View Full Version : bard battle lol

10-25-2004, 03:49 PM
Ok something i dont do everyday, but i thought it was pretty hilarious when he took my singing as threats and reported me, i was later pulled and lectured again, this yong bard walks into the park and starts singing about michaelous, and michaelous sings back for the knockout

What shall I do with an audience such as this
But smile and play as if naught were amiss."
Speaking in broken common, Allesia asks, "Who ya mad at?"
Allesia leans softly against Illumiada.
Illumiada giggles.
Illumiada innocently says, "Myself."
A faint silvery glow fades from around Alfue.
Omens says, "Play away."
Alfue stretches.
Allesia groans.
Omens nods to Obs.
Obs's brisk melody runs headlong through the measures like a hunt in full swing, breathless in its inexorable pace.
Obs smiles at Omens.
Phyrn put some acantha leaf in his bearskin sack.
Omens moves to stand in front of Obs.
Saleric just arrived.
Omens folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking in broken common, Allesia says, "I was gonna suggest my hammer for em.. ."
Raliver pulls on his black diamond pendant.
Allesia grins at Illumiada.
Obs's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Obs renews his songs.
Snivels makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Snivels gestures.
Snivels suddenly looks much more dextrous.
Phyrn removes some cactacae spine from in his grey wolf hide cloak.
Illumiada giggles at Allesia!
Phyrn removes some cactacae spine from in his grey wolf hide cloak.
Snivels just went north.
Illumiada innocently asks, "What hammer?"
Phyrn put some cactacae spine in his bearskin sack.
Illumiada examines Allesia closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.
Raliver deeply says, "Any rangers able to cast some mobility upon me? I can send spirit mana."
Obs dances his fingers over the strings of his lute to weave a driving melody.
Speaking in broken common, Allesia says, "It can deal well with anyone you're mad at."
Shadowpuck just went north.
Allesia nods to Illumiada.
Illumiada laughs!
Illumiada tickles Allesia into laughing.
Obs makes a sharp decrescendo, forcing you to strain to hear the soft notes.
Illumiada innocently says, "I need a falchion."
Illumiada folds her arms over her chest.
Allesia waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
Illumiada beams happily at Allesia!
Speaking in broken common, Allesia says, "Ya need a nice smooshing something."
Illumiada giggles.
Phyrn put some pothinir grass in his bearskin sack.
Speaking in broken common, Allesia says, "Smooshing is much better for stress relief."
>say ::obs stop with the flute, its making me puke, and if you dont listen your head youlll be missin
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Stop with the flute, its making me puke, and if you dont listen, your head youlll be missin."
Illumiada innocently says, "No a slicing something."
Obs glances at a fang-pegged battered fel lute.
Illumiada innocently exclaims, "I like to slice and dice!"
>nod obs
Illumiada roars!
Vargarv renews his song.
Obs continues his soft music, providing pleasant background for the goings-on around him.
You nod to Obs.
Illumiada giggles.
Obs says, "This is a lute."
Felhawk just arrived.
Lord Christophur just arrived.
Lord Christophur just went north.
Felhawk rummages around in his pockets.
Phyrn removes some ephlox moss from in his grey wolf hide cloak.
Allesia shakes her head.
Allesia gazes up into the heavens.
Halieo just arrived.
Halieo just went north.
Illumiada giggles.
Lord Christophur just arrived.
Lord Christophur just went west.
Phyrn removes some wolifrew lichen from in his grey wolf hide cloak.
The air calms down around Venstar.
Obs adds in a soft harmony, the muted strains complimenting the melody beautifully.
Speaking in broken common, Allesia says, "Alright.. let's go if we're going. We're not getting any older standing here."
>say ::obs beat it buster
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Beat it buster."
>dismiss obs
You wave a hand at Obs, dismissing him indifferently.
Allesia clasps Phyrn's hand tenderly.
Allesia clasps Kiriane's hand tenderly.
Lady Allesia's group just went north.
>pull all
What were you referring to?
* Blackwing just bit the dust!
Omens says, "Hush I like his Music."
Omens nods to you.
Toy just arrived, skipping merrily.
Alfue just went north.
Toy begins pouting.
Obs continues his soft music, providing pleasant background for the goings-on around him.
Felhawk grins at Toy.
Toy glances at Felhawk, her lips curving up in a slow, coy fashion.
Felhawk gives Toy a friendly hug.
Cariah just left.
Toy says, "Follow me."
Toy just skipped merrily north.
Felhawk just went north.
Obs sings:

