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View Full Version : Research: The Effects of Creature Height on Melee Aiming

06-04-2015, 11:20 PM
I've gathered only a few data points but my very super preliminary research seems to indicate that creature height by position is as follows:

Height of ASSESS {creature}:
Position|Height Modifier
Kneeling|Round(Standing Height * 0.60)
Sitting|Round(Standing Height * 0.45)
Prone|Round(Standing Height * 0.10)


The lesser minotaur is medium in size and about seven feet high in his current state.
The lesser minotaur is medium in size and about four feet high in his current kneeling state.
The lesser minotaur is medium in size and about three feet high in his current sitting state.
The lesser minotaur is medium in size and about one foot high in his current prone state.
The minotaur warrior is medium in size and about eight feet high in his current state.
The minotaur warrior is medium in size and about five feet high in his current kneeling state.
The minotaur warrior is medium in size and about four feet high in his current sitting state.
The minotaur warrior is medium in size and about one foot high in his current prone state.
The Illoke mystic is huge in size and about twenty-two feet high in his current state.
The Illoke mystic is huge in size and about thirteen feet high in his current kneeling state.
The Illoke mystic is huge in size and about ten feet high in his current sitting state.
The Illoke mystic is huge in size and about two feet high in his current prone state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about fifteen feet high in his current state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about nine feet high in her current kneeling state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about seven feet high in his current sitting state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about two feet high in his current prone state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eighteen feet high in its current state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eleven feet high in its current kneeling state
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eight feet high in its current sitting state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about two feet high in its current prone state.

Why This Matters:
I want to increase my combat efficiency by aiming at vital locations without "setting up" the creature, if possible.

(1) My character is a Human, which I assume translates to 6 feet. How can I verify this?
(2) Given (1), wield a morning star.
(3) Given (1) and (2), I am able to aim at the head of an 8 foot creature.
(4) Given (1) and (2), I am unable to aim at the head of a 9 foot creature.
(5) Given (1) and (2), I am able to aim at the neck of a 9 foot creature.
(6) Assume the head of the creature is equal to the height of the creature in its current position.
(7) Assume the neck of the creature is equal to the height of the creature * 0.90, rounded.
(8) Given (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7), the difference between (creature_height - location_height_modifier) - (player_height + weapon_height_modifier) must be equal to or less than 2 to allow aimed strikes. Alternatively, if the morning star has a weapon_height_modifier of 2, then the difference must be less than or equal to 0.

Confounding Variables:
(1) Specific weapons, more than likely, affect the ability to reach taller creatures (e.g., lance).
(2) What are the standardized racial heights? How do we determine this?
(3) the location_height_modifier is more than likely percentage based. I assume Head = 1.00; Neck = 0.90 for bipedal creatures?

I would like to hear your thoughts and more data points, if possible. This is something that's always bothered me about playing a "shorter" race, but the degree to which it actually affects combat efficiency is unknown.

EDIT (1): Height Hierarchy of Bipedal Creatures
Head >= Eyes > Neck > Chest > Arms > Back >= Abdomen > Hand > Legs

EDIT (2):
Morning Star|2

06-04-2015, 11:43 PM
I never realized that you could get a critter's height in their current state. That's pretty awesome.

I hope making all of my halflings "tiny" at character creation doesn't actually make them smaller and thus worse at combat :O

06-05-2015, 05:32 PM

06-05-2015, 05:46 PM
How do you see the height of a critter? What is the tallest in the game?

06-05-2015, 06:10 PM
Illokes are pretty damn massive.

06-05-2015, 06:19 PM
That would explain why one falling on you hurts so much.

06-05-2015, 07:36 PM
(1) My character is a Human, which I assume translates to 6 feet. How can I verify this?Have another PC assess your character? I am getting the worst sense of deja vu, but perhaps arm length of attacker also matters: Max. Streets. Pipe.
I never realized that you could get a critter's height in their current state. That's pretty awesome. I hope making all of my halflings "tiny" at character creation doesn't actually make them smaller and thus worse at combat :ODon't be silly, Terry. How could a halfling be worse at combat?

06-05-2015, 07:42 PM
Don't be silly, Terry. How could a halfling be worse at combat?

They could be a dark elf.

06-05-2015, 07:46 PM
You just made Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s corpse cry with your racism. I would say "I hope you're happy", but I know you are.

06-05-2015, 07:50 PM
You just made Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s corpse cry with your racism. I would say "I hope you're happy", but I know you are.

Damn right.

06-05-2015, 07:54 PM
Just don't say I'm damned for all time.

06-05-2015, 07:59 PM
Certain weapons definitely affect "length of reach", as you can aim at the eyes of some things with a rapier and not a shortsword or dagger. I imagine you'll probably also see this with perhaps some blunts, and maybe some brawling weapons (fist-scythes vs a sap)

06-06-2015, 12:56 AM
A halfling with a trident can hit a human or lower in the eye. Was especially fun on Kips with Trident/Spear and Shield with some decent ambush training.

06-06-2015, 04:26 AM
Have another PC assess your character? I am getting the worst sense of deja vu, but perhaps arm length of attacker also matters: Max. Streets. Pipe.

Blaze. Is. Best.

