View Full Version : Use of verbs

08-22-2015, 07:47 AM
With the development of new verbs, or at least modifications to existing verbs, I am always left wondering: "How the hell am I going to remember them?"
I'd be interested in any techniques you guys employ to make best use of the much underutilised verbs in the game. I often include them in certain specific scripts and there are a handful that I use so often, they are just part of my RP. But there are so many other excellent ones I forget about.

How do you you don't go to the default position of 'smile' and 'grin'?

Genuinely interested in responses, so please, if you wouldn't mind staying on topic.

08-22-2015, 08:14 AM
Honestly I was hoping doing the Wiki pages for the verbs would help me with this problem, but no, I'm still awful.

08-22-2015, 08:44 AM
Honestly I was hoping doing the Wiki pages for the verbs would help me with this problem, but no, I'm still awful.

Haha - you and me both mate.
I saw some excellent use of verbs during a Teras town meeting recently. Was a fella representing Ta'illistim - can't remember his name. And I thought 'damn - how does he do that!'

I do spend some time just putting the word 'list' or 'help' after a verb to bring up a list but by the time I've figured out which one I want to use, the moment has passed. Incidentally never try that with the verb 'smile' - hehe - The amount of times I have been in a fantastically roleplaying situation and have ruined it with:

Bremerial smiles list.

Ususally results in a lot of tittering!

08-22-2015, 09:31 AM
I actually started making a word document with all the verbs I felt were useful for Roh but it became too cumbersome to use. It is nice to read over it once in a while to remind myself of some of the older, more obscure ones though. I keep meaning to look into the lich notes, if that's still a thing.

08-22-2015, 11:29 AM
I actually started making a word document with all the verbs I felt were useful for Roh but it became too cumbersome to use. It is nice to read over it once in a while to remind myself of some of the older, more obscure ones though. I keep meaning to look into the lich notes, if that's still a thing.

I had a look at Lnet and downloaded rpverbs

Can't get it to work though. Just getting the following - which is all Greek to me!

--- Lich: error: #<REXML::ParseException: #<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/source.rb:219:in `match'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/source.rb:219:in `match'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:424:in `pull_event'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:183:in `pull'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb:22:in `parse'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/document.rb:287:in `build'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/document.rb:43:in `initialize'
rpverbs:35:in `new'
rpverbs:35:in `_script'
etc etc etc .....

08-22-2015, 11:33 AM
I have a few generics I resort to for general interaction. Playing for a while, I kind of have most of my 'basic' stuff memorized.

08-22-2015, 11:33 AM
I was going to print out myself both the speech verbiage list and tone list for starters, and possibly some other verbs I would see myself using, then cut those down to ones Id only use and leave out shit I won't use.

Now a days there's soooo many verbs I think I'll need literally a binder for if I ever wanted heh, thats the issue I see. While great, there are just a boat load of things to try and remember or practice with

08-22-2015, 02:03 PM
I did the same many did here. I had tone/speech verbs printed out near the computer, and a list of most of the verbs in a booklet that you'd glance through from time to time. Ultimately, unless you're some sort of savant (and there are a few verb masters in GS), you just find a handful which fit your character and expand from there. It makes sense, as we all have common facial expressions or actions we use, that our characters would do so as well.

08-22-2015, 04:15 PM
I'm mildly annoyed that they're making all these new verbs but not adding them to VERB INFO.

I don't want to have to leave the game to see how to to try to keep a straight face.

08-22-2015, 05:57 PM
Agreed. It should be a mandatory part of releasing a new verb.

08-22-2015, 06:24 PM
I also have about 15-20 verbs that express my character fairly well, coupled with my sig verbs. I often keep up the wiki with the two verb pages to remind mysself of 3rd person messaging for the ones I use less frequently like sylvan verbs... but I also find myself using GLANCE HELP, GAZE HELP, LAUGH HELP and GRIN HELP to remind myself what's available.

08-23-2015, 01:39 AM
This has been really interesting for me. There is no magic pill or special technique to accessing the verbs it seems. We all remember the few that work specifically for our character. I think having read all the comments here I am going to simply: 1. go over the list of verbs again:
2. Incorporate some verbs into the more commonly used scripts I use
3. Prepare some of the verbs in advance for special events like poetry reading
4. Try and memorise a few more verbs - perhaps a few every so often - that I can just use as part of normal RP and that meets the needs of Bremerials (enhances her character)

To be honest #4 is what I was always taught to do when learning a foreign language - just memorise a few words and phrases each day and practice them. Perhaps this ultimately is the way to do it.

Thanks all. Very helpful indeed.

08-24-2015, 11:43 AM
This has me thinking, does the ACT verb get much use outside of those "special" moments?

08-24-2015, 12:48 PM
I do use Act occasionally. It is useful. But for every two acts I use there is usually one verb I can't remember that will do something similar to what I want.

I've got round it this way. I've created a stormfront script called: 'respond' which brings up lists of some of the key verbs I may want to use. So:

Put beg help
Put grunt list

Etc etc

Done this for about 6 key verbs that provide me with ample choices. Saves me typing and I can just click on the suitable link to the variation of the verb I want that meets the situation. Of course it brings up an annoying scroll of verbs and their options but as only I can see this, and as it helps my RP, I will put up with it. If I find a less crude way of doing this I'll let you know...alas I am no scripter!

So far it's working pretty well to be honest.

08-24-2015, 02:04 PM
I used act in known company. As you can take liberties with it I didn't like to make use of act in crowds unless it was pretty tame. Same with smile.

08-24-2015, 03:28 PM
I've gotten in the habit of doing a lot of goofy things in ACTS or, if what I want to do is like 3+ verbs I'd rather do ONE act vs spamming verbs. I hate spammed verbs. ><

09-05-2015, 09:09 AM
You're just goofy.

09-05-2015, 02:08 PM
You're just goofy.

Years of watching people walk into a room and hugging/smooching the same person 10+ times or everyone they've ever met once... it does things to you man. PTSD, verb style.