"You know not one instrument from the next
Nor get the subtle meaning I intend as subtext
Why do you fret and glower
When there are so many better ways to fill each hour?"

Raliver just went north.
Obs adds in a soft harmony, the muted strains complimenting the melody beautifully.
Venstar chuckles.
Omens grins at Obs.
Omens says, "Nice."
A small bird lands nearby and begins to sing cheerfully.
Venstar applauds Obs.
Obs bows.
Obs continues his soft music, providing pleasant background for the goings-on around him.
Tofranil just arrived.
Tofranil just went south.
A small bird sings a pleasant song.
Tofranil just arrived.
Tofranil just went north.
Obs plucks several harmonic tones as delightful as the quiescent songs of shy faeries.
The powerful look leaves Caljora.
The small bird busies itself by preening its gleaming feathers.
Lord Metson just arrived.
>srecite obs dont try to deny, what your mind cannot fry, you best take a walk, because with no tounge you cannot talk
Please rephrase that command.
Givit just left.
Metson kneels down and begins to meditate.
Obs makes a sharp decrescendo, forcing you to strain to hear the soft notes.
[Town Square, Garden Niche]
This small niche between two buildings has been neatly landscaped into a tiny garden, its careful mosaic of flagstones interspersed with patches of trimmed grass. A low stone bench rests along one vine-covered wall, and a patch of colorful violets surrounds a painted wooden barrel in one corner.
Also here: Lord Christophur
Obvious paths: east
>recite obs dont try to deny, what your mind cannot fry, you best take a walk, because with no tounge you cannot talk

You recite:

"Obs dont try to deny, what your mind cannot fry, you best take a walk, because with no tounge you cannot talk"

[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a small bird, a rose-marrow potion and some basal moss.
Also here: Raliver, Lord Metson who is kneeling, Obs who is sitting, Silveredge who is sitting, Illumiada, High Lord Omens, Venstar, Vargarv, Delsey who is sitting, Coddy who is sitting, Caljora who is sitting, Lord Trate who is sitting
Obvious paths: north, south, west
High Lord Omens just went north.
>recite obs dont try to deny, what your mind cannot fry, you best take a walk, because with no tounge you cannot talk

You recite:

"Obs dont try to deny, what your mind cannot fry, you best take a walk, because with no tounge you cannot talk"

Kiriane just arrived.
Kiriane just went south.
>nod obs
You nod to Obs.
Obs chuckles.
Obs plucks several harmonic tones as delightful as the quiescent songs of shy faeries.
Grabbss just arrived.
The powerful look leaves Obs.
Great Lord Takmir's group just arrived.
Raliver removes an oversized crimson vultite maul from in his eahnor-veined case.
Raliver just went west.
Great Lord Takmir's group just went north.
Raliver just arrived.
Raliver just went north.
Obs's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Obs renews his songs.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Great Lord Peritta just arrived.
Great Lord Peritta just went south.
Obs brushes his fingers over the strings, modulating softly from chord to chord as if playing to himself.
>say ::obs beat it boso
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Beat it boso."
>dismiss obs
You wave a hand at Obs, dismissing him indifferently.
Something startles a small bird. It chirps loudly and takes off, flies a few lazy circles and relands on a nearby perch.
Paxpistris just arrived.
Obs strums one final soft chord then allows his lute to fall silent.
Paxpistris quietly asks, "Anyone able to cast some strength for me?"
Kiriane just arrived.
Kiriane just went north.
>say ::obs good boy
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Good boy."
>rub obs
You rub Obs.
Vargarv renews his song.
The small bird flits to the ground and does a bit of hunting before returning to its perch.
You have 60 coins with you.
Obs sings:

"Though I cannot talk it is true
Stil, the people know what you are due
A smirk, a kick, and not a second thought
You think that with your muscles all battles must be fought."

