View Full Version : Not only returning after 10 years but also after getting hacked during that time.

07-01-2015, 12:55 AM
So I have returned again! I started playing GS3 way back in the mid 90's. Came back in the early 2000's for a few months and now Im back again for a much longer return. But so many things have changed and! my account was hacked and the person that did changed a lot of stuff on my warrior and my rogue. The rogue im ok with the changes but the warrior im trying to get back on track and also to figure everything into my play style. Short order my warrior is 32 and hes sword and board and uses open ambush. His skills currently look like this.

Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 172 72 75 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Shield Use......................... | 168 68 68
Combat Maneuvers..............| 161 61 68 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Edged Weapons..................| 166 66 68 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Ambush.............................| 132 36 49 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Multi Opponent Combat.. .....| 126 33 34 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Physical Fitness...................| 167 67 68 ASAP (will rise when points are available)
Dodging.............................| 148 48.590 34 18 days, 18 hours, 19 minutes
Harness Power....................| 20 4 4
Survival.............................| 90 20 20
Disarming Traps..................| 50 10.179 0 1 day, 9 hours, 55 minutes
Stalking and Hiding.............| 86 19.904 10 1 day, 0 hours, 45 minutes
Perception..........................| 90 20 20
Climbing............................| 105 25 25
Swimming..........................| 105 25 25
First Aid.............................| 128 34 34

He has 68 unused shield points (none of this stuff was around when I played regularly),
He has been using his armor points in armor support and has 26 unlearned points (guess who ever learned something and then later changed his mind)
Cman he has wspec1 with 5 ranks, bonding with 4 ranks (trying to get 5 for the chance to learn the double attack) and parry master 1 rank with 7 unspent points

He is master of warcries and 24 in batter barrier. all others are 6 ranks or less.
He is in Col which is why the harness power (kept running out of mana keeping up signs)

I try to solo hunt with just a statue and what mass spells I can get from time to time and I die a lot! Think I need to find more people around my trainings to team up with but im working on that.
I have an available fix skills and im thinking I would like to use that and get him straightened out from the mess of his skills but I don't know what I should change my skills to.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Reading up on armor vs dodge vs shield and some say 2x this and 3x that and yes and no and maybe.
He has a 6x blessable falchion (which is what is max bonded for the 4 ranks) a 5x falchion with fire flares (something to play with but usually uses the 6x bonded) 5x rolaren tower shield (I thought the bigger the better and more people say not so much, that tower is really a waste) and some 4x chain hauberk (5sec rt normal and 6sec with ambush).

My thoughts are getting rid of dodge all together, the 25 ranks in both swimming and climbing at 32 trainings seems excessive?? obviously the disarm traps must have been something for battering.
Multi opponent combat (don't even remember if this was an original skill) but as a warrior planning on getting into plate (because that's what I always was told since day 1) is there a point to it?
Perception???? I know I should have some...is there too much or not enough?

Im generally looking for the sort of help where someone can say for you! train like this 3x this and 2x this and some reason as to why? the only thing I remember was always 3x PF for the dmg redux! is that even a thing anymore? or have they changed it around so that its not as crucial anymore.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and if you see me in the realms (usually in the landing because that's what im familiar with) feel free to kidnap me for a sit down chat or anything

07-01-2015, 01:11 AM
If you check into the inn you should be able to use a fixskill and change your skills back.

07-01-2015, 01:12 AM
If you check into the inn you should be able to use a fixskill and change your skills back.

Why would he need to check into an inn?

07-01-2015, 01:13 AM
Why would he need to check into an inn?

Rp, duh

07-01-2015, 01:20 AM
I say we find who did this and we flay them. Bolton style.

Latrin, you're in charge of finding out who did this and where they live. Please inform me when you have the results. Get to it.

07-01-2015, 03:18 AM
For training, I'd suggest the following.
2x armor
3x shield
2x weapon
2x pf
1x MoC
25-30 ranks ambush
1x perception
Climb/swim as needed
For HP, I liked having 27 mana with my CoL characters

This will probably leave you with points to place. You could dump them into armor which is what is generally done, or you could pick up survival, fa, trading, or anything else really.

07-01-2015, 02:59 PM
For training, I'd suggest the following.
2x armor
3x shield
2x weapon
2x pf
1x MoC
25-30 ranks ambush
1x perception
Climb/swim as needed
For HP, I liked having 27 mana with my CoL characters

This will probably leave you with points to place. You could dump them into armor which is what is generally done, or you could pick up survival, fa, trading, or anything else really.

I'm not seeing any CM in there, though I'm looking at this on my phone. If it's not there I'll assume Jeril just forgot, as you should be 2x CM. I would also suggest that you can live without the ambush, and place those points as Jeril suggested with your extra points. If you're short, you can cut back on MOC for a while.

07-01-2015, 04:26 PM
My paladin has 25 in MOC I think and managed to survive mastering Sunfist with that so it seemed a good place to stop for now as is it rare he gets into a mob that can overwhelm him outside a warcamp. I know PF is cheap and goes directly towards maneuver defense but at mid trains is 2X that beneficial over another rank or three of CM?

07-01-2015, 07:45 PM
I'm not seeing any CM in there, though I'm looking at this on my phone. If it's not there I'll assume Jeril just forgot, as you should be 2x CM. I would also suggest that you can live without the ambush, and place those points as Jeril suggested with your extra points. If you're short, you can cut back on MOC for a while.

Good catch on the cman, yup, it was late so I spaced it. It is kind of one of those skills that should be a given as a warrior.

07-01-2015, 10:33 PM
For training, I'd suggest the following.
2x armor
3x shield
2x weapon
2x pf
1x MoC
25-30 ranks ambush
1x perception
Climb/swim as needed
For HP, I liked having 27 mana with my CoL characters

and add 2x CM?

does adding more ranks of ambush increase the chance of not only hitting what your aiming for but getting crits?
also what can I do to reduce getting dodged when I attack a mob? soooo aggravating swinging at a mob and they dodge 2 or even 3 times in a row.
im not one for skinning and with staunching having first aid is kinda moot. So extra points into armor?

I really appreciate all the responses. I need all the help I can get to understand the changes and what works now for training.

07-01-2015, 10:35 PM
Ambush plateaus for out in the open aiming at a certain point. If you ever, for whatever reason, decided to try and be a hiding/ambushing warrior, then you'd want more.

07-01-2015, 11:27 PM
does adding more ranks of ambush increase the chance of not only hitting what your aiming for but getting crits?

I'm not sure what the minimum CM and/or Ambush is needed before it hits that plateu where you fumbled an opening, but larger weapon sizes will require more ambush ranks to hit the cap for each weapon type/size faster.

Ambush will do nothing for critical wounds when swinging from the open. That would be only item weighting, possible item bane, society sigils, and maybe dexterity bonus on certain weapon bases.

also what can I do to reduce getting dodged when I attack a mob? soooo aggravating swinging at a mob and they dodge 2 or even 3 times in a row.

Level is the biggest factor, but you can train in two weapon combat or focused mstrikes to add better chances of geting a hit in. Also cmans like truehand, weapon bonding and probably other stuff.

im not one for skinning and with staunching having first aid is kinda moot. So extra points into armor?