Nyridrem murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Nyridrem concentrates.
Nyridrem's left leg looks better.
>assess nyridrem
You can only assess armor or weaponry.

06-06-2015, 04:28 AM
How do you see the height of a critter? What is the tallest in the game?

ASSESS {target}

06-06-2015, 03:52 PM
During the Duskruin arena I noticed that how I gripped my spear mattered. There were some things that I could hit the eye with a two handed grip and not with a one handed grip. Using a polearm one handed still increases ones range though. Using a maul I could only hit the necks of trolls but with a spear I could hit their eyes even one handed.

06-06-2015, 04:20 PM
Figuring out the relative height between the races got me curious too.

Mountain ogres are 8 feet tall standing up. With my dark elf unarmed he could aim at any part of their body when both are standing, the highest my halfling could aim was their chest while unarmed and he could aim any body part with his claidhmore.

Frost giants are 15 feet tall and the highest my dark elf could aim while unarmed was their hands (I also found out from this testing that hands are considered lower than chest, abs, and arms). With his runestaff out the highest he could aim was their ab (which is obviously lower than their chest.)

My halfling on the other hand could only aim for their legs even with his claidhmore out.

Assuming the game uses realistic measurements...arm length is about a third of the size of the person so my dark elf would have to be at least 6 feet tall to aim for an 8 foot tall critter's head bare handed. Unless for some reason bare handed gets some sort of reach bonus.

A person's chest starts at about two thirds of their total height so that would put an ogre's chest at about 5 feet 4 inches meaning my halfling would have to be around 4 feet tall at a minimum to target an ogre's chest. Of course he could be taller than that but I would imagine not too much taller since he couldn't target the ogre's neck.

Of course like I said this also depends on how the game is setup to determine arm length and relative height of various body parts on critters.

06-06-2015, 04:29 PM
This is something that's always bothered me about playing a "shorter" race, but the degree to which it actually affects combat efficiency is unknown.

I was just thinking this. For some reason I thought short races just got the shaft when it came to aiming and all the other races could aim any body part they want whenever they wanted, it didn't even occur to me that some critters are literally giants standing 20+ feet tall.

Sure short races still get screwed when it comes to relatively short critters but it doesn't seem so bad now in context.

06-06-2015, 06:27 PM
It looks like we need to determine the weapon_height_modifier for each weapon (daunting, I know) and determine the relative creature_height_modifier for each location.

So my hypothesis is:
Location|Creature Height Modifier

Time to gather data!

06-06-2015, 06:38 PM
Anyone got the height on arctic titans?

06-06-2015, 06:43 PM
Anyone got the height on arctic titans?

I'm heading out to the Glacier in about 5 minutes.

06-06-2015, 06:56 PM
More data below, added to OP.

The frost giant is huge in size and about fifteen feet high in his current state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about nine feet high in her current kneeling state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about seven feet high in his current sitting state.
The frost giant is huge in size and about two feet high in his current prone state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eighteen feet high in its current state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eleven feet high in its current kneeling state
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eight feet high in its current sitting state.
The arctic titan is huge in size and about two feet high in its current prone state.

I now feel confident in my initial assumption:
Position|Height Modifier
Kneeling|Round(Standing Height * 0.60)
Sitting|Round(Standing Height * 0.45)
Prone |Round(Standing Height * 0.10)

06-06-2015, 07:04 PM
My combined character + weapon height is 8 as demonstrated in the OP. The hands of an 18 foot creature must be 8 or less. The back of a 15 foot creature must be 8 or less.

>amb giant head
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant neck
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant right eye
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant chest
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant abdo
You swing a perfect steel spikestar at a frost giant!
AS: +267 vs DS: +255 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +20 = +63
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>amb giant back
You swing a perfect steel spikestar at a frost giant!
AS: +267 vs DS: +160 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +11 = +155
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Blow to back cracks several vertebrae.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>amb giant right arm
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant right hand
You swing a perfect steel spikestar at a frost giant!
AS: +267 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +8 = +81
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

>amb tit head
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit neck
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit right eye
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit chest
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit back
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit abdo
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit right arm
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit right hand
You swing a perfect steel spikestar at an arctic titan!
AS: +267 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +46 = +141
... and hit for 15 points of damage!
Broken finger on the arctic titan's left hand!
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Given the data, the height hierarchy for a typical(?) bipedal creature so far is:
Head >= Eyes > Neck > Chest > Arms > Back >= Abdomen > Hand > Legs

06-06-2015, 07:05 PM
nm. Just read the glacier post.

Hoy has passed gnimble on the sunfist points list! Don't let hoy win at anything....

06-06-2015, 07:14 PM
Did some more testing with my halfling, all tests done were against critters while they were standing, my halfling position is what changed. In all instances the tests were the same whether he was attacking unarmed or with a dagger, assuming dagger has no extra reach or very little extra reach. Stats were also exactly the same whether my halfling was sitting down or lying down.

3 feet tall

lying down:
highest body part he could aim while unarmed: ab
with cudgel: anywhere

could target anywhere unarmed

Lesser Orc 5 feet tall:

lying down unarmed: can't aim anywhere (except legs of course)
lying down with cudgel: chest

kneel unarmed: ab
kneel cudgel: chest

Thyril 2 feet tall:
Can aim anywhere no matter which position or with what weapon.

