View Full Version : Lady Llyral

07-21-2015, 04:39 PM
I'm looking for anyone in the game that is familiar with Lady Llyral. I know that the community here played a very large part of her life for the last 15 years and unfortunately have some bad news. I'm looking for some help from someone within the community to help put together a event in her memory.

I'm not going to post this guy's contact info, but here's a link:


I don't know the character/player, I just doubt her nephew knows about the PC.

07-21-2015, 05:47 PM
Thank you for reposting Allereli. Anyone familiar with the character Llyral can contact me by replying to this post as well. GS was a big part of her life and i'd like to put an event together in her memory. I posted my phone number at the play.net forums and can be contacted at 512-507-3678. I do not have access to her PC.