View Full Version : Afraid of?
09-06-2003, 04:45 PM
Just looking in the garr topic brought something up.
There's one thing in this world that I'm afraid of, it's Ferris Wheels. I don't know why I'm afraid of them, but you can't get me on one. It's not heights because I sky dive and rock climb all the time. I just hate them, the last time I got on one I was holding onto those bars so tight my entire hands were white. Snakes and stuff are nothing. I use to catch rattlesnakes all the time. I still do cause it's fun to Steve Irwin snakes (YES, Steve Irwin is a verb, not a noun.) So it's just ferris wheels cause.... well I have no idea but they are evil.
09-06-2003, 04:48 PM
Spiders. I fucking hate spiders. What I hate most about them is, I'll be there at night watching a movie in the dark, then out the corner of my eye a scuttling movement I will see. Shock, horror, a spider. And it stops moving the moment I see it. Then it moves fucking insanely fast to freedom. What I hate the MOST though is when I thwap it with whatever I have handy, then remove the weapon and its still alive and scurries at the speed of light away from me. Bastards.
09-06-2003, 04:48 PM
I don't ride rollercoasters. I will never bungee jump, skydive, rock climb (on a real cliff)... Yeah so I'm afraid of heights. I can ride ferris wheels though. I just have a problem with looking down.
Spiders to the max.
Big crowds.
09-06-2003, 04:52 PM
Spiders. Wasps/Yellow jackets. Disease.
09-06-2003, 05:12 PM
Most bugs in general! The more legs, the scarier. And when you really think about it, its ridiculous to fear them.. they are like 1/1000th of our size and can't really do anything except a little bite. Even with that logic, they still scare the shit out of me.
09-06-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Spiders. Wasps/Yellow jackets. Disease.
omfg I hate spiders too.
When I was like.. 8. Or younger. My grandfather was tearing apart his house that a tornado had picked up and dropped quiet a few feet... and like he peeled back a window frame board thing and a wasp flew out and stabbed me right in the head. I was like 30 feet away too. I like watched it come right for me and BAM right the forehead.
I can't stand the sight of wasps since.
09-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Two things: Spiders and any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
09-06-2003, 05:22 PM
its ridiculous to fear them.. they are like 1/1000th of our size and can't really do anything except a little bite.
Never do a google image search for 'Brown Recluse bite'
09-06-2003, 05:23 PM
Oh biggest fear number two: Getting someone pregnant.
09-06-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
Most bugs in general! The more legs, the scarier. And when you really think about it, its ridiculous to fear them.. they are like 1/1000th of our size and can't really do anything except a little bite. Even with that logic, they still scare the shit out of me.
Actually, a black widdow (and another spider in Aussieland..can't remember its name) can kill a teenager with a single bite..and make a grown male very VERY sick for over a week..
On the other hand..the most leathal spider in the world, is also the most common seen...and handled...The "Daddy Long Legs" spider hs the most leathal venom in the spider world..yet, its fangs are to thin and are unable to puncture human skin.
09-06-2003, 05:26 PM
Uh Adredin... I'd like to see some evidence of a Daddy Long legs being the most lethal. I've heard that too, but I think it's just a rumor.
09-06-2003, 05:26 PM
Funnel web Adredrin. As named for making funnel shaped webbed. They often such things in toilets and bushes. Incredibly dangerous and feared. One of the reasons why I won't go to Austrailia.
09-06-2003, 05:29 PM
Daddy long legs is not an arachnid. It has 6 legs and no bodily segmentation.
I guess you could put Australia on one of my biggest fears too. That place has some dicked up animals.
Can't that funnel web bite through the leather of a boot?
09-06-2003, 05:30 PM
<<<Actually, a black widdow (and another spider in Aussieland..can't remember its name) can kill a teenager with a single bite..and make a grown male very VERY sick for over a week.. >>>
Really? I got bit by one and the doctor told me to just watch it. Maybe I just got a shitty doctor though. It hurt like a bitch, they say it's one of the most painful insect bites in the world. I didn't get sick at all other then my arm was so tender that it hurt to touch....
<<<On the other hand..the most leathal spider in the world, is also the most common seen...and handled...The "Daddy Long Legs" spider hs the most leathal venom in the spider world..yet, its fangs are to thin and are unable to puncture human skin.>>>
That's actually a myth. They aren't. The most lethal spider in the world is the funnel web spider (I think.)
09-06-2003, 05:32 PM
09-06-2003, 05:41 PM
Actually, the venom of the black widow spider is 15 times more toxic than that of the prarie rattlesnake. However, the spider injects so little venom when it bites that its bite is rarely fatal to a healthy person.
Lots of information on black widow spiders there.
09-06-2003, 05:44 PM
my fears ... i'm not really scared of anything except for spiders, basically all bugs... centipedes above all .. those scare the heck out of me
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by ElvenRangeress]
09-06-2003, 05:45 PM
You all realize the biggest spider in the world is the size of a dinner plate? I seen that crocodile guy, Steve Irwin let one walk across his head once.
09-06-2003, 05:47 PM
Centipede. Yes, you are a bad speller, and we didn't need you to tell us to notice.
09-06-2003, 05:48 PM
STFU already Bob. You have your 1000 posts, quit spamming.
09-06-2003, 05:52 PM
I do not fear nature's creatures, but my mother absolutely wigs out over spiders. Either I must take them outside, or my grandmother will smite them unto death. ;)
09-06-2003, 06:00 PM
Speaking of daddy longlegs, when I was little I used to pin one of their legs to the ground, then pluck out the rest of them one by one. Then flick the body off the remaining leg. Yes, I was one sadistic little bastard.
09-06-2003, 06:02 PM
*fears Edaarin*
Crickets and needles was my game.
09-06-2003, 06:08 PM
Ants and washing up liquid mixed with vinegar in a super-soaker was mine.
09-06-2003, 06:09 PM
I put duct tape over an ant, picked it up, put it in a glass of water so it was lying down on a raft of tape, then started dunking it in the water, putting salt over it, then dunking it again.
I put another piece of tape over the ant so it was trapped to the max. Then I lit it with a grill lighter. That was one dead ant.
09-06-2003, 06:12 PM
I once did that to your mother...
09-06-2003, 06:13 PM
I'm not afraid of spiders, bugs, snakes, heights, ferris wheels(?), or any of the other common stuff.
I'm embarassed to say, I'm 22 years old, and I'm still afraid of the dark. Not just a little either. I'm afraid to the extent that before I had a car with keyless entry, I used to carry a flashlight, so I could look in there before I got in at night. And I don't accidentally leave the monitor to my computer on in my room at night.
09-06-2003, 06:14 PM
Little Bobby went to school one day and left the PC page up on the PC.
Bobby's mother came in to clean the room and saw the foulness that was Bobby's language.
Bobby came home to such a spanking.
Weedmage Princess
09-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Rodents of all kinds... *shudder* I hate em..
Spiders I don't mind too much.