06-06-2015, 07:17 PM
Look at all that logic and sense in the combat system, love it.

06-06-2015, 07:17 PM
nm. Just read the glacier post.

Hoy has passed gnimble on the sunfist points list! Don't let hoy win at anything....

I do not know who this Hoy fella is, but I stopped playing Gnimble because it wasn't fun. It was like playing with IDDQD + IDKFA.

I'm really looking forward to the Bowels. I'm level 76 on my Paladin, almost there.

06-06-2015, 07:27 PM
I do not know who this Hoy fella is, but I stopped playing Gnimble because it wasn't fun. It was like playing with IDDQD + IDKFA.

I'm really looking forward to the Bowels. I'm level 76 on my Paladin, almost there.

You could've ruled elanthia. What a shame.

06-06-2015, 08:32 PM
This data corroborates my assumption of the Height Hierarchy for bipedal creatures.

Head >= Eyes > Neck > Arms> Chest > Back >= Abdomen > Hand > Legs

Amending the OP.

06-06-2015, 08:48 PM

06-06-2015, 09:39 PM
I decided to delete my multiple posts and just condense all of the information I have so far into one post.

Critter name: rabid squirrel
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: one foot
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: thyril
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: two feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: kobold
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: three feet
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: rolton
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: three feet
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Back: No
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Back: No
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: leaper
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: three feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

ritter name: arch wight
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: four feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: zombie
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: five feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: Yes
Chest: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: dark shambler
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: five feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: silverback orc
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: six feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: Yes
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Critter name: wraith
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: seven feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Arms: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Arms: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Arms: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Arms: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Critter name: mountain ogre
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: eight feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Critter name: ice troll
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: nine feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Critter name: tree spirit
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: ten feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: Does not have body part
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: Does not have body part
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: Does not have body part
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: Does not have body part
Neck: No
Arms: No
Chest: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Few things of note:

Chest appears to be higher than arms.
Even though roltons and leapers are both quadrupeds I was able to attack the chest but not the back on one of them but the exact opposite was true for the other. Either the height difference changes from critter to critter or one of them is bugged.
I have gathered information on critters from 1 to 10 feet tall and we can see exactly when he stopped being able to target which body part so we should be able to figure out how tall halflings are.

06-06-2015, 09:43 PM
Chest appears to be higher than arms.

Updated OP.

Head >= Eyes > Neck > Chest > Arms > Back >= Abdomen > Hand > Legs

06-06-2015, 09:44 PM
Great work Tgo01.

06-06-2015, 09:50 PM
Great work Tgo01.


Here is the simple lich script I threw together to run all of these tests if anyone else wants to run it.

critter_name = nil
critter_size = nil
critter_standing_height = nil

lie_unarmed_head = nil
lie_unarmed_eyes = nil
lie_unarmed_neck = nil
lie_unarmed_chest = nil
lie_unarmed_back = nil
lie_unarmed_abs = nil
lie_unarmed_arms = nil
lie_unarmed_hands = nil
lie_unarmed_legs = nil

sit_unarmed_head = nil
sit_unarmed_eyes = nil
sit_unarmed_neck = nil
sit_unarmed_chest = nil
sit_unarmed_back = nil
sit_unarmed_abs = nil
sit_unarmed_arms = nil
sit_unarmed_hands = nil
sit_unarmed_legs = nil

kneel_unarmed_head = nil
kneel_unarmed_eyes = nil
kneel_unarmed_neck = nil
kneel_unarmed_chest = nil
kneel_unarmed_back = nil
kneel_unarmed_abs = nil
kneel_unarmed_arms = nil
kneel_unarmed_hands = nil
kneel_unarmed_legs = nil

stand_unarmed_head = nil
stand_unarmed_eyes = nil
stand_unarmed_neck = nil
stand_unarmed_chest = nil
stand_unarmed_back = nil
stand_unarmed_abs = nil
stand_unarmed_arms = nil
stand_unarmed_hands = nil
stand_unarmed_legs = nil

attack_sequence = [ "head", "left eye", "neck", "chest", "back", "abd", "left arm", "left hand", "left leg" ]


fput('stance def')

put("appraise #{script.vars[1]}")
while(line = get)
if(line =~ /The (.*) is (.*) in size and about (.* (feet|foot)) high/)
critter_name = $1
critter_size = $2
critter_standing_height = $3

