View Full Version : a tattered web-covered rucksack - T2, 10 spiders, back worn

07-04-2015, 02:42 PM
Auction will go once, twice and sold with updates every day.

a tattered web-covered rucksack - Tier 2 with 10 spiders, back worn, weighs 6 pounds, holds 115 pounds, can be lightened/deepened further
mb 1m
cb 3m to darkcipher SOLD

Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this web-covered rucksack. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.

Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.

You analyze your web-covered rucksack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
| -=Spider Containers=- |
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| These bags house up to 10 living spiders that can be customized. |
| Off the shelf bags have 1 spider with a randomized description. |
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| Only very special merchants can unlock the bags or add spiders. |
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| You MAY have the spiders altered, but they must remain spiders. |
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| You MAY alter the containers, but must remain web or spidersilk. |
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| Long descriptions on the containers are acceptable, but no shows. |
|------------------------------------------------------------------- |
This item is currently Tier 2 with 10 spider(s). It might be unlocked further.
Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my rucksack at {target}, OPEN, CLOSE.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the web-covered rucksack for you or have its pockets deepened.

As you put on a tattered web-covered rucksack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles within your rucksack.

As you remove the web-covered rucksack, you suddenly feel your connection to ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles begin to fade, leaving your mind void of the subtle scratching presence.

You focus for a moment on the spiders within your web-covered rucksack. A few moments later a small opening appears at the top of your rucksack, revealing ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles, working within to obey your command.

You focus for a moment on the spiders within your web-covered rucksack. Moments later the rucksack is webbed shut by ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles, hiding the contents from view.

You glance at a linden-hafted rolaren mace and concentrate on the spiders living inside your web-covered rucksack. Ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles climb out of your rucksack and scurry down your leg to the ground.
The spiders skitter over to a linden-hafted rolaren mace and investigate it for a moment, then quickly and cooperatively spin a cocoon of gossamer spiderweb around the mace.
Dragging a linden-hafted rolaren mace, the spiders skitter quickly toward you, up your leg, and back into a tattered web-covered rucksack. As they drag the mace into your rucksack, the spiderwebs binding it dissolve into dust.

Ten gold and black spiders with large black mandibles climb out of Kizzik's web-covered rucksack, and skitter down his leg to the ground. They then scurry directly toward you! The spiders strike a threatening pose and jab their forelimbs in your direction, hissing menacingly.
The spiders skitter back across the ground, up Kizzik's leg, and back into a tattered web-covered rucksack.

07-04-2015, 03:59 PM
mb on this, thanks.

07-04-2015, 05:50 PM
1.2 mil

07-04-2015, 07:02 PM
1.5 mil

07-05-2015, 10:35 AM
1.8 mil

07-05-2015, 11:11 AM
2 mil

07-05-2015, 11:16 AM
2.5 mil

07-05-2015, 11:24 AM
3 mil

07-05-2015, 11:37 AM
do more spiders let you grab heavier things?

07-05-2015, 11:55 AM
do more spiders let you grab heavier things?
Yes, I believe it's one pound per spider.

07-06-2015, 01:55 AM
I believe this works while dead too, right?

07-06-2015, 02:37 AM
I actually tested this when they first came out, and yes, surprisingly enough!

07-06-2015, 03:33 PM