09-06-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Apollyon
Two things: Spiders and any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
That's rough, considering your 'good buddy Sean' IS an STD...
Weedmage Princess
09-06-2003, 06:25 PM
CRABS!!! eeeeek!
09-06-2003, 06:25 PM
I hate spiders, large crowds, anything creepy-crawly, strangers, the dark, and meat. Especially if I don't know where the meat is from.
09-06-2003, 06:26 PM
I'm not touching that one. :saint:
09-06-2003, 06:27 PM
You said you liked my meat :(
09-06-2003, 06:28 PM
No, really, I mean MEAT, like meat in your fridge of freezer. Especially raw. Ick. It makes me want to find my razor blades, or some rat poison.
09-06-2003, 06:30 PM
Good. For a momen they I thought you didn't appreciate my affections. Silly me.
09-06-2003, 06:32 PM
09-06-2003, 06:33 PM
09-06-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Camri
I'm not afraid of spiders, bugs, snakes, heights, ferris wheels(?), or any of the other common stuff.
I'm embarassed to say, I'm 22 years old, and I'm still afraid of the dark. Not just a little either. I'm afraid to the extent that before I had a car with keyless entry, I used to carry a flashlight, so I could look in there before I got in at night. And I don't accidentally leave the monitor to my computer on in my room at night.
My mother is 40 and she's afraid of the dark.
I got over it when I was like.. 13.
I will add that I wouldn't sleep with my door closed until about 14-15 though.
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by Tayre]
09-06-2003, 06:40 PM
09-06-2003, 06:41 PM
MmmMmMm beef.
09-06-2003, 06:41 PM
I like it if my steak moos.
09-06-2003, 06:43 PM
Sickos. Raw meat is... I'm not even going to go there.
09-06-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Originally posted by Camri
I'm not afraid of spiders, bugs, snakes, heights, ferris wheels(?), or any of the other common stuff.
I'm embarassed to say, I'm 22 years old, and I'm still afraid of the dark. Not just a little either. I'm afraid to the extent that before I had a car with keyless entry, I used to carry a flashlight, so I could look in there before I got in at night. And I don't accidentally leave the monitor to my computer on in my room at night.
My mother is 40 and she's afraid of the dark.
I got over it when I was like.. 13.
I will add that I wouldn't sleep with my door closed until about 14-15 though.
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by Tayre]
You know, I'm not afraid of the dark, but I must admit its one of those fears in the world that I can understand someone having. You just can't possibly know whats in the dark..thats why its called darkness. You can't see, you have only touch, and smell..and if you can smell the "thing" then you only have touch. Now, groping around in the dark is not all that fun for me (its rather annoying, and it normally ends up with stubbed toes..which sucks!) but, I can understand peoples fear of touching something that don't belong there..
09-06-2003, 06:43 PM
Go eat your ramen, you bitch :D
Beetles! Any insect that I can feel land on me! AHHHH i gettin shivers just typin it...
I'm not afraid of ghosts any more, and they do exist, i need not explain myself! :P
09-06-2003, 06:46 PM
Every time I see ground beef, I think of a car accident I responded to. Guy had a sunroof. Guy wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Guy... yeah, whatever.
At any rate, I used to have these really horrible nightmares, involving a lot of stuff. I used to dream that a monster lived under my bed. But rather than be your run of the mill monster -- this monster would cut off any of my body parts that I let hang over the edge of the bed. It's a wonder I slept when I was younger.
09-06-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Rysk
Beetles! Any insect that I can feel land on me! AHHHH i gettin shivers just typin it...
I'm not afraid of ghosts any more, and they do exist, i need not explain myself! :P
A ghost is just a program doing something it's not supposed to.
.....ok i'll stop.
09-06-2003, 06:52 PM
Hi, my name is Tayre, and I'm a JACKASS
09-06-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Hi, my name is Tayre, and I'm a JACKASS
I used to have the limb removal dream when I was little too. I think my monster has a chainsaw, though. I STILL won't sleep with a limb hanging over my bed. I really don't even like sleeping with a body part exposed. I ALWAYS have to have a cover of some sort covering all of me when I'm sleeping by myself.
Oh, by the way...
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by peam]
09-06-2003, 07:21 PM
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by Artha]
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by peam]
09-06-2003, 07:31 PM
:lol: You guys are sick!
I had one big fear, that I've gotten over since. I used to be deathly scared of escalators. No idea..don't ask, I don't know.
09-06-2003, 07:33 PM
Hmm..with all the past experience with Ilvane in the game I've had (and yes..thats a LOT..) I'd never have thought you had that fear..rather amusing, actually.
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by LordAdredrin]
09-06-2003, 07:33 PM
I remember when I was about 14, my friend nearly lost his foot to an escalator. Respect the escalator.
09-06-2003, 07:33 PM
09-06-2003, 07:34 PM
Eat the meat.
Spiders... centipedes... any sort of creepy crawly little bug with lots of legs.
Heights too, but only extreme ones. I've been to France twice, and both times I visited the Eiffel Tower... and each time I nearly lost my lunch looking down from the top. -shivers-
Edited to ask:
Why is Maimara a Knight and Bob is still a Noble? :?:
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by GS3 Michiko]
09-06-2003, 07:54 PM
Tsa'ah, you are lucky I'm over my fear..:
That has to be one of the biggest escalators I've ever seen..:lol:
And enough pictures of ground beef already! :grin:
[Edited on 9-6-2003 by Ilvane]
09-06-2003, 07:57 PM
I had one of a teddy bear getting mangled in one, but I didn't want any recurring fears to well up.
09-06-2003, 08:22 PM
"Even if the voices aren't real, they still have some pretty good ideas." ~One of the voices.
I must say..I love this quote..heh
09-06-2003, 10:02 PM
I fear:
1. Spiders. One night I stepped on one in my bare feet in the bathroom, and it SQUIRMED under my foot, and I just lost it. Ew, ew, ew.
2. Being alone. Not like in the "I'll die alone" sense, but if I'm staying alone at home, I turn on every light, check all the doors and windows twice, turn on the TV to mask any regular noises that would make me freak out, and then read or stay online until I absolutely have to fall asleep.
3. UFOs. When I was a kid I used to watch the abduction stories on "Unsolved Mysteries" and have nightmares about them, and be looking under the bed for aliens.
09-06-2003, 10:03 PM
09-06-2003, 10:04 PM
I was avoiding this thread for a reason I hate you, K, for resurrecting it..................................
09-06-2003, 10:05 PM
I do what I can.
09-06-2003, 10:06 PM
You know..I never had any thoughts on alians till I watched that movie movie freaked me out.
09-06-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
You know..I never had any thoughts on alians till I watched that movie movie freaked me out.
Exactly. :o
09-06-2003, 10:10 PM
I am afraid of Brits. They're evil. You just look at them and know they like to play with raw meat.
