View Full Version : Coming Clean

10-21-2004, 02:17 PM
Per Falgrins advice, and since he hates Tsa'ah as much as I do.

I am Lycain, I am Psykos, I was Psykos.

My name is Mark, I live in Florida.

I do not go to Harvard, nor any college anymore.

I own Lycain and only Lycain.

Though I do have access to many other accounts.

Can we all be friends?

10-21-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Can we all be friends?

Sure. Could you be a friend and loan me a few million silver?

10-21-2004, 02:19 PM
I'm selling silvers, 14 per mil u2u me.

10-21-2004, 02:20 PM
Fine by me.

- Arkans

10-21-2004, 02:21 PM
Thanks for making the vote biased. I'm not voting because I don't see an option for "No, you're a lying asshole".

10-21-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Per Falgrins advice, and since he hates Tsa'ah as much as I do.

This would be completely incorrect. I actually like Tsa`ah.. I just find his political views completely off base.

And yes Lycain.. welcome to the PC. Glad you've finally come around. I TOLD you the truth will set you free.

Bygones are bygones.

10-21-2004, 02:23 PM
Side note,

I'd like at least a comment from HarmNone, Tijay and ParkBandit on this one.

And Beth -- I love you! I was always just playing with you ;)


10-21-2004, 02:23 PM
Heh. Well, hon, we all knew all those things anyhow, so it's probably for the best that you've admitted it. Telling lies doesn't make for a pleasant stay here. The folks on this forum are downright psychic that way. ;)

As for being friends, you'll probably find that you'll have to take some hits before you reach a friendly standing here. You've started out on a bad foot not once, but twice now. There will be some karma payoff to absorb. ;)

10-21-2004, 02:23 PM
Tsa'ah Sucks. 3 (100%)

Oh man I need a smoke.

10-21-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

Can we all be friends?

Unless you are Vif then yes

10-21-2004, 02:26 PM
Give me one reason why you won't lie and manipulate this time considering the following little facts:

You venomently claimed you were not Lycain.
You said you would never post here again.
You lied about not playing Gemstone and owning a new character.
IMed people to stir up trouble, then lied about that.
Lied about where you live and which college you went too.

So tell me, why should we believe your or even care now?

10-21-2004, 02:27 PM
Cool deal esse

10-21-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Give me one reason why you won't lie and manipulate this time considering the following little facts:

You venomently claimed you were not Lycain.
You said you would never post here again.
You lied about not playing Gemstone and owning a new character.
IMed people to stir up trouble, then lied about that.
Lied about where you live and which college you went too.

So tell me, why should we believe your or even care now?

Because Lycain is not Warclaidhm, no offense Warc. You the man man.

10-21-2004, 02:29 PM
I never lied about what college I attended stop assuming things.

10-21-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Side note,

I'd like at least a comment from HarmNone, Tijay and ParkBandit on this one.

And Beth -- I love you! I was always just playing with you ;)


I'm not sure what kind of comment you're looking for from me. I've already commented on the results of telling lies on these boards. Additionally, I was never your enemy; although, I was the enemy of some of your posts.

As far as friendship is concerned, that might come along down the road a piece. First, let's see how things go here, eh?

Oh, and I adore Tsa`ah!:heart:

10-21-2004, 02:31 PM
And you expect us to believe that? Still you've yet to prove you're not some lying shithead. Hell, all the stupidity your character gets up to is enough to brand you a feckless moron for the rest of your life. You're hardly endearing yourself here.

10-21-2004, 02:31 PM
Also in a backstabbish manner, even though I voted for the friendly jargon, get off Tsa'ah's jock, and welcome back :D

10-21-2004, 02:32 PM
Tissue for your issue?

I think all of us roleplay characters slightly different than we would in real life.


10-21-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Also in a backstabbish manner, even though I voted for the friendly jargon, get off Tsa'ah's jock, and welcome back :D

You're just upset cause the empire fell.
(As am I).

10-21-2004, 02:33 PM
Roleplay? HAHA! Whatever pal. You're still a lying dick, and there is nothing in this world you can do to prove that you're not. Just look at your little history. Either you're severly mentally defunct, or have (similar to Warclaidhm) an attention disorder.

10-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Members viewing this page: NewestUser, Nieninque

I'm waiting for the smartass comment, lets hear it already.


10-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Telling lies doesn't make for a pleasant stay here.

Neither does deliberately acting and posting like an asshole and he hasn't claimed to be repentant about that. Just that he won't be a lying asshole. And only time will tell about that one.