Grabbss just skipped merrily north.
Illumiada takes a pair of sleek white silk half-boots trimmed in gold silk braid off her feet.
A small bird sings a pleasant song.
With a wave of his hand, Obs brightly strums his lute in the opening chords of a flamboyant tune.
Illumiada carefully examines her white silk half-boots.
Illumiada puts a pair of sleek white silk half-boots trimmed in gold silk braid onto her feet.
Illumiada just went north.
Tellast just arrived.
Tellast just went west.
The small bird busies itself by preening its gleaming feathers.
With great proficiency, Obs further complicates the melody, making it ever more elaborate until it is nearly lost in decorative notes.
Celiril just arrived.
Landisti just arrived.
>recite the only thing that is due will be you, when you lay on the altar guts hanging with faltar

You recite:

"The only thing that is due, will be you, when you lay on the altar, guts hanging with faltar"

Pom just came trudging in, with his group following closely behind him.
Obs makes the simplest of strains as complex as is possible, coloring it with harmonies and chord variations.
>growl obs
You growl ferociously at Obs!
Pom rubs his flame-scorched greathelm, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Tellast just arrived.
Pom pulls on his flame-scorched greathelm.
Paxpistris just left.
Tellast just went north.
The appearance of great calm leaves Metson as he looks up and glances around.

Metson stands up.
With great proficiency, Obs further complicates the melody, making it ever more elaborate until it is nearly lost in decorative notes.
Lord Metson just went south.
Vargarv removes a well-balanced foil from in his black leather thigh-sheath.
Vargarv slings a reinforced shield off from over his shoulder.
Pom just trudged away moving west, with his group following closely behind him.
Vargarv just went north.
Obs sings:

"Your muscles have taken the food meant for your brain
I fear for your future, you may go insane
Not a modicum of culture can I see in you now
I pity you, poor Michaelous, with the mind of a cow."

Lord Sanar just arrived.
Lord Sanar just went north.
Celiril applauds Obs.
The small bird flits to the ground and does a bit of hunting before returning to its perch.
Obs decorates his flamboyant strum with a complex pattern of fingering.
Venstar begins chuckling at Obs!
Speaking in Guildspeak, Celiril says something you don't understand.
>recite one flex of the sword, and i will rip your spinal chord this is my last waring before your family begins the mourning

You recite:

"One flex of the sword, and i will rip your spinal chord, this is my last warning before your family begins the mourning"

Obs strikes every other note on the neck of the lute, hand flashing back and forth between the upper and lower reaches of his lute.
Obs says, "I do however have to congratulate him on his attempts."
Venstar says, "Your not even singing."
Celiril begins chuckling at Obs!
Peritta just arrived, dragging a badly damaged fel coffer with him.
Great Lord Peritta just dragged a badly damaged fel coffer with him as he went north.
Glimmin just arrived.
Glimmin just went south.
The small bird busies itself by preening its gleaming feathers.
Glimmin just arrived.
Glimmin just went north.
With great proficiency, Obs further complicates the melody, making it ever more elaborate until it is nearly lost in decorative notes.
Venstar says, "Sing your threats giantboy."
>warn obs of combat
You let Obs know that the two of you might engage in CvC combat soon. Although your warning has been logged, you should wait for his response before taking any action.
Silveredge just left.
Venstar leans against a weatherworn grey marble statue.
>growl obs
You growl ferociously at Obs!
The silvery luminescence fades from around Celiril.
>growl obs
You growl ferociously at Obs!

Obs is informing you that he considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.

