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Just an FYI, you can use non-targetted symbol of sleep to sleep someone in the stocks so they can't answer their questions.
10-23-2004, 10:03 PM
:lol: Leave it to you to figure that out Stan. Good to know though if I ever want to abuse mechanics! :thumbsup:
10-23-2004, 11:32 PM
Ok while you are talking about Voln, I've never been in Voln and is there ANY benefits for VOLN over COL? I have never heard anyone say anything except symbol of need, which I dont think is a very big deal at all. I have a cleric and empath training and I'm wondering if I should be in Voln.
I done care about voln fu or symbol of need
That's tricky. For any decent high-spiritted swinger, CoL will always offer the bigger punch with respect to AS.
Though the main reason I find it easier to manage my Voln master as opposed to my CoL masters is that there is no fear of retribution in lieu of accidentally fucking up a sign.
10-23-2004, 11:38 PM
For me, Voln was the better society, until the symbol of dreams was nerfed. It used to help with experience absorption. Now I don't think it's worth it anymore, unless you use Voln Fu or really want group fog, preservation, or need.
10-23-2004, 11:39 PM
It depends on how much undead you hunt. The blesses can be useful if you frequently hunt undead, and before dreams was nerfed it was incredible. Voln used to be the option for those who wanted to help others, and have a sense of community with fellow society members, when RP was actually important. These days it seems like the Voln members are less dedicated to helping others.
10-24-2004, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Axhinde
It depends on how much undead you hunt. The blesses can be useful if you frequently hunt undead, and before dreams was nerfed it was incredible. Voln used to be the option for those who wanted to help others, and have a sense of community with fellow society members, when RP was actually important. These days it seems like the Voln members are less dedicated to helping others.
which is actually ironic considering it's not geared towards the power hunter anymore.
Originally posted by CalaDheNar
Ok while you are talking about Voln, I've never been in Voln and is there ANY benefits for VOLN over COL?
Well, for me, the first thing I do is consider what the RP of my character is. Unless they are actually "evil" or very close to it, I won't put them in COL.
Mechanically, Voln is nice because I never have to waste mana and spirit in a hunt. I started my aura stat at 35 because spirit was worthless for a ranger. I got another 40 points or so to put into "real" stats (obviously, if you are a pure, aura is worth more).
Group fog is a skill you will use a lot, even without a group, you can make a quick escape without having to wait ten minutes for spirit to come back to return to the action. Symbol of sleep is nice for when young people get on your nerves.
Also, symbols stack, unlike signs, so you can stack about 30 minutes of symbols before you hunt if you so desire.
Also if you're a square you don't have to do any harness power training.
Anyway, mechanically, CoL is probably a bit better combat wise, but I prefer the utillity of voln, I use all my symbols quite a bit and I've never run out of favour (I'm not a huge undead hunter either), plus I feel that if you want to play a roleplaying game, you should walk the walk and not put your character into a society that doesn't fit him or her soley based on mechanics.
10-24-2004, 02:17 AM
I think the benefits of Voln outweigh the benefits of COL.
They both have benefits, no doubt. COL provides more attack boosters, a slightly higher DS boost, a bolt DS and a TD booster, and wracking.
Voln provides calming, sleep, respectable AS and DS boosters, self-preservation and need, group fog, and Voln Fu.
Before Dreams got nerfed, Voln was the better choice. Since it got nerfed, it's a toss-up. COL provides better personal benefits, while Voln provides better utility benefits.
There's also the fact that COL is absurdly easy to master, while Voln is still absurdly time-consuming, so that may have an impact on any decision.
[Edited on 10-24-2004 by 3704558]
Another thing to consider is that since death now means something again, voln's skills become more useful. (Also the tapestry in the Landing is SOOOO nice for getting into Darkstone, it cuts out 5-10 minutes of walking, very nice).
A good point about the mastering, don't expect to master voln till 20 at the earliest, 25-30 being more likely. If the RP aspect doesn't matter to you, join CoL till about 25-30 then join voln, you'll master much quicker that way.
Indeed it is much easier to master in your later years (I join Voln at 3, quit, joined CoL till about 35, then reset my society affiliations and rejoined Voln), about every 5 hunts in Shadow Valley I step, as opposed to days on end.
Personally I think Voln is easier for the Sorcerer to master than most others. Non-Corporeal undead are generally a pain in the ass for squares, but if you use warding spells they fall like the rest.
10-24-2004, 01:44 PM
Also with voln, you have to worry about favor upkeep if you use your symbols regularly. COL is a one-shot deal.
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