05-19-2015, 04:15 PM
I had chatted with Tillmen about the idea of a highlight server. Think of this like the script repo, but for highlights.
I don't know who it would apply to, since most people aren't using profanity. At the moment, let's just assume Profanity FE, though Warlock2 may apply (since it can also do RE parsing, and is at least open source and free software).
Of course, the implementation method I am not discussing. It's in a realm I could discuss, but there are others more expert than me.
I'm not gonna edit this or try to make it presentable. My method to comment and allocate concepts for my own use should be clear enough, even when at the outset these were not intended for public release.
If this idea mattered or was useful, I'd think you could easily grab Zul herb tags, or MjE spell drop messages. (Yes, we'd need to make the colors variables the user sets somehow.)
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Also (here|in the room):</highlight>
<!-- Massies -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Your form blurs\.$|^You seem to blend into the surroundings better\.$|^A brilliant luminescence surrounds you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnS -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The (light|deep) blue glow leaves you\.$|^Deep blue motes swirl away from you and fade\.$|^The air calms down around you\.$|^The (powerful|very powerful) look leaves you\.$|^You lose your extra internal fortitude\.$|^You notice your blood flow go back to normal\.$|^The misty halo fades from you\.$|^The dull golden nimbus fades from around you\.$|^The white light leaves you\.$|^The wall of force disappears from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MjS -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The dim aura fades from around you\.$|^The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing\.$|^You feel less secure\.$|^Your breathing becomes more shallow\.$|^You feel less confident\.$|^The brilliant aura fades away from you\.$|^The opalescent aura fades from around you\.$</highlight>
need prayer
<!-- Cleric -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^A white glow rushes away from you\.$|^Your sense of faith and conviction wanes\. You are less sure of yourself\.$|^You suddenly feel less protected\.$|^You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade\.$|^An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of your body, then vanishes\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnE -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The (silvery|bright|brilliant) luminescence fades from around you\.$|^Your senses are no longer as sharp\.$|^The scintillating light fades from your hands\.$|^The focused look leaves you\.$|^You feel less confident than before\.$|^The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MjE, 540 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away\.$|^You notice that things have returned to their normal speed\.$|^You feel a slight tingling as the shimmering field fades away\.$|^You feel your extra magical awareness leave you\.$|^You feel your extra strength departing\.$|^You no longer bristle with energy\.$|^The layer of stone surrounding you crumbles away\.$</highlight>
<!-- Ranger, 650 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You return to normal color\.$|^The air about you stops shimmering\.$|^You feel less in tune with your natural surroundings\.$|^You feel your vision return to normal\.$|^You feel less nimble\.$|^You no longer hear voices in your mind\.$|^You feel the inner strength leave you\.$|^You feel the aura of confidence leave you\.$|^You are no longer moving silently\.$|^You no longer feel so dextrous\.$|^You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you\.$|^You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you\.$</highlight>
<!-- Sorcerer -->
<highlight bg='ff0000'>^A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air\.$|^Your murky complexion fades away, and you feel less deft\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You are seized by a sudden premonition of his demise\.$|^You acquire a certain murky complexion, and you feel more deft\.$|^Your complexion grows murkier\.$|^You feel refreshed enough to sacrifice another animus\.$</highlight>
<!-- Wizard -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you\.$|^You become solid again\.$|^A luminescent aura fades from around you\.$|^The translucent sphere fades from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- Bard, 1006,1010,... missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You no longer feel a sense of confidence\.$|^Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs\.$</highlight>
<!-- Empath, 1130 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Your mind's keen focus fades away\.$|^Your aura of resolve dissipates\.$|^Your heart staggers briefly before slowing to a more regular speed\. Dark red droplets seep out of your skin and evaporate as the influence of Troll's Blood leaves you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnM, 1220 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You feel the tension in your skin ease and notice that your complexion returns to normal\.$|^Like sand through an hourglass, your visions of the future slip away and fade from your mind\.$|^You feel your forehead pulse as your mind relaxes\.$|^The scales covering your hands turn brittle and flake away\.$|^You feel your muscles begin to strain for an instant\. The sense of body control has left you\.$|^The thick plates of bone around your forearms begin to crack, then shatter into a fine white dust\.$|^Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up to the surface of your skin and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal\.$|^The barrier of force around you dissipates\.$</highlight>