until standing?
sleep 0.3

attack_sequence.each{ |attack|
result = dothistimeout "ambush #{script.vars[1]} #{attack}", 3, /Roundtime|You cannot aim that high\!|What were you referring to\?|The .* does not have a/
if result =~ /Roundtime/
(stand_unarmed_head = "Yes") if(attack == "head")
(stand_unarmed_eyes = "Yes") if(attack == "left eye")
(stand_unarmed_neck = "Yes") if(attack == "neck")
(stand_unarmed_chest = "Yes") if(attack == "chest")
(stand_unarmed_back = "Yes") if(attack == "back")
(stand_unarmed_abs = "Yes") if(attack == "abd")
(stand_unarmed_arms = "Yes") if(attack == "left arm")
(stand_unarmed_hands = "Yes") if(attack == "left hand")
(stand_unarmed_legs = "Yes") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /You cannot aim that high\!/
(stand_unarmed_head = "No") if(attack == "head")
(stand_unarmed_eyes = "No") if(attack == "left eye")
(stand_unarmed_neck = "No") if(attack == "neck")
(stand_unarmed_chest = "No") if(attack == "chest")
(stand_unarmed_back = "No") if(attack == "back")
(stand_unarmed_abs = "No") if(attack == "abd")
(stand_unarmed_arms = "No") if(attack == "left arm")
(stand_unarmed_hands = "No") if(attack == "left hand")
(stand_unarmed_legs = "No") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /The .* does not have a/
(stand_unarmed_head = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "head")
(stand_unarmed_eyes = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left eye")
(stand_unarmed_neck = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "neck")
(stand_unarmed_chest = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "chest")
(stand_unarmed_back = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "back")
(stand_unarmed_abs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "abd")
(stand_unarmed_arms = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left arm")
(stand_unarmed_hands = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left hand")
(stand_unarmed_legs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /What were you referring to\?/
(stand_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(stand_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(stand_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(stand_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(stand_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(stand_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(stand_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(stand_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(stand_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result.nil?
(stand_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(stand_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(stand_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(stand_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(stand_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(stand_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(stand_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(stand_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(stand_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")

until checkprone
sleep 0.3

attack_sequence.each{ |attack|
result = dothistimeout "ambush #{script.vars[1]} #{attack}", 3, /Roundtime|You cannot aim that high\!|What were you referring to\?|The .* does not have a/
if result =~ /Roundtime/
(lie_unarmed_head = "Yes") if(attack == "head")
(lie_unarmed_eyes = "Yes") if(attack == "left eye")
(lie_unarmed_neck = "Yes") if(attack == "neck")
(lie_unarmed_chest = "Yes") if(attack == "chest")
(lie_unarmed_back = "Yes") if(attack == "back")
(lie_unarmed_abs = "Yes") if(attack == "abd")
(lie_unarmed_arms = "Yes") if(attack == "left arm")
(lie_unarmed_hands = "Yes") if(attack == "left hand")
(lie_unarmed_legs = "Yes") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /You cannot aim that high\!/
(lie_unarmed_head = "No") if(attack == "head")
(lie_unarmed_eyes = "No") if(attack == "left eye")
(lie_unarmed_neck = "No") if(attack == "neck")
(lie_unarmed_chest = "No") if(attack == "chest")
(lie_unarmed_back = "No") if(attack == "back")
(lie_unarmed_abs = "No") if(attack == "abd")
(lie_unarmed_arms = "No") if(attack == "left arm")
(lie_unarmed_hands = "No") if(attack == "left hand")
(lie_unarmed_legs = "No") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /The .* does not have a/
(lie_unarmed_head = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "head")
(lie_unarmed_eyes = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left eye")
(lie_unarmed_neck = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "neck")
(lie_unarmed_chest = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "chest")
(lie_unarmed_back = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "back")
(lie_unarmed_abs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "abd")
(lie_unarmed_arms = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left arm")
(lie_unarmed_hands = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left hand")
(lie_unarmed_legs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /What were you referring to\?/
(lie_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(lie_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(lie_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(lie_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(lie_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(lie_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(lie_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(lie_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(lie_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result.nil?
(lie_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(lie_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(lie_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(lie_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(lie_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(lie_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(lie_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(lie_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(lie_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")

until sitting?
sleep 0.3

attack_sequence.each{ |attack|
result = dothistimeout "ambush #{script.vars[1]} #{attack}", 3, /Roundtime|You cannot aim that high\!|What were you referring to\?|The .* does not have a/
if result =~ /Roundtime/
(sit_unarmed_head = "Yes") if(attack == "head")
(sit_unarmed_eyes = "Yes") if(attack == "left eye")
(sit_unarmed_neck = "Yes") if(attack == "neck")
(sit_unarmed_chest = "Yes") if(attack == "chest")
(sit_unarmed_back = "Yes") if(attack == "back")
(sit_unarmed_abs = "Yes") if(attack == "abd")
(sit_unarmed_arms = "Yes") if(attack == "left arm")
(sit_unarmed_hands = "Yes") if(attack == "left hand")
(sit_unarmed_legs = "Yes") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /You cannot aim that high\!/
(sit_unarmed_head = "No") if(attack == "head")
(sit_unarmed_eyes = "No") if(attack == "left eye")
(sit_unarmed_neck = "No") if(attack == "neck")
(sit_unarmed_chest = "No") if(attack == "chest")
(sit_unarmed_back = "No") if(attack == "back")
(sit_unarmed_abs = "No") if(attack == "abd")
(sit_unarmed_arms = "No") if(attack == "left arm")
(sit_unarmed_hands = "No") if(attack == "left hand")
(sit_unarmed_legs = "No") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /The .* does not have a/
(sit_unarmed_head = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "head")
(sit_unarmed_eyes = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left eye")
(sit_unarmed_neck = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "neck")
(sit_unarmed_chest = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "chest")
(sit_unarmed_back = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "back")
(sit_unarmed_abs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "abd")
(sit_unarmed_arms = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left arm")
(sit_unarmed_hands = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left hand")
(sit_unarmed_legs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /What were you referring to\?/
(sit_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(sit_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(sit_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(sit_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(sit_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(sit_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(sit_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(sit_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(sit_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result.nil?
(sit_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(sit_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(sit_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(sit_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(sit_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(sit_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(sit_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(sit_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(sit_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")

