View Full Version : Brace (1214) mage rechargable

08-23-2015, 09:45 PM
Fully persistant. a fire pearl inset silver bracer.

Brace spell description:
Thick plates of bone grow from the caster's forearms. If not using a shield or weapon, these plates grant the chance to parry melee and ranged attacks. Melee strikes that hit the caster's arms (or a weaponless parry) have a chance to disarm the attacker. The chance to disarm is 25% + 2% per seed 3 summation of Mental Lore, Transformation

Lore effects - Brace is minor mental, not a professional circle, so as far as this goes, its favorably treated on lore effects:
From gswiki:
The bonuses applied by lore training are identical to those provided if cast through spell research training or spell knowledge enhancive items. However, major spell circles (major elemental and spiritual) require double the lore ranks to unlock the same bonuses and professional circles (cleric, bard, empath, paladin, ranger, sorcerer, and wizard base) require triple the training (Raise Dead (318) is an exception and does not require additional training). Minor circles (minor elemental, mental, and spiritual) do not require additional training in this way.
ional training in this way.

Here is information on ranks of lore needed for a given benefit - https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Brace

first offer of 2m takes it.

09-05-2015, 03:35 PM

11-13-2015, 11:01 PM
1.5m now