09-06-2003, 10:11 PM
I was the only person in the house that SAW the Alian the first time (in the mirror atop the roof behind him)
09-06-2003, 10:20 PM
Alian? ALIEN.
09-06-2003, 10:20 PM
i'm totally scared of aliens as well!!!! eeps! as well as escalators, elevators, heights, my dad, and well ... GHOSTS! ...
and above all: GS4Gurl's link to that flash movie .... your like reading the words of the Lords Prayer, while a record being played backwards recites it .. a creepy voice saying it to (its sooo low so you turn your speakers up full blast) ... grrr... then all of a sudden you hear screaming and seeing decaying babies, gah ...
if you want the link u2u me *screams*
09-06-2003, 10:22 PM
That's disgusting.
Link me, baby. yeah!
09-06-2003, 10:22 PM
heh, sounds like fun.
09-06-2003, 10:22 PM
*links maim*
09-06-2003, 10:23 PM
::slaps stray:: Stop posting damnit!
09-06-2003, 10:24 PM
No, keep posting, honey. I'm almost there...
09-06-2003, 10:25 PM
When i was a lil kid at my baby sitter i would take a butterfly net and catch bees and kill them by smooshing em with my bare hand cause i thought they were evil cause they stung someone else. Two weeks later i get stung right in the thumb and Oooh the pain!! All i remember is the baby sitter telling me what a stupid thing i did and holding my hand under cold water. 20 years later i have a phobia of bees still,yeah its sad.
09-06-2003, 10:25 PM
Gah! Damn you..ugh, nastiness invaiding my brain!
09-06-2003, 10:29 PM
The link is on my AIM profile, if anyone wants to see it. I'm not comfortable posting it here.
AIM is maimbeth.
09-06-2003, 10:30 PM
don't do it! Its a trick for you to IM her, then she can sex you up and dump ya!
09-06-2003, 10:31 PM
You're just pissed off because you can't get your dick within 8 miles of me. Jackass.
09-06-2003, 10:33 PM
LOL, not really..I'm just trying to post. long as I'm posting, I can put off cleaning the living room.
09-07-2003, 04:04 AM
The movie Signs didn't scare me. It was edge of your seat, but not SCARY. Scariest movies are:
1. Event Horizon
2. Fire in the Sky
3. 8mm (because it was REALLY fucking disturbing).
09-07-2003, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
The movie Signs didn't scare me. It was edge of your seat, but not SCARY. Scariest movies are:
1. Event Horizon
2. Fire in the Sky
3. 8mm (because it was REALLY fucking disturbing).
Event Horizon sucked, it was just gory.
09-07-2003, 04:11 AM
Scared the shit out of me.
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Scared the shit out of me.
I'm with you here, call me a pussy but it was freaky...
and to the people who are going to call me a pussy, a pre-emptive fuck offfff!
09-07-2003, 01:10 PM
The most scared I have ever been at a movie wasapropriately my first really scary movie that I saw in the theaters.
Aliens the second in that series just about gave me heart attack after heart attack and literally had me jump from my seat several times.
Ok, I was young, but it still is a pretty damn good movie even now when I see it on cable.
09-07-2003, 01:17 PM
The Mothman Prophesies were kinda scary, but not in an 'OMG, I'm not going to be able to sleep at night!' way.
09-07-2003, 01:20 PM
Mothman Prophecies was scary because it's meant to be based off a true story. That's scary.
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Mothman Prophecies was scary because it's meant to be based off a true story. That's scary.
Crazy West Virginians, I say.
09-07-2003, 03:06 PM
28 days later, the cinema release (not the bogus Americanized DVD pile of shit) pretty much scared me wittless.
09-07-2003, 04:08 PM
My biggest fear has always been storms. When I was a little girl I used to hide under the kitchen table until it was over. As I got a little older it got worse somehow to the point if I knew a storm was coming, I'd get a little fort hideaway kind of thing ready. I'd put a small tv in the bathroom (which was the center of the house) and I'd get a portable radio, pillows, blanklets and a bike helmet ready (in case of a Tornado). I'm alot better at dealing with storms now, they just give me an upset stomach and nervous. My sister (Kailya) used to make fun of me because if it was supposed to storm one day, I'd be glued to the TV (weather channel) in case any storms were coming or I was worried one would pop up and I wanted to be ready for it.
09-07-2003, 04:12 PM
lol, my brother is like that. He's over it now, as he is older than Tayre (being a massive 17), but I still condemn him for it everytime we hear the rumble of thunder.
09-07-2003, 04:20 PM
The only time storms worry me is when I'm at school, and that's just because they usually make us stay late. Already this year, we stayed 15 minutes late because of severe thunderstorms (first week of school...but it was raining pretty hard), after they had called off a tornado warning. Last year when the weather was really bad in the midwest and east, we actually got into the sub-basement because of a tornado warning. Of course, no tornado showed up.
09-07-2003, 04:24 PM
Remember kids, when you see that big flash, calmy get under your table, duck and cover.
#Nuclear Bomb survival tip.
09-08-2003, 07:29 AM
I hate china dolls and ventriliquist puppets. It seems like those damned things are always staring at me. No matter which direction you turn, their eyes follow ya, lol. It's all because of those 80's B horror movies like Dolls or Puppetmaster (?) and those other similar ones.
- N
09-08-2003, 01:19 PM
I'm scared of being kidnapped by North Korean spies.
09-08-2003, 01:27 PM
Um lets see here..
Most creepy crawlies, especially crickets, they are just so damn ugly
Roller Coasters
Traveling in cars
I'm scared that some huge woman is gonna over power me and rape me.
Weedmage Princess
09-08-2003, 01:53 PM
That movie Dolls kicked ass. I think I'm going to go buy it, now that you've mentioned it.
Hm, no bug fears for me... I don't fear no stinkin' bug. But I do HATE one. Scorpions. Grr. I've been stung twice and I'm massively allergic... as in, if I don't get immediate medical attention, I die. So I've been a scorpion hunter since I was eight. Walk around at night in the apartment with a black light and KILL KILL KILL!!!
Ahem.... I am afraid of space, though. I don't remember, but I'm told that my class was listening to the people talking on the Challenger when it exploded and now some of us have horrible fears? Yeah. A really good picture/film of space will make me white knuckle. I had to walk out of Apollo 13.
09-08-2003, 01:56 PM
<<<<Hm, no bug fears for me... I don't fear no stinkin' bug. But I do HATE one. Scorpions. Grr. I've been stung twice and I'm massively allergic... as in, if I don't get immediate medical attention, I die. So I've been a scorpion hunter since I was eight. Walk around at night in the apartment with a black light and KILL KILL KILL!!!>>>>
That's why I don't want to live in the south. I don't ever want to have to check my shoes for scorpions before I put them on..... The thought of putting my foot in a shoe with a scorpion in it freaks me out.
Originally posted by Gemstone101
That's why I don't want to live in the south. I don't ever want to have to check my shoes for scorpions before I put them on..... The thought of putting my foot in a shoe with a scorpion in it freaks me out.