<!-- Paladin -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The dully illuminated mantle protecting you begins to falter, then completely fades away\.$|^Your sense of clarity fades\.$|^The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms\.$|^Your boosted confidence and fearlessness fade\.$|^Your skin grows slightly numb for a moment as the warm glow fades from around you\.$|^You lose a bit of focus as the knowledge of future battles drifts from your mind\.$|^You feel your abilities diminish as the energy provided by your patron fades from around you\.$|^The dim celadon wisps about your hands flare up once more and fade completely away\.$|^The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms\.$|^You feel slightly weakened as the blood in your veins thins\.$|^You feel less resolved as the divine urging subsides, fading into obscurity\.$|^Your bolstered defenses fade with the soft glow about you\.$|^The divine force surrounding you slowly fades away\.$|^The muted pale blue sphere surrounding you flickers once and shudders before fading completely\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>The dully illuminated mantle protecting .* begins to falter, then completely fades away.</highlight>
<!-- Arcane, 1720 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The brilliant, rapidly shifting aura around you shimmers and flickers briefly before fading\.$|^The licks of blue flame surrounding you flare up one last time before vanishing with a staticky crackle\.$|^Like a faint wisp of a barely-remembered dream, your brief, enhanced comprehension of arcane mysteries slips away\.$|^A faint silvery glow fades from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- foraging -->
<highlight fg='399900'>^You forage briefly and manage to find </highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^As you forage around you suddenly feel a sharp pain|^You begin to forage around when suddenly you feel a burning|^You begin to forage around when your hand comes into contact with something that stabs you in the finger</highlight>
<!-- common herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> bolmara potion| brostheras potion| bur-clover potion| rose-marrow potion| talneo potion| wingstem potion| acantha leaf| aloeas stem| ambrominas leaf| basal moss| calamia fruit| cothinar flower| cactacae spine| cuctucae berry| ephlox moss| strigae cactus| haphip root| marallis berry| pothinir grass| sovyn clove| spearmint leaf| torban leaf| tkaro root| wolifrew lichen| yabathilium fruit| woth flower</highlight>
<!-- FWI herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'>a crystalline rose-marrow elixir|a crystalline talneo elixir|a crystalline brostheras elixir|a crystalline bolmara elixir|a crystalline wingstem elixir|a crystalline bur-clover elixir</highlight>
<!-- IMT herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> flower-shaped tart| iceberry tart| Leaftoe's lichen tart| musk ox tart| Dabbings Family special tart| elk fat gel| frog's bone porridge| Ma Leaftoe's spiced torban tart| polar bear fat soup| ram's bladder| sparrowhawk pie| walrus blubber| earthworm potion| elk horn potion| rock lizard potion| snowflake elixir| starfish potion| tundra grass| rock ptarmigan feathers| arctic moss</highlight>
<!-- Teras herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> olak's Ol'style ale| bloody Krolvin ale| orc's head ale| kenar's dropjaw ale| miner's muddy ale| dacra's Dream ale| lost dogwater ale| golden goose ale| bearded ladies' ale| mad mutt frothy ale| captn' Pegleg's ale| mama dwarf's ale| aged schooner ale| gert's homemade ale| wort's winter ale| volcano vision ale| semak's smooth ale| dark swampwater ale| agrak's amber ale| reaper's red ale</highlight>
<!-- Pinefar herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> acantha leaf tea| sassafras tea| red lichen tea| red lichen potion| valerian root tea| valerian root potion| sweetfern tea| sweetfern potion| manroot tea| manroot potion| angelica root potion| gingko nut tea| gingko nut potion| wyrmwood tea| wyrmwood potion| daggit root potion| feverfew tea| feverfew potion| pennyroyal tea| pennyroyal potion</highlight>
<!-- alchemy herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> tincture of acantha| tincture of rose-marrow| tincture of tkaro| tincture of bolmara| tincture of aloeas| tincture of ambrominas| tincture of basal| tincture of cactacae| tincture of calamia| tincture of cothinar| tincture of cuctucae| tincture of ephlox| tincture of haphip| tincture of pothinir| tincture of sovyn| tincture of torban| tincture of wolifrew| tincture of talneo| tincture of woth| tincture of yabathilium| tincture of brostheras| tincture of bur-clover| tincture of wingstem</highlight>
<!-- Zul herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> grey mushroom potion| green mushroom potion| thick foggy ale| glowing mold tea| dark frothing ale| stalagmite brew| bubbling brown ale| crushed cavegrass tea| spotted toadstool ale| stalactite brew| grainy black potion| chunky black ale| roasted ratweed tea| brown weedroot ale| dirty crevice brew| dirty rat fur potion| resty red ale| sticky lichen tea| dull crimson ale | stone soot brew</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>a (white|black|blue) crystal|a (ruby|glass|glowing|crystal) amulet|a small statue|a (dingy|bent) gold ring|a solid moonstone cube|a heavy quartz orb|a white flask</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>a (slender blue|silver|smooth amber|polished bloodwood|pale thanot) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>an (oaken|iron|aquamarine) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a (crystal|golden|metal) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a (twisted|smooth bone|clear glass) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>(silver|golden) pickle</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>with something (silvery|golden) in</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The stench of decay is growing more pervasive\.|.* body suddenly grows darker\.$</highlight>