Obs's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Obs renews his songs.
Obs strikes every other note on the neck of the lute, hand flashing back and forth between the upper and lower reaches of his lute.
Obs declines your warning, indicating that he has no desire for combat.
Great Lord Peritta just arrived.
Great Lord Peritta just went south.
Obs decorates his flamboyant strum with a complex pattern of fingering.
Venstar begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Venstar gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Venstar, swiftly sinking into his skin.
Venstar gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Venstar gestures.
Venstar suddenly looks more powerful.
Venstar removes a dragon-carved fel runestaff capped with a ruby orb from in his black stave harness.
Venstar just went north.
Impishly, Obs thumps out a complicated little beat on the belly of his lute, displaying a possible proficiency in percussion as well as strings.
Trate just left.
Kristara just arrived.
Kristara just went south.
Great Lord Peritta just arrived.
Lord Chillwind just arrived.
Lord Chillwind just went north.
Great Lord Peritta just went north.
>recite dont accept the challenge like a little girl, you sit in that corner and make me hurl, your weak and small without even 1 ball, yet you talk like a parrot, and run like a ferret

You recite:

"Dont accept the challenge like a little girl, you sit in that corner and make me hurl, your weak and small without even 1 ball, yet you talk like a parrot, and run like a ferret"

Giving a final showy circle of his arm, Obs strums one last chord before deadening the strings.
Obs chuckles.
Celiril groans at you.
Celiril says, "Please.. enough."
>growl obs
You growl ferociously at Obs!
Obs stands up.
* Morlothiel just bit the dust!
The small bird flits to the ground and does a bit of hunting before returning to its perch.
Obs says, "Thank you for the entertainment."
>say ::obs leave
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Leave."
Obs put a fang-pegged battered fel lute in his grey ora lute case.
>say ::obs thank you
Speaking to Obs, you say, "Thank you."
Obs changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
>dismiss obs
You wave a hand at Obs, dismissing him indifferently.
>dismiss obs
You wave a hand at Obs, dismissing him indifferently.
Zephyrean just arrived.
Lord Rohanion just arrived.
Vargarv just arrived.
Vargarv put a well-balanced foil in his black leather thigh-sheath.
Obs whispers, "You are harassing me."
Vargarv slings a reinforced shield over his shoulder.
Lord Rohanion just went west.
Fossilona just arrived.
Fossilona just went south.
Lord Rohanion just arrived.
Obs whispers, "If you continue I shall report you."
Lord Rohanion just went north.
A small bird sings a pleasant song.
Obs skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
Obs begins singing and focuses his voice into a lance shaped vortex of air centered on his right hand.
>whisp obs good take a hike lil bitch
You quietly whisper to Obs, "Good take a hike lil bitch."

ok maybe i was kinda mean, but i think he got his flute handed to him, and couldnt take it like a man, looks like singing was worse then swinging this time

10-25-2004, 03:53 PM
Looks like the singing from both parties sucked. But, the magnitude of suckage was far greater from your end.

10-25-2004, 04:17 PM
Obs > Michaelous by far.

He was witty and roleplaying.
You were illiterate and trouble making.

Someone shoulda stunned you till christmas

[Edited on 25-10-04 by Nieninque]

10-25-2004, 04:37 PM
Or better yet, caved your tiny little head in. Not that there is anything up there too injure, but at least it might have shut you up for a few minutes.

The only thing you "proved" in that log is that your STILL a complete fucking moron who constantly picks on people smaller than you just to prove that your tiny little nut-sack is still there. Of course, wen your big mouth gets you in trouble that your tiny little ass can't handle, you whine that people are "picking on you" or "are cowards abusing their levels".

Little advice; first if your going to play the game, learn the commands first, ok? And second....learn to STFU.

10-25-2004, 04:57 PM
how bout you suck my fucken dick slider and everyone else whos gonna post some stupid shit on this thread, you pussie bitchs, dont fuckin post on my thread again, get the fuck off, dumb asses like you are what screw the game up, judgeing people you dont even know ooc , and then killing them ig for no fuckin reason, everytime i kill someone i have a reason, and do everything in fuckin character so shut the fuck up pussie bitch

10-25-2004, 04:59 PM
Christ.. that made my head bleed.

There should be a spelling test prior to anyone playing a text based roleplaying game. My 3rd grade daughter spells better than you.

