View Full Version : So funny.

07-12-2015, 09:31 AM
Just watching an episode of Defiance where Pilar - played by Linda Hamilton - said the immortal words: " Come with me if you want to live"

Almost wet myself laughing. Love it when productions do little things like this!

07-12-2015, 01:44 PM
I didn't care for her role but I do enjoy the show.

07-12-2015, 04:48 PM
I didn't care for her role but I do enjoy the show.

Yep. She's a nasty piece of work with, so far, no redeeming qualities.

07-12-2015, 05:15 PM
Defiance has lost its steam for me this season. I can't put my finger on why. Slaughtering the McCawleys in the first episode was extremely disagreeable, to be sure, and the hot-and-cold treatment of Irisa's genocide has been disorienting, but I don't think either of those are the reason. Maybe the novelty relative to the newer Syfy shows (especially Dark Matter) has worn off? Lee Tergesen (bad guy from two season ago's Americans) and Conrad Coates (Morgan from Dresden Files) seem like a useful infusion of new blood, but I still have at least two episodes of Defiance in my Tivo unwatched and don't really miss it. It feels almost like the writers didn't expect to have this season and are kind of fumbling around to continue the plot, with the most common resolution being "kill the relevant characters".