until kneeling?
sleep 0.3

attack_sequence.each{ |attack|
result = dothistimeout "ambush #{script.vars[1]} #{attack}", 3, /Roundtime|You cannot aim that high\!|What were you referring to\?|The .* does not have a/
if result =~ /Roundtime/
(kneel_unarmed_head = "Yes") if(attack == "head")
(kneel_unarmed_eyes = "Yes") if(attack == "left eye")
(kneel_unarmed_neck = "Yes") if(attack == "neck")
(kneel_unarmed_chest = "Yes") if(attack == "chest")
(kneel_unarmed_back = "Yes") if(attack == "back")
(kneel_unarmed_abs = "Yes") if(attack == "abd")
(kneel_unarmed_arms = "Yes") if(attack == "left arm")
(kneel_unarmed_hands = "Yes") if(attack == "left hand")
(kneel_unarmed_legs = "Yes") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /You cannot aim that high\!/
(kneel_unarmed_head = "No") if(attack == "head")
(kneel_unarmed_eyes = "No") if(attack == "left eye")
(kneel_unarmed_neck = "No") if(attack == "neck")
(kneel_unarmed_chest = "No") if(attack == "chest")
(kneel_unarmed_back = "No") if(attack == "back")
(kneel_unarmed_abs = "No") if(attack == "abd")
(kneel_unarmed_arms = "No") if(attack == "left arm")
(kneel_unarmed_hands = "No") if(attack == "left hand")
(kneel_unarmed_legs = "No") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /The .* does not have a/
(kneel_unarmed_head = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "head")
(kneel_unarmed_eyes = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left eye")
(kneel_unarmed_neck = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "neck")
(kneel_unarmed_chest = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "chest")
(kneel_unarmed_back = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "back")
(kneel_unarmed_abs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "abd")
(kneel_unarmed_arms = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left arm")
(kneel_unarmed_hands = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left hand")
(kneel_unarmed_legs = "Does not have body part") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result =~ /What were you referring to\?/
(kneel_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(kneel_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(kneel_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(kneel_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(kneel_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(kneel_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(kneel_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(kneel_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(kneel_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")
elsif result.nil?
(kneel_unarmed_head = "Test failed") if(attack == "head")
(kneel_unarmed_eyes = "Test failed") if(attack == "left eye")
(kneel_unarmed_neck = "Test failed") if(attack == "neck")
(kneel_unarmed_chest = "Test failed") if(attack == "chest")
(kneel_unarmed_back = "Test failed") if(attack == "back")
(kneel_unarmed_abs = "Test failed") if(attack == "abd")
(kneel_unarmed_arms = "Test failed") if(attack == "left arm")
(kneel_unarmed_hands = "Test failed") if(attack == "left hand")
(kneel_unarmed_legs = "Test failed") if(attack == "left leg")

respond "Your race: #{Char.race}"
respond "Critter name: #{critter_name}"
respond "Critter size: #{critter_size}"
respond "Critter standing height: #{critter_standing_height}"
respond "##############################"
respond "Stand Unarmed stats:"
respond "Head: #{stand_unarmed_head}"
respond "Eyes: #{stand_unarmed_eyes}"
respond "Neck: #{stand_unarmed_neck}"
respond "Chest: #{stand_unarmed_chest}"
respond "Arms: #{stand_unarmed_arms}"
respond "Back: #{stand_unarmed_back}"
respond "Abs: #{stand_unarmed_abs}"
respond "Hands: #{stand_unarmed_hands}"
respond "Legs: #{stand_unarmed_legs}"
respond "##############################"
respond "Lying Unarmed stats:"
respond "Head: #{lie_unarmed_head}"
respond "Eyes: #{lie_unarmed_eyes}"
respond "Neck: #{lie_unarmed_neck}"
respond "Chest: #{lie_unarmed_chest}"
respond "Arms: #{lie_unarmed_arms}"
respond "Back: #{lie_unarmed_back}"
respond "Abs: #{lie_unarmed_abs}"
respond "Hands: #{lie_unarmed_hands}"
respond "Legs: #{lie_unarmed_legs}"
respond "##############################"
respond "Sitting Unarmed stats:"
respond "Head: #{sit_unarmed_head}"
respond "Eyes: #{sit_unarmed_eyes}"
respond "Neck: #{sit_unarmed_neck}"
respond "Chest: #{sit_unarmed_chest}"
respond "Arms: #{sit_unarmed_arms}"
respond "Back: #{sit_unarmed_back}"
respond "Abs: #{sit_unarmed_abs}"
respond "Hands: #{sit_unarmed_hands}"
respond "Legs: #{sit_unarmed_legs}"
respond "##############################"
respond "Kneeling Unarmed stats:"
respond "Head: #{kneel_unarmed_head}"
respond "Eyes: #{kneel_unarmed_eyes}"
respond "Neck: #{kneel_unarmed_neck}"
respond "Chest: #{kneel_unarmed_chest}"
respond "Arms: #{kneel_unarmed_arms}"
respond "Back: #{kneel_unarmed_back}"
respond "Abs: #{kneel_unarmed_abs}"
respond "Hands: #{kneel_unarmed_hands}"
respond "Legs: #{kneel_unarmed_legs}"

Basically all it does it stow anything in your hands and cycles through standing/sitting/laying/kneeling and trying to aim at each body part in each position. After it's all done it will spit out all of the information. Just start the script with the critter name you want to test on the command line. So like ;test kobold

I found it easiest to bind the critter prior to running the script so it didn't move out of the room.

