View Full Version : Twilight Hall 19th Anniversary

09-05-2015, 12:54 AM
Tour|Sunday 11/15 8:00 pm
Introductions|8:40 pm
Piercing Party (members only)|9:00pm
RAFFLE #1 - TSW|11:00pm
Terasian Craps|Monday 11/16 10pm
RAFFLE #2 - TSNW|11:30pm
Terasian Darts|Tuesday 11/17 9pm
RAFFLE #3 - Bathhouse|11:10pm
Dynamic Storytelling! and Customize Night|Wednesday 11/18 9pm
RAFFLE #4 - North Ring Road|11:10pm
Magic Mixer|Thursday 11/19 10pm
RAFFLE #5 - Treehouse|11:10pm
Wheel of Chance|Friday 11/20 8:30pm
RAFFLE #6 - At Wheel of Chance|9:15 pm
RAFFLE #7 - West Ring Road|11:10pm
Wheel of Nightmares|Saturday 11/21 8p-9:30p
Bounty Help|10p
RAFFLE #8 & #9 - House Grounds|11:05pm & 11:10pm
Closing & members only event|11:30p-12:30a

09-05-2015, 12:55 AM
#|Location | Item | Price | Date of the raffle drawing | Time of the raffle drawing | Ticket instructions
1|Outside of bank (TSW) | Fusion Orbs: +1 spirit recovery (2), +5 STR bonus | 50,000 | 11/15 | 11:00 pm | 3 fusion orbs. Two of them add to spirit recovery, one adds 5 to strength bonus. Winners choose in order of drawing and must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 3 winners.
2|TSNW|a deeply cowled twilight blue satin longcoat |50,000|11/16|11:30 pm| A deeply cowled twilight blue satin longcoat. This longcoat can fully conceal any armor. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 1 winner.
3|one north|a loose-fitting twilight blue spidersilk shirt with a scarlet owl embroidered on the chest|50,000|11/17|11:10 pm| A loose-fitting twilight blue spidersilk shirt with a scarlet owl embroidered on the chest. This shortened robe is six times enchanted with one layer of ensorcell. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 1 winner.
4|one north of that (North Ring Road)|a scarlet glowbark crook capped with a glowing veil iron owl|50,000|11/18|11:10 pm| A scarlet glowbark crook capped with a glowing veil iron owl. This fine runestaff adds 9 to spiritual mana control bonus, adds to max spirit, and has been ensorcelled four times. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 1 winner.
5|Treehouse|Cat (Dhu kitten) and mouse (Duskruin sewer rat)|50,000|11/19|11:10 pm| Cat and mouse. 2 winners get choice of a striped deep black kitten (Dhu kitten) and a tawny field mouse (sewer rat) in order of drawing. Winners must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 2 winners.
6|Beldrin's Gaming Hall, Wheel|10 50-count jars|1,000|11/20|9:15 pm|One alchemist will win 10 50-count jars. Please do not enter if you do not have at least 15 ranks in General Alchemy. This raffle is for 1 winner and skill will be verified.
7|West Ring Road (northernmost block)|Ensorcell up to T5|50,000|11/20|11:10 pm| One cast of Ensorcell up to Tier 5 provided by Allereli. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing (meaning show up, you don't need to have an item ready). Limit breaker is OK if winner provides potions. Inky black potion will be provided. This raffle is for 1 winner.
8|Twilight Hall grounds|a crescent moon-crowned glowbark sceptre inset with whorls of silver|50,000|11/21|11:05pm|A crescent moon-crowned glowbark sceptre inset with whorls of silver. This fine runestaff is a permanent wand holder that flares 2 mana per flare and has three layers of ensorcell. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 1 winner.
9|Twilight Hall grounds|a spiraled orase walking stick crowned with an intricate owl visage|50,000|11/21|11:10 pm| A a spiraled orase walking stick crowned with an intricate owl visage. This fine runestaff adds 4 to aura and constitution bonuses, 9 to spell aiming bonus, and 1 to water lore. Winner must claim prize within 10 minutes of drawing. This raffle is for 1 winner.