No reason to get freaked out, heh. I've actually never had a scorpion wind up in my shoes. When I got stung, one was in my jacket sleeve and I put it on in the bus and the scorpion reacted....
And the other time, I was eight and sitting on the floor watching TV and this scorpion skittered across the floor, stung me, and then ran under the bed. Yeah... I killed that little fucker too. :flamed:
Anyway, there're worse things to fear in the south than scorpions. I can't tell you how many black widows I've found, and coral snakes (worse than rattlesnakes 'cause coral snakes have a really deadly neurotoxin, although coral snakes are alot shyer, so there are less bites) and brown recluses...
Honestly, though, if you live in a big city like Dallas or Houston, the likelihood of you seeing any of those creatures is practically nil. But I live in Austin, with its strange passion for protecting the wildlife... including little bits of pure evil like scorpions.
I'm afraid of Spiders, Elevators, and Zombies and Ghosts.
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by Ben]
Spiders and bridges.
When I became a mother, if I saw a spider, I would kill it. I was afraid it would bite my baby. (her dad killed it if it he were here) Now she kills the spiders! She's also the mouse catcher. Occasionally, in the winter, a mouse will come to live with us. She'll catch it and put it outside. Ewwww. She is so kind hearted.
Bridges. I think this fear came from when I was a kid. Two things. One, going across the Mississippi River on a train. You look out and see nothing but water. <shudder> Two, was when we would go over the White River in TX, there was a drawbridge. The grownups would always start talking about someone that didn't know the drawbridge was going up and fell into the river or something dumb like that. I was in the floorboard by the time we crossed. Still hate bridges.
Oh, and not that this is a fear. This is just weird. One day we got up and our house had something like 300 ladybugs in it. They were bunched in two clusters in our living room. (across the room from each other) It was like they were mating or something. So, my daughter stood in a chair with paper towels and grabbed bunches and would hand them to me to get rid of. It was the oddest thing. Lived here since 1987 and something like that has never happened before or since. I saw some weaving cocoon like things around them so I guess they were breeding. Anyway, that fly away fly away ladybug song doesn't work. I know, I tried.<snickers>
09-08-2003, 04:33 PM
Seems like everyone is afraid of spider.....
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Seems like everyone is afraid of spider.....
Evil little things! I will pick up a Daddy Longlegs. Don't know why. Pick them up and throw them out the door. I even captured and took a Texas Brown tarantula that I caught as a kid for show and tell. I don't know how I managed that. (still shudder to think about it) I also remembering having a staring contest with a black widow. Took me forever to get up the nerve to kill that thing. Finally, my motherly instinct overtook my fear. <shudders again>
09-08-2003, 04:54 PM
ok LOL .. I hate JUNE BUGS !! those things scare the linving shit out of me < faints dead away> When i was about 4 i was out early evening trying to catch fire-flys and a june bug flew into my hair and since i had really long curly hair it got stuck and i couldn't get it out .. to this day I freak out when i see one....Oh an frogs .. like toads they totally suck
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Seems like everyone is afraid of spider.....
It's an age-old fear, it seems. I feel lucky to have escaped it.
Originally posted by Notsosweet
ok LOL .. I hate JUNE BUGS !! those things scare the linving shit out of me < faints dead away> When i was about 4 i was out early evening trying to catch fire-flys and a june bug flew into my hair and since i had really long curly hair it got stuck and i couldn't get it out .. to this day I freak out when i see one....Oh an frogs .. like toads they totally suck
June bugs are terrible fliers. They buzz around my apartment hall lighting and fly right into me and my boyfriend all the time.
Spiders are the devil, and anyone who says otherwise is in league with him.
Originally posted by peam
Spiders are the devil, and anyone who says otherwise is in league with him.
Spiders are kyoot.
09-08-2003, 06:02 PM
*Nod Peam* I have destroyed two recently in my bathroom. My rolled up paper of doom (10x, masterfully crit weighted) has about 50 kills to its name.
That is just cruel Peam. Heh. I can stand pictures. My grandmother was so afraid of snakes that she wouldn't even look at pictures of them. My sisters and I always tried to trick her by showing her the snake section in the encyclopedia. She would almost go into hysterics. We just wanted to show her the pretty pictures. :saint:
09-08-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Just looking in the garr topic brought something up.
There's one thing in this world that I'm afraid of, it's Ferris Wheels. I don't know why I'm afraid of them, but you can't get me on one. It's not heights because I sky dive and rock climb all the time. I just hate them, the last time I got on one I was holding onto those bars so tight my entire hands were white. Snakes and stuff are nothing. I use to catch rattlesnakes all the time. I still do cause it's fun to Steve Irwin snakes (YES, Steve Irwin is a verb, not a noun.) So it's just ferris wheels cause.... well I have no idea but they are evil.
Not afraid of ghosts. Not afraid of spiders. I simply escort them outside. I'm similarly unphased by rodents. I'm not afraid of the dark, nor am I scared of heights. I love to sit outside and watch storms, so I'm good there too. Not afraid of pain.
When I was about four years old, I watched a praying mantis mate, which I found pretty interesting, so as far as I know, I've never been afraid of scaley insects. I'm named after a bee, so I can't fear bees. I have juvenile diabetes, so fear of needles is out too... as is fear of blood. I'm not afraid to die, fly, walk, or drive.
The things I fear most in this world are unknown people. What I really can't stand is what I call "uninitiated physical contact" - which translates into someone I don't know touching me or coming within 15 feet of me. My fingers and palms tend to start to twitch and it's hard not to pull them up, back goes straight, tunnel vision happens, and fight reflex tries to take over.
09-08-2003, 06:32 PM
Ouch. Must make going on the tube a bit difficult.
Weedmage Princess
09-08-2003, 06:39 PM
Yeah I dont have a problem with spiders. Some people consider them good luck.
I've wracked my brain and I have to say that my only true fear is a hypothetical situation.
Like Melissa, I have absolutely no conventional fear. I could skydive in a cage filled with snakes, mice, insects and spiders while extracting my own blood into a red cross donation bag and being stung by a bee.
My only fear is the fear of someday falling deeply in love, marrying a girl and then finding out somehow that she's having an affair.
Mind you, my first criteria for being with someone is "You must be loyal for me to be interested." and they know well that should they cheat, they may cause many deaths, including theirs and mine.
However, you can never be certain and people change... the idea of my mate being unfaithful makes me sick to my stomach and I really can't explain why. I've been like this since I was very young and there's no trigger I can link it to.
On the plus side, this fear makes me an extremely loyal, romantic and attentive partner. Traits that many girls value highly.
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Mind you, my first criteria for being with someone is "You must be loyal for me to be interested." and they know well that should they cheat, they may cause many deaths, including theirs and mine.
While I understand the gist of this was to show that you are a commited and loyal parnter, that one paragraph would make me run for the hills.