<!-- boxes etc -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^You hear a soft click from the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk) and it suddenly flies open\.$|pulses once with a deep crimson light</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^Now to isolate the offending mechanism and disable it...The (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk)pulses once with a deep crimson light!$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Peering through the tanik chest, you notice that the lock casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance, and a small bladder is wedged between the tumblers of the lock\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You notice a discolored oval ring around the outside of the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk) which makes you suspicious. Your suspicions are confirmed when you look inside the keyhole and notice the spring-loaded jaws pressed flush against the chest walls\.$|^There appears to be a plate over the lock, sealing it and preventing any access to the tumblers\.$|^You notice what appears to be a sharp sliver of metal nestled in a hole next to the lock plate\.$</highlight>
<!-- needs a lockpick -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>It appears that were the tumblers to be activated, the gem would be caught amongst them.</highlight>
<!-- disarming traps -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You carefully push a small ball of cotton into the lock mechanism, surrounding and protecting the small vial from anything that may shatter it\.$|^Knowing how delicate magical glyphs can be, you scrape some extra lines into the markings hoping to alter their meaning and defeat the spell they may hold\.$|^Using a bit of putty from your slender leather toolkit, you manage to block the tiny hole in the lock plate\.$|^Taking a lump of putty from your slender leather toolkit, you carefully apply it to the end of the small tube\. That should block whatever it's meant to deploy\.$|^Using the metal grips from your slender leather toolkit, you manage to reach in and grasp the post of the metal hammer, and bend the weak metal out of striking range of the vial\.|With a little force applied to the springs, you manage to pop them inside the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk), from within which comes the tinkle of breaking glass, followed by a strong acrid smell\.$|^You carefully nudge the scarab free of its prison without disturbing the lock too much\. The scarab falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you\.$|^\*scritch scritch\* If that had been any easier, you could have done it blindfolded\.$|Another moment of prodding, and you are able to poke the gem free of its metal housing, whereupon it falls down into the lock mechanism and out of sight\.|^Using the pair of metal grips, you manage to pull out the two pins that hold the upper and lower jaw pieces together\. As the pins are removed, the jaws suddenly close and warp under the tremendous strain applied by their arming mechanism\.$|^With a little ingenuity you manage to grind down parts of the lock mechanism with your metal file, so it won't come in contact with the crystal when you try to open it\.$|^You gently slide your (dagger|knife) into the space under the lid and slice through the cord. That oughta do it.$|^With great care you take a pair of metal grips and bend the sensitive metal rods out of alignment. It looks as though they cannot be pressed together by the lock mechanism any more.$</highlight>
<!-- Council of Light drops -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Your SIGN OF.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel less drained\.$|^You do not feel drained anymore\.$|^You feel at full magical power again\.$</highlight>
<!-- Items for Sal -->
<highlight fg='56A0D3'>a chipped brick|a piece of iron| scarf|table leg|tree bark| muffin| tiara| chalice| stick</highlight>
<!-- RR town messages: Live Bait and Gambling -->
<highlight fg='ffff00' bg='ff0000'>Live Bait|A curly-haired girl skips lightly into the area.</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>You notice some movement by a community chest.</highlight>
<!-- River's Resters -->
<highlight fg='56A0D3'>Starchitin|Rlen|Glinty|Nasik|Kulgani|Gaverhad|Rhiv ersong|Gukrig|Nasik|Ralhn|Atilio|Skipjack|Lazogna| Kayse|Fyonn|Harkhan|Neathon|Athinial|Shinanigans|H erberto|Bellykin|Arastil|Cabolt|Dendum|Jersea|Astr u|Sixle|Kirael|Silnoc|Ceyrin|Sagoth|Kirryk|Teasuri i|Fyrentennimar|Khiya|Zaoloo</highlight>
<highlight fg='593001A'>Reidar</highlight>
<!-- no more rage -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^The irrational rage you succumbed to vanishes like a dream\.$</highlight>
<!-- Weapon Deflection falling -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Your eyesight clears\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>Mastette|Ledirth</highlight>
<!-- Jungle exits -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>Long strands of silky gossamer from tiny wind-traveling spiders are strung throughout the foliage, shining brightly in the (moonlight|sunlight)\.</highlight>