10-21-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Roleplay? HAHA! Whatever pal. You're still a lying dick, and there is nothing in this world you can do to prove that you're not. Just look at your little history. Either you're severly mentally defunct, or have (similar to Warclaidhm) an attention disorder.

Or like making people like you get their panties in a wad.

Take a pill man.

10-21-2004, 02:35 PM
I reckon a better start would have have been:

"Hi folks, you were right. I really am the fuck-up that plays Lycain etc.
I was a complete wanker when I was slating pretty much everyone on the boards and spamming the boards with complete and utter bullshit threads relentlessly for the past three months.
I was also a wanker when I insulted your intelligence and denied the things I was accused of (and guilty of) when they were so fucking obvious.

In short, I screwed up and I am sorry."

Something along those lines.

You have been a complete arsehole since you have been on these boards and now you want to be friends with everyone when only today you were posting about how Tsa'ah is a Nazi?

Start by apologising, closely followed by changing your behaviour and sticking to it (I recall a reformed Psykos posting for a few days not so long ago only for it all to go down the pan again).

You might get better results that way.

10-21-2004, 02:36 PM
I don't honestly care, little man. If you cause me bother in game I'll just kill you a few hundred times. You can't cause me bother here because you're a little sod who is well known for lying. If anything annoys me its the hypocrisy of the people accepting you back so easily. You yourself are akin to a piece of dirt on my boot.

10-21-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Members viewing this page: NewestUser, Nieninque

I'm waiting for the smartass comment, lets hear it already.


Fucking hell. You couldnt even last ten minutes. :rolleyes:

10-21-2004, 02:36 PM
Agreed, an apology would have been a better way if any to start things off.

10-21-2004, 02:37 PM

You're from England! The mystery has been solved.

And, I said I was sorry. I'll still post what I think/feel but I won't play fucking games anymore.

10-21-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by NewestUser
Members viewing this page: NewestUser, Nieninque

I'm waiting for the smartass comment, lets hear it already.


Fucking hell. You couldnt even last ten minutes. :rolleyes:

As I've always said: he has no friends in game or in real life, so he tries so desperately to win them over here. He sadly reminds me of Wardoofhm.

10-21-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I don't honestly care, little man. If you cause me bother in game I'll just kill you a few hundred times. You can't cause me bother here because you're a little sod who is well known for lying. If anything annoys me its the hypocrisy of the people accepting you back so easily. You yourself are akin to a piece of dirt on my boot.

Wow, you're a big man now.

this is my apology thread, get with it or get out. I don't really give a shit if you kill me 100xs in game man. Its a fucking game.


And you're a level 40 rogue, stop talking like you're Falgrin.



10-21-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Per Falgrins advice, and since he hates Tsa'ah as much as I do.

I am Lycain, I am Psykos, I was Psykos.

My name is Mark, I live in Florida.

I do not go to Harvard, nor any college anymore.

I own Lycain and only Lycain.

Though I do have access to many other accounts.

Can we all be friends?

That's not an apology, that's more of a confession. Of course it's a confession to something we already knew.

I still don't have an option to say no in the poll since I don't make friends with liars until they prove themselves not to be anymore.

10-21-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by NewestUser

Can we all be friends?

Unless you are Vif then yes

LOL, I agree with this statement.

10-21-2004, 02:39 PM
As I've always said: he has no friends in game or in real life, so he tries so desperately to win them over here. He sadly reminds me of Wardoofhm.

I have friends in game, and in real life... Where are you pulling this shit from dbag?


10-21-2004, 02:40 PM
I am sorry. I am teh horse.


10-21-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

You're from England! The mystery has been solved.

Nice one Sherlock. But wrong. And it's no mystery. I have posted on the boards before where I am from.

And, I said I was sorry. I'll still post what I think/feel but I won't play fucking games anymore.

You actually said:

Coming Clean

Per Falgrins advice, and since he hates Tsa'ah as much as I do.

I am Lycain, I am Psykos, I was Psykos.

My name is Mark, I live in Florida.

I do not go to Harvard, nor any college anymore.

I own Lycain and only Lycain.

Though I do have access to many other accounts.

Can we all be friends?

Note the absence of the word "sorry" or "I apologise" - or apologize of you prefer.

10-21-2004, 02:40 PM
Incorrect dumbass Stay is a level 40 Rogue. Not that I wouldn't be able to kill you with him, but I could still take my pick from three other high level characters to make your ass bleed with.

Anyway, I agree with CT. However this little shit, like Doofhm, will most likely never learn.

10-21-2004, 02:41 PM
I say kick rocks bitch.

