View Full Version : Did this post warrant a pull?

10-26-2004, 06:32 PM
My answer is no, and that Emeradan is still a douchebag.


Your message copied below has been removed from the Items over 10Million topic for flaming. The GemStone IV Forum has a family oriented atmosphere where people can exchange ideas and information without fear of being harassed or intimidated.

Your personal feelings regarding staff members should stay exactly that...personal. The only exception to this should be in correspondence with those staff members or their superiors. Continued posts of this nature will lead to TAC warnings and suspension of your posting priviledges.

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If you have any questions about my action in removing your message, please don't hesitate to email me so we can clarify the issue to your satisfaction.



Forum: GemStone IV
Category: The Marketplace
Topic: Items over 10Million
Msg#: 1289
Subject: Re: a few items

>>As a point of information for your sales brigadine is actually the strongest form of scalemail, just below the weakest form of platemail.

>>The Big Q

Sometimes I really wonder why this game is so screwed up. Thankfully, I don't have to look too hard to find out why.

No offense

~ Methais

Kneel before Zod!

==== END COPY OF POST ====

[Edited on 10-27-2004 by Kranar]

10-26-2004, 06:35 PM
So now you can't say the game is screwed up on the boards?! :wtf2:

10-26-2004, 06:35 PM
I'd say it was more off-topic than anything else. That said, Quabu is a moron, but I have no problem with Emeradan.


10-26-2004, 06:39 PM
On second thought, reading the pulled letter and your post, you're insinuating that Quabu is the reason GS is screwed up. Maybe he took it personally and got sad, and asked for the post to be removed. Still, Quabu = bad and Emeradan = still good IMO.


10-26-2004, 06:43 PM
Eh I think you should beable to call quabu a moron for his blatant misinformation that hes passing as a GM.

10-26-2004, 06:44 PM
<<but I have no problem with Emeradan. >>

I do. This guy makes Ysbail look like nothing as far as pulling posts for stupid reasons that shouldn't be pulled in the first place.

For example, a while back someone with the account name STINKYGOATS was trolling on the Marketplace, and in one of my responses I referred to him as STINKYGOATSE.CX

Emeradan decided that calling him STINKYGOATSE.CX warranted pulling the post. Not for flaming, but because I "included a LINK to an offensive site."

It's shit like that which he does all the time is why I can't stand him.

<<you're insinuating that Quabu is the reason GS is screwed up.>>

No. I'm insinuating that Simu's own staff not even knowing how their own game works is the reason why GS is so screwed up.

Obviously Quabu isn't on the DEV side of things (thank God), but every staff member that posts is representing Simutronics as a whole. Not knowing what the hell you're talking about half the time makes the whole company look stupid.

That being said, I don't have anything against Quabu personally. I just can't help but notice over time that he proves himself time and time again to be an encyclopedia of misinformation.

[Edited on 10-26-2004 by Methais]

10-26-2004, 06:48 PM
Jesus Methais.. fight the good fight. Big deal, you got a post pulled. I've never had an issue with Emeradan and your post with goatse.cx should have been pulled and was.

Bigger problems out there.. trust me.

10-26-2004, 06:48 PM
And at least you didnt get demerits for it :)

10-26-2004, 06:53 PM
It's an ongoing thing with Emeradan. He's worse than Ysbail ever was in my opinion.

But don't you worry little trooper, I won't be losing any sleep over it. And no the goatse post shouldn't have been pulled. Anyone that didn't know what goatse.cx is wouldn't see STINKYGOATSE.CX and be like "Wowzers! I have a sudden urge to type www.goatse.cx in my browser!"

I mean come on. Anyone that could recognize the "joke" has already been to goatse.cx, and anyone that hasn't wouldn't have a clue what it was referring to. For the record though, I couldn't give a flying bucket of ass juice about it.

And thank you for pointing out that there are bigger problems out there. I had no idea until you informed me just now.

10-26-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Methais
a flying bucket of ass juice

Now there's a scary thought.


[Edited on 10-26-2004 by SpunGirl]

10-26-2004, 07:48 PM
And graphic. I don't think I will be able to get that bucket outta my head for a while now. ew.

10-26-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Methais
It's an ongoing thing with Emeradan. He's worse than Ysbail ever was in my opinion.

But don't you worry little trooper, I won't be losing any sleep over it. And no the goatse post shouldn't have been pulled. Anyone that didn't know what goatse.cx is wouldn't see STINKYGOATSE.CX and be like "Wowzers! I have a sudden urge to type www.goatse.cx in my browser!"

I mean come on. Anyone that could recognize the "joke" has already been to goatse.cx, and anyone that hasn't wouldn't have a clue what it was referring to. For the record though, I couldn't give a flying bucket of ass juice about it.

And thank you for pointing out that there are bigger problems out there. I had no idea until you informed me just now.

Actually, the stinkygoatse.cx thing is pretty fucking funny and not a link to graphic material as http://stinkygoatse.cx is a legitimate webpage with no offensive content.

10-26-2004, 08:33 PM
Whatever it used to be, it's down now.

10-26-2004, 10:10 PM
Both are morons. Your witty comment just stung them too hard, Methais.

10-26-2004, 10:21 PM
The official boards are modded very poorly, especially The Marketplace folder. Quabu wouldn't know his dick from a hole in the ground, sometimes Emeradan gets on his "Just because I can" kicks. I know SIMU is trying to be G-Rated, but it really is annoying.

10-27-2004, 09:47 PM
rofl @ bucket of ass juice

10-28-2004, 08:39 PM
Actually, the Marketplace boards have a new mod. Quabu is also a Host, not a GM.

Just FYI.


10-28-2004, 10:44 PM
Host or GM, he represents Simutronics. He should at least know that what he posts is correct before he posts it. Having employees (regardless of how "small" an employee they are on the ladder), they make the company as a whole look stupid when shit like that happens. Quabu is notorious for being a source of false information, and a good chunk of the other hosts (and at least a handful of GMs) also don't know what the hell they're talking about 9 times out of 10.

11-05-2004, 10:46 PM
Emerdan pulled a shitload of posts that week for no reason alot could see. Yours wasn't the only one.

11-06-2004, 01:09 AM
That's cause he's a vaginahead.

11-06-2004, 01:27 AM
Emeradan pulled one of my posts because i called someone else an idiot. I was drunk at the time, but I didn't think I was out of line.