<!-- Confluence entrance/exit -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a point of elemental tranquility|a point of elemental instability|Earth and stone begins rapidly materializing and dematerializing all around you, changing your surroundings in mere moments|a gaping bottomless pit</highlight>
<!-- Necrotic snake AS drop dissipation and constriction freeing -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You blink a few times to get the last of the tears from your eyes as your vision clears\.$|^You're finally able to break free of the snake's coils!$</highlight>
<!-- scrolls, infusion -->
<highlight fg='ffffff'>palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum|s mooth stone</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) glows dimly for a moment\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>You sense that the (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) has somehow been altered.</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>As your voice fades, so too does the ink on the.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) glows dimly for a moment, and then grows cold\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='000000'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) is momentarily surrounded by a bright white aura.</highlight>
<!-- seed pouch -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^A subtle wave of warmth emanates from your olive canvas pouch\. After a small shudder, the pouch seems a little bit heavier\.$</highlight>
<!-- GoS camping -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>.*As you continue to concentrate upon your sigil, a shimmering patch of air begins to form.*|a shimmering path</highlight>
<!-- 1600 spell recovery -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Cobalt light separates itself from your skin and scatters into oblivion\.$|^Your normal state of might returns\.$|^You feel your spiritual strength return as you are ready to continue on your crusade\.$</highlight>
<!-- The aura of lambent white-gold light motes surrounding you dissipates slowly, winking out of existence. 1608...where to file it? -->
<!-- mana pulse-->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel mana pulse within the area, but it does not reach you\.$</highlight>
<!-- CMANs cooldown -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel recovered from your whirlwind flurry of strikes\.$|^Your internal strength fully recovers from your most recent attempt to tap into it\.$</highlight>
<!-- CMANs falling -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength\.$</highlight>
<!-- Voln cooldown -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You are overwhelmed by a sudden tingling sensation|^You feel Koar's blessing return to you\.$|^You feel ready to challenge the grasp of the corporeal realm once more\.$</highlight>
<!-- Voln falling -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You feel the extra courage wane\.$|^The layer of protection fades away\.$|^The rush of collective knowledge of the undead fades from your mind\.$|^You feel yourself being pulled back fully into the corporeal realm\.$</highlight>
<!-- Adv Guild -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^It must be the creature that you've been tasked to kill!$|.*which looks like the heirloom that you are searching for!$|^\[You have completed this portion of your Adventurer's Guild task\.\]$|^Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a .*|^\[You need to sell [0-9] more to complete your task\.\]$|^\[You have ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) (kill|kills) remaining\.\]$</highlight>
<!-- to you -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>.*Click ACCEPT.*|.*Click GROUP OPEN.*</highlight>
<!-- Professiong Guild -->
<highlight bg='0000ff'>^\[You have completed your training task\.\]$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^\[You have ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) (repetition|repetitions) remaining\.\]$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>the body of</highlight>
<highlight fg='008080'> stunned( |\.|,)| webbed( |\.|,)| calmed( |\.|,)</highlight>
<!-- Gift / RPA -->
<highlight fg='000000' bg='ffff00'>^A soft feeling of serenity touches your mind, providing you with a clearer understanding of recent events\.$|^The soft feeling of serenity slowly dissipates from your mind\.$|^An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment\.*|With a sudden flash of insight, you realize you now understand more of what you have experienced\.*|^You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor\.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^.*becomes momentarily insubstantial and appears lighter\.$|^You.*Then\.\.\.CLICK!.*$</highlight>
<highlight fg='1E90FF'> shifting </highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^.*feels somewhat heavier\.$</highlight>
<!-- merchants / festivals -->
<highlight fg='ffff00' bg='ff00ff'>raffle</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^A huckster begins to spin the ticket barrel.*$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'> tent( |\.|,)| wagon( |\.|,)| pavilion( |\.|,)</highlight>
<!-- GM NPCs -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>Kuligar|Dunrith|Gurbah|Cosima|Delphinuria|Walkar|V leg|Jovery|Deylan|Davard|Raznel</highlight>
I don't know who it would apply to, since most people aren't using profanity. At the moment, let's just assume Profanity FE, though Warlock2 may apply (since it can also do RE parsing, and is at least open source and free software).