Given that my halfling was able to aim at the head of a 4 foot tall critter but not the head, eyes or neck of a 5 foot tall critter I'm guessing halflings are around 4 feet tall themselves. Maybe even less.

EDIT: Sorry, I'm an idiot. I did all of these tests on my burghal gnome. Gonna test on my halfling now to see if burghal gnomes and halflings are the same size, which I'm assuming they are. Also edited script so it gives your character's race in the list of stats so this doesn't happen again :p

06-06-2015, 10:42 PM
My halfling stats:

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: rabid squirrel
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: one foot
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: thyril
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: two feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: kobold
Critter size: small
Critter standing height: three feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: arch wight
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: four feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: Yes
Eyes: Yes
Neck: Yes
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: zombie
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: five feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: Yes
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: silverback orc
Critter size: medium
Critter standing height: six feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: Yes
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: wraith
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: seven feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: Yes
Abs: Yes
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: mountain ogre
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: eight feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: Yes
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Your race: Halfling
Critter name: ice troll
Critter size: large
Critter standing height: nine feet
Stand Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Lying Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Sitting Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes
Kneeling Unarmed stats:
Head: No
Eyes: No
Neck: No
Chest: No
Arms: No
Back: No
Abs: No
Hands: No
Legs: Yes

Looks like halflings and burghal gnomes are the same height, which everyone probably already knew.

Wiki also says halflings and burghal gnomes can be between 3 feet and 3.5 feet tall. I wonder if this has to do with the size you select for them at character creation and if this actually impacts combat or if that information is purely fluff.

I went ahead and changed my halfling's height at the pavilion (he was shortest as possible now tallest as possible) and I ran the test on the critters again and I didn't see any different so that information is just fluff. Either that or the difference is so minor on a halfling it doesn't change anything.

06-06-2015, 11:29 PM
I havent read the entire thread, so maybe this was already discuss, but I have noticed that in storm giants, if I use my trident one handed, I cannot reach the eyes without knocking them down first. When I grip the trident with two hands, I can reach the eye without having to knock them down first.

06-06-2015, 11:45 PM
Anything you need tested with a giantman?

06-07-2015, 11:41 AM
Few things of note:

Chest appears to be higher than arms.
Even though roltons and leapers are both quadrupeds I was able to attack the chest but not the back on one of them but the exact opposite was true for the other. Either the height difference changes from critter to critter or one of them is bugged.
I have gathered information on critters from 1 to 10 feet tall and we can see exactly when he stopped being able to target which body part so we should be able to figure out how tall halflings are.Leapers are aberrations, maybe that's why. I can't think of any warped physiology creatures offhand, but spiders probably have weird rules too.

06-10-2015, 01:40 AM
Using only a fist, I attempted to hit the right hand of a titan which I was previously able to do so with a morning star and was unable. The morning star adds to my reach, degree unknown. My guess is the mod is 2 ft.

>amb tit right hand
You cannot aim that high!

>amb giant ab
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant back
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant right arm
You cannot aim that high!
>amb giant right hand
You swing a closed fist at a frost giant!
AS: +57 vs DS: +175 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +54 = -45
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

06-10-2015, 02:01 AM
What about kick?

06-10-2015, 02:04 AM
What about kick?

Same as fist, appear to have no height modifier.

06-10-2015, 01:52 PM
Wow, my big take away from this thread is that net accuracy may be higher for neck shots than head shots. I always assumed it was the other way around.

Thank you very much for posting this!

06-10-2015, 03:37 PM
Wow, my big take away from this thread is that net accuracy may be higher for neck shots than head shots. I always assumed it was the other way around.

Thank you very much for posting this!

I'm not sure I understand.

I haven't delved into the accuracy of aiming at a particular location. Rather, I have only looked at the possibility of aiming at a particular location given the Height system.

As an aside, given the chance between the neck or head, I would always prefer to hit the head if possible. Head wounds prevents prepping spell Wound rank 2 or greater. Although, I think creatures can still cast if they have a spell prepped? Can anyone validate or contradict my claims?

06-10-2015, 03:57 PM
This is why Halflings should use bows.

06-10-2015, 03:58 PM
I may have been confusing things, not sure.

We know what there is a digital system, if you will, i.e. you can reach the head or you cannot. I don't know whether there is an analog system, if you will, on top of that, i.e. you can reach the head but an additional difficulty modifier is applied because its hard to reach. If such a modifier did exist, it could be that the penalty for reaching up to the neck is less than the penalty for reaching up to the head, given that you have shown that the digital system makes a distinction between those heights.

My comment would only hold true if there is the "analog system" too, but now that I think about it we don't know that.

06-10-2015, 11:59 PM
I may have been confusing things, not sure.