Thank you for illustrating why you are one of the biggest idiots in the game today.

10-25-2004, 05:01 PM
Ditto PB.

Also, your style sucked. You got pwnd by a character, based on odds I am making up, who is a white 40 year old from Wiscoinsin.

You're worse than Shaq Diesel.

10-25-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
how bout you suck my fucken dick slider and everyone else whos gonna post some stupid shit on this thread, you pussie bitchs, dont fuckin post on my thread again, get the fuck off, dumb asses like you are what screw the game up, judgeing people you dont even know ooc , and then killing them ig for no fuckin reason, everytime i kill someone i have a reason, and do everything in fuckin character so shut the fuck up pussie bitch

10-25-2004, 05:13 PM

Three words: hooked on phonics.

10-25-2004, 05:25 PM
That singing sucked so bad. The question remains thought, "Why does everyone run for the report button when the game doesn't go their way?" Fucking pathetic.

- Arkans

10-25-2004, 05:31 PM
I cant believe he posted a log like that and honestly expected to be praised up for it. What a tosser.

10-25-2004, 05:38 PM
Agreed Arkans. Obs shouldn't have been a (place insult here that wont get me a demerit) and run to the GMs. Michael made an attempt to roleplay, even though he ended up looking like a kid at a white suburban Detroit houseparty.

10-25-2004, 05:42 PM
Couldn't agree with you more, Keller.

The thing is, Gemstone is a role-playing game (just shut up with the debate that it's not, you're wrong) and your character should react to other people the way your character would if they were real. Hiding under the GM's skirt when things don't go your way is *NOT* the way to handle a situation. To me, people that report like this are no better than the snerts and MAers that run around.

- Arkans

10-25-2004, 05:52 PM
You must have been reading a different log, because all I saw was Michaelous trying to throw his weight around without any roleplaying.

He basically started on some random bard and from the outset was telling him he was going to swing for him.

He is the snert.

10-25-2004, 05:56 PM
Even if that was case, people need to react accordingly in an RP fashion. Run away, find a way to strike in secret. If it was a random Bard, the character was weak, he couldn't do much. Regardless, we don't know if that statement is true. I saw an attempted (albiet a bad one) shot at role-playing.

- Arkans

10-25-2004, 06:06 PM
Killing Michaelous makes me feel all tingly inside.

10-25-2004, 06:30 PM
Wow, Michaelous is retarded. Oh, wait, we already knew that.

And I have decided that I will throw in a fun log of him dying, just because it should prove to be amusing.

cman satt michaelYou let out a shrill yell and leap, spinning through the air and into the fracas!
You thrust with a sonic lance at Michaelous!
AS: +366 vs DS: +100 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +54 = +361
... and hit for 133 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending weapon arm flying.

* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!

The light blue glow leaves Michaelous.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Michaelous.
The deep blue glow leaves Michaelous.
Michaelous seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Michaelous suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The bright luminescence fades from around Michaelous.
Michaelous becomes solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Michaelous.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Gerhon just arrived.
>Gerhon just went north.
> * Michaelous just bit the dust!

10-25-2004, 06:32 PM
<<What a tosser>>

:lol: you british. haha

10-25-2004, 06:33 PM
You can kill him. Congrats.

That was not amusing.

Please contribute next time.

10-25-2004, 06:36 PM
<<You can kill him. Congrats. >>

Thank you

<<That was not amusing.>>

Oh well. I found it amusing. Clearly your sense of humor sucks.

<<Please contribute next time.>>


10-25-2004, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Keller
You can kill him. Congrats.

That was not amusing.

Please contribute next time.


You posted


10-25-2004, 07:12 PM
Did that log remind anyone else of two dumb pre-adolescents watching 8 Mile and then trying to battle at a party?


10-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Sattack with a lance is amusing.

What the heck is "faltar"?