Of course, the implementation method I am not discussing. It's in a realm I could discuss, but there are others more expert than me.
I'm not gonna edit this or try to make it presentable. My method to comment and allocate concepts for my own use should be clear enough, even when at the outset these were not intended for public release.
If this idea mattered or was useful, I'd think you could easily grab Zul herb tags, or MjE spell drop messages. (Yes, we'd need to make the colors variables the user sets somehow.)
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Also (here|in the room):</highlight>
<!-- Massies -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Your form blurs\.$|^You seem to blend into the surroundings better\.$|^A brilliant luminescence surrounds you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnS -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The (light|deep) blue glow leaves you\.$|^Deep blue motes swirl away from you and fade\.$|^The air calms down around you\.$|^The (powerful|very powerful) look leaves you\.$|^You lose your extra internal fortitude\.$|^You notice your blood flow go back to normal\.$|^The misty halo fades from you\.$|^The dull golden nimbus fades from around you\.$|^The white light leaves you\.$|^The wall of force disappears from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MjS -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The dim aura fades from around you\.$|^The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing\.$|^You feel less secure\.$|^Your breathing becomes more shallow\.$|^You feel less confident\.$|^The brilliant aura fades away from you\.$|^The opalescent aura fades from around you\.$</highlight>
need prayer
<!-- Cleric -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^A white glow rushes away from you\.$|^Your sense of faith and conviction wanes\. You are less sure of yourself\.$|^You suddenly feel less protected\.$|^You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade\.$|^An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of your body, then vanishes\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnE -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The (silvery|bright|brilliant) luminescence fades from around you\.$|^Your senses are no longer as sharp\.$|^The scintillating light fades from your hands\.$|^The focused look leaves you\.$|^You feel less confident than before\.$|^The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MjE, 540 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away\.$|^You notice that things have returned to their normal speed\.$|^You feel a slight tingling as the shimmering field fades away\.$|^You feel your extra magical awareness leave you\.$|^You feel your extra strength departing\.$|^You no longer bristle with energy\.$|^The layer of stone surrounding you crumbles away\.$</highlight>
<!-- Ranger, 650 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You return to normal color\.$|^The air about you stops shimmering\.$|^You feel less in tune with your natural surroundings\.$|^You feel your vision return to normal\.$|^You feel less nimble\.$|^You no longer hear voices in your mind\.$|^You feel the inner strength leave you\.$|^You feel the aura of confidence leave you\.$|^You are no longer moving silently\.$|^You no longer feel so dextrous\.$|^You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you\.$|^You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you\.$</highlight>
<!-- Sorcerer -->
<highlight bg='ff0000'>^A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air\.$|^Your murky complexion fades away, and you feel less deft\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You are seized by a sudden premonition of his demise\.$|^You acquire a certain murky complexion, and you feel more deft\.$|^Your complexion grows murkier\.$|^You feel refreshed enough to sacrifice another animus\.$</highlight>
<!-- Wizard -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you\.$|^You become solid again\.$|^A luminescent aura fades from around you\.$|^The translucent sphere fades from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- Bard, 1006,1010,... missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You no longer feel a sense of confidence\.$|^Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs\.$</highlight>
<!-- Empath, 1130 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Your mind's keen focus fades away\.$|^Your aura of resolve dissipates\.$|^Your heart staggers briefly before slowing to a more regular speed\. Dark red droplets seep out of your skin and evaporate as the influence of Troll's Blood leaves you\.$</highlight>
<!-- MnM, 1220 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You feel the tension in your skin ease and notice that your complexion returns to normal\.$|^Like sand through an hourglass, your visions of the future slip away and fade from your mind\.$|^You feel your forehead pulse as your mind relaxes\.$|^The scales covering your hands turn brittle and flake away\.$|^You feel your muscles begin to strain for an instant\. The sense of body control has left you\.$|^The thick plates of bone around your forearms begin to crack, then shatter into a fine white dust\.$|^Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up to the surface of your skin and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal\.$|^The barrier of force around you dissipates\.$</highlight>