10-13-2015, 01:30 AM
Tentative schedule posted

11-01-2015, 12:53 PM
House members should read the Message of the Day

11-02-2015, 03:13 PM
Event website: https://sites.google.com/site/anniversaryarmor/ (please review this website for all rules and prizes, as well as wheel spot availability)

If you haven't read the MOD, then you should be aware that Twilight Hall is offering a special Wheel of Chance event for its 19th Anniversary Celebration. There will be 100 wheel spots sold for 25 winners, of which the 19th number spun will win 8x HCP double leathers (or an alternate 5 million silvers if they choose). The other 24 winners will win a choice of ANYTHING ELSE from the prize closet and selected prize stock.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE LOGGED IN OR PRESENT TO WIN. But since Bakira and I will likely be spending an hour plus at the Wheel of Chance on 11/20 at 8:30 pm, we'll be looking to have some fun during it, and anything done during the wheel spinning will be separate from wheel spot sales.

Wheel spots for House members cost 750,000 and the wheel spot sales are exclusive to House members through Wednesday. On Thursday wheel spots will open up to the general public, for which wheel spots cost 900,000, so House members are advised to buy early. Another advantage to buying early is that every Sunday the week restarts and you will have the opportunity to buy another chance.

Any officer can sell you a wheel spot: Rolfard, Velfi, Allereli, Merikas, Bakira, Archsenex, Jastalyn, and Telyav. If for whatever reason they are non-responsive, please forgive them (or me), and feel free to email me (click on my name, send email), including your character name, and that will give us a heads up to look for you.

While we know the system is easy to get around, we are requesting that people (members and the public) only buy one ticket per week as specified regardless of how many characters and accounts they have so that as many people as possible can participate.

To clarify since I've gotten a couple of questions about this, prize stock includes things we've picked up from festivals for prizes and shop sales and is listed in bullets under the tabled information in the Prize Tier list on the event website (https://sites.google.com/site/anniversaryarmor/). These lists will likely get an update before the Anniversary week starts and the entire Prize Tier list will be used throughout the week at different events (upon the hosting officer's choice).

11-02-2015, 10:09 PM
Ha, I'd love to see the person that takes 5m over 8x HCP doubles.

11-04-2015, 09:12 PM
Last call for the Twilight Hall member exclusive armor/prize closet Wheel of Chance spot sale. Tickets will open to all at midnight (or the next time an officer is logged in) for the public and will be 900,000 for nonmembers.

Please review the full website here: https://sites.google.com/site/anniversaryarmor/

11-06-2015, 05:32 PM

Buy a wheel spot before Sunday to maximize your ticket # potential. Only 1 per person per week.

11-09-2015, 11:43 AM

Buy a wheel spot before Sunday to maximize your ticket # potential. Only 1 per person per week.

Only 38 Wheel of Chance spots remain. Get one before they're gone! Contact any officer: Rolfard, Velfi, Allereli, Merikas, Bakira, Archsenex, Jastalyn, and Telyav

11-09-2015, 12:16 PM
All raffle info now in Post #2. These are standard raffles and you will need to be logged in to win, and winners will need to claim prizes within 10 minutes.

11-09-2015, 12:47 PM
When does the third set of tickets go on sale?

11-09-2015, 01:00 PM
When does the third set of tickets go on sale?

If you purchased wheel spots both the first and second weeks, you can buy a third spot starting Sunday 11/15.

If you only purchased one spot during the first two weeks, you can purchase a 2nd then as well.

11-11-2015, 11:37 PM
Only 38 Wheel of Chance spots remain. Get one before they're gone! Contact any officer: Rolfard, Velfi, Allereli, Merikas, Bakira, Archsenex, Jastalyn, and Telyav

19 Wheel of Chance spots remain. Act fast!

11-14-2015, 11:53 AM
The anniversary is kicking off tomorrow, and only 5 Wheel of Chance spots are left! Don't miss out!

Here (http://twilight.theyeti.org/calendar.html) is the schedule of events for the week for anyone interested (in addition to the one Allereli posted).

11-14-2015, 12:22 PM
Tickets are now sold out for Wheel of Chance

Good luck everyone!