We know what there is a digital system, if you will, i.e. you can reach the head or you cannot. I don't know whether there is an analog system, if you will, on top of that, i.e. you can reach the head but an additional difficulty modifier is applied because its hard to reach. If such a modifier did exist, it could be that the penalty for reaching up to the neck is less than the penalty for reaching up to the head, given that you have shown that the digital system makes a distinction between those heights.

My comment would only hold true if there is the "analog system" too, but now that I think about it we don't know that.

This got me interested in seeing just how much easier/harder it is to hit specific body parts so I started keeping track.

This is the breakdown with my monk always aiming for the head:

Total attacks: 309.0
Total successful attacks: 303.0
Failed attacks: 6.0 (1.94%)
Head shots: 187 (61.72%)
Neck shots: 10 (3.3%)
Left Eye shots: 3 (0.99%)
Right Eye shots: 4 (1.32%)
Undetermined Eye shots: 0 (0.0%)
Chest shots: 21 (6.93%)
Abs shots: 16 (5.28%)
Back shots: 13 (4.29%)
Left Arm shots: 11 (3.63%)
Right Arm shots: 10 (3.3%)
Left Hand shots: 1 (0.33%)
Right Hand shots: 1 (0.33%)
Undetermined Hand shots: 0 (0.0%)
Left Leg shots: 9 (2.97%)
Right Leg shots: 12 (3.96%)
Undetermined Leg shots: 0 (0.0%)

Figure I'll do a few thousand attacks then try aiming for like the eye or neck or something and see how the stats compare.

The "failed attacks" is when you get that message about not being able to find an opening or whatever that message is for aimed attacks.

The "undetermined" is when the messaging for that particular crit doesn't specify if you hit the left or right body part.

06-11-2015, 12:04 AM
Wow, my big take away from this thread is that net accuracy may be higher for neck shots than head shots. I always assumed it was the other way around.

Thank you very much for posting this!

i always suspected this and therefore aimed neck.

06-11-2015, 12:52 AM
This got me interested in seeing just how much easier/harder it is to hit specific body parts so I started keeping track.

This is the breakdown with my monk always aiming for the head:

Total attacks: 309.0
Total successful attacks: 303.0
Failed attacks: 6.0 (1.94%)
Head shots: 187 (61.72%)
Neck shots: 10 (3.3%)
Left Eye shots: 3 (0.99%)
Right Eye shots: 4 (1.32%)
Undetermined Eye shots: 0 (0.0%)
Chest shots: 21 (6.93%)
Abs shots: 16 (5.28%)
Back shots: 13 (4.29%)
Left Arm shots: 11 (3.63%)
Right Arm shots: 10 (3.3%)
Left Hand shots: 1 (0.33%)
Right Hand shots: 1 (0.33%)
Undetermined Hand shots: 0 (0.0%)
Left Leg shots: 9 (2.97%)
Right Leg shots: 12 (3.96%)
Undetermined Leg shots: 0 (0.0%)

Figure I'll do a few thousand attacks then try aiming for like the eye or neck or something and see how the stats compare.

The "failed attacks" is when you get that message about not being able to find an opening or whatever that message is for aimed attacks.

The "undetermined" is when the messaging for that particular crit doesn't specify if you hit the left or right body part.

Something to keep in mind, if the location you are aiming for already has a Rank 3 Wound, then it will default to the chest... usually. This will affect your sample.

06-11-2015, 01:02 AM
I may have been confusing things, not sure.

We know what there is a digital system, if you will, i.e. you can reach the head or you cannot. I don't know whether there is an analog system, if you will, on top of that, i.e. you can reach the head but an additional difficulty modifier is applied because its hard to reach. If such a modifier did exist, it could be that the penalty for reaching up to the neck is less than the penalty for reaching up to the head, given that you have shown that the digital system makes a distinction between those heights.

My comment would only hold true if there is the "analog system" too, but now that I think about it we don't know that.

I honestly had not considered that, but it's certainly possible.

06-11-2015, 01:04 AM
It looks like the same fella has been neg repping my posts for nearly a year. I applaud your dedication, friend.

raunchy out a log 06-10-2015 01:36 PM
poop out a log 04-13-2015 12:30 PM
I see you enjoy taking dumps. Me too. 06-19-2014 12:37 PM

06-11-2015, 01:46 AM
Something to keep in mind, if the location you are aiming for already has a Rank 3 Wound, then it will default to the chest... usually. This will affect your sample.

Oh yeah.

So I redid the script so it only tracks the first two aimed shots against a critter since it's impossible for the critter to have a rank 3 wound on the first aimed shot. Maybe one of these days when I'm feeling less lazy I'll have the script actually track which rank wound the critter has so I know when to stop but this works for now.

Slower going now with stat gathering but accurate stats are always better.

06-11-2015, 02:19 AM
Oh yeah.

So I redid the script so it only tracks the first two aimed shots against a critter since it's impossible for the critter to have a rank 3 wound on the first aimed shot. Maybe one of these days when I'm feeling less lazy I'll have the script actually track which rank wound the critter has so I know when to stop but this works for now.

Slower going now with stat gathering but accurate stats are always better.

I can send you my physical critical data hash if you want. It's what I use to track critical damage, location, wounds, effects, etc.