<!-- Paladin -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The dully illuminated mantle protecting you begins to falter, then completely fades away\.$|^Your sense of clarity fades\.$|^The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms\.$|^Your boosted confidence and fearlessness fade\.$|^Your skin grows slightly numb for a moment as the warm glow fades from around you\.$|^You lose a bit of focus as the knowledge of future battles drifts from your mind\.$|^You feel your abilities diminish as the energy provided by your patron fades from around you\.$|^The dim celadon wisps about your hands flare up once more and fade completely away\.$|^The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms\.$|^You feel slightly weakened as the blood in your veins thins\.$|^You feel less resolved as the divine urging subsides, fading into obscurity\.$|^Your bolstered defenses fade with the soft glow about you\.$|^The divine force surrounding you slowly fades away\.$|^The muted pale blue sphere surrounding you flickers once and shudders before fading completely\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>The dully illuminated mantle protecting .* begins to falter, then completely fades away.</highlight>
<!-- Arcane, 1720 missing -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The brilliant, rapidly shifting aura around you shimmers and flickers briefly before fading\.$|^The licks of blue flame surrounding you flare up one last time before vanishing with a staticky crackle\.$|^Like a faint wisp of a barely-remembered dream, your brief, enhanced comprehension of arcane mysteries slips away\.$|^A faint silvery glow fades from around you\.$</highlight>
<!-- foraging -->
<highlight fg='399900'>^You forage briefly and manage to find </highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^As you forage around you suddenly feel a sharp pain|^You begin to forage around when suddenly you feel a burning|^You begin to forage around when your hand comes into contact with something that stabs you in the finger</highlight>
<!-- common herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> bolmara potion| brostheras potion| bur-clover potion| rose-marrow potion| talneo potion| wingstem potion| acantha leaf| aloeas stem| ambrominas leaf| basal moss| calamia fruit| cothinar flower| cactacae spine| cuctucae berry| ephlox moss| strigae cactus| haphip root| marallis berry| pothinir grass| sovyn clove| spearmint leaf| torban leaf| tkaro root| wolifrew lichen| yabathilium fruit| woth flower</highlight>
<!-- FWI herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'>a crystalline rose-marrow elixir|a crystalline talneo elixir|a crystalline brostheras elixir|a crystalline bolmara elixir|a crystalline wingstem elixir|a crystalline bur-clover elixir</highlight>
<!-- IMT herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> flower-shaped tart| iceberry tart| Leaftoe's lichen tart| musk ox tart| Dabbings Family special tart| elk fat gel| frog's bone porridge| Ma Leaftoe's spiced torban tart| polar bear fat soup| ram's bladder| sparrowhawk pie| walrus blubber| earthworm potion| elk horn potion| rock lizard potion| snowflake elixir| starfish potion| tundra grass| rock ptarmigan feathers| arctic moss</highlight>
<!-- Teras herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> olak's Ol'style ale| bloody Krolvin ale| orc's head ale| kenar's dropjaw ale| miner's muddy ale| dacra's Dream ale| lost dogwater ale| golden goose ale| bearded ladies' ale| mad mutt frothy ale| captn' Pegleg's ale| mama dwarf's ale| aged schooner ale| gert's homemade ale| wort's winter ale| volcano vision ale| semak's smooth ale| dark swampwater ale| agrak's amber ale| reaper's red ale</highlight>
<!-- Pinefar herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> acantha leaf tea| sassafras tea| red lichen tea| red lichen potion| valerian root tea| valerian root potion| sweetfern tea| sweetfern potion| manroot tea| manroot potion| angelica root potion| gingko nut tea| gingko nut potion| wyrmwood tea| wyrmwood potion| daggit root potion| feverfew tea| feverfew potion| pennyroyal tea| pennyroyal potion</highlight>
<!-- alchemy herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> tincture of acantha| tincture of rose-marrow| tincture of tkaro| tincture of bolmara| tincture of aloeas| tincture of ambrominas| tincture of basal| tincture of cactacae| tincture of calamia| tincture of cothinar| tincture of cuctucae| tincture of ephlox| tincture of haphip| tincture of pothinir| tincture of sovyn| tincture of torban| tincture of wolifrew| tincture of talneo| tincture of woth| tincture of yabathilium| tincture of brostheras| tincture of bur-clover| tincture of wingstem</highlight>
<!-- Zul herbs -->
<highlight fg='399900'> grey mushroom potion| green mushroom potion| thick foggy ale| glowing mold tea| dark frothing ale| stalagmite brew| bubbling brown ale| crushed cavegrass tea| spotted toadstool ale| stalactite brew| grainy black potion| chunky black ale| roasted ratweed tea| brown weedroot ale| dirty crevice brew| dirty rat fur potion| resty red ale| sticky lichen tea| dull crimson ale | stone soot brew</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>a (white|black|blue) crystal|a (ruby|glass|glowing|crystal) amulet|a small statue|a (dingy|bent) gold ring|a solid moonstone cube|a heavy quartz orb|a white flask</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>a (slender blue|silver|smooth amber|polished bloodwood|pale thanot) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffffff'>an (oaken|iron|aquamarine) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a (crystal|golden|metal) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a (twisted|smooth bone|clear glass) wand</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>(silver|golden) pickle</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>with something (silvery|golden) in</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^The stench of decay is growing more pervasive\.|.* body suddenly grows darker\.$</highlight>
