View Full Version : The worst part of being dead.
09-07-2003, 03:02 PM
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers north.
A dark shambler limps south.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers south.
An arctic puma scampers south.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers north.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers north.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers south.
An arctic puma scampers north.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma scampers south.
An arctic puma scampers north.
An arctic puma scampers in!
An arctic puma pounces to the ground in front of you!
An arctic puma scampers north.
An arctic puma rakes her claws across your dead body!
Repeat for 10 minutes.
09-07-2003, 03:06 PM
I am amazed someone hasn't come to lay claim to your body. Robo-fogging is the whole rage in Icemule. Its also why there is so much whispered hatred towards Alanamarie and Skyfawn (because the gossipers can't do fuck all about it).
09-07-2003, 03:09 PM
Seems I always die when neither of them is on.
09-07-2003, 03:13 PM
Oh its not just those two. In fact they have been a little lax recently.
09-07-2003, 03:16 PM
Everyone has. Last time I rotted, I walked into TC and there were atleast 2 clerics there. If I could think of anything to hunt my level besides crystal golems, I might just move to the landing.
09-07-2003, 03:19 PM
Lvl 10? Hunt the area just before the abbey. Cold Guardians and Mountain Ogres. I got up to 14 there, then started hunting the abbey til 16, then frost giants (I hated the abbey gen rate).
09-07-2003, 03:22 PM
The abbey's not too bad, I usually stick to pumas. I don't like the cold guardian area for 2 reasons: 1. Major Cold, which has that wonderful ball effect. 2. Ogres walking in while you're in RT and laying waste to your face.
09-07-2003, 03:25 PM
Um, stance dance? I hated Shamblers. I still do as I get my sweep reps from puma's in there. Their ability to swing a 2-hander in 5 seconds annoys(ed) me.
I was dead in Icemule the other day. Someone, who is not a cleric and I didn't know, came to the farm to search me out. A woodsman had killed me. I didn't realize he hid my body. I can honestly say, on the whole, that Icemule people try to pull together and help. I will admit that I hear these things about people that auto-<whatever>, but I rarely encounter them. <shrugs>
Oh yeah, Artha, don't you just hate it when the animals rip you apart and you're just lying there? When I was new and a creature did that, I actually thought they were doing more damage and if someone didn't get there quick there would be nothing left for a cleric to raise.
I agree. Those ogres are hard hitters. However, not as bad as the shamblers.
Edited: Because something didn't look right. Still doesn't. Oh well.
[Edited on 9-7-2003 by Vesi]
Um, I'd just like to say, Icemule sucks. :lol:
Thank you, drive thru!
09-07-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
Um, I'd just like to say, Icemule sucks. :lol:
Thank you, drive thru!
99% of the time, if I know you're local, I'll at least inform people that you're in the area and dead, if not get you myself. Depending on my mood. But if after a few minutes nobody gets you, 100% of the time I will do it myself. Unless I hate you.
09-07-2003, 03:32 PM
Bah Dex, bring Strata up here for some fun.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Bah Dex, bring Strata up here for some fun.
No thanks, a bunch of my characters have ex-boyfriends up there, Strata included. I hate that strained:
"So.... how are you?"
"Fine, I guess. And you?"
09-07-2003, 03:37 PM
Um, stance dance? I hated Shamblers. I still do as I get my sweep reps from puma's in there. Their ability to swing a 2-hander in 5 seconds annoys(ed) me.
I do stance dance, that's how I can hunt up there at all without any spells :)
I think they swing in something like 7 seconds, but it's all gravy. I'm just running when they come in the room and sticking to pumas and the occasional wondering vereri.
09-07-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Bah Dex, bring Strata up here for some fun.
No thanks, a bunch of my characters have ex-boyfriends up there, Strata included. I hate that strained:
"So.... how are you?"
"Fine, I guess. And you?"
One day I shall be in that position ;)
But WOW, I didn't realize there were that many Nalfein up north. Unless she dirtied herself on one of the lesser races...
Originally posted by StrayRogue
One day I shall be in that position ;)
But WOW, I didn't realize there were that many Nalfein up north. Unless she dirtied herself on one of the lesser races...
Heh! She has only and ever dated elves. She does not care so much from which city they are as her family is filled with elves from other cities. They gotta make diplomatic marriages, ya' know!
09-07-2003, 04:01 PM
Would a faendryl be considered diplomatic? :P
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Would a faendryl be considered diplomatic? :P
Very few Faendryl would be open to a relationship with a Nalfein. That whole killing Chesylcha thing and all...