10-21-2004, 02:41 PM

10-21-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

As I've always said: he has no friends in game or in real life, so he tries so desperately to win them over here. He sadly reminds me of Wardoofhm.

I have friends in game, and in real life... Where are you pulling this shit from dbag?


Uhuh. So lets, for example, look at your track record: You've lied about your identity, among other things, and now you say this. Well we've proved you were lying last time, so by default I think you're lying now.

10-21-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Incorrect dumbass Stay is a level 40 Rogue. Not that I wouldn't be able to kill you with him, but I could still take my pick from three other high level characters to make your ass bleed with.

At least you'll make my ass bleed!

You're starting to scare me mang!!!!#@$

Shut up man, you're looking like a dumbshit.




10-21-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Nice one Sherlock. But wrong. And it's no mystery. I have posted on the boards before where I am from.

I missed it, so where are you from?

10-21-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Incorrect dumbass Stay is a level 40 Rogue. Not that I wouldn't be able to kill you with him, but I could still take my pick from three other high level characters to make your ass bleed with.

At least you'll make my ass bleed!

You're starting to scare me mang!!!!#@$

Shut up man, you're looking like a dumbshit.




Heh, no. I'm not the one on my knee's begging for people to accept me here. Nor am I telling fibs about who I am or who I play.

10-21-2004, 02:44 PM
I have no friends, in life or in the game, and I'm on my knees now.

God damn, are you outside my window?

Take your hand off your penis and start thinking champion!

10-21-2004, 02:44 PM
Once a liar, always a liar. Welcome to my list of Fuckups and Liars Club!


How proud you must be.

10-21-2004, 02:45 PM
You forgot Teooncy on that list CT.

10-21-2004, 02:45 PM
You don't have enough options on your poll.

10-21-2004, 02:46 PM
Eh, I kinda forgave her cause she apologized, posted her real picture and WENT AWAY. She eventually learned. The others.. well.. they are hopeless.

10-21-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
I have no friends, in life or in the game, and I'm on my knees now.

God damn, are you outside my window?

Take your hand off your penis and start thinking champion!

Just look at the evidence you dumb fucking gimp. You still haven't even apologized to everyone you've lied too.

You couldn't even last a week of being away from the PC. And you say you have friends?

Look at all the posts bashing and mocking Lycain here. His repuation is shit. So is yours. Moron.

10-21-2004, 02:48 PM
I am Mark's friend

-Mark's roommate

10-21-2004, 02:49 PM

You've just topped my desperate for attention/friends list.

[Edited on 21-10-04 by StrayRogue]

10-21-2004, 02:50 PM
New possibility:

NewestUser = Psykos = Lycain = SEAN?????

10-21-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Once a liar, always a liar. Welcome to my list of Fuckups and Liars Club!


How proud you must be.

:lol: I was thinking about how this is another kind of Kurapira moment...

Like, I did something stupid and now I dont and can you all congratulate me on stopping it.

Kind of like him saying "I used to stick my knob in a blender, but I dont do it any more!" and expecting some kind of commendation.

What an arse.

10-21-2004, 02:51 PM

Not even I will let that slide!

I'm not the Sean.



I do have a good ability at turning a thread into 3 pages in a matter of seconds I just found out.


10-21-2004, 02:51 PM
This just makes me sad. Why in the hell do people come here, cause no end of grief, lie, misrepresent themselves, go away, come back, and start the whole freaking mess all over again? It makes absolutely no sense!

WHY????? Dammit!

10-21-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
This just makes me sad. Why in the hell do people come here, cause no end of grief, lie, misrepresent themselves, go away, come back, and start the whole freaking mess all over again? It makes absolutely no sense!

WHY????? Dammit!

They are DESPERATE for attention. Mummy hugged them too tight or not enough, I guess.

10-21-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
I am Mark's friend

-Mark's roommate


I can do that look:

I am Snowy's prime minister

-Tony Blair


10-21-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
I am Mark's friend

-Mark's roommate


10-21-2004, 02:53 PM

10-21-2004, 02:53 PM
I've said my bit. You've made yourself look a total twat from day one, and I'm sure it will continue. I'm glad I can say most people on these boards are smart enough to see through your little scheme of lies and attention-seeking. But please continue to be a gimp, it will be nice for Kranar to make an example of you come Nov 1st.

10-21-2004, 02:54 PM
in group
out group


I think it still just burns that I pwned you on aim a while back, you gullible half-wit.

Chill out.

Miss X
10-21-2004, 02:55 PM
You do nothing but cause crap here by creating threads like this. Please stop, it's getting really old...