<!-- boxes etc -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^You hear a soft click from the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk) and it suddenly flies open\.$|pulses once with a deep crimson light</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^Now to isolate the offending mechanism and disable it...The (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk)pulses once with a deep crimson light!$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Peering through the tanik chest, you notice that the lock casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance, and a small bladder is wedged between the tumblers of the lock\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You notice a discolored oval ring around the outside of the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk) which makes you suspicious. Your suspicions are confirmed when you look inside the keyhole and notice the spring-loaded jaws pressed flush against the chest walls\.$|^There appears to be a plate over the lock, sealing it and preventing any access to the tumblers\.$|^You notice what appears to be a sharp sliver of metal nestled in a hole next to the lock plate\.$</highlight>
<!-- needs a lockpick -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>It appears that were the tumblers to be activated, the gem would be caught amongst them.</highlight>
<!-- disarming traps -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You carefully push a small ball of cotton into the lock mechanism, surrounding and protecting the small vial from anything that may shatter it\.$|^Knowing how delicate magical glyphs can be, you scrape some extra lines into the markings hoping to alter their meaning and defeat the spell they may hold\.$|^Using a bit of putty from your slender leather toolkit, you manage to block the tiny hole in the lock plate\.$|^Taking a lump of putty from your slender leather toolkit, you carefully apply it to the end of the small tube\. That should block whatever it's meant to deploy\.$|^Using the metal grips from your slender leather toolkit, you manage to reach in and grasp the post of the metal hammer, and bend the weak metal out of striking range of the vial\.|With a little force applied to the springs, you manage to pop them inside the (box|chest|coffer|strongbox|trunk), from within which comes the tinkle of breaking glass, followed by a strong acrid smell\.$|^You carefully nudge the scarab free of its prison without disturbing the lock too much\. The scarab falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you\.$|^\*scritch scritch\* If that had been any easier, you could have done it blindfolded\.$|Another moment of prodding, and you are able to poke the gem free of its metal housing, whereupon it falls down into the lock mechanism and out of sight\.|^Using the pair of metal grips, you manage to pull out the two pins that hold the upper and lower jaw pieces together\. As the pins are removed, the jaws suddenly close and warp under the tremendous strain applied by their arming mechanism\.$|^With a little ingenuity you manage to grind down parts of the lock mechanism with your metal file, so it won't come in contact with the crystal when you try to open it\.$|^You gently slide your (dagger|knife) into the space under the lid and slice through the cord. That oughta do it.$|^With great care you take a pair of metal grips and bend the sensitive metal rods out of alignment. It looks as though they cannot be pressed together by the lock mechanism any more.$</highlight>
<!-- Council of Light drops -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^Your SIGN OF.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel less drained\.$|^You do not feel drained anymore\.$|^You feel at full magical power again\.$</highlight>
<!-- Items for Sal -->
<highlight fg='56A0D3'>a chipped brick|a piece of iron| scarf|table leg|tree bark| muffin| tiara| chalice| stick</highlight>
<!-- RR town messages: Live Bait and Gambling -->
<highlight fg='ffff00' bg='ff0000'>Live Bait|A curly-haired girl skips lightly into the area.</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>You notice some movement by a community chest.</highlight>
<!-- River's Resters -->
<highlight fg='56A0D3'>Starchitin|Rlen|Glinty|Nasik|Kulgani|Gaverhad|Rhiv ersong|Gukrig|Nasik|Ralhn|Atilio|Skipjack|Lazogna| Kayse|Fyonn|Harkhan|Neathon|Athinial|Shinanigans|H erberto|Bellykin|Arastil|Cabolt|Dendum|Jersea|Astr u|Sixle|Kirael|Silnoc|Ceyrin|Sagoth|Kirryk|Teasuri i|Fyrentennimar|Khiya|Zaoloo</highlight>
<highlight fg='593001A'>Reidar</highlight>
<!-- no more rage -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^The irrational rage you succumbed to vanishes like a dream\.$</highlight>
<!-- Weapon Deflection falling -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Your eyesight clears\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>Mastette|Ledirth</highlight>
