual asshole and wouldn't listen to any of my "excuses".


You glance down to see an elegant lor runestaff in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>anal runestaff
You analyze your lor runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The lor runestaff contains a special flare. It can be freely altered. You can rub the runestaff.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the lor runestaff for you.

>REPORT I'd like to turn myself in for profanity. Please place me in lockout at your earliest convenience.

09-15-2015, 04:57 PM
I love it when anonymous neg rep has nothing to do with the actual content of the post. Please go on. Pay careful attention to the word GM never being mentioned except by you.

Please step out into the light so we can hear your deeply legitimate opinions.

Are you an angry Wizard partisan? Note me saying I agree with a lot of the points Wizards have made.

If you simply don't like me I'm sure you'll find common ground with plenty.

Or maybe you have a crush on Tgo01? If so, announce yourself and I'm sure he'll cyber you.

If I had a dollar for every anonymous rep I have ever gotten over the years, I'd have $5,385.00. I'm sure a few are even from {GASP} you!

Why do some people get so upset about it?

09-17-2015, 07:08 PM
You communicate the same information without (again) being directly insulting.
The point being made is the same. See how we agree, almost? :)
You make it sound like I post and am like OMG YOU FUCKING COCKS WTF FUCK U AND UR HIGH SEED GIMMICK FAGGOT SHIT I HOPE RATOLIN BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE WHILE YOU'RE TAKING AN UNINTERRUPTABLE SHIT!!!!!11I have not made (and cannot make) anything sound like anything by directly quoting you.
If a GM is that easily butthurt and can't be bothered to not operate on emotion when it comes to how they develop the game, they shouldn't be a developer asking for feedback from their playerbase. And my posts weren't even mean. They were just blunt and to the point without 10 layers of sugar coating.Again though, you're being pride-oriented here, not goal-oriented. Whether a GM should or shouldn't be a developer is irrelevant, because you have no interaction with and therefore cannot influence the people doing the hiring. The only people you're interacting with are the GMs, so you should tailor your interactions to best accomplish your goals. You can blame their sensitivity and (hypothetically) even be factually correct, but you will still be no closer to achieving your goal vis a vis wizardry, so what's the point? Surely it's not that hard to talk to them with a rudimentary level of respect.
I think we can steer Kembal's machine-like mind to noble purposes however. Infographics! Word clouds! How many times per day does Latrinestorm talk about Kina Grannis!I am confident you can satisfy your world cloud x Lartysorm x Kina Grannis appetites on my tumblr (http://erichofmann.tumblr.com/).
That's where the word originated from but I think the modern usage of anal-retentive isn't considered vulgar and doesn't refer to one's own ass.There are levels of vulgarity. I would put anal at hell/damn level: not the highest (or should I say lowest) but not to be used in polite company either.

10-14-2015, 03:24 PM
I guess the GMs don't want us questioning their authority.

Um, duh ... that has been the standard for over 20 years now.