View Full Version : telescope and celestial globes set

07-21-2015, 09:27 AM
a silver-banded gold telescope

You analyze your gold telescope and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The telescope is not unlocked. Available verbs are CLEAN, CLOSE, GAZE, and OPEN. The noun cannot change.

You get no sense of whether or not the telescope may be further lightened.

>open tel
The leather lens cap has already been removed from the gold telescope.
>close tel
You replace the leather lens cap on the end of the gold telescope.
>open tel
You remove the leather lens cap from the gold telescope and set it aside.
>clean tel
Using a clean cloth, and with gentle, circular motions, you clean away any offensive fingerprints from the telescope's delicate glass.
>gaze tel
Tilting the gold telescope upward, you gaze through the eyepiece.

Comes with:
a painted copper Elanthia globe - The topography of Elanthia has been meticulously reproduced on this globe. Snow-capped mountain ranges give rise to twisting rivers that flow into lush valleys. The oceans have been left as bare copper and allowed to take on a mottled greenish-blue patina. A polished teak stand supports the colorful sphere.

a blue enamel celestial globe - Mother-of-pearl stars have been carefully set into the enamel surface of this globe. Constellations are drawn upon it in a spiderweb tracery of inlaid brass wire. The globe rests upon a hammered brass stand.

a pitted moonstone Liabo globe - The deeply cratered surface of this moonstone mosaic globe calls out to be touched and explored. There is a mysterious radiance to the sphere and the way it captures attention. The globe rests securely upon a carved walnut stand.

a polished ruby Tilaok globe - A large, ruby red crystal has been shaped into a sphere and carved slightly to represent the gentle terrain of Tilaok. Light passing through the globe seems to catch fire and dance about of its own accord. A simple ebony stand complements the vibrant sphere.

an inlaid obsidian Lornon globe - Paved with shattered obsidian, this globe is difficult to make sense of even under the best conditions. The black, glassy shards reflect and multiply images, concealing themselves in the process. A rich mahogany stand cradles the sphere.

Analysis for each globe:
You analyze your obsidian Lornon globe and sense that it cannot be altered

You can try to PUSH, TAP, PULL, TURN, TICKLE, and RUB the globe.

You get no sense of whether or not the globe may be further lightened.

>push glob
You depress a small button on the mahogany stand of your obsidian Lornon globe and set it spinning. A faint rattling comes from within the globe. The glassy surface is subtly chiseled, reflecting a strangly fractured world. Before long the rotation slows, then finally stops.
>tap glob
You stab your finger emphatically at one particular point on the obsidian Lornon globe.
>pull glob
You adjust the tilt of your obsidian Lornon globe by a few degrees.
>turn glob
You turn your obsidian Lornon globe by slow increments, searching for the right spot.
>tickle glob
You walk your fingers idly along the surface of your obsidian Lornon globe, thinking of other things.
>rub glob
You run your hand lightly over the contours of your obsidian Lornon globe, removing every last speck of dust.

MB: 200k CB: 200k to Brad SOLD

07-21-2015, 09:31 AM
MB for me please

07-21-2015, 09:33 AM

07-22-2015, 09:15 AM

07-23-2015, 10:06 AM

07-24-2015, 09:09 AM