View Full Version : Level 0 Training point calculation

08-08-2015, 02:34 AM
I'm probably just being an idiot somewhere1, but...

I was fooling around a bit and tried rolling up a monk with these Level 0 stats:

Strength: 84
Constitution: 53
Dexterity: 79
Agility: 89
Discipline: 49
Aura: 59
Logic: 79
Intuition: 65
Wisdom: 70
Influence: 33

As I figured it the level 0 training points would be:

PTP: 25+(84*2+89*2+79+53+(49+59)/2)/20=51.6, rounded down to 51
MTP: 25+(79+65+70+43+(49+59)/2)/20=40.05, rounded down to 40

Tavarian's spreadsheet agreed with me on this. But the mangler told me I had 48/41 instead. Is there something I'm missing in the calculation here? (Edit: Fooling around some more, it seems the mangler's acting like Discipline is a prime requisite instead of Strength).

(Further edit: Actually, what ARE the prime requisites for Monks? The Character manager adds 10 to Strength and Agility, and the wiki, the monk information page, and the stats info page all say Strength and Agility. But a Google search turns up this page (http://www.play.net/gs4/news/prime_requisites.asp), which suggests at some point it was switched to Discipline, a fact I can't find any reference to elsewhere! )

1And not just because I'm rolling up a monk.

08-08-2015, 07:17 AM
I've had this issue rolling up characters. Go back one step and then go back to the training point part. It will usually set to the right number after doing this a few times.