10-21-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
But please continue to be a gimp, it will be nice for Kranar to make an example of you come Nov 1st.

That day isn't getting here any faster than it should! Down with Nov. 1st! Up with Oct. 22nd!

10-21-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
You do nothing but cause crap here by creating threads like this. Please stop, it's getting really old...

i didn't start the crap talking,

I was trying to come clean, like ParkBandit told me!

10-21-2004, 02:55 PM
They're getting attention from the get-go. Psykos was never banned from the boards, yet he starts all over again with another user-name. Not only that, but he's outed in nanoseconds; especially, by the mods since we can check the IP address.

In short, if you're going to be an ass, be an ass up front. If you're too much of an ass, and break TOS, you may end up banned but, at least, you won't end up being labled a schmuck!

It boggles the mind. It really does. :banghead:

10-21-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

Still wrong.

Repeatedly saying the same thing over and over doesnt make it right.

You should have learned that from phrases such as:

"I am not Lycain"
"I dont play any more"
"I played in the Ice Age"
"I am not Psykos"

If it isnt true it isnt true.
I am not from England

10-21-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

Originally posted by Miss X
You do nothing but cause crap here by creating threads like this. Please stop, it's getting really old...

i didn't start the crap talking,

I was trying to come clean, like ParkBandit told me! He also told you to get a life and go away. Not sure in what order.... but you haven't done that yet!

10-21-2004, 02:57 PM
I did play in the ice age, as the character Psykos.

thats already been proven.

Malok, et al.

10-21-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

Wrong. Wrong in capital letters, no less. :rolleyes:

10-21-2004, 03:00 PM
First off who are you? I don't know you and I hate no one online. Perhaps whoever you are you should cough up and say which names you use to post here. It is just easier that way. Personally I couldn't care less if you lie about where you live, where you went to school or anything else. I think it will help you here however if you don't.....sure we can be friends

10-21-2004, 03:01 PM
Okay you finally admit to it. You tell us things we already know because you're backed in a corner. Wow go you.

How about *apologizing* for the lies and being an asshole?

10-21-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Side note,

I'd like at least a comment from HarmNone, Tijay and ParkBandit on this one.

And Beth -- I love you! I was always just playing with you ;)


I went out on a limb and stuck up for you, asshole. Don't worry, I won't ever do it again.

10-21-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Give me one reason why you won't lie and manipulate this time considering the following little facts:

You venomently claimed you were not Lycain.
You said you would never post here again.
You lied about not playing Gemstone and owning a new character.
IMed people to stir up trouble, then lied about that.
Lied about where you live and which college you went too.

So tell me, why should we believe your or even care now?


It's internet. 50% of internet is filled with lies, anyway. Some people have fun by flirting, some by lying, some by being a bully because they are little nowhere in life.

And some just enjoy internet as it is.


psykos: :P

10-21-2004, 03:07 PM
Are there not 57340438757698698584747 other message boards this nutless cockgobbler can get attention from? Why are we the lucky ones?!

10-21-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
I did play in the ice age, as the character Psykos.

thats already been proven.

Malok, et al.

What part of stop the lying did you not understand?

And you are now saying you play/played the character of Malok?

10-21-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Maimara

Originally posted by NewestUser
Side note,

I'd like at least a comment from HarmNone, Tijay and ParkBandit on this one.

And Beth -- I love you! I was always just playing with you ;)


I went out on a limb and stuck up for you, asshole. Don't worry, I won't ever do it again.

I'm glad I'm not one to say "I told you so" because that would be mean.






I DID tell you though... :D

10-21-2004, 03:10 PM
Malok saids he remembered him.

Culaine still lost 10 millions:socool:

10-21-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Maimara

Originally posted by NewestUser
Side note,

I'd like at least a comment from HarmNone, Tijay and ParkBandit on this one.

And Beth -- I love you! I was always just playing with you ;)


I went out on a limb and stuck up for you, asshole. Don't worry, I won't ever do it again.

Yeah that was the baddest. You said he was your friend and he lied to you as well.


10-21-2004, 03:13 PM
Wow, outside of politics I though PB and myself were actually kind of like minded.

Maybe I should stop giving him shit about his mini-van. I could end up in the desert.

10-21-2004, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Wow, outside of politics I though PB and myself were actually kind of like minded.

Maybe I should stop giving him shit about his mini-van. I could end up in the desert.


And your thoughts were correct Tsa`ah. I just need to get you to do a 180 on your political views and we can be best friends.

10-21-2004, 03:17 PM
I'm not worried about it, honestly. I've made errors in judgement before, I'll make them again. Luckily I didn't make an ass of myself trying to defend the fuckstain.