Trust is a hard thing. Hate to be cliche but better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Never be afraid to take that plunge. Gee... I sound like Ann Landers.<runs away>
Edited to add: I've been there too. I know this topic is about fears. Just wanted to say that one fear can be all consuming. Much worse than spiders. That's why I had to overcome it. You are allowed to kill spiders.
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by Vesi]
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by Vesi]
Originally posted by Vesi
You are allowed to kill spiders.
I'm not. It's against my beliefs. I believe all life is equal and only humans are capable of commiting acts worthy of death.
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by Vesi
You are allowed to kill spiders.
I'm not. It's against my beliefs. I believe all life is equal and only humans are capable of commiting acts worthy of death.
Ok, then don't kill the spider! <flails>
I don't eat meat but I don't care if the animal is killed. (as long as it's used to feed or clothe someone) Yes, I'm not your normal vegetarian. I don't eat meat because I just think it's gross. Yuck.
I'm not trying to put down your beliefs but I can't see any consistency in your statements. Okay to kill humans but spare the spiders. Gotcha. <nods>
Oh, anyone else freak out when they have ever had to have an MRI? It's like being in a coffin! I needed major drugs to get through mine. Yes, I'm wimpy. (back on topic)
09-08-2003, 07:31 PM
Fortunately, I've never needed one. I hear it's really loud too.
09-08-2003, 07:58 PM
Not really afraid of roaches so much as disgusted by them.
Ive killed them in the hundreds in an old apt. The suckers kept coming back till we went crazy with foggers.
Spiders I'm ok with, in fact I kind alike having one or two in my bedroom as long as the web in the corner doesn't get too big. That was especially true when we lived in the old roach apt. I used to be careful not to squish the spiders as they would at least eat some of the little baby roaches that got stuck. Went so far as to name the two spiders that lived in my bedroom when I was there. Nothing very creative sadly, just George and Harry.
Originally posted by Vesi
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by Vesi
You are allowed to kill spiders.
I'm not. It's against my beliefs. I believe all life is equal and only humans are capable of commiting acts worthy of death.
Ok, then don't kill the spider! <flails>
I don't eat meat but I don't care if the animal is killed. (as long as it's used to feed or clothe someone) Yes, I'm not your normal vegetarian. I don't eat meat because I just think it's gross. Yuck.
I'm not trying to put down your beliefs but I can't see any consistency in your statements. Okay to kill humans but spare the spiders. Gotcha. <nods>
Oh, anyone else freak out when they have ever had to have an MRI? It's like being in a coffin! I needed major drugs to get through mine. Yes, I'm wimpy. (back on topic)
Actually... I don't say kill all humans (unless that was the only way). I say kill the ones that do things worthy of death... rape, senseless murder, extreme violence, knowingly partaking in infidelity, hate crimes against people who are just being what they are...
Get rid of them, then imprison all zealots.
Religious Zealots, Patriotic Zealots, War Mongers... all of the zealots. Render them infertile through the most economic and reliable means... then lock them in a small community under ground. Let them live out their lives doing their thing and then die off when their time has come.
Take action to teach the youth of the world peace, tolerance and unity.
Amend all religion to make it more casual. I.E. "We worship <insert thing> but we hate and judge no one for their choices. We only worship <insert thing> cause it works for us, if it doesn't work for others, cool!"
Have political negotiators (the new, non-fanatical ones) talk and merge the nations into a peaceful one world government. Pool all resources into those funds and tax everyone an equal percentage of their income. Expand to make less livable places livable and give money to genetic research so that we can grow meat and veggies in labs, nix the cattle industry and the farming industry... stopping the degradation of the atmosphere by methane gasses produced by bovine anuses as well as the countless rodent/insect deaths that occur every damn time a field of wheat is harvested.
Guilt free food!
Enforce society's morals gently... anyone who goes against these ideals that we've created would be treated much as they are now... and locked in an asylum until they're better.
That's what I think needs to happen.
09-08-2003, 08:10 PM
So what will you do after lunch then?
09-08-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Vesi
Oh, anyone else freak out when they have ever had to have an MRI? It's like being in a coffin! I needed major drugs to get through mine. Yes, I'm wimpy. (back on topic)
The first time I had an MRI/CAT scan done it was because I had a seizure and I wasn't coming out of -- low blood sugar will get you like that. Anyway, the thing about my seizures is that I'm very aware consciously of what is going on around me.
The CAT was sort of strange feeling, but it's also like a big caccoon, and there's that incessant hum. It's kind of comforting.
Originally posted by Skirmisher
So what will you do after lunch then?
Contact extra-terrestrial intelligent life.
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
[quote][Get rid of them, then imprison all zealots.
Religious Zealots, Patriotic Zealots, War Mongers... all of the zealots. Render them infertile through the most economic and reliable means... then lock them in a small community under ground. Let them live out their lives doing their thing and then die off when their time has come.
The problem with this is you become the zealot. Can you see the circle? I had this problem with some of my relatives and their prejudices. Time just told me they aren't going to change. I also found myself asking if I am I prejudiced against them because they are prejudiced? It's just one of those things. We have to learn to live with people that have differing beliefs. (I am not including people that break the law and end up in jail because of due process)
Take action to teach the youth of the world peace, tolerance and unity.
Amend all religion to make it more casual. I.E. "We worship <insert thing> but we hate and judge no one for their choices. We only worship <insert thing> cause it works for us, if it doesn't work for others, cool!"
Amend? No. There are some people that take great comfort in their beliefs. I wouldn't take that away from them. I am fine as long as they don't try to force them on me. My solution? I just don't discuss religion if it can be avoided.
Have political negotiators (the new, non-fanatical ones) talk and merge the nations into a peaceful one world government. Pool all resources into those funds and tax everyone an equal percentage of their income. Expand to make less livable places livable and give money to genetic research so that we can grow meat and veggies in labs, nix the cattle industry and the farming industry... stopping the degradation of the atmosphere by methane gasses produced by bovine anuses as well as the countless rodent/insect deaths that occur every damn time a field of wheat is harvested.
Way too many issues to discuss there. Utopia only works in stories so far.
Enforce society's morals gently... anyone who goes against these ideals that we've created would be treated much as they are now... and locked in an asylum until they're better.
That's what I think needs to happen
That is a bit too 'Big Brotherish' for me. One person's morals aren't another's. I don't want to be judged, therefore I don't want people judging me.
None of this is a slam. I see sparks of good in there. I also see someone that hasn't experienced life yet. Youthful optimism. Don't lose it. But don't lose sight of the fact there are things we can change and things that we can't.
PS Sorry this is so off topic. If it needs to be removed, do so. Guess I should have started another thread.
Edited: To add the PS
[Edited on 9-8-2003 by Vesi]
09-08-2003, 08:51 PM
Things I'm afraid of...
