View Full Version : Some uniques and alters for sale.

05-27-2005, 08:22 AM
This sale will be advertised in the Players' Corner only. If you wish to bid, buy or have a question about any of the items, don't hesitate to send me a U2U.

A smiling coppery iguana mask.

You determine that you could wear the mask anywhere on your body.

Changes base description when tapped: I.e. "A sneezing coppery iguana mask," "A weeping coppery iguana mask," "A grinning coppery iguana mask," etc.

So far I've seen sleeping, sneezing, staring, grinning, frowning, smiling, weeping, howling, snorting, growling, grimacing.

As A person taps his mask, its features shift and twist in a disquieting display before settling into a growling coppery iguana mask.

As A person taps his mask, its features shift and twist in a disquieting display before settling into a sleeping coppery iguana mask.

SHOW: The mask has been crafted out of haphazardly inlaid scraps of tarnished copper, giving the mask a rugged look and a rough texture. The two eye sockets, carved irregularly into the iguana's face, have been inset with transparent, crudely-cut emeralds.

MB: 1 million
BO: 1.75 million


As a set:

A pair of burnished vultite arm greaves enruned with coppery symbols of Voln


A pair of burnished vultite leg greaves enruned with coppery symbols of Voln

MB: 1.5 million
BO: 2 million


A knotted chain of fine black hair supporting a small white shield.

You determine that you could wear the chain around your neck.

What you see:

KISS WORN: You kiss the tips of your fingers then press them to the surface of your black hair chain with gratitude and reverence.

TOUCH WORN: You touch your black hair chain, and for just a moment you can feel the spectral presence of its former owner. A cold shiver runs down your spine at this reminder of Death's waiting hand.

RUB REMOVED: You run your fingers along a knotted chain of fine black hair supporting a small white shield, revisiting old memories.

KISS REMOVED: You kiss your black hair chain with reverence and gratitude.

TOUCH REMOVED: You touch a knotted chain of fine black hair supporting a small white shield and close your eyes for a moment to remember those who have gone before you.

RUB REMOVED: You finger the black hair chain in your hand, revisiting old memories.

What they see:

A person kisses the tips of his fingers and presses them to the surface of his black hair chain with gratitude and reverence.

A person touches his black hair chain and shivers almost imperceptibly.

A person runs his fingers along a knotted chain of fine black hair supporting a small white shield, a distant look on his face.

A person kisses his black hair chain with reverence and gratitude.

A person touches a knotted chain of fine black hair supporting a small white shield lightly while closing his eyes in remembrance.

A person fingers the black hair chain in his hand, a distant look on his face.

MB: 1 million
BO: 1.5 million


A pair of battered wooden stilts.

You carefully inspect your battered wooden stilts.

You determine that you could wear the stilts on your feet.

SHOW: Through years of wear and weight, these stilts bend slightly at the center but manage to maintain their comical purpose and ability.

You carefully examine the battered wooden stilts and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.

MB: 750 thousand
BO: 1.25 million


A small sapphire-handled silver key shaped like a crouching spider

Consolation prize. Unique.

MB: 200 thousand
BO: 400 thousand


A rotten ironwood birdcage.

You estimate that a rotten ironwood birdcage can store a medium-sized amount.

You determine that you could wear the birdcage, attaching it to your belt.

SHOW: The battered bars of this birdcage have miraculously withstood ages of futile pecking by its unfortunate prisoners. The cold, rusty base of the birdcage is littered with decaying refuse of many unlucky avians. Some fossilized bird seed is scattered aimlessly about the birdcage in dire hopes of attracting another unsuspecting victim.

You carefully examine the ironwood birdcage and determine that the weight is about 2 pounds.

*I can throw one of the many dead animals from Past Pets in it for effect...

MB: 1 million
BO: 2 million


A burnished golden meadowlark dusted across the wings with crushed rubies.

Unique songbird that sits on your shoulder. Has a bunch of actions, I don't know if I've figured them all out. Sings a song at set intervals that lasts a few minutes.

A person points up into the air and sharply commands his golden meadowlark to take flight. Suddenly the meadowlark begins to flap its wings quickly. Slowly, it rises bare inches off his shoulder and lets out a merry trill at its accomplishment before landing again.

You look over in time to see A person with an embarassed grin on his face, having just turned the crank on his golden meadowlark too far. Luckily he didn't break it!

A person pulls on the beak of his golden meadowlark. It lets out an alarming screech and tries to snap at him!

The golden meadowlark lets out a low, sharp whistle while flapping its wings at A person in agitation. Its angry twitter continues for a few moments while it attempts to settle down.

You notice A person turn and smooch the golden meadowlark perched on his shoulder lovingly. The bird seems to brighten at this and leads into a tender lovesong. Gentle, lilting notes fill the air as the golden meadowlark serenades A person.

A person idly taps the beak of his golden meadowlark. The golden meadowlark shuffles uncomfortably as if it just awakened. It leans from foot to foot a moment before arching its neck and letting forth a beautiful trill.

A person slowly winds the crank of his golden meadowlark, and you hear the tiny click of gears as the meadowlark's beak opens and closes.


A person pushes back the latch holding the crank in place on his golden meadowlark. The mechanical sound of clicking gears can be heard. Suddenly the meadowlark seems to come to life as it flaps its wings in a rhythmic motion and begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful melody.

As A person's golden meadowlark continues to sing, a beautiful and hypnotic melody lilts through the air as if the meadowlark is pouring out its mechanical heart for the world to hear.

A high pitched trill fills the air as A person's golden meadowlark flexes its wings elegantly and brings its melodic tune to a beautiful crescendo.

A person's golden meadowlark begins rocking back and forth on its perch as it trills out a jaunty, fast paced tune. Its jerky movements almost seem to resemble some sort of avian jig!

A person smiles softly as a gentle lull in the tune brings his golden meadowlark's song from a fevered pitch to a calm, soothing melody.

MB: 1.5 million
BO: 2 million

[Edited on 5-27-2005 by Stanley Burrell]

05-28-2005, 08:00 AM