10-25-2004, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
how bout you suck my fucken dick slider and everyone else whos gonna post some stupid shit on this thread, you pussie bitchs, dont fuckin post on my thread again, get the fuck off, dumb asses like you are what screw the game up, judgeing people you dont even know ooc , and then killing them ig for no fuckin reason, everytime i kill someone i have a reason, and do everything in fuckin character so shut the fuck up pussie bitch

Kid, if you didn't want to be critiqued, don't post logs.

I honestly don't know how you thought you'd come off looking better in that log. Cause the guy warned you and possibly reported you? You looked like a complete dipshit in that log... your "bard battle" was pathetic. Not only did most of your words not rhyme, but you formatted them incorrectly, your prose was completely off, and you were fucking MAKING UP WORDS!

In terms of a "bard battle," that other dude owned you, and owned you hard.

10-25-2004, 08:01 PM
Michaelous, you didn't even use the SING command, dolt.

Please try a little harder next time.

10-25-2004, 08:08 PM
I agree with Rhett, reminds me of 2 cracker boys minus battling skills equals lameass log.

And its "pussy bitches", Michaleous, I never met any pussie bitchs.

10-25-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Keller
Ditto PB.

Also, your style sucked. You got pwnd by a character, based on odds I am making up, who is a white 40 year old from Wiscoinsin.

You're worse than Shaq Diesel.

Hey, wtf is wrong with being from Wisconsin?

10-25-2004, 10:53 PM
Most people from Wiscoinsin are respectable family men. And to have been beaten in a battle by said man, it would be even more humiliating for Pussykins (Michaelous).

10-25-2004, 11:04 PM
I live in Illinois, and everyone I know from Wisconsin is fat...it's all the cheese.

10-25-2004, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Dhuul
I live in Illinois, and everyone I know from Wisconsin is fat...it's all the cheese.

RIGHT NOW, I'm watching the family guy..

Peter: Everone has their sanctuary.. Catholics have churches, fat people have Wisconsin, and I have the brewery.

10-26-2004, 01:52 AM
ACTUALLY, you should have started logging that earlier....WHEN YOU TOLD OBS YOU'D KILL HIM IF HE DIDN'T STOP PLAYING.

Fucking twit.

THAT is likely what caused him to report you.

10-26-2004, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Slider
Or better yet, caved your tiny little head in. Not that there is anything up there too injure, but at least it might have shut you up for a few minutes.

The only thing you "proved" in that log is that your STILL a complete fucking moron who constantly picks on people smaller than you just to prove that your tiny little nut-sack is still there. Of course, wen your big mouth gets you in trouble that your tiny little ass can't handle, you whine that people are "picking on you" or "are cowards abusing their levels".

Little advice; first if your going to play the game, learn the commands first, ok? And second....learn to STFU.

Dayum, I was gonna say something, but be-damned if I can beat that! Never mind PB's pic ... I ain't got too much nice to say about him, but I damn near choked on my beer. Mad postin', guys!

Fucking twit. THAT is likely what caused him to report you. If he did. Whose word we got for the report? Needledick's. I ain't taking that to the bank.

10-26-2004, 02:12 AM
Well, he said he got pulled, so I'm pretty sure that Obs infact did report and a GM took care of it.

10-26-2004, 02:14 AM
>prof michae

Name: Michaelous

Race: Giant Gender: Male
He appears to be very young and average height.
He has long-lashed brown eyes and bronze skin.
He has short, wavy black hair with lighter streaks.
He has a clean-shaven face, a straight nose and a broad chest.

Quote: "The wise heart is called discerning

Does anyone else find his quote amusing considering the way he seems to act in game?

10-26-2004, 02:56 AM
Michaelous, WTF makes you think I don't know you you stupid fuck-stain? We have meet each other, in fact you offered me 10k in-game to kill Tyre for you when you found out he could kick your ass at will. Alllow me to refresh your memory, seeing as how you seem to have the attention span of a goldfish.

1) Your jackass of a freind stole from Tyre, and then was stupid enough to brag about it too him.

2) Tyre invited him outside the North Gate so he could kill the jackass

3) Your whiny lil ass followed, and tried to ambush Tyre...but you couldn't get the job done. Hell, he even laid down, no weapon out, and you STILL wouldn't try again. But you offer me 10k to kill him for you.

