View Full Version : UAC scripts and Bigshot

08-03-2015, 11:50 AM
Are there any UAC scripts that play nice with bigshot?

08-03-2015, 12:13 PM
smart monk

The only thing it doesn't do is flee. I believe this is an inherent Bigshot issue in that it executes the combat script and waits for it to complete before adding in additional bigshot logic. So you might need to write a helper script that kills off smart monk or modify it yourself, so that if the count is over your threshold or type of creature it kills the script which I think will trigger bigshots logic.

08-03-2015, 12:26 PM
smart monk

The only thing it doesn't do is flee. I believe this is an inherent Bigshot issue in that it executes the combat script and waits for it to complete before adding in additional bigshot logic. So you might need to write a helper script that kills off smart monk or modify it yourself, so that if the count is over your threshold or type of creature it kills the script which I think will trigger bigshots logic.

I use combo, works fine. I've made some adjustments to it, namely breaking if the NPC count >= my bigshot flee count, or an npc in always flee list is there, as buck said. Could 2 line change into combo itself or just run a helper that kills combo if those conditions are met.

08-03-2015, 12:38 PM
Since there are aspects of Bigshot/Sbounty I like, I did write this block for unarmed combat on my warrior. It worked well to rank up when the option presented itself and revert to punching when ranking up was not available. This is from my forked to hell and back copy of Bigshot. As unarmed combat was never a long term goal of mine, it was never refined past the functional state I had it in.

def cmd_unarmed(npc)
result = dothistimeout(
"#{@unarmed} ##{npc.id}",
/A close miss|followup grapple|followup jab|followup kick|followup punch|seconds|Get what?|I could not find|What were you referring to?/
if ( result =~ /A close miss|seconds/ )
sleep 0.1
elsif ( result =~ /followup grapple/ )
@unarmed = "grapple"
elsif ( result =~ /followup jab/ )
@unarmed = "jab"
elsif ( result =~ /followup kick/ )
@unarmed = "kick"
elsif ( result =~ /followup punch/ )
@unarmed = "punch"
elsif ( result =~ /^What were you referring to?/ )
npcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |i| i.status !~ /dead|gone/ }
npcs.delete_if { |npc| (@INVALID_TARGETS.include?(npc.name) or @INVALID_TARGETS.include?(npc.noun)) }
if npcs.size > 0
bs_put 'target random'; bs_put 'jab';
elsif ( result == false )
$bigshot_should_rest = true
$rest_reason = "Unknown result from unarmed routine: #{result}"
elsif ( @unarmed != "punch" )
@unarmed = "punch"

08-03-2015, 12:54 PM
I use combo, works fine. I've made some adjustments to it, namely breaking if the NPC count >= my bigshot flee count, or an npc in always flee list is there, as buck said. Could 2 line change into combo itself or just run a helper that kills combo if those conditions are met.

I never used Combo because smart monk also let you auto bless your gear if in Voln. That seemed handy to me.

08-03-2015, 12:56 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what is the syntax you use to activate smartmonk while bigshotting? Does it go into the hunting commands field?

08-03-2015, 01:42 PM
script "script name" without the quotes I believe.

08-03-2015, 01:51 PM
Awesome, thanks Buck.

08-03-2015, 01:59 PM
There's some code in ;shunt and an accompanying script (;shunt-unarmed maybe?) or it could be built in. It's been a while but it handles ranking, tiers, voln blesses, etc. Might wanna scan through that code.

08-03-2015, 02:02 PM
Seems I had everything saved on SkyDrive. ;shunt-unarmed handles uac settings for things like tiering, aiming, etc. The actual aiming/tiering tracking and caching is handled by ;shunt. You'll need to look at both scripts to get everything working.

08-03-2015, 02:43 PM
I never used Combo because smart monk also let you auto bless your gear if in Voln. That seemed handy to me.

I run another script for that. I should send drafix some of the changes i've made to it. Keeps track of how many of each action it takes (x jabs, y punches, etc.) so you can infer your total RT to kill something with UAC and cry about it. Also added aiming the first shot for when you have krynch going. I should put timer function in there so it doesn't bother with that if it has been too long since the last kill (and thus have no krynch to rollover)

08-03-2015, 06:34 PM
smart monk

The only thing it doesn't do is flee. I believe this is an inherent Bigshot issue in that it executes the combat script and waits for it to complete before adding in additional bigshot logic. So you might need to write a helper script that kills off smart monk or modify it yourself, so that if the count is over your threshold or type of creature it kills the script which I think will trigger bigshots logic.

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm at the keyboard while this runs so it's not a major thing to take over if I get into trouble, though I noticed that once I'm fully tiered up smart monk reverts back to jabbing. I thought conventional wisdom was to 'kick until dead', but it's not a Big Deal right now because things are dying fast anyway.

08-03-2015, 07:43 PM
conventional wisdom is definitely not kick. punch is far superior to kick. i haven't used smart monk really, combo correctly stays at what you set as your tier 3 attack (you pick which you want). though i changed it to do that at tier 2, since you can still get death crits at tier 2 and with punch mastery it's a negligible loss of chance to tier up.

i don't know if smartmonk has a similar setting or not.

edit: let me add - punch was considered by far better for a tier 3 when it was two seconds faster, with the adjustments to RT kick is now only 1 second slower and may be a more attractive option, certainly worth looking into. I still prefer punch but, it could probably use some reassessment.

08-03-2015, 08:00 PM
I use combo, works fine. I've made some adjustments to it, namely breaking if the NPC count >= my bigshot flee count, or an npc in always flee list is there, as buck said. Could 2 line change into combo itself or just run a helper that kills combo if those conditions are met.

When I used combo it would randomly attack a critter in the room. In other words, I ;combo critter A and it may or may not ;combo critter B. Did you change anything to get around that or was mine malfunctioning?

08-03-2015, 08:03 PM
When I used combo it would randomly attack a critter in the room. In other words, I ;combo critter A and it may or may not ;combo critter B. Did you change anything to get around that or was mine malfunctioning?

drafix updated it quite a while ago to support targeting. use "script combo target" in bigshot to make it hit your bigshot target. i don't THINK i had to adjust anything to make that work (i.e. the script is expecting a noun and it gets a GameObj id) but i'll check.

08-03-2015, 08:12 PM
smart monk

The only thing it doesn't do is flee. I believe this is an inherent Bigshot issue in that it executes the combat script and waits for it to complete before adding in additional bigshot logic. So you might need to write a helper script that kills off smart monk or modify it yourself, so that if the count is over your threshold or type of creature it kills the script which I think will trigger bigshots logic.

Monks never flee from combat. They tactically retreat to engage in flanking manuevers.

08-03-2015, 08:14 PM
drafix updated it quite a while ago to support targeting. use "script combo target" in bigshot to make it hit your bigshot target. i don't THINK i had to adjust anything to make that work (i.e. the script is expecting a noun and it gets a GameObj id) but i'll check.

Awesome, didn't know it was updated.

08-03-2015, 08:20 PM
Monks never flee from combat. They tactically retreat to engage in flanking manuevers.

Good thing I use UAC on a rogue...they flee like a bunch of sissies.