10-21-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I'm not worried about it, honestly. I've made errors in judgement before, I'll make them again. Luckily I didn't make an ass of myself trying to defend the fuckstain.

This is true

10-21-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Malok saids he remembered him.

which Malok?

There have been many owners

10-21-2004, 03:38 PM
Malok, the old one, the creator. Not Culaine and friends, who lost 10 millions because they are stupid.


10-21-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I will never doubt ParkBandit again. All Hail!

:love: Maimara

10-21-2004, 03:39 PM

I didn't say I was Malok, I'm saying that Malok remembered me, in a specific time-frame (the ice age).

I quit playing for years, and some guy made Psykos again on Zone or something so I can't have the name for a while.

No biggie.


10-21-2004, 03:41 PM
I don't really know what you were looking for me to comment on. I never really had a problem with you before. I do however think it was a bit silly to lie all this time or to change your handle in the manner that you did.

10-21-2004, 03:41 PM

10-21-2004, 03:41 PM
Thought names couldn't be taken if you deleted one..


10-21-2004, 03:42 PM
They told me the name was on an old system and hence could be remade like that, however the Zone account hasn't been active for quite some time.

10-21-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser

I didn't say I was Malok, I'm saying that Malok remembered me, in a specific time-frame (the ice age).

I quit playing for years, and some guy made Psykos again on Zone or something so I can't have the name for a while.

No biggie.


I used to play a character named Celtar. I imagine people remembered me back in the Ice Age too.

See how easy it would be for me to lay such a claim down? I have access to plenty of logs from the Ice Age.. all I have to do is claim to be one of the lesser known characters from back then and have someone say "Yea, I remember seeing that character around".

And to my knowledge (I could be wrong) I think Malok and I started near about the same time.. and I certainly didn't play in the Ice Age. Malok the character and my wizard used to hunt together all the time. Good guy.

10-21-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
Are there not 57340438757698698584747 other message boards this nutless cockgobbler can get attention from? Why are we the lucky ones?!


Chelle makes me giggle. Alot.

Psykos. U r weird(er than me and thats creepy)

You doing this is a little Warclaidhm-ish. As in, needing/wanting the attention and schtuff. Perhaps you need more people to hug you, hmmm? We will all pitch in and get you a hooker for X-mas.

**Wont we???**



10-21-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I used to play a character named Celtar. I imagine people remembered me back in the Ice Age too.

You couldn't possibly. I LIKE you. ;)

10-21-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I used to play a character named Celtar. I imagine people remembered me back in the Ice Age too.

Celtar is not iceage. I was Kurt so I know who was there and who was not.

The only good thing little Celtar did was be involved in the start of HS.

10-21-2004, 03:46 PM
I thought he already had a hooker, I mean stripper? No wait thats, Sean. I get them confused.

10-21-2004, 03:47 PM
Pretty easy to confuse the two cockgobblers, huh? :D

10-21-2004, 03:47 PM
It's easy to confuse them, since rolled together, they are the antithesis of everything positive about the human race.

10-21-2004, 03:48 PM
I never rolled with Sean.

10-21-2004, 03:49 PM
Oh man, now I wish I had saved the pictures Lycain sent me.

10-21-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
I thought he already had a hooker, I mean stripper? No wait thats, Sean. I get them confused.


10-21-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Per Falgrins advice, and since he hates Tsa'ah as much as I do.

I am Lycain, I am Psykos, I was Psykos.

My name is Mark, I live in Florida.

I do not go to Harvard, nor any college anymore.

I own Lycain and only Lycain.

Though I do have access to many other accounts.

Can we all be friends?

Go fuck yourself.


You have nothing positive to contribute to this forum, and your actions thus far have been disruptive enough to change the entire format of the forums.

If this was your goal, then take pride in your superb ability to suck as a human being, and walk away.

If you think for a moment that you can gain acceptance here, you are clearly mistaken.

Fuck off.

[Edited on 10-21-2004 by longshot]

10-21-2004, 06:24 PM
Nice summation, longshot. I vote yes.


10-22-2004, 10:50 AM
Gotta love Longshot's ability to cut to the chase

10-23-2004, 07:51 PM
Booyah! Psykos is banned...mad wootzors

lol I like how he said "I own Lycain" then he denied even knowing him in that aexcrybre post

10-23-2004, 08:16 PM
Just for reference, I started in December 1995.
[So, right after "Ice Age".]

Got a year of being reamed by paying hourly - was happy when things went unlimited in December 1996.