11-15-2015, 01:01 AM
The Piercing Party on Sunday night is an opportunity for all members to get free piercing jewelry out of the prize closet and be pierced by an officer. A house tour and inductions are prior to that starting at 8 pm.

The jewelry is a crimson vaalin owl stud and is flippable to any pierceable position.

The evening will end with the raffle outside the bank for 2 spirit recovery orbs and 1 +5 STR bonus orb for 3 winners. This draws at 11 pm.

Get your souvenir wings on the house grounds (go2 8622).

11-15-2015, 09:28 PM
The evening will end with the raffle outside the bank for 2 spirit recovery orbs and 1 +5 STR bonus orb for 3 winners. This draws at 11 pm.

Get your souvenir wings on the house grounds (go2 8622).

piercing party happening now!

First raffle draws in 1.5 hours

11-16-2015, 11:03 PM
Raffle for a full armor concealer draws at 11:30 pm in TSNW (go2 227)

11-18-2015, 12:45 AM
Dynamic Storytelling Wed. night at 9 pm

Raffle at 11:10 pm for a scarlet glowbark crook capped with a glowing veil iron owl (adds 9 to spiritual mana control bonus, adds to max spirit, and has been ensorcelled four times)

glowy glowy veil iron!

11-18-2015, 11:03 PM
5 minutes until raffle draws!

11-20-2015, 12:53 AM
big night Friday!


Alchemist jar raffle draws at 9:15 at Wheel of Chance

Ensorcell draws at 11:10 on West Ring Road

11-20-2015, 02:59 PM
big night Friday!


Alchemist jar raffle draws at 9:15 at Wheel of Chance

Ensorcell draws at 11:10 on West Ring Road

bump and some ensorcell info:

Ensorcell will be one cast up to T5. I can do most items (a lot of people have those 6x/6x acuity nervestaves, T5 cast on those is no problem at all). If an item is out of my regular range, you are welcome to provide me with 2 fixskills and I will go limit breaker for the cast. Otherwise I have a full set of enhancives and my only non-maxed skills are mana controls, which are at 130 ranks each, and sorcerer spells are set higher than "normal" at 172. Inky black potion pour will be provided if needed.

You must check in with me at the raffle (on West Ring Road) within 10 minutes of drawing. You do not have to have your item chosen, but I must do the cast before Sunday hunt day.

11-20-2015, 08:13 PM
We'll be starting on time at the Wheel of Chance. I'll do my best on the browser FE :)

11-20-2015, 08:52 PM
Where is the Wheel of Chance located?

11-20-2015, 10:11 PM
Ticket #|Person|Spin

11-20-2015, 10:15 PM
So, if we won a spin, but not the grand prize, what do we get to choose from, any tier?

11-20-2015, 10:16 PM
So, if we won a spin, but not the grand prize, what do we get to choose from, any tier?

any tier including the stuff listed under the tables, but not the "for officer reference" section.

11-21-2015, 03:26 PM
Wheel of Nightmares (https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Wheel_of_nightmares) starts at 8 pm

Last 2 raffles tonight :

Raffle stand
a spiraled orase walking stick crowned with an intricate owl visage

The stick resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 9 to Spell Aiming Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 27 times.
It provides a bonus of 4 to Aura Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 42 times.
It provides a bonus of 4 to Constitution Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 22 times.
It provides a bonus of 1 to Elemental Lore - Water Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 1 times.
The stick looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

*You sense that the orase walking stick has 1 layer of permanent necrotic energy upon it.
*It has a bonus of +20 from a normal stick

Raffle table
a crescent moon-crowned glowbark sceptre inset with whorls of silver
*Wand holder: This glowbark sceptre is fully unlocked! The springs on the glowbark sceptre appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition.
*It has a bonus of +22 from a normal sceptre
*You sense that the glowbark sceptre has 3 layers of permanent necrotic energy upon it.
*+2 mana flares

11-21-2015, 07:37 PM
bump Wheel of Nightmares soon

11-21-2015, 10:14 PM
The annual member's only merchant will be happening in the house at 11:30 pm. GALD only. Please be prepared.

Raffles draw at 11:05 and 11:10