View Full Version : Level 75 Male Elf Wizard - Forging/Fletching Master

06-08-2015, 08:25 PM
Selling the following wizard. Account transfer with the buyer paying the fee. Comes naked except for a few basic items and a runestaff, with ~200k on the account with 100k on teras. Full Illistim citizen.

Prefer cash but would take coins at $9 per since I would be selling them later. Cash is Paypal Gift.

Has done 7x normal and 7x fusion enchants without any issues.

Name: Buckwheet Race: Elf Profession: Wizard (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 30 Expr: 4929492 Level: 75
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 97 (23) ... 97 (23)
Constitution (CON): 79 (14) ... 79 (14)
Dexterity (DEX): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Agility (AGI): 95 (37) ... 95 (37)
Discipline (DIS): 86 (3) ... 86 (3)
Aura (AUR): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Logic (LOG): 98 (24) ... 98 (24)
Intuition (INT): 92 (21) ... 92 (21)
Wisdom (WIS): 93 (21) ... 93 (21)
Influence (INF): 90 (30) ... 90 (30)
Mana: 150 Silver: 0

(at level 75), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Arcane Symbols.....................| 254 154
Magic Item Use.....................| 254 154
Harness Power......................| 150 50
Elemental Mana Control.............| 216 116

Spell Lists
Major Elemental....................| 71

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 60

Spell Lists
Wizard.............................| 100
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

The FIXSKILLS command will allow you to instantly set your skills to match your goals. Use the GOALS command to set your skills to your desired values FIRST!

You may view FIXSKILLS HELP for more information on this option.

To use FIXSKILLS, you must type FIXSKILL CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

*** No additional options will be granted outside of normal parameters for misuse. ***

** Make sure your skills are set how you want them with GOALS before using FIXSKILLS CONFIRM **

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.

Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

>society reset

The RESET option will allow you to completely reset all of your society affilitations, both current and past. It will be as if you had never joined a society with this character at all.
You will lose all powers and benefits for any society you are currently in.

** THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! ** Please be sure this is what you want to do!

If you are sure you want to reset your society status, click SOCIETY RESET CONFIRM within the next 30 seconds.

>artisan skill
In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed edged, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed blunt, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of fletching, you are a master with 500 ranks.

>attune set


Available Elements:

** This option is only available once, and cannot be changed once set. **

>title list culture
You have access to the following titles from the CULTURE group:

Vaalor *
Nalfein *
Ardenai *
Loenthra *
Illistim *

CB:$350 GS4-Brimzstone ONCE!

06-09-2015, 08:10 AM
Mb on this please thanks

06-09-2015, 10:19 AM
Thanks for the bid. Going once!

06-10-2015, 08:00 AM
Twice! I will mark this last call tonight and sold in the AM if no other bids. Why? I am going out of town Friday afternoon and would like the transaction in process before the weekend so the buyer has an opportunity to play him over the weekend.

06-10-2015, 10:13 PM
This will be sold in the morning with no further bids.

06-10-2015, 10:20 PM
BO in silvers please.

06-10-2015, 10:32 PM
Sold pending payment.