View Full Version : Final Fantasy, Type-0

07-28-2015, 03:37 PM
Saw this come across my steam feed as a recommendation. Learned that it was a port done in HD off of a Vita(?) game release a while back.

Just wondering if anyone has played it and can recommend purchasing or ignoring. A couple limited gameplay videos looks like it would be enjoyable to play with a controller.

07-28-2015, 03:46 PM
I have it on PS4. I put about 10 hours into it, got very busy with work, and never got back around to it. Right now I am scratching my FF itch with the FFX HD remake.

The gameplay itself is fun. I think the biggest drawback is that the large cast of playable characters (a class of elite soldiers) is introduced all at once and I never got really attached to anyone or drawn into their narrative. I will probably return to it at some point. I'd recommend it if the price is $20 or less.

07-28-2015, 03:50 PM
I have it on PS4. I put about 10 hours into it, got very busy with work, and never got back around to it. Right now I am scratching my FF itch with the FFX HD remake.

The gameplay itself is fun. I think the biggest drawback is that the large cast of playable characters (a class of elite soldiers) is introduced all at once and I never got really attached to anyone or drawn into their narrative. I will probably return to it at some point. I'd recommend it if the price is $20 or less.
Price is 27, with a 10% discount from 30 as a pre-order... wait til potential winter sale?

I dunno about a FFX remake... the game was good... for Blitzball... Other than that, the game just wasn't difficult enough.

07-28-2015, 04:03 PM
Price is 27, with a 10% discount from 30 as a pre-order... wait til potential winter sale?

I dunno about a FFX remake... the game was good... for Blitzball... Other than that, the game just wasn't difficult enough.

I remember playing (and beating) it ... what got tedious was towards the end and cycling every favored character into the battle to ensure that they got 'credit' for the fight (to be able to 'power' them up).
So I think I had 5 I liked, so after the original three make an action, I cycle in one for an action, and then the 5th in for an action, and then finish the fight/battle.
If it was going to be designed in such a flawed way, it should automatically give full credit to the entire group (vs just the three you had active).

Affirming that the game lacked compelling difficulty.

07-28-2015, 04:03 PM
I only played through FFX once when it came out so the story feels pretty new to me. I'm about to get to a point where I can do some blitzball stuff.

$27 for Type-O? I dunno. Kotaku says you should play it. IGN calls it great. I really do want to finish it sometime... you should get it. If you like it, please mention Silvean in your sorcerer guide so that the light of his glory might shine brighter still.