View Full Version : 8x scripted runestaff

08-10-2015, 04:27 AM
a gnarled black ko'nag runestaff

It's 8x, blessable, max light at 2 lbs.
15m flat.

You analyze your black ko'nag runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

Lesser Armor and Weapon Moods:

This item contains mood messaging depending on flare type, and has a chance to fire off ambient messaging every so often. It will also work for things like bless, elemental edge, and guiding light flares.

This item is currently active and will do ambient messaging. You may APPROVE to make it go dormant.

A gnarled black ko'nag runestaff may be detailed by any merchant.

Currently, you are able to really get some sauce for your efforts when you LEAN, RAISE, TAP, and WAVE this runestaff, though you get the feeling that you will only see results if you are of a magical profession.

You can tell that the runestaff is as light as it can get.

As seen by a cleric:
>lean runes
You murmur a soft prayer and lean heavily against your black ko'nag runestaff, gathering your power.
>raise runes
You raise your black ko'nag runestaff and trace a reverent symbol as a faint nimbus of darkness surrounds you and then fades away.
>tap runes
You lower the tip of your black ko'nag runestaff to the ground and trace a pattern, chanting a cryptic prayer. You firmly tap the pattern with your runestaff, and a circle of darkness rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
>wave runes
Whispering a devotional phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your black ko'nag runestaff, which is briefly suffused with darkness.

08-11-2015, 05:10 AM