I hate spiders too, can't lie there. Was "okay" with them until a friend of the family got bit by a fiddleback (brown recluse) for anyone who doesn't know the bite can cause a sore that just keeps eating your skin away pretty much. They're really not very common around here either, but more and more are being found. Hence... I'm not fond of spiders.
I have a slight fear/facination with the paranormal, or so you could say. When I was 19 and my first husband and I just moved in together (before we were married) we had a Zenith 19" TV in the bedroom... this is back when Bevis and Butthead was just what you watched EVERY night! (The Great Cornholio! or however it's spelled) Anyway, turned it off one night to go to sleep, as I can't sleep with a TV on, and there were two eyes in the TV. He saw it, I saw it... my dad lived down the block I made HIM come over... he seen it. I was way freaked out, took it in for repair, nothing was wrong with it, the whole nine yards. Ended up tossing a towel over it or a blanket or something to cover it.. it was that or the new TV for the bedroom was going out the damn window. Never happened after that, go figure.
My biggest fear though... clowns. I hate clowns. I've always been terrified of them since I was really little, I've had boyfriends in the past try to rent IT or some stupid thing like that to scare the hell out of me, I refuse to watch it... it's even hard when I go to a parade with my kids, or the circus... they love them, I have to turn my head... it's awful.
Some player.. who's been bitchy lately.
[Edit: Sorry had to edit for those who use the blue theme and it was killing my eyes because it was set as a blue font.]
[Edited on 9/8/2003 by CrystalTears]
09-08-2003, 08:51 PM
I'm claustrophobic so having an MRI was nearly deadly for me. Usually they have you take half of a valium to help you relax. I had to take two to knock me out because I was too panicked when they rolled me inside.
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
The first time I had an MRI/CAT scan done it was because I had a seizure and I wasn't coming out of -- low blood sugar will get you like that. Anyway, the thing about my seizures is that I'm very aware consciously of what is going on around me.
The CAT was sort of strange feeling, but it's also like a big caccoon, and there's that incessant hum. It's kind of comforting.
I just know it took them four tries before they could complete one. They tried every other day. (I was in the hospital for a few weeks) I had one ten years ago and I was fine. I don't know why that one freaked me out so bad.
09-08-2003, 09:25 PM
This doesn't really go too much along with the topic.. But somone brought up coffins and it made a memory bubble up. The past Saturday, I was garage sale and yard sale hunting with my boyfriend and we were flipping through books and he started cracking up. This lady was a craft addict.. but out he pulls "How to make your own coffins (for pets too!)" I couldn't stop laughing.
Originally posted by Jenisi
This doesn't really go too much along with the topic.. But somone brought up coffins and it made a memory bubble up. The past Saturday, I was garage sale and yard sale hunting with my boyfriend and we were flipping through books and he started cracking up. This lady was a craft addict.. but out he pulls "How to make your own coffins (for pets too!)" I couldn't stop laughing.
Okay, you said "craft addict"...I thought you said "crack addict". LoL!
09-08-2003, 10:32 PM
I am scared of spiders, spiders, spiders....
Those little red spidery things that you find on cement are creapy... oh I got a good one. Being out in the middle of the ocaen with nothing around you at all and never knowing what could be underneath you or coming at you. That freaks me out.
09-08-2003, 10:34 PM
Yeah I can see how the ocean thing could scare you.
How about a different tangent: What is your most feared method of dying?
For me its drowning, or being burned alive.
09-08-2003, 11:02 PM
Hmm... Ok first let me say the best would probably be either dying in your sleep or freezing to death.
But worst death I think is burning to death because that would be really really slow and painful. Even though it could be drowning because with drowning it's like the air is right there and you just can't get to it.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yeah I can see how the ocean thing could scare you.
How about a different tangent: What is your most feared method of dying?
For me its drowning, or being burned alive.
Drowning would be so easy for me... it doesn't hurt at all, it's like falling asleep. I "drowned" once... didn't really die, cause there was CPR administered... I was very young and all I remember is swimming around and getting pulled away from the side of the pool by another kid and falling... and then I thought, "I'm going to die now? Okay." and just relaxing... the water entering my lungs was rather uncomfortible, but then everything just went black. It wasn't really unpleasant until I was conscious again, then my lungs and throat BURNED and were raw for days.
I think the worst way to die would have to be magma... Like... to be standing there... and suddenly lava engulfed your feet and there was no clear ground in site... your legs incinerating... and then you fall, and your arms incinerate and then finally you fall forward into it and live just long enough to experience the excruciating agony of molton rock surrounding your head and chest before finally dying...
09-08-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Hmm... Ok first let me say the best would probably be either dying in your sleep or freezing to death.
But worst death I think is burning to death because that would be really really slow and painful. Even though it could be drowning because with drowning it's like the air is right there and you just can't get to it.
I have a friend who is a burn survivor. He was electrocuted by a high voltage powerline. His burns were mostly 3rd degree+. He told me he had very little pain following the initial burn, because the nerve endings are just below the skin, and when they burn away you have no feeling. So I'm not really afraid of the burning to death thing.
Drowning and suffocation would scare the hell out of me. I can't deal with not being able to breathe, and go into a instant panic if I think I can't.
09-08-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Yeah I dont have a problem with spiders. Some people consider them good luck.
My Russian friend believes killing spiders is bad luck, and so he captures them and sets them free outside. He's insane.
09-08-2003, 11:59 PM
3rd degree+.
Yes, I get 4th degree burns all the time. Sometimes even 5th or 6th.
09-09-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
This doesn't really go too much along with the topic.. But somone brought up coffins
First day of Simucon, there was a mortician's convention downstairs... Much fun was had.
I'm afraid of driving my car, and (somehow) falling off of a bridge... and being trapped in the car and unable to get out while sinking.
My mother has that fear too, which I find odd. Do you think stuff like that is genetic? :?:
09-09-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
3rd degree+.
Yes, I get 4th degree burns all the time. Sometimes even 5th or 6th.
In which hemisphere of your brain did these injuries first occur, Bob?
Originally posted by Camri
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
3rd degree+.
Yes, I get 4th degree burns all the time. Sometimes even 5th or 6th.
In which hemisphere of your brain did these injuries first occur, Bob?
Right down the middle.
09-09-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
I'm afraid of driving my car, and (somehow) falling off of a bridge... and being trapped in the car and unable to get out while sinking.
My mother has that fear too, which I find odd. Do you think stuff like that is genetic? :?:
Probably learned behavior rather than genetic. As a child, you probably sensed your mother's fear while driving across bridges. The brain would then assign a logical reason to that fear. Ergo, the fear of falling off the bridge, being trapped in the car and drowning.
Edited because "of" is not "off", even in Pagan. ;)
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by HarmNone]
Devil Ducky
09-09-2003, 01:58 AM
Clowns! ::screams and runs off::: oh gods they freak me's just wrong!
09-09-2003, 03:12 AM
Heh, one of my closest friends is deathly afraid of clowns. I can see what she means though, when they are made up to look evil. "It" was fucking evil.