<!-- Jungle exits -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>Long strands of silky gossamer from tiny wind-traveling spiders are strung throughout the foliage, shining brightly in the (moonlight|sunlight)\.</highlight>
<!-- Confluence entrance/exit -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>a point of elemental tranquility|a point of elemental instability|Earth and stone begins rapidly materializing and dematerializing all around you, changing your surroundings in mere moments|a gaping bottomless pit</highlight>
<!-- Necrotic snake AS drop dissipation and constriction freeing -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You blink a few times to get the last of the tears from your eyes as your vision clears\.$|^You're finally able to break free of the snake's coils!$</highlight>
<!-- scrolls, infusion -->
<highlight fg='ffffff'>palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum|s mooth stone</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) glows dimly for a moment\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>You sense that the (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) has somehow been altered.</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>As your voice fades, so too does the ink on the.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) glows dimly for a moment, and then grows cold\.$</highlight>
<highlight fg='000000'>The (palimpsest|paper|papyrus|parchment|scroll|vellum| volume|manual) is momentarily surrounded by a bright white aura.</highlight>
<!-- seed pouch -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^A subtle wave of warmth emanates from your olive canvas pouch\. After a small shudder, the pouch seems a little bit heavier\.$</highlight>
<!-- GoS camping -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>.*As you continue to concentrate upon your sigil, a shimmering patch of air begins to form.*|a shimmering path</highlight>
<!-- 1600 spell recovery -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^Cobalt light separates itself from your skin and scatters into oblivion\.$|^Your normal state of might returns\.$|^You feel your spiritual strength return as you are ready to continue on your crusade\.$</highlight>
<!-- The aura of lambent white-gold light motes surrounding you dissipates slowly, winking out of existence. 1608...where to file it? -->
<!-- mana pulse-->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel mana pulse within the area, but it does not reach you\.$</highlight>
<!-- CMANs cooldown -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You feel recovered from your whirlwind flurry of strikes\.$|^Your internal strength fully recovers from your most recent attempt to tap into it\.$</highlight>
<!-- CMANs falling -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength\.$</highlight>
<!-- Voln cooldown -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^You are overwhelmed by a sudden tingling sensation|^You feel Koar's blessing return to you\.$|^You feel ready to challenge the grasp of the corporeal realm once more\.$</highlight>
<!-- Voln falling -->
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^You feel the extra courage wane\.$|^The layer of protection fades away\.$|^The rush of collective knowledge of the undead fades from your mind\.$|^You feel yourself being pulled back fully into the corporeal realm\.$</highlight>
<!-- Adv Guild -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^It must be the creature that you've been tasked to kill!$|.*which looks like the heirloom that you are searching for!$|^\[You have completed this portion of your Adventurer's Guild task\.\]$|^Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a .*|^\[You need to sell [0-9] more to complete your task\.\]$|^\[You have ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) (kill|kills) remaining\.\]$</highlight>
<!-- to you -->
<highlight fg='0000ff'>.*Click ACCEPT.*|.*Click GROUP OPEN.*</highlight>
<!-- Professiong Guild -->
<highlight bg='0000ff'>^\[You have completed your training task\.\]$</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^\[You have ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) (repetition|repetitions) remaining\.\]$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>the body of</highlight>
<highlight fg='008080'> stunned( |\.|,)| webbed( |\.|,)| calmed( |\.|,)</highlight>
<!-- Gift / RPA -->
<highlight fg='000000' bg='ffff00'>^A soft feeling of serenity touches your mind, providing you with a clearer understanding of recent events\.$|^The soft feeling of serenity slowly dissipates from your mind\.$|^An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment\.*|With a sudden flash of insight, you realize you now understand more of what you have experienced\.*|^You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor\.*</highlight>
<highlight fg='0000ff'>^.*becomes momentarily insubstantial and appears lighter\.$|^You.*Then\.\.\.CLICK!.*$</highlight>
<highlight fg='1E90FF'> shifting </highlight>
<highlight fg='ff0000'>^.*feels somewhat heavier\.$</highlight>
<!-- merchants / festivals -->
<highlight fg='ffff00' bg='ff00ff'>raffle</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'>^A huckster begins to spin the ticket barrel.*$</highlight>
<highlight fg='ffff00'> tent( |\.|,)| wagon( |\.|,)| pavilion( |\.|,)</highlight>
<!-- GM NPCs -->
<highlight fg='ffff00'>Kuligar|Dunrith|Gurbah|Cosima|Delphinuria|Walkar|V leg|Jovery|Deylan|Davard|Raznel</highlight>