4) I tell you to go pack sand up your wide ass, Tyre is killing a thief, I don't have a problem with it.

5) You then spend the next 10 minutes whining that Tyre is a coward and is abusing his power for attacking you. Then proceed to pick on the only person in the room that was lower level than you to prove how big your nut-sack was.

So, yes, we have meet, yes, you are a fuck-stain, and yes, given the smallest provocation on your part, I will hammer your ass into next week.

Jyax, Blademaster of the Grot' Karesh Clan

10-26-2004, 02:58 AM
you pussie bitchs


God he reminds me of my boyfriend's ex. She couldn't spell her way out of the second grade. :no:

10-26-2004, 03:07 AM
I nominate Michaelous for the post of Village Idiot for the Landing

10-26-2004, 05:21 AM
blah blah blah, your so fucking stupid its unbeliveable, slider your the most pathetic seeing as you have to bring someone else into the argument, who da fuck is tyre? keep arguing for someone else, i hope this gives you hopeless low lives something to do for the rest of your pathetic lives, ahahah keep whining maybe youll meet someone who will actually give a fuck about what you think

10-26-2004, 05:26 AM
Who's whining, asshat? We're pointing at you and laughing.


10-26-2004, 05:40 AM
Ok, i'll tyry using smaller words, seeing as how it is become painfully clear to me that your not smart enough to figure out what I posted.

In your above post you said this;

judgeing people you dont even know ooc , and then killing them ig for no fuckin reason

I was pointing out, that I have meet you IN-GAME fuckstain...thus I am not "judging people I don't know" (BTW that would be the correct spelling). Furthermore, I have never once attacked you, killed you, etc. as you accuse me of doing. However, if I am to be accused, I suppose I might very well do it so I can at least be guilty of what you accuse me of doing, hmm?

To make it as clear as I can, and use small words so that you can understand what I am saying, You are a limp-dicked, slimy little peice of shit that should STFU.

To compare this pile of dogshit to the Village Idiot would be a grave insult to idiots everywhere. He just ain't smart enough to be called an idiot.

[Edited on 10-26-2004 by Slider]

10-26-2004, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Michaelous
blah blah blah, your so fucking stupid its unbeliveable, slider your the most pathetic seeing as you have to bring someone else into the argument, who da fuck is tyre? keep arguing for someone else, i hope this gives you hopeless low lives something to do for the rest of your pathetic lives, ahahah keep whining maybe youll meet someone who will actually give a fuck about what you think

Youre such a prick.
You post a log of you acting like an illiterate arsehole in game, wanting pats on the back, and when someone rightly points out that you are a pimple on the arsehole of the world, you go off on one of your badly spelt, poorly grammaticised, meaningless abusive rants.
Get a clue boy, YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!

10-26-2004, 06:06 AM
HAHAHAHA, Michaelous, just beg Kranar to have your account deleted already. I think you've caused enough trouble on yourself. Your responses aren't making it any better, by the way.

10-26-2004, 12:44 PM
I like the part where he mistyped recite, recited one room over and had to come back to recite again.



10-26-2004, 01:05 PM
And how he cant tell the difference between a flute and a lute.

See if you can spot the difference ;)

10-26-2004, 01:44 PM
The one on the bottom is a pipe organ... right?


[Edited on 10-26-2004 by Amaron]

10-26-2004, 03:10 PM
Dude reroll and don't be a giant, you're a disgrace to the race.

10-26-2004, 03:15 PM
If you want to see a bard battle. I'll dig up logs of my friend Trapi getting thrown out of Rivers Rest for speaking in Rhyme for about 2 weeks strait

10-26-2004, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
If you want to see a bard battle. I'll dig up logs of my friend Trapi getting thrown out of Rivers Rest for speaking in Rhyme for about 2 weeks strait

post em , lets see

10-26-2004, 11:50 PM
Jeez, you're still here, Michaeldick?


10-27-2004, 03:02 AM
ROFL dick jail