Originally posted by Devil Ducky
Clowns! ::screams and runs off::: oh gods they freak me's just wrong!
09-09-2003, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
What's the matter? Doncha wanna float? DONCHA WANNIT!?
09-09-2003, 03:53 AM
Dude, where did you get that?! I want to email it to my friend.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Dude, where did you get that?! I want to email it to my friend.
What's your AIM StrayRogue?
09-09-2003, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Dude, where did you get that?! I want to email it to my friend.
What's your AIM StrayRogue?
Um, your AIM (if you have one) is displayed on the bottom of your posts where the little AOL icon is. Mine is.....StrayRogue! Yes, I was born with the originality gene.
Do you like my new Avatar and Sig, Stray?
09-09-2003, 04:56 AM
Hey dude, its my friend whose afraid, not me.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Hey dude, its my friend whose afraid, not me.
Dammit, you should all be afraid of clowns. Hmmph, back to good old trusty Sephiroth.
09-09-2003, 05:24 AM
You know what else scared me, was the movie Resident Evil. Not the yucky zombie sorts, but the little hologram girl freaked me out.
And the picture of the spider gave me the shivers, ugh.
09-09-2003, 05:24 AM
Bah, that film sucked.
09-09-2003, 05:33 AM
It did suck. But the hologram girl was still freaky. With her little voice and stuff. Ugh.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Bah, that film sucked.
Hehe. You called it a film.
09-09-2003, 05:42 AM is a film...based on a game. I don't recall a Holocron of Cheryl in any of the games...
Originally posted by StrayRogue is a film...based on a game. I don't recall a Holocron of Cheryl in any of the games...
At least Slipknot was on the Soundtrack.
I walked out of Resident Evil because I was too scared, I kid you not.
09-09-2003, 07:02 AM
Bah, I fear not the spider, nor reptile of any sort. Ferris wheels? No problem! Been known to wade out waist-deep to get to a good redfish spot on the flats. Gators wont bother you!
But chickens are another matter.
Acolyte Kurili, watching carefully for ambushing chickens
09-09-2003, 10:02 AM
I can't stand clowns. Of any kind. Freaky little buggers.
Llamas and I don't get along. Ever. Anytime I have been to a petting zoo, I had to avoid them or one of us would get hurt.
My biggest fear though is being dumped in the ocean with whales. I can sit at a marine park and ooohh and ahhhhh but the thought of being up close and personal. (shudders)
The scenes in Castaway where Tom Hanks was being watched by the whale...worse than any horror movie you could throw at me. Gah.
Gramar...must try to master gramar. Or is it grammar? Bob?:D
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Sweets]
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Sweets]
Originally posted by Sweets
I can't stand clowns. Of any kind. Freaky little buggers.
Llamas and I don't get along. Ever. Anytime I have been to a petting zoo, I had to avoid them or one of us would get hurt.
My biggest fear though is being dumped in the ocean with whales. I can sit at a marine park and ooohh and ahhhhh but the thought of being up close and personal. (shudders)
The scenes in Castaway where Tom Hanks was being watched by the whale...worse than any horror movie you could throw at me. Gah.
Gramar...must try to master gramar. Or is it grammar? Bob?:D
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Sweets]
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Sweets]
Woah, that's rare. Whalephobia.
Originally posted by Ben
I walked out of Resident Evil because I was too scared, I kid you not.
Don't feel bad. My boyfriend, an otherwise manly man, is afraid of zombies too. He plays the Resident Evil games and goes to see all the zombie movies (glutton for punishment) but we have to sleep with the light on afterwards or not sleep at all.
Originally posted by Ben
Changs arent manly.
Psh. If you're gonna get all racist, get it right. He's a flip.
09-09-2003, 07:22 PM
See, the thing is, Ben doesn't get racist.
And Ben please do correct me if I am in error here.
For him, its the status quo.
Originally posted by Skirmisher
See, the thing is, Ben doesn't get racist.
And Ben please do correct me if I am in error here.
For him, its the status quo.
I realize that. And I'm pretty sure that's the way it always is for racists. They think it's okay, that it's just the way things are. And I don't honestly care, in the case, I was just making a joke.
09-09-2003, 07:48 PM
Fuck Clowns and Fuck Midgets they all need to die! Yeah thats right and if your a little person your just freakin wrong man.... ewwww. Watched IT and didnt sleep for a week, watched Polterqeist and realized I had a toy clown like that kid did not only did I slam my toy's head in the toybox but I burned and then buried em. The only Midget I can stand is WeeMan from Jackass but thats only because 90% of the time he is getting his ass all busted up and hurt which is funny then. I now feel the need to go take a shower just thinking about horrible Clowns and Midgets.
I Hate Clowns (
09-09-2003, 07:50 PM
I have that little spot inside of my left tit, chest, and i fear as hell cancer...
I hate diseases
Devil Ducky
09-09-2003, 10:34 PM
Darien, that was just plain mean ::pinch::
Clowns are evvvvil!
09-09-2003, 11:19 PM
ok LOL .. I hate JUNE BUGS !! those things scare the linving shit out of me < faints dead away> When i was about 4 i was out early evening trying to catch fire-flys and a june bug flew into my hair and since i had really long curly hair it got stuck and i couldn't get it out .. to this day I freak out when i see one....Oh an frogs .. like toads they totally suck
June bugs are terrible fliers. They buzz around my apartment hall lighting and fly right into me and my boyfriend all the time.
Lol, I hate those damn things too. I was gonna actually put that in my first post but they don't give me the heebie jeebies, they're just annoying as hell.
Back at my old apartment I had no screen on my window and it'd always be open. Anyhow, whichever season they come, they'd always fly in my room, buzz around, and go *THWACK* right against my head all the friggin time. Then the idiot things would fly up and down and do kamakaze drops right on my keyboard, pause for a moment, fly back up and drop down again like a retard. Was amusing watching them do that but annoying as hell when they'd fly right into me with their hard ass shells. That and them burying into blankets and the carpet was bad too.
- N
09-09-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Neildo
ok LOL .. I hate JUNE BUGS !! those things scare the linving shit out of me < faints dead away> When i was about 4 i was out early evening trying to catch fire-flys and a june bug flew into my hair and since i had really long curly hair it got stuck and i couldn't get it out .. to this day I freak out when i see one....Oh an frogs .. like toads they totally suck
June bugs are terrible fliers. They buzz around my apartment hall lighting and fly right into me and my boyfriend all the time.
Lol, I hate those damn things too. I was gonna actually put that in my first post but they don't give me the heebie jeebies, they're just annoying as hell.
Back at my old apartment I had no screen on my window and it'd always be open. Anyhow, whichever season they come, they'd always fly in my room, buzz around, and go *THWACK* right against my head all the friggin time. Then the idiot things would fly up and down and do kamakaze drops right on my keyboard, pause for a moment, fly back up and drop down again like a retard. Was amusing watching them do that but annoying as hell when they'd fly right into me with their hard ass shells. That and them burying into blankets and the carpet was bad too.
