View Full Version : SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire
06-22-2015, 02:25 AM
Started playing this again. The expansion will be free for subscribers when it comes out. Currently subscribers get 12x XP for class missions, so you can even get to 55 in one day if you really tried. Perfect time to level up one of every class for the legacy perks if you haven't already.
06-22-2015, 02:29 AM
Started playing this again. The expansion will be free for subscribers when it comes out. Currently subscribers get 12x XP for class missions, so you can even get to 55 in one day if you really tried. Perfect time to level up one of every class for the legacy perks if you haven't already.
One day would be a stretch, even with the 12x I'd say two or three...tho I guess that depends on how much you play each given day...
I actually, finally, started playing this a couple weeks ago because my daughter plays it...I'm on the Ebon Hawk RP server, tho...
edit: also if you ONLY do class missions and don't get sidetracked...
06-22-2015, 02:35 AM
One day would be a stretch, even with the 12x I'd say two or three...tho I guess that depends on how much you play each given day...
I actually, finally, started playing this a couple weeks ago because my daughter plays it...I'm on the Ebon Hawk RP server, tho...
edit: also if you ONLY do class missions and don't get sidetracked...
1 day is easily doable, but yeah, you are playing only class and it takes a while.
I'm on Bergeron Colony and Jung-Ma.
06-23-2015, 11:13 AM
I don't recall, but does SWTOR always have 14 hour weekly maints?
12-26-2015, 05:13 PM
I'm about to get back into this game. Except I haven't played since like 3 months after release.
Anyone have a TLDR rundown of what's up since then?
12-26-2015, 05:16 PM
If you sub, you only have to do the class missions and main planet mission. Other than that...its the same with more stuff.
Ohh companions can fill all three roles DPS, tank, get to pick, so you can use whatever companion you want. Companions dont have gear anymore, they auto level, their stats are based on your affection level with them.
12-26-2015, 05:30 PM
If you sub, you only have to do the class missions and main planet mission. Other than that...its the same with more stuff.
What do the F2P ones have to do? I'm gonna resub, just curious what kind of bullshit F2P has to deal with.
Ohh companions can fill all three roles DPS, tank, get to pick, so you can use whatever companion you want. Companions dont have gear anymore, they auto level, their stats are based on your affection level with them.
Does this mean you can solo dungeons and/or group quests and shit?
I barely remember shit about this game. All I really remember are the battlegrounds being cool, a couple dungeons, flipping some stuff on the auction house for profit, then getting bored when I got to Tatooine.
12-26-2015, 05:33 PM
They have to do all the missions like before, they basically dont get an XP boost. they have a list of restrictions, i dont remember what they are. You can solo some group quests and stuff, dont know about dungeons.
12-26-2015, 05:35 PM
Is there nothing new besides areas, dungeons, etc.? Like new and/or revamped game systems, classes, races, mechanics, Jedi janitors, etc.?
12-26-2015, 05:45 PM
its mostly the same, the specialization tree is different, but the classes are the same
01-18-2016, 10:08 AM
Is there nothing new besides areas, dungeons, etc.? Like new and/or revamped game systems, classes, races, mechanics, Jedi janitors, etc.?
When I reactivated as f2p a couple weeks ago, the two big things I noticed were player housing and a pvp version of that starfighter thing. Housing is kind of alright, it's mostly free (which surprised me) but mechanically limited and bland.
As far as f2p restrictions, there are a lot.. some annoying, some retarded. Lots of quests reward you with a popup that says 'if you were a sub you could get THIS!' and the item you would normally receive is greyed out. 'Mounts' are delayed for f2p, and you can't customize your companion or character (can't even hide their helmet!) without a sub. I'm just playing to finish the story so I don't care about that stuff.
01-18-2016, 10:37 AM
I resubscribed a few weeks ago. Player housing is ok, but pvp space combat is atrocious.
I ended up just starting a new character because I couldn't remember shit, but with the huge XP bonus I passed my old character who was only 29 pretty quick.
I haven't played much lately so I'm still leveling through the vanilla story, but so far it still seems pretty solid.
01-18-2016, 12:08 PM
Yeah, the storyline is pretty good for an MMO. It still follows the two choice Bioware/Star Wars morality system, and there are some really weird things you can do, like straight up murder a senator with no consequences:
I played a smuggler when it first released and got to like level 42 before I stopped.
02-13-2016, 04:17 PM
Oh, I'm playing SWTOR a lot again. I have my little legendary bling. I'm on Berg Colony. Who else is playing and what servers?
02-14-2016, 07:32 AM
I was , but took a break lately to play Xcom 2 and Fallout 4. Plus, was waiting on the just released story line continuation.
02-14-2016, 03:58 PM
I just finished it the other day. It was pretty good. A bunch of people complained that it was short, but yeah.. You have to remember that it is only 1 chapter, and not 9.
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