View Full Version : 4x Fusion, +40 Logic Dagger Set (Extra 4xp per tick)

06-04-2015, 06:06 PM
Pick up in Ta'Illistim or Talondown (;go2 talondown)

2 4x max light fusion daggers
(a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger x2)

2 +5 Logic Bonus
2 +10 Logic Stat
The perfect pair!

(Cheaper than Blanks set to charge (His adds +46, these are +40) and lower level to use, level 22 vs level 42)
(Not currently orbed)

Flat Price: 15 million

06-04-2015, 06:10 PM

Absorbing experience
Experience absorption is affected by a number of factors, including one's physical location in the game, one's status with regard to a group, and even health.

Base rate - When on a node or in town, you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/5) experience every pulse.
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse

In town off-node
Base rate - a number dictated by one's LOG stat, usually a few lower than the on-node base rate
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's pool, one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse

Other areas
Base rate - you will absorb an extra (Logic Bonus/7) per pulse
Pool size - for every 200 unabsorbed exp in one's (pool - 200), one absorbs an extra experience point per pulse
Group - if you are a member of a group, you get one extra experience point per pulse
Weapons - carrying a weapon or shield in one's hands decreases the rate of experience absorption
The "other" rooms are normally out of town, though strangely, some rooms (such as the courtyard of the Warrior's Guild in Wehnimer's Landing) that are in towns count as if they were out of town.

Other factors
Injuries - for major head injuries or nerve damage, the rate of experience absorption is severely diminished
Death's sting - if one has decayed or suffered a spirit death recently, then only a fraction of the experience is absorbed from your pool
There is no 40 experience per pulse hard cap (which was previously stated here). It is possible to gain 42 experience (or perhaps more) per pulse while saturated (before Gift of Lumnis or other experience multipliers are taken into consideration).

So, long story short... For every million exp you earn, you would gain an extra 100k exp using a logic set.

06-05-2015, 05:22 PM
Bump, flat price now, no auction!

06-06-2015, 06:47 PM