- N
YEAH ! some one else that knows what June bugs are !!!:D
09-10-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Khaitiff
Fuck Clowns and Fuck Midgets they all need to die! Yeah thats right and if your a little person your just freakin wrong man.... ewwww. Watched IT and didnt sleep for a week, watched Polterqeist and realized I had a toy clown like that kid did not only did I slam my toy's head in the toybox but I burned and then buried em. The only Midget I can stand is WeeMan from Jackass but thats only because 90% of the time he is getting his ass all busted up and hurt which is funny then. I now feel the need to go take a shower just thinking about horrible Clowns and Midgets.
I Hate Clowns (
I take offense to this as i am a midget who is employed as a clown! Now where do you live?
Im just glad i have an unnatural fear of bees or it would be hard not to laugh. It does help to see how silly my own fear is though so thats probably a good thing.
09-10-2003, 09:18 AM
I as well have had a run in with a June bug and long hair. Trying to pull it out, I could feel it's little legs wiggling against my hand. I don't exactly fear them...but I do run like hell through the door when they swarm.
09-10-2003, 12:29 PM
I hate earthquakes!:mad:
It's one of the most terrible things about living in Japan.
It's 12:30, and it feels like someone just drove a truck into my apartment. Birds and dogs are going apeshit.
I'm from the midwest. We riot after college football games. It's just not the same.
09-10-2003, 06:15 PM
I would have to say clowns scare the hell out of me. When I was a baby mom had Hoho the clown hold me.. I don't remember this but she said I screamed bloodymurder. Maybe thats why I hate them. I also hate spiders. If your a spider and you enter my home and I see you, you better say your prayers cus your time is UP. I will grab the nearest object and splat you with no mercy. OMG and a few months ago I found a black widow spider in my closet. I nearly went bananas. Trust me I know how to identify spiders. I feel it is best to know your enemy well. Lately we've been having wolfspider problems...they must die too. They ALL must die.
I fear water too. I can't swim. I almost drowned once when I was little, but I would LOVE to go to the Ocean someday. Go figure. Snakes don't bother me. I love snakes.
I'm also afraid of tornados, and since I live in Oklahoma we have LOTS of them. YAY. They didn't really bother me much until I had a child. Now I'm terrified. This past spring a tornado went right OVER our house. It was close enough for me to hear it, It was loud and horrible, the windows shook pretty bad too. I grabbed my baby and huddled over her in the closet. I think thats the most scared I have ever been. Our closet has sliding doors...yeah lots of protection there. I'm going to put in a storm shelter soon I hope.
09-11-2003, 05:10 AM
Also Im afraid of someone seeing my fruity dogs. Thx.
I am afraid of being raped by drunken women.
[Edited on 9-11-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]
09-11-2003, 07:45 AM
Drunken women
Originally posted by Kurili
Drunken women
Yep, drunken women. That's what I said.
Miss X
09-11-2003, 12:58 PM
I hate hate hate spiders like most people. I also used fear symetrical stuff, I used to be obsessed with things not being symetrical to the point where I couldnt sleep in a room if anything in it was symetrical. (bar the walls etc) Also cancer is one of my major fears, I find worrying I have it all the time, probably cos my mum was seriously ill with it a few years ago, I convince myself I will get it to.
Originally posted by Miss X
Also cancer is one of my major fears, I find worrying I have it all the time, probably cos my mum was seriously ill with it a few years ago, I convince myself I will get it to.
Cancer is pretty scary. Not one of my biggest fears, though. Prevention and early detection is a big key with cancer. From what I understand, a large number of cancer deaths are directly linked to late detection. So, just do self-checkups when possible, and be sure to go and get yourself checked out if anything's suspicious.
09-11-2003, 01:07 PM
I'm not really scared of anything that I've not been able to come to terms with.
I don't really like dogs because I've been attacked by lots of them, but I'm only scared when the big ones start raisin their hackles and slavering at me. Which is why I always have a knife on me now. I have no qualms with stabbing the shit of someone or something intending me harm.
I'm not a good fighter so I consider the knife my leverage. That and its keeps stupid people at bay. Stupid people like a punk that runs into you because he's walking backwards and then tries to start some shit with you over it.
09-11-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
I am afraid of being raped by drunken women.
[Edited on 9-11-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]
Not to worry. By the time any woman got *that* drunk, she would pass out.
HarmNone is sure Darien is safe
09-11-2003, 05:20 PM
Ok this is being added in her for my husband who is peeking over my shoulder laughing his ass off at all of us .
He says Midgets ! He cant stand them , they're freakishly short. All your life you have been told not to look at people that are diffrent than you , and you cant help but look at it when you have to talk to them. And he says that there's nothing worse than fingerprinting a drunk mudget < yes he's a cop -eye roll - >
Once when My husband was in walmart buying vitamins for his elderly grandparents , the clerk rang up everything and said that will be 212.34 and my husband said .. WHAT 212.34 for Vitamins ! Does that include a midget to tell them when to take them too !? next thing you know someone is pulling on my husbands pant leg .. he looks down and there is this midget .. the midget says hey fuck you man .. that shit aint funny ! :lol:
The same midget works at a gas station here in town .. HE refuses to help my husband whenever we go there.. LOL i think its pretty funny . But to this day my husband hates them .. he says theres nothing freaker than an Albino Midget !
09-11-2003, 05:26 PM
Unless its a Albino midget dressed as a clown.
EEeeek I would run for the hills!
09-11-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Ok this is being added in her for my husband who is peeking over my shoulder laughing his ass off at all of us .
He says Midgets ! He cant stand them , they're freakishly short. All your life you have been told not to look at people that are diffrent than you , and you cant help but look at it when you have to talk to them. And he says that there's nothing worse than fingerprinting a drunk mudget < yes he's a cop -eye roll - >
Once when My husband was in walmart buying vitamins for his elderly grandparents , the clerk rang up everything and said that will be 212.34 and my husband said .. WHAT 212.34 for Vitamins ! Does that include a midget to tell them when to take them too !? next thing you know someone is pulling on my husbands pant leg .. he looks down and there is this midget .. the midget says hey fuck you man .. that shit aint funny ! :lol:
The same midget works at a gas station here in town .. HE refuses to help my husband whenever we go there.. LOL i think its pretty funny . But to this day my husband hates them .. he says theres nothing freaker than an Albino Midget !
So, did he have to get a stool for this midget to stand on so he could print him?
I'm glad I've never had to print a drunk midget. It's bad enough printing full sized drunks. Not to mention, when they puke on your shoes, they would have better aim from down there.
Now I have a new fear. Having to process a drunk midget. Thanks a lot Jeremy.
I'm going to work now...
[Edited on 9-11-2003 by Camri]
09-11-2003, 05:33 PM
Albino midget dressed as a clown, with spiders on his shoulder, a snake around his neck, and a chicken on a leash?
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