She'd do it for a marriage of state, but she probably wouldn't get involved in a girlfriend-boyfriend type of thing, simply because she gets irritated by Faendryl easily. Especially Faendryl sorcerers.
Originally posted by DCSL
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Bah Dex, bring Strata up here for some fun.
No thanks, a bunch of my characters have ex-boyfriends up there, Strata included. I hate that strained:
"So.... how are you?"
"Fine, I guess. And you?"
Originally posted by Zir
Shhh, 'Mule rogue.
09-07-2003, 04:55 PM
Lol, I know. Stay has a somewhat hidden hatred for the Nalfein. Blaming them for his people being condemned to caves and such. He does share some alliances with various elves though, but purely for self-beneficial reasons.
09-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Um, stance dance?
Ogres swing the second they gen in a room. That's really the only reason I've ever died up there.
09-08-2003, 01:51 PM
Hello everyone, I just want to comment on some things.
I do not fog much anymore cause of the comments here in these boards.
I am not a vulture, Vultures usually want all the experance they can get to gain levels. I can not gain levels, I can not get experance form anything I do in game.
Why do I even bother to help, cause I see people die and do not want them to decay. I locate before fogging to anyone, once, sometimes twice. If they get help I do not fog, if I see no one helping I fog to them.
You see I love helping people, not to gain anything for my self, just to help. Most of the time I even ask if they need help, and if I may heal them. If they want someone else to, that is fine with me, as long as they get help. I have even fogged to other empaths and foged them in to help them. at times I give my fogs away so another empath can gain from it.
No one but the one I fog in knows what I do or do not do.
I am tired of people putting me down just cause I help people. If that is what you want to do though, go for it, say what you want.
I know what i do and do not do, and most all I have helped tell me they are thankful.
So say what you want about me, I will fog to friends and to ones that have told me to help them if they die.
09-08-2003, 01:57 PM
I wouldn't be too bothered by comments made here. Certain people will always have problems with others. I'm sure people that are rescued by you wouldn't like it if you stopped. I mean I don't like vultutes, but that goes to people that come in, get me, fog me back and link to me without saying a word. People will ALWAYS complain about something, I wouldn't take it personally.
09-08-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Skyfawn
Hello everyone, I just want to comment on some things.
I do not fog much anymore cause of the comments here in these boards.
I am not a vulture, Vultures usually want all the experance they can get to gain levels. I can not gain levels, I can not get experance form anything I do in game.
Why do I even bother to help, cause I see people die and do not want them to decay. I locate before fogging to anyone, once, sometimes twice. If they get help I do not fog, if I see no one helping I fog to them.
You see I love helping people, not to gain anything for my self, just to help. Most of the time I even ask if they need help, and if I may heal them. If they want someone else to, that is fine with me, as long as they get help. I have even fogged to other empaths and foged them in to help them. at times I give my fogs away so another empath can gain from it.
No one but the one I fog in knows what I do or do not do.
I am tired of people putting me down just cause I help people. If that is what you want to do though, go for it, say what you want.
I know what i do and do not do, and most all I have helped tell me they are thankful.
So say what you want about me, I will fog to friends and to ones that have told me to help them if they die.
Skyfawn, I do actually respect you as a healer. You do not vulture heal like some of the post cap empaths. I like the fact I have to ask you for a heal (unlike some). The fogging gossip comes from the other cleric/empath teams around mule. I assure you, as someone who dies in a hunt, or gets wounded, most often I am glad to be rescued as quickly as possible.
Please do not let these people put you off helping others.
09-08-2003, 06:28 PM
I agree...I'd rather be helped by Skyfawn than a few people.
09-08-2003, 08:11 PM
Skyfawn will fog someone in only if there is no other fogger. And if there is no other healer available, only THEN will she heal them. I know, I've seen it firsthand many times (I die a lot, heh).
Same goes for Alana. She might be first on the scene, but if there's another cleric at Voln or in TC, she gives it to the young cleric.
Unlike certain MA'ing bastards that will remain nameless (Majorheal and Jamiesson) that immediately locate every death that scrolls up their screen, fog, vulture heal and vulture raise all in one shot.
Thankfully they (he) haven't been around Mule much lately. When he's around, no empaths or clerics get learning from helping, they may as well all pack up and go hunt.
I get sick of the "vulture cleric wars". It's a helping profession. The bickering is insane amongst clerics, it's ridiculous.
09-08-2003, 08:27 PM
Hey, I've only ever heard clerics and empaths moan about it. Most dead folk are happy to get help so quick.
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