06-11-2015, 07:04 PM
Just because it's legal in Colorado doesn't mean you can send hash across state lines.

06-17-2015, 04:55 AM
More data.

Lance adds at least 5 to height modifier.

>amb tit chest
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit right arm
You cannot aim that high!
>amb tit back
You thrust with a lance at an arctic titan!
AS: +55 vs DS: +177 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +18 = -67
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
>inc 1615
You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Divine Strike...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an arctic titan.
A pillar of grey luminescence manifests around an arctic titan.
CS: +326 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +84 == +312
Warding failed!
Waves of sacred energy tear through the arctic titan's body!
... 115 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by powerful bolt of energy!
The titan's reinforced shield falls to the ground.
The arctic titan is stunned!
The arctic titan is driven to its knees!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
R>assess tit
The arctic titan is huge in size and about eleven feet high in its current kneeling state.
The titan is too easy for the likes of you!
>amb tit head
You thrust with a lance at an arctic titan!
AS: +66 vs DS: +124 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +100 = +79
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 9 sec.

>amb giant chest
You cannot aim that high!
R>amb giant right arm
You thrust with a lance at a frost giant!
AS: +55 vs DS: +253 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +30 = -131
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
>amb giant back
You thrust with a lance at a frost giant!
AS: +55 vs DS: +225 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +86 = -47
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 9 sec.

06-17-2015, 08:45 AM
More data.

Lance adds at least 5 to height modifier.

We'll touch base later and try to get together for some testing. I'd like to see if that's consistent for all polearms, or if there's a correlation between weight/RT and height.

06-17-2015, 04:10 PM
We'll touch base later and try to get together for some testing. I'd like to see if that's consistent for all polearms, or if there's a correlation between weight/RT and height.

Cool deal.

I was thinking the same thing; I'm really worried that a halfling wielding a lance would only add something like 0.5 the weapon height modifier in much the same way the base armor weight is reduced by the racial encumbrance factor. It would be especially frustrating if this were the case as it would be essentially double dipping the problem for both encumbrance and height.

I'm not entirely sure when I'll be free, shit is hitting the fan at work.

06-18-2015, 04:18 PM
Military pick adds 4, I'd guess. Can't hit head of kneeling titan but can hit neck. Lance can hit head of kneeling titan.

>amb tit back
You swing a military pick at an arctic titan!
AS: +48 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +11 = -110
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

>amb tit chest
You cannot aim that high!

>amb tit right arm
You cannot aim that high!

You motion forcefully as you confidently call on your patron in the invocation for Divine Strike...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an arctic titan.
A pillar of grey luminescence manifests around an arctic titan.
CS: +326 - TD: +108 + CvA: +10 + d100: +6 == +234
Warding failed!
Waves of sacred energy tear through the arctic titan's body!
... 66 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy!
The titan's handaxe falls to the ground.
The arctic titan is stunned!
The arctic titan is driven to its knees!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>amb tit head
You cannot aim that high!

>amb tit neck
You swing a military pick at an arctic titan!
AS: +57 vs DS: +155 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +24 = -36
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

>amb giant neck
You cannot aim that high!

>amb giant chest
You cannot aim that high!

>amb giant right arm
You swing a military pick at a frost giant!
AS: +48 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +89 = -46
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

06-18-2015, 07:27 PM
so you're saying you engaged in an...

...Attack on Titan?


06-30-2015, 03:42 AM
I'm curious if reach extension is inversely correlated with aimed accuracy. I can headshot tritons (executioners, radicals, combatants) on about 70% of attempts with a naginata but about 50% of attempts with a lance (around 100 trials each, probably with some uncontrolled confounding factors).

I am also very interesting in the existence/nature of the "analog" system, where higher reach might make aiming tougher even if the reach is still technically possible. I usually leg tritons (708) before aiming at their heads, and I wonder if it actually improves my chances. Or maybe it's not height difference at all, but rather the simple fact of the target being prone (or stunned, for that matter) that would improve my chances. It's at least partially worth the trouble just to reduce e/b/p chances, regardless.

09-13-2016, 09:12 AM
Very interesting thread, apologies if I'm necro'ing but I'm hoping if the OP had some more data on certain weapon types extending reach. Also, something to consider is the opposite direction, do bigger targets have a more difficult/easier time attacking smaller targets. A "the halfling is much too small to target!"; so perhaps larger critters disproportionately attack the upper extremities of a halfling, head, neck, eyes, chest while a more taller character (a giantman) the distribution of the location of attack is more even.

Or if this game engine is really detailed, you can argue the opposite; the head of a halfling is so tiny for a 20 foot creature that it would almost always not be hit but rather be biased toward larger body parts like the chest/abdomen/legs. Likewise, a giantman will benefit less from this scenario because he's 2-3 times larger then the halfling, making all his bodyparts 2-3 times bigger.

What I'm getting at is the mechanical advantages of playing a halfling for their massive TD bonus or RP friendliness is somewhat suspect. Height seems to play an incredibly important role in combat in this game for one reason or another.

09-14-2016, 12:15 AM
Fascinating thread! Someone add this to the Wiki!! Great research!

09-14-2016, 12:28 PM
Still will like to know if this all works the other way around? Can a halfling hit the head of a giantman and if not would the halfling be too small to aim for the giantman?